Thursday, July 28, 2011

Speaker of the House (John Boehner) Get your Ass in Line (OMG) "Holy Hell"....

To: President of the United States of America (Obama)    J
To: Speaker of the House’ The Distinguish Gentlemen (John Boehner)    (OMG)………(WTF)…. J
 (Get Your Ass in Line)………….
“Holy Hell” what is next out of that Distinguish gentlemen fucking potty mouth……. ha, ha,
Big Oil got you wrath…..
 Now the fucking……………….Tea Party……………..?
 Mr. John Boehner (Speaker of the House) “Sir” Are you really fucking cussing at them fucking Sorry
“Loser Ass”, Weak Scank Crusty Old Thievery Tax, Puss Burnt Green Dirt Nut’s XXX “Loser Tea Party Conservative Jackal Shit Bitch Breath Crooks,
With The old “Distinguish Gentlemen” style and (FUCK YOU TOO BITCHES)
With The XXX smooth cuss words fuck out……………(WOW)   J
I woke up to laughing my homeless ass smooth the fuck off as I heard the dam scary news……………
I Louis Charles Hamilton II (herein) can surly only surmise (Mr. John Boehner) you got my “(Cmdr. Bluefin) XXX Internet Fuck em all
“2011 Memo” on Tuesday July 26th, 2011
See (a Brother told ya) my “Ninja Navy” way is the “Only Fucking Way” cuss em all till they cry…………..
Now if ya Slap one of them “Crooked Congress Cracker Ho’s up side his/her head with that “Gavel” that to wont’ hurt my feeling at fucking all……….xxoxox
(Sorry Creepy Loser Broke Bitches)
   Boy do you know also that the Entire Fucking World Banks is so very sick of them Greedy Ass Loser fucking up the American Stock Market too,
And FYI:
Last Night the fucking free soup line under Neath the dam I-10 freeway here in Houston Texas ran out of Fucking Free Food, for the dirt poor….XXX real fast
Me and many others did not get any supper…(So Somebody is in Fucking Trouble real soon)………
  (I am hungry) what you got in your dam frig to eat……..?
The nice “Holy White Church Lady” said and I quote:
 I don’t understand why are there so many people hungry to night…..last week this hungry line was not that real long……….?
So if you don’t mind please find you an Old Black Washington D.C.
Real Old Nigger Funeral Director, and have him respectfully on (Cmdr. Bluefin) behalf and all of (Honest America) behalf
Go on over to the “Tea Party Fucking Pirate Ship” and open up their Cemetery Mausoleum “Civil War” Crusty Seal Ass Door and tell them all
(THEY ARE FIRED)……..Dumb Crooked Loser Bitches……………
When I get to the part where I put my signature on the All (Negros) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans and their descendants in and for The Entire United States of America vs. The United States of America “White Ruling Crooked Corrupt Class” Docket No.00808 Civil Action
You all Corrupt Crooked Crock Pot Slow Class soon will see just where you’re Slow XXX Corrupted Future will be in 2012………….   J
To: President (Obama) of the United States of America,   J
 Presidential Brother Dude…. Did you fucking hear on the “Wire No Less… that Dam Speaker of the House’
The Distinguish Gentlemen (John Boehner) is really fucking cussing “Tea Party” people out……(OMG)
………”What is really fucking going on in the “Crooked Crack House” in Washington D.C.   J
Fuck em you did your (Presidential part)  J
Veto the fucking crooked loser fucks,
 Until they squirt out only purple orange runny puppy dog shit…………………  J

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