Friday, October 2, 2015

“Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) 18 U.S.C. § 371 “Sherlock Holmes” case of: “The Crooked Three Spotted Cheetah” 


To: Chief Defendant Dr. No…a/k/a as “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,


And Co-Defendant Vipul Khare,  and Co-Defendant(s) GEETA Group LLC et al,


 This is


Bluefin Inc. “collection agency”,


you three were last seen “high sea smuggling”


“Between the exacts dates” of “June 19th 2015 back to March 30th 2015” collectively you three made approximately (28) shipments at


101,211 Kilograms of top grade “China White heroin”


And “Thai Buds” into “United States of America”


How would you like to handle this bill “Debit or Credit”…?   “Sir’s” ……?


Meanwhile……Back at the “USDA Courthouse”….  J


                        The Court: “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) you may call your next witness to testify…?


                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton): Thank you again “You’re Honor “Sir”


I call the “The State of California” to the witness stand your honor “Sir”


                        The Court: OK Mr. “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton)


                        The Court: “State of California” come up and please takes the witness stand and is “sworn in”…..”


            “Bailiff” swears in the Witness the “State of California” and Mr. “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) you may precede with you is continuing line of questions for this witness the “State of California before my Court….


                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton): “Thank you your Honor “Sir”  J


            Now “State of California”please explain before the Court and Jury how exactly that it is you know the little short white hair foreign gentleman sitting right there in the Nice Blue suit and gold tie…?


                        The Witness (State of California):”What” the Hell do you mean how I Know Him……..???

                        The Court: “California” watches your foul language in my court room…


The Witness (“State of California):” Sorry your Honor “Sir” Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) just asks me how I know my darn “Husband” your Honor……..we been married since 1998


                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton):  “I” see, I see….so here today your testimony under oath before this court and jury, is the little short white hair foreign gentleman sitting right there in the Nice Blue suit and gold tie is your husband since 1998…?


The Witness (“State of California” ): “Yes” and we have 5 kids too…name   “Geeta ja”, “Geeta Jo”, “Geeta Jean”, “Geeta Billy Rae”, and “Geeta Jetta”   (OK)  and I have pictures…….”


Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton):  “I” see, I see…. And the “State of California” just exactly where were you born…….?


The Witness (“State of California”) I was born in “Guadalajara Mexico”………..”


Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton):  “I” see, I see…. Just one moment please……..


Will the “Lovely Lady” sitting in the back of the court in the “Pinky Channel” Dress……” stand up and tell the Court and everyone in this room “exactly” your Name and


How you know the “little short white hair foreign gentlemen” sitting right there in the Nice “Blue Blazer” and gold tie …and in fact is your Husband……?


                                    Defense Attorney: “Object your Honor”, this some fancy trick before the court”….

                                    The Court: Will the Lovely Lady sitting in the “back” of the court in the “Pinky Channel” Dress…… stand up and please Identify your Now…..”


Pinky Channel Dress:  Yes “Sir” Your Honor,

My name is the “State of New York” …..”Your Honor”…. and that the “little short white hair foreign gentleman” sitting right there in the Nice “Blue Blazer” and gold tie is my husband too….. “Your Honor”………………….”


                                    Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton):  Hummmm   “I” see, I see….”No More “questions” for the “State of California” your Honor “Sir”


The witness may be dismissed……. J

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