Saturday, July 23, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Crooked Hurrican Katrina Dead Man Grave Robber Attorney Willie M. Zanders et al "Notice of Appeal" "Conclusion Part I

Plaintiff exhibit (J) “Pro Se Defendant (Dennis et al) Motion to enroll counsel and time to respond to motion pending before the Court. Filed in United States District Court Eastern District of Louisiana on June 7th 2010 contain both signatures of (Walter and Rosemary Dennis)
However Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) being respectful before the “Honorable Court clear and point to facts and circumstances (Zanders Attorney at Law) having assume legal reasonability for the legal affairs of Co-Defendant (Dennis et al) back on May 12th 2007 @ such timing in the obliteration and destruction of “material evidence namely Construction contractor Invoices, a large portion of Building Material receipts, to include direct destruction of over 32 construction photographs describing and depicting the Home rebuilding process of the Co-Defendant (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) by (Plaintiff) herein Located at 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans.
However Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) being respectful before the “Honorable Court” clear and point to facts and circumstances furtherance (Zanders Attorney at Law) did in fact as described by Plaintiff exhibit (A) and (B) among other court documents provided bogus monetary computation figures to hid Co-Defendant (Dennis et al) major squander spree they spent in (Texas) after their forced evacuation from Hurricane Katrina while the Plaintiff was working on their home in New Orleans L.A. in excess of $30,000 dollars being wrongfully spent provided by FEMA and Private insurances,
To include but limited to (Zanders) attack the Plaintiff construction reputation, as described by Plaintiff exhibit (A) and (B) among other court documents
But one the “Additional Legal Cliff Hanger(s) Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein taking the precise time to described before the Honorable Magistrate Justice is factual that Defendant (Zanders Attorney at Law) committed to additional criminal (RICO)money laundry collusion scheme of things in the production of a bogus corporation document filed before a Honorable Court of Law namely Plaintiff (Hamilton II) exhibit (K) “Broadmoor Development Corporation document ” which stating to the effect of (Dennis et al) application for assistances by volunteer’s for market value of 900 hours of free volunteering work total $16,596.00 signature by unknown person describing himself as Jonathan Graboyes which this person do not exist as proven by the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) during the Trial in this Matter which (Zanders) attempted to have another person swear under oath as to the computation figures of free $16, 596 (free Labor work) by volunteer and the authentication of the document exhibit (K) being very legit However under cross examination by the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein being respectful before the “Honorable Justice” state calmly said under oath witness absolutely denied the document authentication or any enrolment or attachment to the document made by volunteer to be working for free on the Home at 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans L.A.
To include but not limited to the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) pointed to said (Honest) witness before her departure from the witness stand why should any volunteer be working on Co-Defendant (Walter and Rosemary Dennis Home for a free (900) hours  in excess of $16,596.  When FEMA and Private Insurances gave them funding in excess of $84,000 (Eighty Four Thousand Dollars.
*see Plaintiff exhibit (L) Picture of Very Nice Church Volunteer hanging sheet rock for free on the Co-Defendant (Walter and Rosemary Dennis) after they already squander off in excess of $30,000 dollars
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein further state before the Honorable Justice Defendant (Zanders Attorney at Law) herein completely concealed Plaintiff exhibit (K) from the discovery of this cause of action from Plaintiff (Hamilton II) up to approximately (8) actual days before a Federal USDA Trial to hid the criminal (RICO) “Money Laundry” scheme of Things in regards to free (900) hours in excess of $16,596.  Being done by “Church Volunteers
 With (Zanders) flat out refusing to turnover said discovery document even after a court order until exactly (8) days before the Trial.
Which said bogus late “Court Order” finally being produced a flipping 2 weeks before Trial in this Matter leading to a Motion for Recusal of Judge Karen Wells Roby in the aided, and full protection of (Zanders Attorney at Law) numerous illegal (RICO) “money laundry” scheme of thing
and protection of (Zanders Attorney at Law) mutable hidden Identifying (Persons) being between the capacity of both “Pro Se and Actual Attorney of Record” scheme of things with the added destruction of many “Material Federal Evidence during the commitment of a USDA Trial.

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