Thursday, October 22, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) fully state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” that the Defendant “, “The United States of America” on laws of commercial, economic, and financial “embargo” imposed by the Defendant “,

“The United States of America” on “Cuba” on 19th of October 1960,

So long as the “Cuba” government refuses to move toward “Democratization and greater respect for “Human Rights” while the Defendant “, “The United States of America” being in 100% government refuses to move toward “Democratization and greater respect for “Human Rights” of We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) the Defendant “, “The United States of America” in full cooperation, complicity, collaboration, complying, collusion, conspirer and the actual controlling “Government” entity in allowing its territory namely


 “The State of Mississippi” to continue on after 1865-1995 in the “full throttle inequality institutional race inducement” base on race of we “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) to continual as such the same under territory the Defendant “, “The United States of America” namely

“The State of Mississippi” still ongoing 100% criminal established practice and pattern controlled by The Knight of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) the Defendant “The United States of America” on controlling military force in a hostile, murderous (RICO) bent on furtherance’s of continual status of “captive free slave labor” of We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) whom did in factual laws of the Defendant “


 “The United States of America” remain in a continual legacy life of “abused chattel” and property from the exact time frame of 1865-1995 for a total of additional (150) of “Slavery” from the legal time frame of 1619-1995 as the Defendant “, “The United States of America” falsely, fake, forgery, counterfeit, sham, fraud, hoax, mock up,

And “pirate (d) copy laws” claiming before no less the “Entire World”, and claiming before even our We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) “Children” “school books” factual claims that the Defendant “ “The United States of America” criminal, hostile, murderous acts and actions of imposed

 “Slavery” ended from the legal time frame of 1619-1865 which is the continual denial and Criminal Cover up established practice and custom for the Defendant “The United States of America” to “make a dash, take flight, make off, take to one heels, make a break for it, bolt,

 And beat a (hasty) retreat in their falsely, fake, forgery, counterfeit, sham, fraud, hoax, mock up, “vamoose scram” of “physically not” being in a plot, collaborator, henchman and confederate with the “White Controlling Class” of t for the Defendant

“The United States of America” , company, groups, organizations, agency, partnerships, firms, conglomerates and set up of build the Defendant “The United States of America” basic physical organization building, roads, power supply, railroad, transportation,

Including all of the Defendant “The United States of America” many “White Controlling Class” society and enterprise infrastructures namely


Lehman Brothers, whose business empire started against we the “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) in 100% “Slave Trade”.


Aetna, Inc., the Defendant “The United States of America” largest health insurer, whom did in factual circumstances sold policies in the 1850 that reimbursed “White Controlling Class” “Slave Owners” for financial losses when We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved owned by the “White Controlling Class” died.


JPMorgan Chase between 1831 and 1865, two of their predecessor banks-Citizens Bank and Canal Bank in the Defendant “The United States of America” State namely “ Louisiana” accepted approximately 13, 000 of

We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals as collateral on loans and took ownership of approximately 1,250 of them when the Defendant “The United States of America”, “White Controlling Class” “Slave Owners”, “Slave Plantations” defaulted on the Loans.


New York Life Insurance Company is the largest mutual life insurance company in the Defendant “The United States of America” whom also took part in “Slavery” by selling insurance policies on We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals.


Natchez, Miss. Agent, W.A. Britton sold We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals “Slave Policies” for amounts ranging from $375 U.S. Dollars to $600 U.S. Dollars as the first 339 We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals “Slave Policies” of the company’s first 1,000 policies were written on sold We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals.


Wachovia Corporation (Now owned by Wells Fargo) owned We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals and accepted We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) as payment.


N M Rothschild & Sons Bank in London England “Nathan Mayer Rothschild”, the banking family’s 19th century patriarch, made his first personal gains by using We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals as collateral in dealing with the Defendant “The United States of America” many “White Controlling Class” “Slave Owners”.


Norfolk Southern “The Mobil & Girard Company which is now part of Norfolk Southern, offered the Defendant “The United States of America” many “White Controlling Class” “Slave Owners” $180 ($3,379 today) apiece for We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals they would rent to the rail road for one year.


 The Central of Georgia, another company aligned with Norfolk Southern Line today, valued We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals at $31,303 ($663,033) today a piece.


FleetBoston evolved from an earlier financial institution, Providence Bank, founded by “John Brown” who was a “Slave Trader of We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals and owned ships used to transport We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals Race from our “Sovereignty Nation” homeland birth rights and transported  “We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race” to Defendant “The United States of America” as such abused “captive free slave labor in a life of abused chattel”.

The Bank financed “Brown’s Slave Trade Voyages” and profited from them. “Brown” help charter what became now “Brown University” within the Defendant “The United States of America”.


CSX used We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals “free labor” to construct portions of some of Defendant “The United States of America” rail lines under Defendant “The United States of America” “Political and Legal” system that was in place more than a century ago.

We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals cost up to $200 U.S. Dollars –The equivalent of $3,800 today to rent We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals for a season and CSX took full advantage.


            The Canadian National Railway Company benefited from We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals “Canadian Class I railway headquartered in Montreal, Quebec.


            The Mobile & Ohio, Now part of Canadian National, valued We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals lost to the “Civil War” and “Emancipation at $199,691 on record. That amount is currently worth $2.2 Million apiece.


Brown Brothers Harriman the oldest and largest private investment bank and securities firm in the under Defendant “The United States of America”, founded in 1818 “New York” merchant bank of “James William Brown, currently known as Brown Bros.

“Harriman” owned hundreds of We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals and financed the “cotton industry” of the Defendant “The United States of America” many “White Controlling Class” “Slave Owners” for

We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals as “captive free slave labor in a life as abused chattel “Cotton Pickers” economy by lending millions to the Defendant “The United States of America” many “White Controlling Class” “Slave Owners” in “Southern planters”, merchants and cotton brokers.


Brooks Brothers, the high end suit retailer got their start selling for We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals “Slave Clothing” to various the Defendant “The United States of America” many “White Controlling Class” “Slave Traders” back in the 1088s.


Barclays, the British multinational banking and financial services company headquartered in London, United Kingdom has many companies it brought over the years were involved in “Slave Trade” of We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals.


New York-base AIG completed the purchase of American General Financial Group, a Houston Texas base insure that owns U.S. Life Insurance Company.

 A U.S. Life policy insured on We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals living in the Defendant “The United States of America” territory of Kentucky.


Tiffany’s – founded with profits from a cotton mill in Connecticut that processed slave-grown cotton by We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) enslaved individuals.


Notwithstanding the Defendant “The United States of America” being in 100% government refuses to move toward “Democratization and greater respect for “Human Rights” of We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) the Defendant “, as the Defendant “The United States of America” legally maintain a legacy of “all for one and one for all”  in the full cooperation, complicity, collaboration, complying, collusion, conspirer and the actual controlling “Government” entity in allowing its territory namely

 “The State of Mississippi” to continue on after 1865-1995 in the “full throttle inequality institutional murderous race inducement” base on race of we “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America)

While the Defendant “The United States of America” callous indifference to the suffering of we “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) imposed commercial, economic, and financial “embargo” imposed on “Cuba” on the 19th day of October 1960,

 But the Defendant “The United States of America” herein 100% stead fast in “full throttle leadership” in maintaining inequality institutional continual “murderous race inducement” refusal to apply the same “Cuba” on the 19th day of October 1960, imposed commercial, economic, and financial “embargo” on its very own  territory namely

 “The State of Mississippi” criminal, illicit, (RICO) legacy to continue on after 1865-1995 a total of (150) years with a controlling “Government” entity within the Defendant “The United States of America” to continual on with a furtherance’s callous indifference to the suffering

We “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) by continual the lawful act of “Slavery” as the Defendant “The United States of America” so intended.


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) fully state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” that “Lehman Brothers”, “Aetna, Inc.,” “New York-base AIG”, “Barclays”, “the British multinational banking and financial services company”,

“N M Rothschild & Sons Bank in London England”, “JPMorgan Chase”, “Brooks Brothers”, “Brown Brothers Harriman”, “The Mobile & Ohio”, “The Canadian National Railway Company”,

“CSX”, “The Central of Georgia”, “FleetBoston”, “Norfolk Southern”, “The Mobil & Girard Company”, New York Life Insurance Company”, “Natchez, Miss. Agent, W.A. Britton”,

“Tiffany’s & Co.,”, “USA”, and “Wachovia Corporation (Now owned by “Wells Fargo”), are herein fully Indentified as Co-Defendant(s) in “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… (Petition) before the “World Court of Justice” and the Chief Defendant herein fully Indentified as “The United States of America”.


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) fully state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” the Defendant “The United States of America” on laws fully established in 1961

(RICO) Act (1) racketeering activity means (A) any act or threat involving murder, kidnapping, and extortion among others

Simply in factual legal circumstances apply to the criminal murderous actions of the Defendant “The United States of America” on acts and actions from the time exact time frame established into law in 1961

While from 1961-1995 the Defendant “The United States of America” them self legally 100% still maintain a legacy of “all for one and one for all”  in the full cooperation, complicity, collaboration, complying, collusion, conspirer and the actual controlling “Government” entity in allowing its territory namely

 “The State of Mississippi” to continue on after 1865-1995 in the “full throttle inequality institutional murderous race inducement” base on race of we “Thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) and such established  1961 (RICO) Act (1) racketeering activity means (a) any act or threat involving murder, kidnapping, extortion among others simply do not even legally apply to “Sovereignty” rights of

 We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race (American) living under hostile corrupted force to be continual abused (Negro) property of the “Sovereignty” rights of Defendant “The United States of America” when We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race having our very own “Sovereignty” rights from a foreign country in which Defendant

 “The United States of America” being criminally with intent illegally by force “kidnap and abducted” “We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race from our “Sovereignty Nation” and as a matter of the Defendant “The United States of America on laws Venue is further proper before the

“World Court of Justice” which Defendant “The United States of America” herein 100% “fully guilty” of its own induced RICO laws against We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race (American)  from the time frame of 1961-1995 as so stated by the Defendant “The United States of America” under (RICO) Title 18 U.S.C. 1961.


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