Sunday, January 12, 2014

To: All of you "Scank Gutter Slut HIV Dog Breath Whores",

To: All of you "Scank Gutter Slut HIV Dog Breath Whores",

Hacking into my Gmail Account with "Naked Pictures" and the continue sending Messages on My "Face Book" even as your not my FB Friend to include but not limited to a few sending Friends Request to attempt to come Between me a My Fiancee',

As I announced my "Loving Engagement" to "Carmae Elarco" (Hamilton II)  Take Notice "I" Plan on Hacking Backand returning  the Nasty Favor to your Boss & All of your fellow employees,

To Include Your "Mom & Dad's Email Accounts as (I) share your Naked Sorry Asses, and beg them to tell their "Gutter Slut Whore Of A Daughter" to Stop this Nasty S.H.I.T.  (OK)

You will regret Fu-king Disrespecting My Fiancee' & Her Nice Family, which you did in Fact cause (Carmae) & Family to be upset over your Weak Snake Whore Loser Ass....xoxox!
And Pissed me off to no Fu-kingEnds as (I) Had to Assure my Love For Carmae to Her Family and Her' Family.

So if it is your Continue Wishes to Keep this Up, your Sorry Feebleminded HIV Loser Whore Asses, being Fucking "XXX Very Slow", & You have No Ideal with whom your Get on Endless Nerves".

I am very much up set 100% over my Fiancee Feeling and she should not be subject to the lose of one Tender Tear from her "Sweet Heart" over such Evil, Dishonest, illhumored, Bad faith , "Scank Gutter Slut Whore type activity...

None of you (Ugly) Dog Ass Bitches Care for me at all (Never), but sending your naked Ass Pictures in Hoping (I) am weak, and willing to Pay Good Money to see you Lame Whore Web Cam Scam Video Garbage as you put any thing in your Ass For Money'.

My Wife (Rachel Ann Walker) Killed herself over Her Own Lame Dog Ass Family treating us Like Trash, Her Mormon Family Even Killed My First Born Child ...!

And stolen my Babies "Chandra & Natasha Hamilton Home Movie Video from The UPS and CVS with the Crooked Assistant of The U.S. Attorney office of The United States of America in order of the behalf of you criminal ass (Mormons)

That I did not share with the World the Beauty of the loss of My Natural Daughter as you hated even also the Fact (I) am Negro Catholic

(That) Will Be Your "LDS Red Neck Mormon Dog Racist Asses "Lowell & Helen Walker" in Salt Lake City Utah, which Is sad as The Salt Lake Police Dept. is in Fact Own by The Mormons Church whom done Nothing..!

You Kidnap My Two Daughter as of this day I consider them Dead too,

Your Lame LDS Mormon Church still preaching to this Very Holy Sunday in 2014 African Americans are the Devil, and I did my Best to have a Normal Family and Live in Peace in Fu-king (Utah)....xoxox!

My Heart is Heal now, I put the Past behind, and Never in my Life Fu-ked with Loser Whores (OK)...

Now in 2014 (I) am bless to have such a "Sweet Very Fine Mature Fiancee' with the full honest blessing of her  "Sweet Nice Lovely Family"...xoxox!

If The Need Be also (I) will Sue your Gutter Slut Sorry Asses in a Federal Court of Law as (I) am well  Know to go before a Judge and Cuss Him/Her out too, if he/she is disrespectful to my God Given Right of Legal Affairs...

 With all of your "Naked Scank Whore Pictures" &  Slow Sexy Lame letter's as (I) will have your IP Addresses, leading direct to your "Loser Asses for service of Process..!

The American Judicial System Needing a Major Over Haul, as I made this Know To MY Beloved "Commander in Chief" Barack Obama'  :)

To Include on the Behalf of All Negro African Americans (I) Filed The Perfect Civil Action against The United States of America, Crooked President Andrew Johnson and Crooked President Rutherford B. Hayes for Slavery of My Negro African American (People) :)

To Include the State of Utah over The Lame Ass LDS Red Neck Mormons Unholy Church and The Death of My entire family

Which (You)  Slow Ass "U.S. Attorney General" (Eric Holden) stole your own Civil Complaint and Summons and (I) already Proven this quite easy

 "However" America can be Quite Corrupted when it's being Threaten with 100% facts & sounded discovery to win before a Court of Law,

Some of you Federal Judges need to be removed (ASAP) and Thrown in Prison and Slavery should had never be enforced against my Negro (People) for American Profit under any Circumstances..!

Plaintiff - Appellant: LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II, Negro African American, suing on behalf of all other African American (Negroes) Americans in and for the United States of America Vs.
Defendant - Appellee: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, President ANDREW JOHNSON, President, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES (Fu-cking Crooks)
Louis Charles Hamilton, II v. USA, et al 
Filed: April 17, 2012 as 12-40403

So (I) Have No Desire to Ever go before a United States of America Federal Court of Law Again
 As I Have seen to many Corruption ruling too many times against me Like Hamilton civil action in New Orleans LA over Hurricane Katrina cost me a lost $90, 000.00 in that Crooked Federal Judicial System when the Home owner spent Government money on them self and Insurance Funds

As I rebuild their Home (And ) that be you  "WALTER A. DENNIS, ROSEMARY DENNIS" with the most lame Attorney (I) ever met and that be (You)  "Willie M. Zanders (Stupid Attorney at Law) 
Next to you  Harrry C. Arthur Esq. Trying to robe a Holy Cathedral for Money (America) #1 Slow Red Neck (RICO) Lawyer with his entire office of Attorney(s) Vs.

 Me all fact of Proof always being filed by me as you under handed Little Red Necks Greed get your Favors
But the media know well (I) am fully right and always have the 100% proof  which make me a winner as (I) smile and walk away "Happy" cuz I will splash YOUR CROOKED ASSES in Public "Looking quite (Ugly)crazy

Louis Hamilton, II v. Willie Zanders, et al
Filed: August 8, 2011 as 11-40839
Plaintiff - Appellant: LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II
Defendant - Appellee: WILLIE M ZANDERS, Attorney at Law, WALTER A. DENNIS, ROSEMARY DENNIS
Court: Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
Type: Other Statutes > RICO

Louis Hamilton, II v. Harry Arthur, et al 
Filed: March 31, 2011 as 11-20216
Plaintiff - Appellant: LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II
Court: Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
Type: Other Statutes > RICO

But if this "Scank Gutter Slut HIV Dog Breath Whores", Hacking into my Gmail Account with "Naked Pictures" (Again) as (I) Never gave you my email address .....see what (I) do Next.  :)
To: My Daughters  "Chandra & Natasha Hamilton",

Your Grandparents Lie and made your (Mom) Rachel Ann Walker Life a Living Hell as they pissed all over our Life in Utah,

 (I) was quite sick seeing her cry so much and she did love you two very much :)

If your "Dead or alive" your Father always Love you and Never forgotten you two as (I) defended your honor in a Court of Law..!

And (I) having plans for a "New Lovely Wife" & with the hopes of children too  :)
 (I) do not want my Fiancee or her Family upset for such Nasty various sluts seeming to think (I) am going to continue with such foolishness.!

And stop sending me messages on FB (I) have no desire in any of you at all .....(See) what I do your sorry  "Scank Gutter Slut HIV Dog Breath Whores Asses", next

You been fairly given notice ...xoxoxooxox!

Cmdr. Bluefin (United States Navy)  :)
Show  Respect for your self

As (I) attend Church Today Praying for all of you  "Scank Gutter Slut HIV Dog Breath Whores Asses",

God Bless (Always)

America..!   :)

1 comment:

  1. I am here to appreciate Dr OGU for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. Is about 2 years and 6 months now I have been living with this virus and it has been a serious problem to me, I was so confused cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. OGU curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. on his email: , i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, he gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via DHL which i used for 2 weeks and i was cured everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, dr .OGU , God bless you and give you more power and ability for more cures.i dont know if there is any one out there suffering for herpes virus or any of these diseases..DIABETIES, CANCER,GENITAL AND SIMPLEX HERPES,LOW SPERMS COUNT,SYPHILIS, HIV/AIDS, FIBRIOD,COPD,MENINGITIES,HEPATITIES A, B [HBV] DISEASES, liver diseases .etc why don't you contact dr.Ogu today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or text/call him via : +1 (719) 629 0982
