Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2014 Negro African American 2.8 Billion U. S. Dollars Non-Profit 501 (C) (3) Tax Exempt Self Preserved Organization

Actually Mr. President Barack Obama"

The Cherokee Nation was receiving (Millions) in funds from the United States of America up to 2007 in the Form of Reparations for the "Cherokee Freedman"

with The "U.S. Federal Government" in its haste to control The "Cherokee Nation (Stupidly) acted on a  $33 Millions is Funds frozen  Vs.

The (Negro) African American descendants of (America) imposed "Slavery" who receiving (Nothing) at all from dates of 1619-186 with Jim Crow Laws enforced there after

With the "Theft" by The United States of America" taking back all forms of Reparations
as described in the  40 acres and a mule refers to a concept in the United States for agrarian reform

For former enslaved African American farmers, following disruptions to the institution of slavery provoked by the American Civil War.

Many freedmen believed they had a moral right to own the land they had long worked as slaves, and were eager to control their own property.

Freed people widely expected to legally claim 40 acres (16 ha) of land and a mule after the end of the war, long after proclamations such as Sherman's Special Field Orders, No. 15

And the Freedmen's Bureau Act were explicitly reversed.

Yet' Legal Precedents do in fact exist in 2014 "However" The American Judicial System is forever controlled By

The "White Ruling Class" Congress and (Negro) black African American families have to show for themselves: in 2014 an average household net worth of $4,955.

While The average "white household" in this New World" Namely these United States of America" having a net worth of $110,729.

(Negro) Black African Americans’ median net worth is less than 5 percent that of "white Americans".

And this is fully designed to be the normal well into 2090

My (Negro) African American descendants (People) of pass "Slavery" do not have any "Major

Government Innovation Organization" set up like The Cherokee Nation" whom benefit from (USA) Federal land grants, self preserved Native Americans Casino,

 and funds allotment from the "United States of America" for Reparations continue well into 2007 with a 30 Million Froze in place as of this undersigned date........!

The (Negro) African American descendants would be 100% self efficient with a 2.8 Billion U.S.

Dollars Non-profit 501 (c) (3) Tax-Exempt to preserve the (Negro) African American (Race) as a Whole

Funds for a African American "Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History is "fine and dandy", but do not effect the (Negro) African American median in any shape or form, in 2014

You Can Not Eat a Museum, or have funds from said "Smithsonian's to aid in Social Rebuilding of the (Negro) African American Race

Which would have a product that is used in each of there daily lives, with growth continue fiancé,

Preserved on a market reaching out far and beyond on global power scale of being (Negro) African American "self efficient" and "Well preserved" deep into 2080


 Louis Charles Hamilton II  (USN)

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