Thursday, October 1, 2015

“Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) 18 U.S.C. § 371 “Sherlock Holmes” case of: “The Crooked Three Spotted Cheetah” 

To: Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama) and Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,  J


            “Genghis Khan” he came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of “Northeast Asia


Genghis Khan is also credited with bringing the “Silk Road” under one cohesive political environment.


This increased communication and trade from Northeast Asia to Muslim Southwest Asia and Christian Europe thus expanding the horizons of all three cultural areas.


Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother and Smart (Obama)


 I present to you and the “United States of America” and the “State of Texas “Genghis Khan”


He finically came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of all of the entire “East Asia” in 1978,  known to be “Geeta” 


 J and came to rule secretly what is known to be (America) in 1978


you guys are super f-u-k-i-n-g-slooooow and that “Little Man D C Khare” is  more brain smart & valuable then “Saddam Hussein, “Muammar Gaddafi”, and “Osa ma Bin Laden” put together, “No Joke”


He has over 2800 Phantoms Companies “Worldwide” since 1978, his own Positioning Sky Spy Net Work System, with over 200-300 Phantoms Companies in The (USA) (alone) with this massive land grab worldwide  as you guys will never understand  cus ya slooooow except (Obama)  J


and “Uday Hussein”  that be you “Vipul Khare”


Doctor “Watson” and I surmised approximately (180,403) (MIA) minimum shipments at (Billions) in Kilograms (MIA) since from start date now 1978 clean on into June 12th 2015…,,,,   why ya think I know ya Buying Global  Da   So much Pirate Loot J


You got big balls….hell you been shipping global and your many companies not even registered worldwide,,, J not just in (Texas) the  Geeta Group LLC   I been adding your Loot up…and my fingers hurt…..when you claim Geeta Internation Incorporated in the year of the 90’s  is so dead lying ass goat teeth cheat (America) wrong….  “Bitches” 


 you been on a run since 1978   “Mr. President (Obama) call in ya staff  and slap them sloooow bastards  J  one by one ha ha  


Why ya think I said my cut is 1.8 (Billion)  Hun…….?


 Ya thought I was Joking….  Da”


There’s more but 1.8 (Billion) more than enough for me “need not be greedy”, you (USA)  can have the (Billions) rest  it yours  anyway  J


This “Little Man D C Khare” started off working over the (Carter) Oval Office, then he went next through the (Reagan) Oval office,


 On to (Bush Sr.), and following he still sneaking around (Clinton) Oval office,

And Toasted off Big time in (Billions) on (G. W. Bush) Oval Office by then hitting major ass massive


 (50-60 Billions) on to “Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama)”,


 Now “Dr. No” (Obama) I have his back, 24/7  time 365 he (secretely) knows this as he has mines  (OK)  he like me better  then you anyway Da ha ha 


….But make no f-u-c-k-i-n-g- mistake about this “Genghis Khan” a/k/a Dr. No a/k/a Khare


My secret (Job) is to protect the “40th Presidential Seal” of the “United State of America” that be “Ronald Wilson Reagan”   J


Mr. Barack Obama is Just my Favorite “Commander in Chief” of (America) (OK) he is not the f-u-c-k-i-n-g- boss over me  Da ….. ha ha  J


(Old) “Ronnie” dead and gone & left me in “Charge” to keep (Crooked Ass) America safe, ha ha  J and in “conclusion” you know what next “Vipul Khare”J  


While ya unloading (Millions) of MIA $$$ Loot across the world ready for ya Hiding Phase (Next)  


Well good luckJ my secret Jet being fuel, as we speaking, they adding some special gadgets too  J and “Wal-Mart” have another sale on “Steel Toes tennis” shoes……. 


So Just Like “Uday Hussein” ya better start running super fast (Mother-f-u-c-k-er)

FYI:  don’t run with millions in “cash”…it’s to heavy like dumb ass “Saddam Hussein”, …it will only slow ya down…ya Stupid ”Greed Crook” Da  J   take Diamonds instead   (OK)  J


  I “Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) coming for ya, with (DEA, Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guards, U.S. Marshall Services, U.S. Customs, United States Ninja Navy,  and a host of kick Ass “U.S. Marines” too  Da  J


 There a few extra special high tech (Global) “Hot Spot” location of (USDA) Pro Se Plaintiff XXX Interest


I and “Doctor Watson” personally inspecting “Dr. No”  J  


To: State of Texas et al a’/k/a/“Under New Management”


 I take two taco’s, spice fries and a cold colt 45 beer J


P.S. Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, 




 “DR. No”   let me “Old Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) explain how the (American Wire) really works (OK) follow best as ya Crooked Ass can,  ya really super smart”  J


 Monday, October 10, 2011 as there came out of the smoke “locusts” upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.


The state jail commission cited Harris County for having 355 prisoners more than authorized in 19 cells in the basements of two criminal justice buildings on Monday, the latest setback in a chronically overcrowded jail system that costs taxpayers $18 million a year in overtime alone.

The citations were issued by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards, after inspectors made a surprise inspection at 5 a.m. Monday of holding cells beneath court facilities at 1201 Franklin and an adjacent building at 1301 Franklin, which are connected by tunnels to the county jail.

One holding cell at 1301 Franklin with an approved capacity of five inmates was packed with 25.


In cells beneath 1201 Franklin, only five jailers were supervising 409 prisoners, fewer than the nine required by state law. Inmates housed in the holding cells await court proceedings.

The jail commission's executive director, Adan Munoz, said the "blatant overcrowding" his inspectors found in the holding facilities Monday will not be tolerated. He added the situation posed not only a potential health danger to inmates, but an opportunity for a riot, an attack on inmates, or an escape attempt.


"That's dangerous, when you put that many inmates in a cell," Munoz said. "One had 76 in a 23-person cell. My God, that's a danger in itself. It could be a health issue."

Munoz said Harris County has 30 days to submit a plan to correct the deficiencies and must be able to show the remedy is working for 30 days to avoid state sanctions.

"My inspector there this morning mentioned the cells were not only overcrowded but they smelled, it was filthy,'' Munoz said.

County Sheriff Adrian Garcia said overcrowding in holding cells is due to a shortage of jailers, adding he has repeatedly asked for authorization to replace some of the 300 full-time jailers who have left. The jail operates on a $220 million annual budget and employes 2,274 employees.

"I have been singing this song, telling people we have a very serious situation occurring and that's why I've been needing people," Garcia said, "That's why I've been going to Commissioner's Court asking for appropriate levels of staffing, because I just knew at some point this probably was going to catch up to us."

Turned down in March

Commissioners are scheduled to vote Tuesday on converting 120 temporary jailers to full-time employees and hiring another 60 temporary jailers. However, Garcia said those hires are for jobs in the main jail facility and not for personnel transporting inmates to court appearances.

Garcia noted he asked the court for permission to hire 260 full-time jailers in March but was turned down due to the county's hiring freeze.

Instead of hiring new jailers, the county is paying $18 million in overtime to deputies and jailers to pull extra shifts in the jail.

Precinct 3 Commissioner Steve Radack said it is Garcia's responsibility to manage the holding cells, adding the court has agreed to hire more jailers despite budgetary constraints.

"We're trying to provide adequate resources to the sheriff," Radack said. "It's up to him to manage his personnel. And it's also up to him to make it clear to the courts that we are having too many people in the holding cells, and we can't bring more over until they clear them out. It's as simple of that."

District Attorney Pat Lykos released a statement saying her office is "committed to working with all relevant officials to resolve the situation to ensure compliance" with state jail standards.

Alan Bernstein, director of public affairs for Garcia, said that each day approximately one-tenth of the county's average 9,500 daily jail population are brought to holding cells to attend court proceedings. On Monday, there were 803 inmates summoned to court and kept in holdover facilities with a capacity of 382, the department said.

Transfer figures

Monday's jail inspection noted that from January to September this year, the sheriff's office reported 50 percent of inmates transferred to court facilities were not brought before a judge in the courtroom.

District Judge Belinda Hill, the administrative judge for the 22 felony district courts in Harris County, disputed the figure and said no reliable reporting is available. But she acknowledged defense attorneys and prosecutors often discuss a case while an inmate is in the holding cell, leading to negotiated plea bargain.

"The issue is not how many people we have in the courts everyday,  but how they are brought over and where they are staged," Hill said.


"A way to address that is bring the inmates over in shifts, instead of bring them all over at one time. That way you don't exceed the capacity downstairs."


And just who ya think was in that Nasty F-U-C-K-I-N-G (Jail) using the “American Wire” system when the (Crooked) American Ho’s kidnap me  in Harris County  hun….?  Dr. No  ha ha J


                                    And just whom ya think was the “Locusts” whom came out of the smoke on to the earth.  J


Commander in Chief (Obama) (thanks) & they are so “stupid & so Slooooooooooo”  ha ha    J


By the time I get to the part where my signature go on the (America) Temporary Restraining Order, Order Freezing Assets, and Other Relief “Chief Defendant”  Dr. No……..ya heart   will just jitter    ha ha   J


Rat’s   “Mr. President” sorry but got to dash off “Sir”


 “Somebody done somebody wrong song” is on J and its “grill government cheese”, “tomato soup” at the soup kitchen “Yummy”  J


In a few hours ya going to be “surprised and smiling” more  J


“Cmdr. Bluefin”   going off line…….. J


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