Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Part (II)Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Crooked Hurrican Katrina Attorney Willie M. Zanders et al "Notice of Appeal"

Comes now the Pro Se Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II files a “Notice of Appeal” and for just cause the Plaintiff will show the “Honorable Court” as follows:
1.   Plaintiff being honest and very respectful state (Hamilton II) never received from the “Honorable Court” the report-n-recommendation of the undersign Honorable Magistrate in this matter. (My Mail is Under hostile attack with numerous official mail being stolen)
2.   If this was the legal case the Plaintiff would having made a additional reply filing on very respectful objections, with all reasoning being supported by all, documents, and exhibit(s) being now filed in this “Notice of Appeal” presented in this “Matter” that Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein and Co-Defendant (Dennis et al) herein did in facts and circumstances conspire, and committed all acts and actions as describing “Mail and Wire Fraud of the Honorable Courts systems, the United States Mail and Money Laundry, Fraud of FEMA and Private insurances among other civil and criminal charges fully being presented herein.
3.   Plaintiff (Hamilton II) will also state before the “Honorable Justice” not only did Attorney of record herein Defendant (Willie M. Zanders Esq.) assume (2) persons Pro Se Defendants real (Identity) in U.S. Federal Court for monetary actual  fund in excess of ($2,500) for over 2 ½ years period date starting on the 12th day of May 2007 during the course of all litigation in (2) U.S. Honorable Federal Courthouse committed to doing the same (RICO) fraud activates before three different “Honorable Federal Judges” and civilly against the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein
4.   When in all facts and surrounding circumstances Defendant (Zanders) acting “extreme rogue being legally “Pro Se” on “Civil behalf” of the Co-Defendant (Dennis et al) herein (Zanders) is an actual legal License Attorney at Law for both the State and Federal Honorable Court System in and for the State of Louisiana.
5.   Defendant “Willie M. Zanders” Attorney at Law herein having  full knowledgably criminal intent “within his degree of Law” appearing “Pro Se” thereafter (Zanders) ghastly master mind since 2008 a gruesome (RICO) “Mail and Wire” Fraud scheme of things in the usage of a physical “Dead Man” whom being “Dead since 2008” as a appearing witness for Trial in 2011,
6.    Defendant ”Willie M. Zanders herein further being grisly with the actual horrific filing of the same “Dead Man contractor invoices” whom being “Really Dead” after his murder incident shocking further involving Co-Defendant (Dennis et al) herein since 2008 no less
7.   (Zanders Esq.) in 2011 appearing before a “Live U.S. Federal Trial went the extra gruesome (RICO) “Mail and Wire” Fraud scheme of  long distances things” in “committed grave robbing acts in making Attorney work product out of the “Murder Dead Man Contractor” physical material evidences namely building material contractor receipts and construction invoices to hid squander off asset, and continue a criminal intent laundry money and fraud of the Honorable Court scheme of things in excess of $80,000.00 from FEMA and “Private Insurance” for related Hurricane Katrina Damages On the behalf of Co-Defendant (Dennis et al) before the Honorable Magistrate Karen Wells Roby during actual Live USDA Federal Trial.
8.   (Zanders Esq.) herein actions was not only dreadful committed Fraud to cheat the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) in actual funds on a construction contract since 2007 after Hurricane Katrina related damages
9.   But also to include but not limited to Defendant (Zanders) Attorney at Law herein having full criminal intent and in fact did  supply to using the “Attorney work product” evidence of said “Murder Dead Man Contractor” in 2011 in a further, frightening, horrible, and hideous criminal acts and actions to commit further “money laundry scheme” and serious criminal fraud upon the “United States Federal Court Eastern District of Texas and The United States Federal Court of Louisiana (New Orleans Division) in this repugnant “Mail and Wire Fraud scheme of things since 2007 with the same ghastly acts being committed during Live Federal Trial.    

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