Sunday, July 31, 2011

(Part IV) Docket No. 1:2011 CV-OO240, Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II "Amend Complaint" Defendant(s), United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker” ,Co-Defendant(s) CVS/Caremark and (UPS)

Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein respectfully smiting with the “Honorable” moment to direct the “Honorable Justice” special probing attention to Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein
100% well preserved federal secrete the “tell all” exhibit (A) for civil case 1:10-CV-00808-RC KFG Document 11 filed 06/29/11
 Defendant’s Motion to Stay Discovery” by undersign Assistant United States Attorney (Andrea L. Parker) Texas Bar No. 00790851
*See foot note (1) and Plaintiff (Hamilton II) quote:
To, date, there has been no proper service on any other named defendants pursuant to the federal Rules of Civil Procedure.    Signature Andrea L. Parker date 29th date of June 2011
First to U.S. Attorney Assistant (Andrea L. Parker):
After “Doctor Watson and myself (Plaintiff) herein having mask many detail’s into a serious out look into the dire understanding consideration of (yes) my federal legal civil case load as you did in fact admire upon,
 And the factual present real understanding now being in “Sherlock Holmes” being an real issue for any story and must be defeated apply with 
Consumed with numerous official judicial being dead set in supplying wrongful set back by the (Lost) firmness Judicial Courts in high protection mode for the many (Professional Attorneys)
 I’ve Pro Se (Hamilton II) personally ran across sticking their “Sorry Illegal Neck’s” far and beyond out on a weak limb waiting to legally fall,
Then next you all further seeking aid and real “Crooked Judicial Bailout’s” from a “Court Justice”, Like “Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq. and his entire law firm
“The Infamous Hole in the Wall Gang” attempting to knock off a Cathedral Church for ($$$) and property scam, Help me your “Honor that “Nigger” is after my “Throat”…he want “Justice”……what next (protection) from both the State and Federal Court,
Crooked Hurricane Katrina Dead Man Grave Robber Attorney Willie M. Zanders Esq. 24/7 Pro Se Attorney at Law –n- Chicken Shack Special Lead Class Action Lawyer with a Degree,
 “Money laundry”, rouge Attorney appearing Pro Se and destroying all the material facts for 5 years no less, to include “theft of FEMA, Private Insurances company, and my monies (Among other criminal acts)
 And directly aided my construction losses which is the direct result and responsibility for the “Wrongful Death” of a “Hispanic Carpenter” “Jovel” working on Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Breach of Contract Civil Complaint.
Help me your “Honor that “Nigger” is after my “Throat”…he want “Justice”…….what next (protection) from (New Orleans) Federal Court,
Attorney Scank Thong Rat Puss Face “Nappy Hair Nigger” in the Yellow-n- Lime Green leisure suit from School of Broken Buffet-n- Drunk Casino Law Degree, screaming at the 58th District Court “Judge for over a fucking 1 ½
And the “Motherfucker still have not turn over the discovery, wanting the police run me out of my home but no civil discovery, stole all of my construction tools, & his crooked Clients having completely rob The entire United States America clear back since 1865 even before they were born and yep lot of monies……..
Judge gives him a real chance to turn over the discovery and stay my motion for sanctions,   he lied to the “Court got the sanction dismissed and no discovery ever, ever, and maybe in 2080 
What next…..”Recusal” …..No discovery, another asshole “Lawyer”….working the old fuck em the ass,
I just made $2,500 dollars quick (Attorney) cash….Thanks “Honorable Court” …(Stupid Fuckers)… my Attorney Degree back (Again) from the piss off Nigger Pro Se Homeless Plaintiff (Again)……..
Same sorry Judicial shit in North Dakota, Florida, L.A., and
Holy Hell…..Me & I am sure Christians God Really Hate “Utah”
Well the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saint Mormon Nation they Judicially declare me the “Nigger Devil……it O.K. take or Kill off them Niggers children of his too……….This is Utah Country.
…….And that why among other reasoning you are here now….(Andrea L. Parker)……and me I am just one (Pro Se Person)  somewhat whom can get by in Court,
The other slow Chattel Slave beaten down un-educated (Negros) well most can’t even read anyway,
 So your Crooked Attorney Asses run em over”……especially in Criminal Court System (Nigger never really allowed in Suit in Common Law against mostly “White ruling class,)
 You (Andrea L. Parker U.S. Attorney Esq.) almost forgot them dam hidden “Black Codes” and “Jim Crow Laws” still the normal effective rule.
That why, the Little (Voice) in my head you read about in my “Internet Journal” being (Thomas Magnum)…..he was really waiting for your mistake, well several actually, he like to talk too much too
(Hurry up Thomas and Tell Her)
Anyway……..Thomas was thinking about what gave you all away ….especially (Assistant United States Attorney Andrea L. Parker):
1.  Being first and foremost reading deep in thought that was your High Power “Ms. Bitchness” reek right off the dam paper at me……. J ha, ha,
2.  I knew you were crooked, & simply pissed off too, and really wanting to “Civilly Win” regardless of my hurt and legal cost… have no clue or case against (Negro) that why your (USA) is broke….Da”
3.  So simple just a matter of “perfect timing” you (Andrea L. Parker U.S. Attorney) being (Like the Rest of the Corrupted Attorney against a honest ending “whom all went crooked rope Jumping into my “Dirty Homeless Christmas Stocking).  J
4.  Notwithstanding the (Two) most deadly sin’s I learn about from “Ben Matlock”….(Greed and Vanity) …Your just like my own rich sorry crooked greedy extra vanity sister from such “Bitchness” especially rushing to point out to the “Honorable Federal USDA Court ….no proper services”.   
5.  That be Your “Vanity…(mistake)…Da”
6.  You (Parker Attorney at Law) knew the service of my summons and complaint Dead line was in a little like Da’….only (3) days away being May (12) 2011 from when the actual deliver in Washington D.C was made May 9th 2011
7.  Which legally there would have been no proper service on any other named defendants pursuant to the federal Rules of Civil Procedure.  After May 12, 2011 And Plaintiff is dismissed for the 120 day failure to execute services of said Summon –n-Complaint.
8.  And being Stupid as you was geared to point to the “Honorable Court”  real XXX soon in a full dismissal……Da (once again)
9.   And then the High Tech Theft of my 1994 daughters “Home Utah Movie Video” added the extra touch in my waiting you Bitch Ass extra Sorry ass …and get all the real non-fiction book facts…..(Your Real Greedy mistake)…second deadly sin (greed) to win….xoxox
10.     After (Plaintiff) herein seriously now attempting in getting over my real Crooked Mormon hurting corrupted grief (Again) after a continue on going (17) years.
11.     Plus added with Inspector “Harry (Dirty) Callahan onto the case leaving you (Andrea L. Parker) & everybody scrambling and illegally wishing to wreak Havoc on any advancement in my Civil Case for your U.S. Attorney Office legal closure and full favors.
12.     Notwithstanding “Sherlock Holmes” also on the case discovering how the crooked uncanny possibility corruption into all out f—king odd, weird, and extra creepy circumstances surrounding that on the same day Certified Direct Safe Mail was mail to “Washington D.C. and it (OMG) now being at a state of (MIA),
13.     “Thus being that the same very day (Plaintiff) having also made a special tracking Mail delivery traveling package to you (Parker U.S. Attorney at Law)  at 9:35 am on May 06, 2011 in Beaumont Texas,
14.      Thus your allowing for the few more days travel time of any more official Court mail you (Andrea L. Parker U.S. Attorney) smartly surmise was to travel to Washington D.C. future mail to transpire there then “Highjack” conspirer together against The (Negro) Class Action Complaint …
15.     It’s an official all (Negros) Plaintiffs Black African American herein “Special Pro Bowl Winner”….xoxoox!
16.     You already having took the leap into stolen of my lost babies pretty movie Video, which I told your crooked ass right after “Easter on the Internet” (Remember)
17.     I had the real legal (Utah) criminal, crooked un-holy facts and you did your XXX (U.S. Attorney at Law) in the past & check,
18.     (Yep) that my dam cannot seem to forget “missing lovely wife” who is in a sorry loser grave under another loser fucking name fully hidden from her (Real) Husband……
19.      Also…and (Thomas Magnum) He Knew real fast Too…..Da),   you’re a special ed. Slooooow crook.
20.     “Sherlock Holmes” Just had to wait (Only) for your “Professional outstanding business card”….(Thanks)
21.     And your now really Fucking Live in the “Cmdr. Bluefin” “non-fiction” “Sherlock Holmes” Grand Mystery Case of:
22.      “The Crooked Mormon”……xoxox!
Can I respectfully have my “Kiwi lime Juice Box” and Cookie Now “Your Honor”.     J

Footnote: (Andrea L. Parker) have you ever “read a book or even watch a “Sherlock Holmes”, grand story….if you did,
 Surly you (Parker U.S. Attorney at Law) would have conjured, infer, deduced and presume your soon own “very well calculated demise….
 Crooked Chess matching about with an out of place eccentric Odd American/English Brand Stale Muffin, with his very peculiar abnormal distinctive oddball oddity being a current Gypsy…..
Surly during your gathering of all “surveillance Information” and my “stolen goodies”,
The blasted bloody (American) version of “Scotland yard”
Having quickly advise you (Parker U.S. Attorney at Law) of these in debt unusual odd ball services my universal set of “Bluefin Inc.” crooked scoundrels irregulars having all the same fate
Ending up goal & bottom out being in the “Very Ditch” solved conclusion.   (Gotcha)

Cause of action
The Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II reincorporates and state all previously stated above described acts and actions as fully enforced and stated herein for cause of action against Defendant
(The United States Attorney Office et al, Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-Defendant(s) (CVS/Caremark et al)
Collectively conspire to willfully, with full total disregards or consequences of their acts/actions committed all Multiple Schemes and Patterns to commit among other things:
Administer & supervise hostile (RICO) acts and actions in the real theft and misusage of all follow tactics “singularly on in combination” of all “USA PATRIOT ACT”:
Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism
Sec. 202.  Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses.
Sec. 203. Authority to share criminal investigative information.
Sec. 204 Clarification of intelligence exceptions from limitations on interception and disclosure of wire, oral and electronic communications.

To include Defendant(s) and Co-defendant(s) collectively in concert in Violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud

 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,

To include Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively in concert in violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1341, 1343 and 1349 “Mail and Wire Fraud,
Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization,
(a)       Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, peace, and dignity, civil rights in suit in common law, and will of the Plaintiff in connection with Plaintiff Federal Civil Pursuit.
(b)       The Video Privacy Protection Act of 1988, 18 U.S.C. § 2710,
(c)       "Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030 in connection with all criminal acts and actions, as described fully herein.
(d)        Destruction of “Material Civil Evidences and Facts” before a Federal Honorable Court of Law,
(e)       Actual Fraud,
(f)          Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal (RICO) Objective against the Plaintiff civil rights, peace, will and dignity in that all defendants described herein now criminal aiding involving in the federal civil action and  Plaintiff (2) missing daughters.
(g)       Theft of Property
(h)       Intentional Infliction of emotional distress and anguish
Plaintiff seeks Actual, accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, Future, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, Punitive, and Permanent damages;.
To Include Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) seeks cause of action for intrusion into the personal life of Plaintiff”, and or “Invasion of Privacy” in to the personal life of Louis Charles Hamilton II
Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) seeks full “Declaratory Judgment” being made full, final, and “complete entry” into the records of this action against all defendants (The United States Attorney Office et al), Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-defendants (CVS/Pharmacy et al) for their extreme and outrageous scheming actions.
 Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) seeks “Discrimination” and “Discriminatory” pattern and practices being a “major factor” of cause of action in the defendant(s) collective combine conduct base upon the Plaintiff race (Negro) having caused the defendant(s) herein
 (The United State Attorney Office) Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-Defendant (CVS/Pharmacy et al) to act very “wicked”, “delinquent”, “villain” “scandalous”, ”scheming”, “senseless” “excessive”, “illicit”, and “outlandish” with “criminal immoral conduct” intent and directed against the Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
Peace, liberty, rights, dignity, will, personal private property, and “civil rights” in suit in “common law” for (among other things) dealing with subject matter regarding Utah LDS Mormon Nation religious prosecution against the (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein
With Co- Defendant(s) (UPS et al) and Co-defendant(s) (CVS/Pharmacy et al) collectively “desire”, “craving”, “aspiration”, “yearn for” and “request” to be a part of the “massive”
“Obscure”, “disguise”, “shield”, “defend”, “shelter”, “protect”, “hide”, “camouflage” and  “cover” Plaintiff (Hamilton II) “past disgraceful” History life in “Utah” Plaintiff suffering under the “Curse of Cain” (Plaintiff Negro herein is the Devil) doctrine teaching of “The Church of Jesus Christ” of “Ladder Day Saints”
With the “State of Utah” “condolences” and Its hostile position in scheming against a (Negro) Plaintiff herein “Natural Father” to the (2) missing daughters as described in the civil matter United States District Court Eastern District of Texas Beaumont Division Louis Charles Hamilton II Plaintiff Complaint Jury Demand vs. United States of America No. CV-00808
To include but not limited to the Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-Defendant(s) (CVS/Pharmacy et al) usage of their “Public services” as described herein to act very in a manner “wicked”, “delinquent”, “villain” “scandalous”, “senseless” “excessive”, “illicit”, and “outlandish” “racial” with “criminal immoral conduct”
“Fully Intent” and “directed against” the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) by usage of (2) Central processing unit “Computer tracking system devices”
 Defendants herein (The United States Attorney Office et al) Serious premeditated Plotting, scheming, maneuvering against all of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) entire political, Christian religion, movements.
With Co-Defendants (UPS et al) and CVS/Pharmacy et al) “Fully Intent” and “actions directed against” the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) in (among other things) suit “in common civil law” for the scheming in the insurance of “total destruction” of both “personal property” and “physical evidence” for a “Federal Civil Court of Law Trial” prosecuted by the Plaintiff herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”
With Defendants (The United States Attorney Office et al) Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and Co-Defendant(s) (CVS/Caremark et al)
Collective, direct, criminal/civil, shield, provision, defend, safeguard, buffer, screen, protection, armor, in the heist, theft and destruction of the Plaintiff “personal property”
As described herein theft of Plaintiff (2) Daughters Home Video for proposed preserved safety measure for Defendants (Thee United States of America) legal safe standing in a suit in common law
With Co-Defendant (UPS et al) and CVS/Caremark et al) being full partner in crime, co-conspirator, affiliated, ally,  combine confederate(s) political, religion, racial, suit in common,
 Very “crooked and unholy” means against the Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II and his own present (Negro) Family.

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