Wednesday, January 22, 2014

President “Barack Obama” “Heart to Heart” Honest Understanding for “Expedited Implement” of The 2014 Reparations Act”,

“Mr. President Barack Obama”,


The Solutions is quite “Elementary Very Super Simple” as it has been fully staring The Negro African Americans (Race) Right Dead in Their Own Slow Faces
For many years to past and comes without any “Extricate Entanglement” of the very lame actions of “United States of America Congress”

Whom absolutely refused from the past well into this very undersigned day described herein,

In Direct “Honorable Acts” of being regarded with great respect to fulfill such a “Distinguished Honor” and “Obligations of Citizenship” of “The United States of America” In Full Consideration of the hostile

“White America Ruling Class” extreme Coerced and Uncompensated force labor of the (Negro) African Americans Ancestors to actually build the New World Namely “The United States of America.

Notwithstanding all (Negro) whom having performed under complete killer distress over Centuries, even with the cost of their very own lives, lives of their entire families,

With such very unkind, malicious, vicious, emotionally-charged angry everyday “White Ruling Class” behavior in the enforcement of aggression  to facilitate a
Estimates free labor that the total of Reparations due is over 100 Trillion U.S. Dollars,

 Based on 222,505,049 hours of “forced labor”, between, 1619-1865, (246) years, with a compounded Interest of 6% payment “past due”
 To the descendants of “Slaves” in the current standing of The United States of America..!  

On the behalf of the entire “Negro African American Race” population in excess of 44.5 Millions (Negro) for a “Hasten Reparations Acts” of extreme measures in
 “Monetary Authority” targeting a rate of “Interest for the Purpose” compensation in many “Variety of Forms”.  

The Never-ending useless United States of America Lame Congress “Escape goat” lame strategy clause of “which (Negro) descendants would receive such payments,
Whom ever exactly should be paying  them (Negro) African American descendants,

And in what “Monetary value from” , highly controversial crooked conduct as of this undersigned date has fully come to pass to its “Road Ends.

“Elementary” Doctor “Watson” or shall (I) “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein “Respectfully” say to you Mr. “President” and “Commander in Chief” Barack Obama

We Thee (Negro) African American Nation descendants of the new world herein namely
 “The United States of America” pay in full our very own 100% dam described interpretations of a “2014 Reparations Acts.    Da’   (ha ha)  J

Nor will there ever be The Need for “Systematic study” or “Crooked Corrupted Congress” withholding Investigation(s) into “Reparations for Slavery”,
While holding lame wasted meetings of bull crap for more Money/Time
 invested in a Sorry slow moving “Congressional Hearings”,

 Notwithstanding “Stupid Speaking” out of the “Deep Depth” of their very own sorry “Tea Party” Republican Asses “Task Force”,

Or any “Slime Commissions” derived thereof, and not one single wasted paper on the surly going nowhere ever (Negro) Petitions. With the likes of U.S. House Bill H.R. 40

Putting to RIP forever the infamous, “40 Acres” and a “Lame Broke Dick Mangy Dead Mule”.

We Thee (Negro) African American Nation descendants of the new world herein namely “The United States of America”
Will now completely accumulate, maintain, and keep our own (Surprised) 2014 super economic resources that’s

100% brand new and coming into reckoned from this particular point in time, 2014 forever to last on,
and quite separate from (Negro) African American Nation descendants herein required duty to pay National Taxes..!  

With said new 2014 economic resources “Booming”, “Snowballing”
Development effect being deposited into our very own Financial (Negro) African American Nation, “Banking Institution”,

“Fully and Forever Everlasting”, free from “White Ruling Class” Congress and its counterpart of (American) “Greed”, “Theft” and “Corruption”.   

With such a, “New 2014 Economic Growth”, in a very quick, “Smart Finance Fashion, (25) years of steady growth 100% actual surplus.

Fast “Superseding” the “United States of America”

Very Own National Debt of $17.075 Trillion U.S. Dollars. According to figures posted online by the U.S. Treasury Department on Friday

The Estimated population of The United States of America is 317,487,972 with each citizen share of this debt is $54,441.00 U.S. Dollars

Subtract 44.5 Million (Negro) African Americans from this equation leaving 272,987,972 share in the remaining population x $54,441.00 U.S. Dollars

With the (Negro) African Americans population standing at 44,500,000 share in the remaining debt x $54,441.00 U.S. Dollars

While the New (Negro) African American Banking Institution, surplus freeing (Crooked America) from Financial Ruin, “Irony”

The same simpletons Namely “The United States of America” who gain in excess of 100 Trillion U.S. Dollars from such enforcement of “Slavery” against The (Negro) African Americans descendants from 1619-1865 (246) years

 Of hard killer gruesome steady “New World” free profits and refused to make a single “Fair”, “Honest”, “Proper”,
“Wholesome”, and “Rightful” “Reparations” payment to the (Negro) African American descendants described fully herein.

To Be Continue By: Louis Charles Hamilton II

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