Wednesday, October 14, 2015

“Ancient Greece” Welcome to “Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”,

To: The “The Vatican City”

To: President and “Commander in Chief” (Obama) 

To: “United States of America et al

To: Her “Royal Majesty” The “Queen of England”, and “The British Royal Navy”.

To:  “Ancient Greece”    

To: Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare

“United States of America”, “Canada”, “Australia” ,Her “Majesty” the “Queen of England” and the “British Royal Navy, my “Son” “Aaron Michael Halvorsen” (Hamilton II) your “Mom” “Michelle”…xoxoxox “Commander in Chief” President (Obama),“The Vatican City”,  “My Grandmother” The “Holy Nun” and Thee’ “Jesus Christ”(Thanks),“Switzerland” and “Finance Ministry” and “Ancient Greece”  .

I welcome you all to Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”,

Dr. Dinesh Chandra KhareCrooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, as you “Mock” my “Roman Catholic” religious faith, you do recall, I respect yours, “Buddhism” at your bequest, you ask of me, not to touch, the Earth, in Montgomery Texas (your) property you stolen in (America),

You asked of me not to cut a “single tree”, until you did your “religious rights”, in “Buddhism” as I respect, all faiths and Honor, such a request, and even in fact watch your “ceremony”, on the earth, and when you were done Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”,

The exact first tree, I cut… did I not surly cut you a pie slice, with a smile and said her is your gift for your faith..?

Well, as the heaven is laughing forever and quite a long time ago having a party, you did not know my “grandmother”, not your fault, but she and all of the angles above, with “Jesus Christ” been laughing at you Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare, for some time ago, because you were actually set up, (yep) by my grandmother,

The “Holy Nun” ha ha, she told “Jesus Christ”, don’t you worry, (Christ) let that Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, loot the earth almost dry, my extra bad retarded grandson (Red) he don’t know, but I have him “sitting back” unknowing “waiting” on that Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”,

You know “Jesus Christ”, he a carpenter just like “Joseph” ….then “Jesus Christ”, smiled and

Said upon my Grandmother the “Holy Nun” yes “indeed” I know your bad grandson (Red) real well, he even cuss me out “twice”, said get your “Jesus Christ” ass in “Line” too, he is “Extra Cajun Crazy”… 

“Yes” indeed “Jesus Christ”, said upon my Grandmother the “Holy Nun” that Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, in Big, Big, Troubles………

As you see Dr. Dinesh Chandra KhareCrooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, I actually can feel you “Mocking” my “Roman Catholic” religious faith, right now, saying there are no such things as “Pirate” in the actual “Biblical days” of this Earth. Your very wrong, I was raised by my grandmother a “Holy Nun” For you see Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, she told me stories really good and once it was holy written

There had been a “longstanding” and growing “pirate” problem.
Palestine was the food basket of Rome and the supply ships had to go past the rocky Cilician cliffs. 

The pirates had high rock forts (120 of them) called STRONGHOLDS - these were their Bases. They would come out of the strongholds, raid the ships, steal the food and retreat back to their secure stronghold high up on the cliffs.  All the efforts to defeat them on sea failed. Even after successful skirmishes their bases were intact and secure and the root of the problem had not been touched.

 There was by 67 BC an army of 10,000 Pirates that had brought Rome to its knees by cutting off its supplies. 

They had their foot on the neck of Rome.  The problem was urgent and could not be avoided. 

It was Rome's major problem.  Rome's normal approach to warfare failed, their weapons ineffective, because this was a different kind of army- more of an 'underground' gorilla operation.

 The problem was so serious that the Senate commissioned top general Pompey to deal with the problem. 

They offered him whatever he needed and gave him 3 years to fix it.

He had a brilliant plan (STRATEGY). He designed and built special MIGHTY WEAPONS to attack their bases rather than the individual pirates. 

These were ships with huge grappling hooks that he sent in 11 directions to attack the strongholds. They catapulted the hooks up onto the cliffs to PULL DOWN THE STRONGHOLDS.

The Roman fleet did not go after the pirate ships - instead every stronghold built in proud defiance against Rome was pulled down into the sea. 

 Meanwhile Roman soldiers were positioned to capture any fleeing pirates. 

They brought them into captivity to the obedience of Rome (the captives are led into a new stronghold - brought under subjection to Rome).  Most surrendered and came into obedience. Those who did not were punished (killed) for their disobedience.

The Pirates were overwhelmed and had no answer to these mighty weapons which were specifically designed for pulling down the strongholds. In just 3 months Pompey had totally defeated the pirates.

 What had seemed to be an insoluble bondage was broken permanently. 

Knowing that normal weapons would fail Pompey had absolute victory by using mighty weapons. There was no more Pirate problem. 

He overwhelmingly defeated them and the problem never returned. Later he became Emperor.  Now the provisions could freely flow to Rome.

The only way to get a “permanent solution” was to pull down their strongholds, rather than try fighting all the pirates “individually”.

As you see Dr. Dinesh Chandra KhareCrooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”,

            The Roman Politician “Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus” (106-48 BCE), better known as “Pompey”, was one of the greatest generals of his age. He even put an end to the slave revolt led by Spartacus, “Pompey” intervene in several wars.

THE Kingdom of Pontus (Northern Turkey) and Armenia had joined forces against the “Romans”, just like you’re doing “now” Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, with your “secret pirate forces” and although the Roman Commander “Lucullus” had been successful, he had not brought the war to a end.

            On Crete and in “Syria”, there was no recognized authority back then as it is the same (now) in 2015, however back then, The Jewish Queen Alexandra-Salome had died, after which their sons “Hyrcanus and Aristobulus” had started a bloody civil war, which in turn ruining “Judaea”, “However” an ambitious man like “Pompey”, the situation offered opportunities he could not afford to miss.

            Pompey invaded and annexed Pontus in 66 went on to attack the Armenians, added several hitherto unknown Caucasian tribes to his battle roll of victories, almost reached the shores of the Caspian Sea, and then turned his attention to “Syria” which he annexed in 64. As time come to pass there appeared a “Dark Cloud” on the horizon:

 A civil war broken out in the Roman Empire and Pompey was defeated by “Julius Caesar”.

As you see Dr. Dinesh Chandra KhareCrooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, to defeat your “Stronghold”, I filed in the United States of America”, federal court house in Houston Texas civil Docket No. 15-CV-2884 an legal Request as a citizen of (America), to have the “United States Navy” and “The United States Marines” to capture all of your land held “Pirate Strong holds “Worldwide” your having absolute “control over” without

“Haste or wait” and all done in the same day, to include pulling each and every pirate looting ship down into the “Bottom of Sea”.

1,267,401,849 of India's population which is equivalent to 17.5% of the entire total “World Population” Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate, as your reading this under your direct “physical control” with three

 “Pirate Shipping Industries” you (own)… ok, as your each and every day not only causing the suffrage of 17.5% of the entire total “world population”, your also looting the “Entire World” in the process, my (America) as you were meant to see exactly (Me)…

My Grandmother the “Holy Nun”, ask me to ask you “Just what kind” of “World Traveling Doctor” are you…..????

 And Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, you knew my future as you surly inquired, knowing I wanted a wife, she still waiting, asked about you (too) and now I have also a special “Son” too, whom very special because, my catholic faith, saying he has been watching you “crooked pirate long before he was even born, you’re a page for centuries legends to come as you’re a “2015 Pirate Prophecy” of this time, you even been a pirate threat to “Ancient Greece”.


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