Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Admit (7) on the behalf of “Christ Church Cathedral et al” (Andy Vickery) conducted a deposition on (Harry C. Arthur Esq.)
in regards to (Among other things) defamation of Homeless Men, Women, and Children Citizens in association with Beacon” Homeless outreach program.
Admit (8) On the behalf of “Christ Church Cathedral et al legal defense against (Harry C. Arthur Esq.) and (The Marine Building L.L.C. within (Andy Vickery) Professional Degree as a Attorney of Law in for the State of Texas discovered during the deposition conducted
 A slip-up of “monetary funding” inaccuracy contain in previous statement of (Harry C. Arthur Esq.) claiming monetary losses in rental revenue at Marine Building L.L.C.
If admitted, state fully what those exact “Monetary inaccuracy” made under oath by (Harry C. Arthur Esq.) being cause for losses in rental revenue as claiming by the Marine Building L.L.C.
And described; The exact full rental revenue circumstances were financially sound and situated for (Harry C. Arthur Esq.) and his association with the “Marine Building L.L.C. in Houston Texas.
And described; In full detail all Officers, Agents, employees, and actual owners and each acting Partner roles and relationships were within the “Marine Building L.L.C. structure.
Admit (9) On the behalf of “Christ Church Cathedral et al legal defense against (Harry C. Arthur Esq.) and (The Marine Building L.L.C.
within (Andy Vickery) Professional Degree as a Attorney of Law in for the State of Texas discovered during the deposition conducted
 A slip-up of “monetary funding” inaccuracy contain in previous statement of (Harry C. Arthur Esq.) claiming “property value losses” and or “depreciation” in the Commercial Value of “The Marine Building L.L.C. in Houston Texas.
If admitted; state fully what those: “property value losses and depreciation inaccuracy and circumstances are” being cause for said claim “property value losses
and or depreciation in “Commercial Value of The Marine Building L.L.C. in Houston Texas claiming by the Marine Building L.L.C.
And described; The exact full professional legal detail and circumstances surrounding said “property value losses
and or depreciation in “Commercial Value of The Marine Building L.L.C. in Houston Texas

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