Saturday, July 23, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Crooked Hurrican Katrina Dead Man Grave Robber Attorney Willie M. Zanders et al "Notice of Appeal" "Conclusion Part II (Dead Man Special)

Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein Provide very surprising respectful before the “Honorable Court” exhibit (L) Priority Mail filed on the 28th day of March 2011 in the United States Federal Court Clerk for Louisiana district document No. 63 for case 2:09-CV-07029 is the very non-Pro Se first Official act as Attorney of Law Defendant (Willie M. Zanders) herein provided to the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein the following Attorney at Law Zanders very “Honest and quite cuite Personal Pretrial Outline and Order several days late no less before the actual Trial with the added  Discovery of the bogus “Volunteers providing free work” and the amount of free services expenditures documentation” Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein exhibit (K) above and The Dead Man who tell no lies………….
 The absolute wicked, deplorable and quite taking me back out of even my very own (Sometimes foolish Crazy Negro) common understanding of appearing Pro Se within The United States of America Legal Law before a “Honorable Court of Law”
However in this XXX Hideous Halloween shocking (RICO) cover up scheme of things of a long road in horrid collusion in the Documentations of the “Dead Witness” and then (Puff the Magic Zanders) Spring this Holy Hell Frightening deathly Trap on the Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein in the last (5) minute of a Federal Trial……..OMG Your Honor I Swear” I just found out this very moment my Witness is “Dead”  
Screw this Court……..My skin freaking starting crawling so very scared and I wanted out of that court room extra fast from such a quite ghoulish Loser Place.
Defendant (Zanders) Attorney at Law comprehension and legal awareness with chilling clients “The Adams Family” collectively herein extra XXX in quite being grisly unholy ….on the OMG…. Legal Court Drama Data …..Such Sick, Sick, Very Stupid, extra Grave Robbing Attorney at Law Firm forbidding criminal grave robbing collusion with his blast from the past “Adams Family clients full in the flesh
To include but not limited to “The Adams Family” herein having gruesome enough walking “Hand in Hand” with )Puff The Magic Zanders Esq.) on the XXX Death Row (RICO) criminal wild side of scary, taken the fright night of all holy extra scary what in the hell of things being
 Invite into a Flipping Federal Court of Law on a “Money Laundry” Scam of things via a “Dead Man” And I (Plaintiff) must being with smiles point to His “Honorable Justice” and the Entire “World” no less factual circumstances surrounding
“Walter Jovel” the Illegal Hispanic Immigrant being quite stiff Dead since (July) of 2008 No Less………
Fearsome Defendant(s) et al collective alarming (RICO) scam in bringing on the “Dead Man” While “Adams Family and Counsel all having quite serious dreadful fully knowledge to obtain, supply, then provide execution with the full court press in exploitation  of “The Dead Witness” Walter Jovel” and his construction invoices in 2011
*See Plaintiff creepy daunting exhibit (M) “Walter Jovel” XXX Wrongful Dead Man contractor Proposal (Dated) July 5th 2008……..
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein declare and assert before the “Honorable Justices” after this exact moment in time July 5th 2008 “Walter Jovel” hung his last contractor door on the Dennis Front entry way @ the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) breach of Contract Job, where he was committed to wrongful death associated premeditated Murder few moment later for his small cheating crumbs of payment from:
 “Adams Family Walter and Rosemary Dennis” whom was most likely already cheated just like the Plaintiff, and the “Church Volunteers” doing free labor work as described previously and respectful above with proof supply herein.
“However” scary night at the Courthouse daunting Defendant (Zanders) creepy Halloween “Attorney at Law Firm herein having the “special Ed legal ability” to now provide and especially not being his “old slithering crooked self in past Pro Se Law no less from 2007 throughout 2010
At this ungodly “bloodcurdling time frame” on March 25th 2011 in the year of our Lord (Zanders puff the magic Esq.) file in a Professional USDA United States Federal “Clerk of Court office” a Pretrial Outline and Order Stating with upsetting (Zanders Esq.) signature No Less…..on said Pretrial Outline and Order filed herein in support of all true astonishing facts
That witness “Walter Jovel” will be (having the ability to Crawling out of his Grave) and “Honestly Swear” to testifying before The “Honorable Court of Law” in New Orleans Louisiana before Her’ Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby exactly on April 11th 2011 at 9:00 am
Fully committed about all of his construction work and all payments he received to help repair home of “Walter and Rosemary Dennis” ………
Creepy terrifying enough (Puff the Magic Zanders Esq.) sat down real smooth-n-cool ending this with a…….……OK
(Yep)….I swear Plaintiff is extra live on that one and now a question posed to all of the Entire “Honorable Justices” throughout the United States of America except for the extra cheating foolish slow Judge (Karen Wells Roby) whom I already told and made real plane and extra clear what happen next
 Just what Spanish/English “Holy” interpretation firm “Super Puff The Protected Magic Esq.”, XXX Special Ed. (Attorney at Law) Willie M. Zanders herein is hooked up anyway with….. To provide such said comforting, shocking, and very staggering “Dead Man” legal heard interpretation to the court reporter fully under oath testimony.
P.S.  (Does Pro Se Plaintiff Hamilton II get to cross examine the Professional Attorney Extreme Dead witness too…..?)

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