Saturday, October 17, 2015

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”… “Piracy” of the “Holy Land” Ancient World, (Report).

To: The “Holy Land”

To: The “The Vatican City”

To: “United Nations Security Council”

To: President and “Commander in Chief” (Obama) 

To: “United States of America et al

To: Her “Royal Majesty” The “Queen of England”, and “The British Royal Navy”.

To: Doctor Dinesh Chandra KhareCrooked Mean Little Old Thailand and India Pirate”

 “United States of America”, “Canada”, “Australia”, Her “Majesty” the “Queen of England” and the “British Royal Navy,

 My “Son” “Aaron Michael Halvorsen” (Hamilton II) your “Mom” “Michelle”…xoxoxox

“Commander in Chief” President (Obama),

“The Vatican City”, “My Grandmother” The “Holy Nun”

And Thee’ “Jesus Christ”


“Switzerland” and “Finance Ministry” “Ancient Greece” and “Port of Alexandria”, Egypt hub of the “smuggling” Networks on Egyptian coast,

 Rock of Gibraltar (Cigarettes smugglers cove), “The Lost City of Atlantis” Spain, and the “Holy Land”

I welcome you all to Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”, Special ” Piracy” of the “Holy Land” Ancient World, (Report).

“Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare” a/k/a “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand and India Pirate”

Ancient Jewish life was concentrated around in the highlands of the Samarian and Judaean Mountains, located some distance from the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, Jews were initially not very active in seafaring or navigation. After 142 BCE, the Jewish Hasmonean state acquired ports of their own.

Joppa (Jaffa), Ashdod and Gaza were added to their domain, and a small number of Jewish sailors developed.

Jewish pirates were first mentioned by Josephus. There is a drawing of a pirate ship following two merchant ships at Jason's Tomb in Jerusalem.

 The drawing shows three ships, one of which is a war ship with Jason holding the bow and getting ready to shoot.

The painting is dated back at early 1st century BCE.

Seleucid Empire decay was a result of the Maccabean war, and was followed by an influx of Jewish and Arab pirates operating from Levant. Pompey's journey to Judea may indicate a connection between Jewish and Cilician pirates.

 As a matter of fact there were so many Jews at the sea, some of which were pirates, during Pompey's time that King Antigonus II Mattathias was accused in sending them out in purpose

By the end of First Jewish–Roman War, also known as The Great Revolt, Jews who had been driven out of Galilee rebuilt Joppa (Jaffa), which had been destroyed earlier by Cestius Gallus.

Surrounded and cut off by the Romans they rebuilt the city walls, and used a light flotilla to demoralize commerce and interrupt the grain supply to Rome from Alexandria.

In his The Jewish War Josephus wrote:

“They also built themselves a great many piratical ships, and turned pirates upon the seas near to Syria, and Phoenicia, and Egypt, and made those seas unnavigable to all men.”

In July 67 Vespasian attacked Joppa. The people of Joppa took to the sea, but a pre-dawn storm wrecked the ships. Many drowned, others killed themselves.

Those who survived the wreck, numbering about 4,200, were killed by Romans. Joppa was destroyed once again.

“ But some of them thought that to die by their own swords was lighter than by the sea, and so they killed themselves before they were drowned; although the greatest part of them were carried by the waves, and dashed to pieces against the abrupt parts of the rocks,

 Insomuch that the sea was bloody a long way, and the maritime parts were full of dead bodies; for the Romans came upon those that were carried to the shore, and destroyed them; and the number of the bodies that were thus thrown out of the sea was four thousand and two hundred.

After Joppa's destruction for the second time Vespasian built a citadel there to prevent the Jewish pirates from taking the city over for the third time.

The Romans considered their victory over Joppa's pirates very important, and commemorated it with the large number of coins for "Naval Victory".


New York (CNN) -- Alleged leaders of an international smuggling ring accused of stealing millions of dollars in antiquities from Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries are now facing federal charges in the United States, authorities said Thursday as they detailed some of the items seized by investigators.

"It is the first time an alleged cultural property network has been dismantled within the United States," James Hayes Jr., special agent in charge of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Homeland Security investigators in New York told CNN.

According to a federal indictment, the Department of Justice charged four men with conspiring to smuggle artifacts and launder money.

The indictment identifies the men as Mousa Khouli, who operated a business called Windsor Antiquities in New York; Salem Alshdaifat, who operated a business called Holyland Numismatics with a mailing address in West Bloomfield, Michigan; Joseph A. Lewis, II, described only as a collector of Egyptian antiquities; and Ayman Ramadan, who operated a business called Nafertiti Eastern Sculptures Trading in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Authorities allege the four were part of a sophisticated smuggling operation that crisscrossed the globe, buying antiquities from looters in several countries and then selling them to collectors. The suspects are in custody except for Ramadan, who remains at large, according to a statement from the U.S. attorney's office for the Eastern District of New York.

The arrests and seizures come on the heels of an extensive investigation that lasted more than three years.

"In addition to smuggling cultural property, this case also focuses on significant money laundering activity," Hayes said. "This is notable because the illicit sale of cultural property is the third most profitable black market industry following narcotics and weapons trafficking."

ICE Special Agent Brenton Easter said his team initially was looking for one piece -- a terracotta head uncovered in Iraq in 2000 -- when investigators stumbled upon a multinational network.

"This is one of the first times in the U.S. that we've actually dismantled an entire network. What we've done is identified the person in the Middle East who was the conduit, we've identified the broker, we've identified the individual providing false provenance, and we've identified the end-all collector," Easter said.

Among the antiquities valued at a total of more than $2.5 million that ICE agents confiscated were a Greco-Roman-style Egyptian sarcophagus, a nesting set of three Egyptian sarcophagi, a set of Egyptian funerary boats, and Egyptian limestone figures that date back to 552 B.C.

In addition to items from Egypt, Easter said investigators also seized artifacts from Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

"As an investigator here I've seen looting from all different regions, but specifically with this case, we actually have information, and we know for a fact, that they were using metal detectors to actually find and locate some of the pits where they would dig and loot."

The antiquities were smuggled in to the United States from the Port of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, authorities said.

ICE agents credited Newark, New Jersey, Port Authority workers for spotting the shipment containers that carried the smuggled cargo.

Easter said the recent political upheaval in the Middle East where ancient artifacts abound accounts for an increase in the illegal trafficking of antiquities.

"There has definitely been an escalation in Iraq. There appears to be an escalation in Egypt, but these networks and these rings were pretty well established even prior to what's going on right now in the Middle East," he said.

But meanwhile “Geeta Shipping and Clearing Services” since three decades, as claiming a “legacy of trust” by offering “freight management services”, that include moving cargo by “Air”, Sea” and “Road”.

Heavy Machinery, Petroleum Product, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Industrial goods and various other merchandise “Namely” smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, bootleg “cigarettes” possibly into the Gibraltar-Spain border

Which you do “Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare just like “Geeta Group LLC” (your) company  in Conroe Texas , in “United States of America” in that approximately
(28) Shipments at 101,211 Kilograms was being smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped into among other countries namely “United States of America”

Some seem like “very crooked pirate type activities”, as United States of America U.S. Custom clearance records seem to somehow indicating Between the exacts dates” of “June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015”

 Approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms did enter “Illegally” into the “United States of America” by a company called “Geeta LLC”, on the “State of Texas” registrations with the Sectary of The State of Texas office.

 This company "Geeta Group LLC" did not however exist until "June 19th 2015" and from June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015 and possibly beyond extreme large amount of "Shipment" at in excess of “101,211” Kilograms of unknown

 "Materials" have been illegally brought into "The United States of America” from Places Like, “India”, “Thailand” and “China” 100%

You “Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare

 Passing U.S. Customs in excess of (28) times, in the last 90 days By A Company that never even existed in the first place,

Having already passing U.S. Customs in (America) in excess of

(28) times, in the last 90 days By a Company that never even existed in the first place, meanwhile your fleet of “Geeta Pirate ships” alone with your

“FMCG Export Fleet”, of Pirate Ships and the other secret (India) home-base “Pirate shipping company” was last seen (also) sneaking about looking for pirate loot in the area of, “Ancient Greece”, “Gibraltar-Spain” (“cigarettes”) shipping containers in “Spain”, And “Port of Alexandria”, Egypt hub of the “Smuggling” Networks on Egyptian coast from June 19th 2015 back to 1995 unloading possibly secret bootleg

 While also being last seen in the area of “The Holy Land”

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