Monday, January 20, 2014

Bonjour' To "President" & "Commander in Chief" Barack Obama.....xoxoxoox :)

"You" President Barack Obama, Change as "You" Mature in Becoming a Real Living Life History of The "Entire World",

Know to be The Very First (Negro) "African American President".

"Your" Presidential Time Has "Officially" came to pass This Very Day of "Martin Luther King Jr. Dream

For "You" President Barack Obama, to Increasing the "Efficiency" Of All of The (Negro) African American Race (People) to move

 "Forward and Understand" a "Gift of Real Value"

Awaits and shall "Forever" set their Slow (Negro) African Americans Flourishing Hearts on Fire for "Everlasting Real Peace"...

 From the Pass Acts of The Modern Age Slavery.......xoxooxox

And (I) have been "Holy" bless from "Heaven" above to now show you the Correct Way..!

See you so very soon with the detail's......xoxooxoxooxox!

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN)  :)

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