Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Darling Carmae Elarco, Mom Mary-ann Oberez Elarco, (Auntie) Ethel Oberez & Family & Sexy Super Star "Miley Cyrus"...xoxoxo! :)

1. if your names is (Miley Cyrus) Hadassa Cbg, Had Assa, Hadassah Cbg & Fairuza Colins your pictures and cool notes will be published on my FaceBook  (Forever) Cuz.....(I) put a tag block on my face book forever...!

a. Your sexy XXX Fine self are beauty with a smile and or real Lady FB friends of mine, plus you have very good XXX fashion taste and not some scank gutter slut whore chasing after me .........Da'

b. Your also very respectful to Carmae, and your self too (Thanks)  :)

c. Your my Sexy Miley Cyrus who need no dam introduction into the Sexy hall of fame   da'  she always have a place in my Sweet heart for Sexy "Miley"  if ya stupid ass slow Learn what sexy is from "Miley"  you dizzy bitches.....xoxoxo!

2. if you asking to be on my face book and thought you were getting my attention you did.... but your not all of that as you think you are ....and you one who know who you are already blocked your self today  ha, ha,

(I) could careless if your very Professional or street whore take notice your not carmae and if I said I was attracted to you it from my eyes as a man seeing a women (Not) looing for a relationship, cuz (I) am engaged "Happy" ,

if I said you should post more sexy pictures of your self (I) do not want to see your nakedness it is very  plan and simple you have no fashion taste at all, (da')

 and you should consider a real make over (ASAP) da" you know exactly whom you are as your thinking your a 10 piece chicken dinner with two side orders but looking like trash as you seeking a man for life well,

 if you can not take my thoughts your slim ass should never been my friend in the first place   da"  and what man your going to catch looking like trash ......(Anyway) inner beauty is

ok  however a real man want a sexy fine nice wife too whom can cook as she also being real in Loving ways for a Family (OK).....ooxoxooxoxox!

 (I) have very good eye for art & what (I) consider sexy female fashion too..Miley Cyrus Be Like Miley  .....

She XXX fine Da"  learn something from her & get over your lame look's as your splashing your self on my FB cuz the road to us lead nowhere  your not officially (Carmae)   da'

3. sorry to my FB men friends but my Baby and (I) came to the same conclusion after i got a heated conversation by one of her  (Family) members (That) this is for the very best so posting female pictures will no longer be allowed unless (I) know for sure

(I) want her posted on my FB  nothing personal but my Carmae Family deserved more respect as (I) am waiting almost 2 years for her to marry with a Happy Heart

and I am going to try my best to make sure she Happy 24/7 she do indeed deserve respect as also her family too (OK)..............

The group (I) designed "Always Sweet Sexy Smooches" I am no longer the President (Carmae) is (I) been moved to VP as we both are acting members of this group as this is the only place for sexy fine female art...!

 and cool fine female Pictures as you do not know a dam thing about me or Carmae, Her mother Mary ann already like a few pictures of other women then her own daughter as she posted her like to my choice in what I consider sexy fine (Art)

(So) get over your self again cuz your road lead to nowhere too are not Carmae da' to include but not limited to the fact

 (I) been a judge over 3 beauty shows in my life as women dancing about me in noting but strings (I) smile but see which one is more Lady as she almost naked and when (I) make my choice you better understand she 100% fine head to toe inside and out and my question will be point blank she never saw it coming

and if your loser ass think (I) do not know beauty then "slow bitches" look very close at my cover picture them is my two very sweet pretty fine  daughters as they mother (Rachel Ann Walker) DOA

 but was so extreme XXX fine I went to Mormon fu-king hell and back to be with her, and ended up very hurt but nothing change the DNA facts and TM Cajun daddy smile upon  on my  "Chandra & Natasha" Lovely Faces....

.As you also see my Profile Picture is in Fact Carmae..! she too is quite Lovely but  her mature lady brain far exceed any women (I) ever met or Loved as (I) am surprised to see her Heart finding it's lovely way to me,

she 1000% super smart starting college very soon at her age and is the President of her class.........

but more important her mother told me to my face she see true love between us and so very happy for us both with her 100% supportas we all three talk "live" (Always)as her mother is Chaperon over our relationship with a Loving Smiling Heart..!

If your loser Scank asses think (I) am dog meat (Ugly) as I am posting this Faith be told "Miley Cyrus" just posted today she likes my Photo on her time line Dec 24 2013

an Carmae & the World this Nigga super smiling like crazy (Da") ha ha check for your slow self cuz

"Miley is My No. 1 (American) Sexy Super Star by far no female on Earth can even come close   da"  so bitches Get over your self (I) truly Know Beauty   Da'.


Carmae my Family sat me down after church and ask me why (I) do not want a women from USA and how crazy am I to wait for your 18 birthday 2015 and my answer was simple

1. not one of you loser ass female guys ever been out side of the United States of America it is very real as most are 100% dirt poor trying to come to America anyway,

as with Carmae she was sent with blessing from above cuz she found me as I was looking at her but she snuck me so good I was shock in how in the hell she can be that mature at her age and such a real women ... with her mom siting next to her as we talk I said God  (Thanks) (I) can never find nothing that Sweet, Special and Loving Crazy about my me Loser Ass  da' 

So my Prayers been answered and the road led always To Carmae Elarco 24/7 until she say otherwise

and True Love has no direct Citizenship...

Been threw enough with you spoiled American Women whom do not even take the time to cook any more but cry for money and stuck on your dam beauty

FYI: Miley Cyrus  that a no brainer cuz  for you I eat dog crap, crawl  threw glass naked, slam my willie wacker in a car door (Twice)

 And then they can put my black ass on a Cross just Like Thee "Jesus Christ"  ha ha ha just to say a simple hi to your sexy sweet Miley Face (OK)......xoxoxoox!

Brother may be slow but not blind and stupid   ha ha and (I) am working on a love song just for sweet sexy you after (I) post the conclusion to Barack Obama......xoxooox!

 you may want copy rights too it is a 100%winner......xoxoxoox!  (I) know Music too  :)

P.S. to my (Dear) Mr. President of the United States of America..(Obama)..(I) am posting today parts and maybe the whole finishing to the conclusion for

 Reparations for the (Negro) African American 2014 issues for "Slavery"

if any Jack Ass female take any issue to my posting first of all (I) was not talking to your slow asses (anyway)

 and if you felt I did then my message was quite fu-king extra clear   da'  keep your lame comments to your self

all bi/gay men give me a real (Negro) break their are web sites designed just for you and your choice, in Gay Life

your road is 100 percent going no where ever with me cuz it do not lead to Carmae Elarco

Peace out..!

 (Don't be hating it leads to bleeding vaginal/rectums pains)

and if your smart block ya slow asses or never ask to be my FB Friend Ever....!

Love ya Carmae Elarco   (Da') I am very happy just waiting for time to tick by in meeting  us together  (Smooches)

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