Sunday, July 24, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Crooked Hurrican Katrina Dead Man Grave Robber Attorney Willie M. Zanders et al "Notice of Appeal" "Conclusion Part III(Crooked One Eye Cooks Special)

Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein also blot from the blue bombshell super extra surprise provide, before the “Honorable Court” and “Justices” exhibit (N) a Letter from Liberty Lumber “To Whom this may concern:
On May 10th 2007 Mr. Louis Hamilton open an account with liberty Lumber. He paid $7000.00 in cash. We began delivering material down the street to 4891 Tchoupitoulas St. to his customer, a Mr. Floyd Davis.
Mr. Hamilton at some point had a dispute with Mr. and (Mrs.) Davis and we closed the account on October, 2007 and we wrote of $8.22 (Eight Dollars and twenty two cents.
Obviously for a debt of $8.22 we never placed a material mans lien on the subject property at 4891 Tchoupitoulas St. Mr. and (Mrs.) Davis is incorrect in telling the “Court” a Liberty Lumber Lien was placed on His Property.   Sincerely, “Thomas Huntsinger” (Owner) dated April 6th 2011
However Defendant (Puff the Magic Crooked Zanders Esq.) (RICO) Theft Dead Man Grave Specialist further on or about”
To Wit: March 25th 2011 in the year of our Lord file additional supported perjury and collusion being direct material information in a Professional USDA United States Federal “Clerk of Court office” on the same shocker “Dead Man” revelation Pretrial Outline and Order Stating Now Fact Witness:-Delores Davis- Ms. Davis will testify as follows:
“The contractor, Mr. Louis Hamilton of Multi Construction, was hired April 2007 to renovate our home at 4891 Tchoupitoulas. Mr. Hamilton approached us as a licensed contractor. Mr. Hamilton first removed all our furniture from our home. Items such as, a 65 inch TV, sofa, refrigerator, stove, freezer, and bed with mattress. He told me he placing them in storage.
Our home furnishings were of great value to us and I have not seen our belongings since Mr. Hamilton took everything away.
Mr. Hamilton then brought several workers to tear down the house. He went to “Liberty Lumber” to order materials. We then gave him a check for $10,000.00. The Materials were delivered, but he did not pay the lumber company. Later Liberty Lumber placed a Lien on our property for their money and we had to return the materials to them again.
He also ordered dumpsters for hauling and cleaning, but refuse to pay for them. We then had to pay for the dumpsters out of our own pocket. In total, we paid Mr. Hamilton $19,000.00 as a down payment, but he never did anything. When I approached Mr. Hamilton, he began cursing and acted violently. The police were called many times to have him removed from the property. This incident left [my] husband and me in a state of depression and we hope something can be done about this man.
 Plaintiff assert, declare and simply state (Puff The Magic Hollywood Perjury Producer Dead Man Grave Robber Zanders Special Ed. Esq.) forgot that this Pretrial Outline and Order
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein offering Before the Honorable Court” as disturb crooked extra exhibit (O) contains stupid Esq. Signature No Less…..
And Officially filed herein before a “Real Honorable Courthouse” in support of all true continue freaky astonishing facts and very much in direct conflict with Plaintiff exhibit (N) Letter from “Liberty Lumber” owner in regards to a direct lien upon the subordinated perjury witness supply by (Zanders Esq. Magic Crooked touch) in supply such a hostile
After Ghoulish Defendant (Zanders) Attorney at Law herein thought he catch a napping Ignorant take by stupid surprise Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein with this disturb further foolish conduct

“Plaintiff” herein Just Simply Destroyed this “extra side kick stale salad” Burnt bake beans fart smelling “fully pre arrange crooked witness on the USDA 90,000 volts “Electric fully fry your  witness ass on the stand with the hidden Production of Plaintiff (Wham)….
Exhibit (N) and copy of all COD made payable to the Plaintiff from “Liberty Lumber” to the point after direct examination of Ms. Davis…in her numerous well pre plan ahead host of a going shopping spree fabrication, manufacture, cock-and-bull stories with little over board in the “fib” department trumped-up sorry ass story(s) and I will be seeing ya soon “Sir. Satan” in Hell falsehoods…..
(Sir Knighted Puff The Magic Dead Man Grave Robber Willie M. Zanders Esq.) very much rightfully so flat out refuse to even look at his witness an or very much cross-examine his own “pre arrange corrupted witness” within his special possession of a Professional Attorney
Having the now extra slooooooooow retarded needed (ASAP) crooked ability to try and “produce”, and or “compound” and or help me “Sir. Satan” Conjure up out of his leaking rectum a “Magic Dead Man Grave Robber Esq.” single simple minded question before a Court of Law.

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