Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy MLK Day............(Negro) Americans...................xxoxooxox!

My Soul Finds Rest in "God Alone".......Psalm 62:1

Martin Luther king Jr. has bless the (Negro) African American to Dream,

But they are still slow in 2014 as The (Negro) Americans whom (All)Continue Crying as of this very "Historic Festival Observance Day",

With continual way too many (Negro) African Americans being way too much still set with "Heart Hurt" Thinking over the "White Mans" ...

Ghastly, Repulsive Shocking act's of "Slavery" That (Actually) Built this "United States of America" ............!

Not a Single "Real Act" has yet been "set in stone" for Intentional change "Feelings and Attitude" regarding the (Negro) Race path of healing towards the (American) "White Ruling Class Continue Control"

For such a Criminal Coward past Conduct towards a American (Negro) Race by this Country of "The United States of America" to show "Everlasting Forgiveness".

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN)
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