Sunday, July 24, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Crooked Hurrican Katrina Dead Man Grave Robber Attorney Willie M. Zanders et al "Notice of Appeal" "Conclusion" a Final Hoodwink Special

The Plaintiff assert respectful before the “Honorable Court” furtherance’s that the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) was
 “Hoodwink” and kept from having any fairness in (among other things) a normal safe discovery phase between Pro Se Crooked Zanders Esq. and the Adams Family Clients collusion in the absolute destruction of “Material Evidences”
and behind the scenes manipulation of the Federal Courts records and its “Official Wire System”, with (Zanders Esq.) also having complete Home New Orleans Federal Court Advantage over the Plaintiff in this (RICO) cover up twisted “Train Wreck”
As described herein to the point the U.S. District Federal Magistrate Judge in New Orleans absolutely denied the Plaintiff, to have any witness before his own declared Trial which Plaintiff request only 2
And they both were on the witness list which was refused, and the Judge declare one witness the Building Engineer was not on this list but
 “However” he actually was Plaintiff expert witness for Trial Yet this also was flat out refused.
The U.S. District Federal Magistrate Judge in New Orleans (Karen Wells Roby) first grant Plaintiff Motion in the Production of the Defendant (Among other things) Banking records from 2005 to 2007 right after Hurricane Katrina made land fall “time frame”
Showing a depicted crooked banking trail of Co-Defendants (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) herein squander shopping spree with FEMA and Private insurance monies to actually fix the Home (among all other documentation) requested
“However” after slithering Pro Se (Zanders) realizing his (RICO) money laundry handcrafted wizardry scheme of things will be surly exposed
As Plaintiff  completely pointed out the criminal on goings of this Crooked Attorney being both Pro Se and Counsel of Record….to the Court with the Added factual act(s) of Plaintiff herein declaring “Open Warfare upon Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney Willie M. Zanders et al all over the “Internet”
The U.S. District Federal Magistrate Judge in New Orleans (Karen Wells Roby) then took back her order and acted as if this has no meaning for a rightful discovery request to pursue the truth with making sure that nothing physical in banking records shall ever be release
 but only what Pro Se (Zanders) Attorney at Law shall release which is a pile of Banking Number with no cancel checks to support the banking number at all
Plus moreover the banking figures are for 2007 through 2009 not what was granted 2005-2007 banking records  plus 2007-2009 showing the deposited of FEMA and Private Insurances Money and the spent of said money process of said Squander $80,000 cash which is at the “Heart of The Force Breach of Contract”
In The Complete Selfish Squandering of the Contractor Money for repairs of a Hurricane Katrina Damage home
*See Plaintiff exhibit (P) herein banking records of (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) or plainly put a Pile of worthless discovery waste of my Pro Se (Hamilton II) 2007-2011 (5) years civil suit sorry ass time to include but not limited to jerking my toilet chain F—King trash…
Fully supported by the USDA Federal Court Magistrate Judge (Karen Wells Roby) providing the full wrongful elimination in providing Plaintiff (Hamilton II) any fair play at all against the Professional Attorney at Law (Puff The Magic Dead Man Grave Robber Slow Crock pot Crook Zanders Esq.)
Plaintiff assert before the Honorable Justice Such a sorry state being in a “Hoodwink” provision in the complete circle of collusion between Pro Se (Zanders), (Dennis et al), (Zanders Attorney at Law)
 and The useless (Court) compliances in absolute destruction in discovery material request and the lost of a previously granted motion now down the tubes also in the “Big Crescent City Cajun Country Judicial Fix”.
Plaintiff having already filed a special XXX now reoccurring Motion for Recusal of the Trial Judge.
Conclusion Mr. President (Obama)
(I told you surly you were going to be real piss off too)
Co-Defendant  Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis herein Testify under oath that he use the [Nice] Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) to rip of the Insurances Company for extra monies to fix the roof.
 Which Plaintiff respectfully assert before the Honorable Justice this is very true……..(he did the scam twice)
“Plaintiff” (Hamilton II) herein having common High school education enough surly to state to: Co-Defendant Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis and have him respectfully repeat this rude response for clearance for the “Court and for more “Important” the Court records. 
 Which he did:
  Testify under oath (Again) that he (Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis) use the [Nice] Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein to rip of the Private Insurances Company for extra monies to fix the roof.
Plaintiff assert before the “Honorable Justice” this was a needed factor extra roofing monies after they (The Creepy Adams Family et al) spent the first Insurances Company roofing monies on an additional squander shop till you drop “Holy Hell” of a ongoing (RICO) Free shopping spree.
“However” USDA Federal Court Magistrate Judge (Karen Wells Roby) in New Orleans L.A. dismissed the Federal civil case knowing all as outline herein plus extra bogus in refuse Plaintiff (Hamilton II) any witness at all and to include any fair civil legal play at all against The Special Smart XXX Professional Crooked Hurricane Katrina (Zanders Esq.)
and his “Magic Destruction act” with (Dennis et al) of all “Material Evidences” and photographs wither (Zanders) was acting Pro Se or Attorney of Record…
To include but not limited to “XXX Twilight Court Room Dead Zone”
(OMG) “Your Honor I See an “Extra Purple Little Mexican Carpenter Walking Dead Zombie Person” Live and extra stinky from the grave ready to testifying before “The Honorable Court”. And ruled (among other way out their things)
 The Court having no official finding of Fraud……
Conclusion Mr. President (Obama)
(I told you surly you were going to be real piss off too)
And I have some more (XXX) bad News for the 2011 “Commander in Chief” of The United States of America (Obama) and NATO
Camel Breath Goat Scank Nuts
 Col. Moammar Gadhafi”
shell shock Ass he is not hiding in “Tripoli Libya” in a deep bunker safe…..
“That ass hole” gave you guy’s the “Middle F—King finger” and slipper his scared dusty ass off into Pakistani crooked turf.    J

By: Louis Charles Hamilton II
       Pro Se Plaintiff (Herein)
And you’re also so included
“Very Live” in “The Sherlock Holmes”
 “XXX Real Non-fiction” Continue Mystery Case of:

*The Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney*

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