Sunday, July 31, 2011

(Part IV) Docket No. 1:2011 CV-OO240, Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II "Amend Complaint" Defendant(s), United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker” ,Co-Defendant(s) CVS/Caremark and (UPS)

Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein respectfully smiting with the “Honorable” moment to direct the “Honorable Justice” special probing attention to Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein
100% well preserved federal secrete the “tell all” exhibit (A) for civil case 1:10-CV-00808-RC KFG Document 11 filed 06/29/11
 Defendant’s Motion to Stay Discovery” by undersign Assistant United States Attorney (Andrea L. Parker) Texas Bar No. 00790851
*See foot note (1) and Plaintiff (Hamilton II) quote:
To, date, there has been no proper service on any other named defendants pursuant to the federal Rules of Civil Procedure.    Signature Andrea L. Parker date 29th date of June 2011
First to U.S. Attorney Assistant (Andrea L. Parker):
After “Doctor Watson and myself (Plaintiff) herein having mask many detail’s into a serious out look into the dire understanding consideration of (yes) my federal legal civil case load as you did in fact admire upon,
 And the factual present real understanding now being in “Sherlock Holmes” being an real issue for any story and must be defeated apply with 
Consumed with numerous official judicial being dead set in supplying wrongful set back by the (Lost) firmness Judicial Courts in high protection mode for the many (Professional Attorneys)
 I’ve Pro Se (Hamilton II) personally ran across sticking their “Sorry Illegal Neck’s” far and beyond out on a weak limb waiting to legally fall,
Then next you all further seeking aid and real “Crooked Judicial Bailout’s” from a “Court Justice”, Like “Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq. and his entire law firm
“The Infamous Hole in the Wall Gang” attempting to knock off a Cathedral Church for ($$$) and property scam, Help me your “Honor that “Nigger” is after my “Throat”…he want “Justice”……what next (protection) from both the State and Federal Court,
Crooked Hurricane Katrina Dead Man Grave Robber Attorney Willie M. Zanders Esq. 24/7 Pro Se Attorney at Law –n- Chicken Shack Special Lead Class Action Lawyer with a Degree,
 “Money laundry”, rouge Attorney appearing Pro Se and destroying all the material facts for 5 years no less, to include “theft of FEMA, Private Insurances company, and my monies (Among other criminal acts)
 And directly aided my construction losses which is the direct result and responsibility for the “Wrongful Death” of a “Hispanic Carpenter” “Jovel” working on Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Breach of Contract Civil Complaint.
Help me your “Honor that “Nigger” is after my “Throat”…he want “Justice”…….what next (protection) from (New Orleans) Federal Court,
Attorney Scank Thong Rat Puss Face “Nappy Hair Nigger” in the Yellow-n- Lime Green leisure suit from School of Broken Buffet-n- Drunk Casino Law Degree, screaming at the 58th District Court “Judge for over a fucking 1 ½
And the “Motherfucker still have not turn over the discovery, wanting the police run me out of my home but no civil discovery, stole all of my construction tools, & his crooked Clients having completely rob The entire United States America clear back since 1865 even before they were born and yep lot of monies……..
Judge gives him a real chance to turn over the discovery and stay my motion for sanctions,   he lied to the “Court got the sanction dismissed and no discovery ever, ever, and maybe in 2080 
What next…..”Recusal” …..No discovery, another asshole “Lawyer”….working the old fuck em the ass,
I just made $2,500 dollars quick (Attorney) cash….Thanks “Honorable Court” …(Stupid Fuckers)… my Attorney Degree back (Again) from the piss off Nigger Pro Se Homeless Plaintiff (Again)……..
Same sorry Judicial shit in North Dakota, Florida, L.A., and
Holy Hell…..Me & I am sure Christians God Really Hate “Utah”
Well the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saint Mormon Nation they Judicially declare me the “Nigger Devil……it O.K. take or Kill off them Niggers children of his too……….This is Utah Country.
…….And that why among other reasoning you are here now….(Andrea L. Parker)……and me I am just one (Pro Se Person)  somewhat whom can get by in Court,
The other slow Chattel Slave beaten down un-educated (Negros) well most can’t even read anyway,
 So your Crooked Attorney Asses run em over”……especially in Criminal Court System (Nigger never really allowed in Suit in Common Law against mostly “White ruling class,)
 You (Andrea L. Parker U.S. Attorney Esq.) almost forgot them dam hidden “Black Codes” and “Jim Crow Laws” still the normal effective rule.
That why, the Little (Voice) in my head you read about in my “Internet Journal” being (Thomas Magnum)…..he was really waiting for your mistake, well several actually, he like to talk too much too
(Hurry up Thomas and Tell Her)
Anyway……..Thomas was thinking about what gave you all away ….especially (Assistant United States Attorney Andrea L. Parker):
1.  Being first and foremost reading deep in thought that was your High Power “Ms. Bitchness” reek right off the dam paper at me……. J ha, ha,
2.  I knew you were crooked, & simply pissed off too, and really wanting to “Civilly Win” regardless of my hurt and legal cost… have no clue or case against (Negro) that why your (USA) is broke….Da”
3.  So simple just a matter of “perfect timing” you (Andrea L. Parker U.S. Attorney) being (Like the Rest of the Corrupted Attorney against a honest ending “whom all went crooked rope Jumping into my “Dirty Homeless Christmas Stocking).  J
4.  Notwithstanding the (Two) most deadly sin’s I learn about from “Ben Matlock”….(Greed and Vanity) …Your just like my own rich sorry crooked greedy extra vanity sister from such “Bitchness” especially rushing to point out to the “Honorable Federal USDA Court ….no proper services”.   
5.  That be Your “Vanity…(mistake)…Da”
6.  You (Parker Attorney at Law) knew the service of my summons and complaint Dead line was in a little like Da’….only (3) days away being May (12) 2011 from when the actual deliver in Washington D.C was made May 9th 2011
7.  Which legally there would have been no proper service on any other named defendants pursuant to the federal Rules of Civil Procedure.  After May 12, 2011 And Plaintiff is dismissed for the 120 day failure to execute services of said Summon –n-Complaint.
8.  And being Stupid as you was geared to point to the “Honorable Court”  real XXX soon in a full dismissal……Da (once again)
9.   And then the High Tech Theft of my 1994 daughters “Home Utah Movie Video” added the extra touch in my waiting you Bitch Ass extra Sorry ass …and get all the real non-fiction book facts…..(Your Real Greedy mistake)…second deadly sin (greed) to win….xoxox
10.     After (Plaintiff) herein seriously now attempting in getting over my real Crooked Mormon hurting corrupted grief (Again) after a continue on going (17) years.
11.     Plus added with Inspector “Harry (Dirty) Callahan onto the case leaving you (Andrea L. Parker) & everybody scrambling and illegally wishing to wreak Havoc on any advancement in my Civil Case for your U.S. Attorney Office legal closure and full favors.
12.     Notwithstanding “Sherlock Holmes” also on the case discovering how the crooked uncanny possibility corruption into all out f—king odd, weird, and extra creepy circumstances surrounding that on the same day Certified Direct Safe Mail was mail to “Washington D.C. and it (OMG) now being at a state of (MIA),
13.     “Thus being that the same very day (Plaintiff) having also made a special tracking Mail delivery traveling package to you (Parker U.S. Attorney at Law)  at 9:35 am on May 06, 2011 in Beaumont Texas,
14.      Thus your allowing for the few more days travel time of any more official Court mail you (Andrea L. Parker U.S. Attorney) smartly surmise was to travel to Washington D.C. future mail to transpire there then “Highjack” conspirer together against The (Negro) Class Action Complaint …
15.     It’s an official all (Negros) Plaintiffs Black African American herein “Special Pro Bowl Winner”….xoxoox!
16.     You already having took the leap into stolen of my lost babies pretty movie Video, which I told your crooked ass right after “Easter on the Internet” (Remember)
17.     I had the real legal (Utah) criminal, crooked un-holy facts and you did your XXX (U.S. Attorney at Law) in the past & check,
18.     (Yep) that my dam cannot seem to forget “missing lovely wife” who is in a sorry loser grave under another loser fucking name fully hidden from her (Real) Husband……
19.      Also…and (Thomas Magnum) He Knew real fast Too…..Da),   you’re a special ed. Slooooow crook.
20.     “Sherlock Holmes” Just had to wait (Only) for your “Professional outstanding business card”….(Thanks)
21.     And your now really Fucking Live in the “Cmdr. Bluefin” “non-fiction” “Sherlock Holmes” Grand Mystery Case of:
22.      “The Crooked Mormon”……xoxox!
Can I respectfully have my “Kiwi lime Juice Box” and Cookie Now “Your Honor”.     J

Footnote: (Andrea L. Parker) have you ever “read a book or even watch a “Sherlock Holmes”, grand story….if you did,
 Surly you (Parker U.S. Attorney at Law) would have conjured, infer, deduced and presume your soon own “very well calculated demise….
 Crooked Chess matching about with an out of place eccentric Odd American/English Brand Stale Muffin, with his very peculiar abnormal distinctive oddball oddity being a current Gypsy…..
Surly during your gathering of all “surveillance Information” and my “stolen goodies”,
The blasted bloody (American) version of “Scotland yard”
Having quickly advise you (Parker U.S. Attorney at Law) of these in debt unusual odd ball services my universal set of “Bluefin Inc.” crooked scoundrels irregulars having all the same fate
Ending up goal & bottom out being in the “Very Ditch” solved conclusion.   (Gotcha)

Cause of action
The Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II reincorporates and state all previously stated above described acts and actions as fully enforced and stated herein for cause of action against Defendant
(The United States Attorney Office et al, Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-Defendant(s) (CVS/Caremark et al)
Collectively conspire to willfully, with full total disregards or consequences of their acts/actions committed all Multiple Schemes and Patterns to commit among other things:
Administer & supervise hostile (RICO) acts and actions in the real theft and misusage of all follow tactics “singularly on in combination” of all “USA PATRIOT ACT”:
Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism
Sec. 202.  Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses.
Sec. 203. Authority to share criminal investigative information.
Sec. 204 Clarification of intelligence exceptions from limitations on interception and disclosure of wire, oral and electronic communications.

To include Defendant(s) and Co-defendant(s) collectively in concert in Violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud

 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,

To include Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively in concert in violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1341, 1343 and 1349 “Mail and Wire Fraud,
Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization,
(a)       Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, peace, and dignity, civil rights in suit in common law, and will of the Plaintiff in connection with Plaintiff Federal Civil Pursuit.
(b)       The Video Privacy Protection Act of 1988, 18 U.S.C. § 2710,
(c)       "Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030 in connection with all criminal acts and actions, as described fully herein.
(d)        Destruction of “Material Civil Evidences and Facts” before a Federal Honorable Court of Law,
(e)       Actual Fraud,
(f)          Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal (RICO) Objective against the Plaintiff civil rights, peace, will and dignity in that all defendants described herein now criminal aiding involving in the federal civil action and  Plaintiff (2) missing daughters.
(g)       Theft of Property
(h)       Intentional Infliction of emotional distress and anguish
Plaintiff seeks Actual, accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, Future, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, Punitive, and Permanent damages;.
To Include Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) seeks cause of action for intrusion into the personal life of Plaintiff”, and or “Invasion of Privacy” in to the personal life of Louis Charles Hamilton II
Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) seeks full “Declaratory Judgment” being made full, final, and “complete entry” into the records of this action against all defendants (The United States Attorney Office et al), Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-defendants (CVS/Pharmacy et al) for their extreme and outrageous scheming actions.
 Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) seeks “Discrimination” and “Discriminatory” pattern and practices being a “major factor” of cause of action in the defendant(s) collective combine conduct base upon the Plaintiff race (Negro) having caused the defendant(s) herein
 (The United State Attorney Office) Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-Defendant (CVS/Pharmacy et al) to act very “wicked”, “delinquent”, “villain” “scandalous”, ”scheming”, “senseless” “excessive”, “illicit”, and “outlandish” with “criminal immoral conduct” intent and directed against the Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
Peace, liberty, rights, dignity, will, personal private property, and “civil rights” in suit in “common law” for (among other things) dealing with subject matter regarding Utah LDS Mormon Nation religious prosecution against the (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein
With Co- Defendant(s) (UPS et al) and Co-defendant(s) (CVS/Pharmacy et al) collectively “desire”, “craving”, “aspiration”, “yearn for” and “request” to be a part of the “massive”
“Obscure”, “disguise”, “shield”, “defend”, “shelter”, “protect”, “hide”, “camouflage” and  “cover” Plaintiff (Hamilton II) “past disgraceful” History life in “Utah” Plaintiff suffering under the “Curse of Cain” (Plaintiff Negro herein is the Devil) doctrine teaching of “The Church of Jesus Christ” of “Ladder Day Saints”
With the “State of Utah” “condolences” and Its hostile position in scheming against a (Negro) Plaintiff herein “Natural Father” to the (2) missing daughters as described in the civil matter United States District Court Eastern District of Texas Beaumont Division Louis Charles Hamilton II Plaintiff Complaint Jury Demand vs. United States of America No. CV-00808
To include but not limited to the Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-Defendant(s) (CVS/Pharmacy et al) usage of their “Public services” as described herein to act very in a manner “wicked”, “delinquent”, “villain” “scandalous”, “senseless” “excessive”, “illicit”, and “outlandish” “racial” with “criminal immoral conduct”
“Fully Intent” and “directed against” the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) by usage of (2) Central processing unit “Computer tracking system devices”
 Defendants herein (The United States Attorney Office et al) Serious premeditated Plotting, scheming, maneuvering against all of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) entire political, Christian religion, movements.
With Co-Defendants (UPS et al) and CVS/Pharmacy et al) “Fully Intent” and “actions directed against” the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) in (among other things) suit “in common civil law” for the scheming in the insurance of “total destruction” of both “personal property” and “physical evidence” for a “Federal Civil Court of Law Trial” prosecuted by the Plaintiff herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”
With Defendants (The United States Attorney Office et al) Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-Defendant(s) (CVS/Caremark et al)
Collective, direct, criminal/civil, shield, provision, defend, safeguard, buffer, screen, protection, armor, in the heist, theft and destruction of the Plaintiff “personal property”
As described herein theft of Plaintiff (2) Daughters Home Video for proposed preserved safety measure for Defendants (Thee United States of America) legal safe standing in a suit in common law
With Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and CVS/Caremark et al) being full partner in crime, co-conspirator, affiliated, ally,  combine confederate(s) political, religion, racial, suit in common,
 Very “crooked and unholy” means against the Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II and his own present (Negro) Family.

(Part III) Docket No. 1:2011 CV-OO240, Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II "Amend Complaint" Defendant(s), United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker” ,Co-Defendant(s) CVS/Caremark and (UPS)

The Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein further assert, declare in ‘honest astonishments” before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (The United States of America) and their agents;
 Defendants to wit: Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker” on the exact 9th day of May 2011 @ exactly 4:37 am
And exactly 10:55 am on the same day Washington D.C. (Time-Zone), all three described defendant U.S. Attorneys (Holder, Bales, and Parker) “plot”, “plan”, “connive a scheme”, “combine”, “collaborate”,
And “conspire an ideal proposal” and “sinister plot” following their already criminal administer (RICO) syndicate “Hijacking activities” previously organize,
In the Stolen, gain, control, derail, being in charge of, domination thievery by;
 The Combine said Corrupted U.S. Attorneys Offices of (South East Texas and Washington D.C.) being real extra slow-n- quite foolish provisional tactics “singularly on in several combination” further provided and committed to all abused violations of
“The USA PATRIOT ACT” directed against the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) civil right, peace, will, dignity, and especially Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II personal 1994 daughters property
To include but not limited to the legal surrounding factors & legal civil jurisdiction as prescribed by the Defendant (The United States of America) civil laws in “suit in common law”,
The Civil Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) is in fact the Full Acting Legal Civil Federal Prosecuting Pro Se Plaintiff on the behalf
And full legal interest of all Plaintiff(s) parties involved in described docket No.1:10-CV-808
Defendant Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”
Clear back during the exact time frame from the Broadcast and posting by: “Cmdr. Bluefin” said described defendants
Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”
Having mutable “four eyes square head confederates scoundrels” and there out of the pocket, “tricks are for kids”, broken down hat trick scams”,
 Already well in place by numerous established Patriot Acts crooked wire surveillance placement, with well other devise premeditated abduction plans,
And The Classy Sorry Ending High Tech Special Secured to your Crooked Front Door Co-Defendant (UPS) herein, whom willing to sell your paying customer “Black Ass 1994 babies home personal video Out”
Namely being (UPS) Special Ed. (Your Crooked Ass in XXX fucking trouble Too) being extra Crooked enough to provide “First Class Personal Jet Flight Delivery Services to Washington D.C.
(Most likely) for the Final Thievery phases destruction design of the Plaintiff 1994 Daughters (Chandra and Natasha Hamilton) Utah Home Video,
Being of course in full conspiracy & complete collusions with Co-Defendant (UPS) and Co-Defendants (CVS/Caremark Corporation) both combine computer systems in a long off road, direct heading for corruption, manipulation, dictate, keep under control, and holding back
Of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein 1994 minor daughters “special home movie video” from among others namely keeping it from The Honorable USDA Federal Civil Trial” docket no. 00808
There after the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) having provided “Serious commanding Invitations”
For such crooked high tech underhanded legal Attorney pirates having a non-curb-un-regulated control system following a broadcasting episode on the by:
 Cmdr. Bluefin (A/k/a) “Sherlock Holmes Mystery Writer” (Non-fiction)
As such previously posting described above do in fact depicted Defendant United States of America) active engagements into the affairs of “Utah” Mormon Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints LDS Nation & among other Plaintiff family.
Defendant Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”,
And Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker” further supply complete criminal (RICO) mail abduction of Certified Mail Delivery in Washington D.C. at 10: am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530 Delivery conformation No. #70110110000109060227
 Namely (1) Federal Amend Complaint & Civil Summons in the Matter Docket No.1:10-CV-808
All (Negros) Black African Americans and their descendants in and for the Entire United States of America vs. The United States of America et al, President Andrew Johnson, and President Rutherford B. Hayes,
 Charging Defendant (The United States of America) collectively with (Among other mutable serious charges)
“Mass Murder”, “Genocide”, “Mutable Civil Rights Violations”, all being crimes against the (Negro) Humanity, to include ”Theft of Taxes”,
 To further include the complete criminal and civil “Death & Destruction” of the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein very on “entire family” in the Defendant “Utah” Mormon Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints LDS Nation
With (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff Black African American and All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein declare, assert and seeking “actual damages” in excess of (Six) Trillion, (80) Million Dollars alone.
To include but not limited to Defendant Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”
Further scam-n-supply to the complete (RICO) criminal abduction “High jacking” acts and actions again against another
(2) Additional First class fully already made Mail Delivery in Washington D.C. at 10: am on May 9th 2011 @ 4:37 am 2011 (Zip) 20530
And @ 10:55am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530
Delivery conformation numbers:
Namely several further United States Federal Court Mail docket No. 1:10-CV-808 from the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein behalf and
Also Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein appearing for the full behalf and complete legal civil interest in suit in common law for all of the United States of America Entire Black African Americans races and their Negro (Blood heritage descendants) ,
Being all past, present, and future vs. The United States of America et al, as fully described in said civil filed complaint,
Being on file with the Clerk of Court office before the “Honorable Justice” entertainment U.S. Docket No.1:10-CV-080.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

(Part II) Docket No. 1:2011 CV-OO240, Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II "Amend Complaint" Defendant(s), United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker” ,Co-Defendant(s) CVS/Caremark and (UPS)

       Plaintiff respectfully assert before the “Honorable Court Justice” the Co-Defendant (CVS/Caremark et al) herein 917 Main Street Houston Texas 77002 #6834 KODAK Picture Kiosk Computer production (Gadget)
And its order ID Number and Tracking No. system use for the precise over the counter commercial shopping transaction was compromise fully indeed in advance at the very exact (sorry ass) tenth second of a split hair precise moment in past time
Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein operated the Co-Defendant (CVS/Caremark et al) Computer rise touch screen for “KODAK Picture Kiosk” and the attaching “Key Board” system
And enter the Plaintiff Naval Call Sign: (Cmdr. Bluefin) and I.D. the Video (Mr. Mom) to include secure with the full entry of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein full exact name which was then
 Forward, pass on, redirect, dispatch to Defendants United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”
And Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker” to acceleration further advance collusion, conspiring with Confederate Co-Defendant (UPS) United Parcel Service
And their tracking system #1ZW881789044632784 for the final phase by providing a (UPS) delivery safe, secure, confident, self-assured, transfer, of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) 1994 home video
For 100% complete destruction of the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II personal property namely 1994 home video move
And “Moreover” forever sealing in favor of the Defendant (The United States of America) serious vulnerable insecure civil damages in the
“Special Imagery release” of the Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) “most beautiful daughters” (Chandra and Natasha Hamilton) pretty baby Identities’
Their “Mother” really did favors (Madonna) & Quite extra Odd (Glodie Hawn) at the same very time
 whom I search for  exact pretty (twin) (Madonna) but got the pair……xoxoox
Significance special meaning I was “Extra Lucky Twice Happy Over” and our very own (two) daughters were so very, very beautiful (Dutch, English, Cajun French, (Negro) African & Indian American) racial mixture
That it was most really “weird and bizarre” on why so many strange, and very peculiar problems making our home lives “XXX strange, scary and sinister rough living” in Defendant
(“Utah”) LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saint Mormon Nation (Seems) ever body in Utah wanted to attempt working together in keeping up mutable scams of any type “rouge criminal” (RICO) corruption
In the LDS uncanny religious attempt abduction in trying to steal our babies from their mother & (Plaintiff) herein before her Death (Rachel Ann Hamilton).
To the point that even before my very own (2) daughter (s) (Chandra & Natasha) were even born, my wife, very own (sorry ass crooked) lame father “Lowell Walker”,
Had the hostile dam Klu Klux Klan (KKK) come over to my very own house (I) pay rent for, while I was at construction work, in the snow Ski Mountains near Park City Utah, building Mormon Brick Polygamy(s) Grand Homes,
My Father-Law having his (KKK) agents, and all assistant confederates proceed to inflict consequence by way of take the only front door off my (Home)& cut of 2” inches off a 1” of the top and a 1” of the bottom,
Then disable the “winter heater” and the break out all the dam windows with frozen snowballs, paste “Chicken Bone on the now cold front door, and carve (KKK) on my “Car” during a “Utah Cold Winter”,
In a scheme of things with Defendant (“Utah”) LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saint Mormon Nation rudely having the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) to appear being in the “direct cause” of all of the un-holy (Crazy, Crooked ungodly Mormon insecure shitty problems)
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein Father-Law having the Heartless Crooked Mormon Broken Brass Greasy Balls to have his own daughter & my wife, and two minor grandchildren namely (Shanna & Billie Jean) being in the creepy, eerie control of first the (KKK) hostile action for the behalf of
 The further frightening Mormon Nation LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Saints Corrupt Court of Law system to uncanny is ready to award my “Wife” own daughter’s custody to her very own “Mormon parents” for the disturbing, continue hair-raising (Child) abduction(s).

Friday, July 29, 2011

All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein Motion for Temporary Injunction (TRO), And (6) Trillion Dollars Asset Freeze, Docket No.1:2010-CV-00808

In The United States District Court
For the Eastern District of Texas
Beaumont Division

Louis Charles Hamilton II   Docket No.1:2010-CV-00808
(Negro African American)     

     All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American Motion for Temporary Injunction (TRO) and (Six) Trillion Dollars Asset Freeze            
And All other African (Negroes)
Americans in and for                              
The United States of America
United States of America,
President Andrew Johnson,
President Rutherford B. Hayes
                     Complaint and Jury Demand
       Comes now the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, appearing Pro Se Comes now the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II; appearing for the Behalf of himself, family and (Negro) descendants, to include but not limited for the full behalf of all (Negro) Black African Americans
And their described descendants fully here Pro Se (Hamilton II) herein files this undersign date before the Lord and submitted before the “Honorable Justices” full entertainment within the Laws of the Defendant (The United States of America)
The above entitled (TRO) Temporary Restraining Order, injunction motion, and joining motion to freeze (6) “Six Trillion Dollars” of collective “Assets” of the described Defendant (The United States of America) supported with full attached brief herein.
And for cause the Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II will show as follows:     
1.   On the Emergency application of (Negro)Plaintiff and All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans in and for the United States of America
2.   (Louis Charles Hamilton II) (the “Application”) for an Order upon:
The United States of America, President Andrew Johnson, and President Rutherford B. Hayes collectively
1.   Directing (The United States of America) to show why an order should not be entered, pending a final disposition of this action civil action:
Preliminarily enjoining Defendants (The United States of America) from Further Violating All Defendant(s) herein and their agents restrain from actions involving any further committed Mass Murder by: Hanging, Fire Squads, Premeditated Arson, Drowning, Murder, Battery, Mutilation, Intimidation, Threat, Terrorizing, Robbery, Harassment
Voluntary Manslaughter
Terrorizing and Intimidations by “Live Bombing Threats”
Murder Hire Scheme for Profit in the death of Abraham Lincoln for slavery
Murder for Hire Scheme for Election in deaths by (Rutherford Hayes)
Multiple Schemes and Patterns to commit among other things:
(a) Mail and Wire Fraud
(b) Bank Fraud, Computer Fraud
Extortion under color of official Right-Hand
The Obtaining of Property from the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) with usage of threats and Physical Violence
Fraud by non-disclosure
Defamation of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff's
Slander of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff's
Libel of Plaintiff
Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Wrongful Death
Breach of Contract
Malicious Prosecution Civil
Malicious Prosecution Criminalize
Injury to Personal Reputation
Impeaching Honesty
Injury to Business Reputation
Imputation of Crime, Disease and Sexual Misconduct
Custody Interference
Child Kidnapping
Gross Negligence (Medical and Education)
Negligence (Medical and Education)
Theft of Property
Theft of Taxes
Theft of Services
Abuse of Power
Abuse of Judicial Absolute Immunity
Abuse of Official Immunity
Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
Securities and Money Fraud
Money Laundry
Price Fixing
Embezzlement of Pension, Welfare, Retirement Fund
Financial Institution Fraud
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigation
Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal Objective
Violation of Equal Protection under the Law
Violations of the 1 st Amendments
Violations of the 4 th Amendments
Violations of the 5 th Amendments
Violations of the 6 th Amendments
Violations of the 7 th Amendments
Violations of the 8 th Amendments
Violations of the 10 th Amendments
Violations of the 12 th Amendments
Violations of the 13 th Amendments
Violations of the 14 th Amendments
Violations of the 15 th Amendments
Violations of the 17 th Amendments
Violations of the 19 th Amendments
And further restraining Defendant (The United States of America) their agents, confederates, employees from violations of the United States “singularly on in combination” of all “USA PATRIOT ACT” against the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) exclusively to include directly:
Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism
Sec. 202.  Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses.
Sec. 203. Authority to share criminal investigative information.
Sec. 204 Clarification of intelligence exceptions from limitations on interception and disclosure of wire, oral and electronic communications.
To include Defendant(s) and Co-defendant(s) collectively in concert in Violations of and Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud
 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,
To include Defendant(s) (The United States of America)and their Co-Defendant(s), agents, confederates collectively in concert restraining in violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1341, 1343 and 1349 “Mail and Wire Fraud in with other Federal and State Charges being levy in connection thereof.

The Pro Se (Negro)Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II and All (Negro) Plaintiffs Black African Americans herein for “our full behalf” at this time frame 2011 respectfully moves before the “Honorable U.S. District Court Justice” after consider, deliberate, take into account, ponder, mull over, contemplate, bear in mind and respectfully confer with “Lady Justice” expedite for an Order on the (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) behalf and, All (Negro) Plaintiffs Black African Americans herein to:
Asking Defendant (United States of America) to appear through counsel of record “United States Attorney Office et al” whom  appearing on behalf of defendant (USA) before the “Honorable Court Justice”
 At a hearing date preset to show cause why a Temporary order freezes (6) Trillion Dollars in all asset(s) of Defendant (The United States of America) through both pre-post proceedings
 And further asking Defendants (The United States of America) to show cause why an Order to Secure All Defendants (USA) records, documents concerning Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Entire Dead Family as described in Plaintiff request for Production of document Defendant herein seek to not reply to for a reasoning of stay of execution
Said records, documentations, and family hidden dead in Defendants Utah Mormon Church of Jesus Christ Nation (United States of America),
And further asking defendant (The United States of America) to show cause why not being granted in Plaintiff (Hamilton II) favor and enforced on the Plaintiff behalf to secure and enjoy expedited “Family funeral services” of Rachel, Chandra, and Natasha Hamilton throughout both pre-post proceedings by the Honorable Court
With Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) and All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans herein further enjoying the Honorable Court Justice further protected Orders: Prohibiting Defendants (The United States of America) engaging in the destruction, concealment, or alteration of all documents, papers, records, credentials, assets, books, and property(s) owned by defendants (The United States of America);
And With further orders of this “Honorable Court Justice”: requirement(s) directing Defendant (The United States of America) to provide a verified accounting immediately, including, but not limited to, a verified written accounting of (The United States of America) interests in all entities owned,
 In whole or in part, or controlled by, related to, or associated or affiliated with (The United States of America) in the United States of America and overseas.
With a Preliminarily enjoying all of the Defendants herein described above (The United States of America) and their partners, owners, agents, employees, attorneys, or other Professional, anyone acting in concert with them, and any third party from filing a bankruptcy proceeding in regards to the assets of the Defendants in (The United States of America) without filing a motion on at least three (3) day’s notice to the Plaintiff and approval of this Honorable Court after hearing;
Definition: “Assets” In financial accounting, assets are economic resources. Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset. Simply stated, assets represent ownership of value that can be converted into cash (although cash itself is also considered an asset).
The balance sheet of a firm records the monetary value of the assets owned by the firm. It is money and other valuables belonging to an individual or business.
       Two major asset classes are tangible assets and intangible assets. Tangible assets contain various subclasses, including current assets and fixed assets.
Current assets include inventory, while fixed assets include such items as buildings and equipment.
Intangible assets are nonphysical resources and rights that have a value to the firm because they give the firm some kind of advantage in the market place. Examples of intangible assets are goodwill, copyrights, trademarks, patents and computer programs,
And financial assets, including such items as accounts receivable, bonds and stocks.
Current assets are cash and other assets expected to be converted to cash, sold, or consumed either in a year or in the operating cycle (whichever is longer), without disturbing the normal operations of a business. These assets are continually turned over in the course of a business during normal business activity. There are 5 major items included into current assets:
1.  Cash and cash equivalents — it is the most liquid asset, which includes currency, deposit accounts, and negotiable instruments (e.g., money orders, cheque, bank drafts).
2.  Short-term investments — include securities bought and held for sale in the near future to generate income on short-term price differences (trading securities).
3.  Receivables — usually reported as net of allowance for uncollectable accounts.
4.  Inventory — trading these assets is a normal business of a company. The inventory value reported on the balance sheet is usually the historical cost or fair market value, whichever is lower. This is known as the "lower of cost or market" rule.
5.  Prepaid expenses — these are expenses paid in cash and recorded as assets before they are used or consumed (a common example is insurance). See also adjusting entries.
Long-term investments
Often referred to simply as "investments". Long-term investments are to be held for many years and are not intended to be disposed of in the near future. This group usually consists of four types of investments:
1.  Investments in securities such as bonds, common stock, or long-term notes.
2.  Investments in fixed assets not used in operations (e.g., land held for sale).
3.  Investments in special funds (e.g. sinking funds or pension funds).
Different forms of insurance may also be treated as long term investments.

Fixed assets

Also referred to as PPE (property, plant, and equipment), these are purchased for continued and long-term use in earning profit in a business. This group includes as an asset land, buildings, machinery, furniture, tools, and certain wasting resources e.g., timberland and minerals. They are written off against profits over their anticipated life by charging depreciation expenses (with exception of land assets). Accumulated depreciation is shown in the face of the balance sheet or in the notes.
These are also called capital assets in management accounting.

 Intangible assets

 They include patents, copyrights, franchises, goodwill, trademarks, trade names, etc. These assets are (according to US GAAP) amortized to expense over 5 to 40 years with the exception of goodwill.

 Tangible assets

Tangible assets are those that have a physical substance and can be touched, such as currencies, buildings, real estate, vehicles, inventories, equipment, and precious metals.
       With all commercial records, banking records both personal & business, all documents, rent receipts and all other documents relating to the Business records of this action and all defendant herein collective personal records.