Friday, July 22, 2011

Notice of Default Judgment against Eric H. Holder Jr. United States Attorney vs. All Black African Americans U.S. Docket No. 00808

In The United States District Court
For the Eastern District of Texas
Beaumont Division
Louis Charles Hamilton II
  Civil Action 1:11-CV-00122                                 
United States of America et al
State of Texas et al
            To the Honorable Judge Ron Clark and Magistrate Keith F. Giblin
            Your Honor’s
 Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II)
Herein files this Memorandum, with respect to this above entitled action, and stating before the Honorable Court actual numerous theft of all my mail Court Mail, Home Video of my daughter by: (UPS) and CVS/Caremark Corp. in collusion with their Co-Federate Utah Mormon Nation  and appearing aided abuse by The United State Attorney Office.
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) even retain a “Law Firm” just to receive and process the all of the “Honorable Court mails” which this only works when the (Thievery) decide when and what mail they want to open, look through send it on to me “open up”
…..or they (take) some or just simply (keep some legal court mail away)……However my legal work load being made to be at a state on purpose delay
I have filed this notice in the other civil action(s) also appearing before the “Honorable Court”
However in this XXX Special Wrongful Action Plaintiff case load is added up with (2) needed  appeals filing, filing reply to Defendant UPS motion to dismiss, and moreover the obtaining of the Harris County Texas 215 District Court Transcripts and other physical evidence which is being presented before the Honorable Court in the reply to Defendant Motion to dismiss  civil action 1:11-CV-240 shall be presented among other numerous physical exhibits in light of the Very Serious Charges Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II levy against (2) United States Judges.
Plaintiff request the Court for timing to file reply to dismiss on or before September  15th 2011   giving Plaintiff respect timing for gather of all information and clearing all other “illegal glitches” and insuring arrival of the United States Mail before the Honorable Court.

Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II hereby at this time being very  respectful declare, described and conclude all mail problems incurred as being described  and especially the extreme and outrageous collaboration into the theft of the  Plaintiff Home 1994 (Utah) Video of his daughters Namely Chandra and Natasha Hamilton bumpy road appearing to having a common ending
Assistant United States Attorney Andrea Parker
At this time
Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II hereby gives very merriment joy appearing an additional Notice before the Honorable Court respectful state further *Judicial Notice:
Wherefore in light of all the extreme illegal nature inflicted upon All (Negro) Black African Americans and their descendants herein and the (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II appearing for the full Behalf of himself, family, and all our descendants to include but not limited to appearing on the behalf of all (Negros) African Americans within the United States of America and the (Negro Blood Heritage) descendants “Civil Suit in Common Law”
 As described in the below caption docket No. 1:2010-CV-00808
 Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles II being very respectful give the Honorable Court Notice of a simple filing of Default Judgment against the Defendant The United States of America and Co-Defendant(s) President Andrew Johnson and Rutherford B. Hayes by and through their Attorney of Record Eric H. Holder Jr. (United States Attorney) filed on or before the 6th Day of August 2011
In The United States District Court
For the Eastern District of Texas
Beaumont Division
Louis Charles Hamilton II
(Negro African American)
And All other African (Negroes)
Americans in and for
The United States of America
United States of America,
President Andrew Johnson,
President Rutherford B. Hayes
                                    Co-Defendant (s)

July 22, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton II
Pro Se Plaintiff
P.O. Box 20126
Houston Texas 77225

Cc: Assistant United States of America Attorney Andrea Parker
350 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 150 Beaumont Texas 77701-2237

Certificate of Mailing Services
            Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, in this Cause Civil No. 1:11-CV-00122
Hereby certify and state against penalty of perjury that the following documents:
Memorandum Having been placed in the U.S. Mail, being sent via first class postage payment and address to:
 Assistant United States of America Attorney
 Andrea Parker
350 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 150 Beaumont Texas 77701-2237

        Plaintiff further states regular mail having been received at the address indicated for the Defendant through their Attorney of record and the same address for said Defendant is indeed on file with the U.S. District Clerk of Court office.    
                                                                        Dated the _______ day of __________, 2011

            By, ____________________________
                        Louis Charles Hamilton II
                        Pro Se Plaintiff
                        P.O. Box 20126
                        Houston Texas, 77225

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