Tuesday, January 28, 2014

President (Barack Obama) Operation Hope Founder Asks “What If Bill Gates Were Black?” April 5th, 2012 - By Charlotte Young

John Hope Bryant, the founder of Operation HOPE, knows the importance of financial education.

His organization launched the 700 Credit Score initiative to help those in the black community who struggle with average credit scores

that make them vulnerable to predatory lending and payday loans.

The organization also helps to teach underserved youth the importance of financial literacy and entrepreneurship.

While Bryant’s work is certainly needed, perhaps his work would not be needed quite as much if there were, as he contemplated to Bloomberg, a black Bill Gates.

What Barack Obama and the black members of government provide in the political world is still lacking in the business world, according to Bryant.

The black community still needs a business image that equals its political image.

It needs to see inspiration of how blacks can succeed on a global economic scheme.

The article asserts that if Bill Gates were a black man, it would have a greater impact on African Americans than even Barack Obama.

While African Americans have fought for civil rights and the right to vote, they still value and understand the global power of money.

If there were a black economic player like Bill Gates, there is a greater possibility

that the effects of that would extend into Silicon Valley and other areas of entrepreneurship hubs in the nation.

In addition, there may be a changed value system and “culture of philanthropy”

that would carry past the idea of church that would help to build up black communities.

While some may look to Oprah Winfrey as that black role model, she’s doesn’t quite match Bill Gates’ level of influence.

A black entrepreneur on his level would be able to create thousands of jobs, would have a product that is used in each of our daily lives,

and would inspire young people to excel.

Young people would connect this image as an inspiration to be smart and to do even do better in school.

A black Bill Gates would be the inspiration needed to help African Americans move forward.

MR. President Barack Obama this is no accident (I) posted this article if you read extra close,

my "Initiative" to get you to actually excel with a New 2014 Reparations Acts would indeed give you a

"Level of Influence" that would indeed improve the (Negro) African American on a Global Scale in the business world,

Make you "Mr. President Barack Obama The First Negro African American President Legacy of

A New 2014 "black entrepreneur" whom would be able to create (Not) Just thousands of jobs, But Millions of Jobs (Global)

with a simple start up Capitol of 2.8 Billion U.S. Dollars to feed 313.9 Million (Americans)


While going about his ministry, Jesus Christ received some terrible news.

John the Baptist, his friend, kinsman, and the prophet who proclaimed him as the Messiah, had been beheaded by Herod Antipas, ruler of Galilee and Perea.

Jesus' 12 disciples had just returned from a missionary journey he had sent them on.

After they told him all they had done and taught, he took them with him in a boat on the Sea of Galilee to a remote place, for rest and prayer

Great crowds of people in the area heard that Jesus was near. They ran to see him, bringing their sick friends and relatives.

When the boat landed, Jesus saw all the men, women and children and had compassion on them.

He taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those who were sick.

Looking at the crowd, which numbered about 5,000 men, not counting women and children, Jesus asked his disciple Philip,

"Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" (John 6:5, NIV) Jesus knew what he was going to do, but he asked Philip to test him.

Philip replied that even eight months' wages would not be enough to give each person even one bite of bread.

Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, had more faith in Jesus. He brought forward a young boy who had five small loaves of barley bread and two small fish.

Even so, Andrew wondered how that could help.

Jesus ordered the crowd to sit down in groups of fifty. He took the five loaves, looked up to heaven, gave thanks to God his Father,

and passed them to his disciples to be distributed. He did the same with the two fish.

Everyone—men, women and children—ate as much as they wanted! Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fishes so there was more than enough.

Then he told his disciples to gather the leftovers so nothing was wasted. They collected enough to fill 12 baskets.

The crowd was so overwhelmed by this miracle that they understood Jesus was the prophet who had been promised.

Knowing they would want to force him to become their king, Jesus fled from them.

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