Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) “Great Pirate Race” Thee “Pirate Stronghold” of “Bangkok Thailand” (Special Report)

To: President and Commander in Chief “Barack Obama” I got a “bed time” story for ya”  ha ha   oxoxoxoox!

To: United States of America” Thee Jesus Christ”, is really Super Holy “Mad at You”….  “Dumb Stupid Crooked Corrupted (B-I-T-C-H)”

So corrupted while Being Rip Off in Massive Billions and (America) security at Risk……I represent the people Not your Crooked Government Sloooow Corrupted Asses and most likely wanting all the “Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare

Pirate loot for yourself too, Hun….?  Find your own “International World Evil Pirate”………Da   “Crooked America”…….Grrrrrrrrrr”

To: “Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare….heard your having a “Big Weapons Yard Sale…..????

To: “Hollywood Three “Sherlock Holmes” (Rich Boys) Haters….”Guy Richie”, “Robert Downey Jr. and “Judd Law”…..oxoxooxox!!!

 Hey news on the old “Hollywood Wire”, you three consider making another sloooooow dry stale ass “Sherlock Holmes” movie, well as they say on the TV show “in living color”….hateitdit….ha ha 

It “suck” before hitting the “Hollywood” print paper, ”Guy Richie”

You must focuses more on real mystery, and real heavy duty on “Sherlock Holmes” grand disguise, well later you  Three “Sherlock Holmes” (Rich Boys) Haters….”Guy Richie”, “Robert Downey Jr. and “Judd Law”…..xoxoxox (me) off to my non-fiction “Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) “Sherlock Holmes” case of:

“The Crooked Three Spotted Cheetah”,

It’s an “International Pirate Mystery Thiller”….xoxoxoxo you three Sherlock Holmes “Hollywood Haters” enjoy….xoxooxo ha ha……”  (Smooches) & luv’s

Well Mr. (Billionaire) Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare, while I legally gut my crooked corrupted (American) country, before the “World Court” and in any other legal venue else I can find on this earth to have my (American) dignity restored as a human………………………..”

While Crooked (America) blind rogue “Corrupted Justice” system hell bent on protecting your crooked little pirate ass, while you rob their crooked asses in (Billions) since 1993 as you claim, but I know it was since 1978,

 I show you and The “World” the Proof later Da”

Trust Negro “Sherlock Holmes” in the Nonfiction knee deep in your criminal case ass of

 We all will just be going 3-D in 360 spin cycle , around and around we shall all go, You the crooked (Billionaire Pirate) with the dumb Bitch thee (America) you been robbing for 22 years 9 months and still counting

and of course me the homeless, (Negro) street trash the Mean Old USDA Federal Judge label me as, of dancing on the street corner, poor, dirty and hustling & hassling the “Mega Ton Super World Rich Little Foreign Thailand (Billionaire) Pirate for spare change”

And for 100% sure “Crooked (Billionaire) Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare,

“You” and thee dizzy crooked dumb bitch (America) whom just woken up from being rape-n-rob for 22 years 9 months and still counting and

The dizziest mother-fu=ker of us all (3) whom fall down the last and 1 remain standing shall be declaring the winner (OK) ……”

Well me already knew you smuggled nice gifts in from the far east to buy the American Judicial Justice system clear back in 1998 ok…how many Kilograms of China White Heroin did it cost you….????..they so American crooked…

And so stupid too…you gave a 1 million in China White Heroin and stolen 3 billion in American cash for the same 1 million in China White Heroin you gave to crooked corrupted Dumb America “Bitch”, ha ha ….Nice work, “Crooked (Billionaire) Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare, well

Bed Time Story for (Commander in Chief)

                        Once upon a time, there was the tale of 2 China, that is correct two China,

Now the first China, is actually the original China, very ancient too however the second China, is actually physically located in “India and Thailand”,

Now, the second China, comes straight to the “New World” with all of its goods for market, appearing legal with the official made TM of China,

But was never really the original first China in the first place, whom the first “China” actually (Legally) do come to the “New World” with legal trade,

While the second China/India/Thailand, comes to “New World” market with 100% free loaded tons of , Heavy Machinery, Petroleum Product, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Industrial goods and various other merchandise Contraband shipping, smuggling, black-market,

Bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials, and valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, illegal drugs, weapons, having made or Pirate all in 2 China

Simultaneously laundering of large amount of global Currency all moving in cargo containers by “Air”, Sea” and “Road”

To every location on the Earth and this been going on for 22 years 9 months and counting the tale of two China, to now in 2015 escalate into a Massive Pirate World Wide billion super seal stealth strong hold within the New World,
mean while the New World going extra broke in debit because of being flooded in massive (Billions) since 1993 for approximately 22 years and 9 months and still counting making a grand total of a minimum of

(2,464) shipments at (8,906,568) Kilograms Contraband shipping smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials,

To included the tale of the story of now the second “China” namely “India and “Thailand” also making (Billions) on the “High dollar end” of smuggling of “illegal aliens” valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, mass illegal drugs, mass weapon’s, simultaneously laundering of large amount of worldwide “Currency”

but not limited to conspire further to pirating in “illegal aliens” valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, mass illegal drugs, mass weapon’s, simultaneously laundering of large amount of worldwide “Currency” by the Pirate leader “Crooked (Billionaire) Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare. “The End”

To: Pirate leader “Crooked (Billionaire) Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare word on the

“Texas Wire” you got a “Big Yard sale with 58 “Stinger Missiles” and

 280 “Surface-to Air Missiles, plus (120,980) Kilo of “Thai-Bud”, (98,000) Kilograms of Cocaine and 100,980 Kilo of Thai-Bud, and (8,906,568) Kilograms of China White Heroin “cheap for sale”….”

“Nice”….“Crooked (Billionaire) Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) take 3 “Surface-to Air Missiles, and 8 of them “Stinger Missiles” just what color exactly do the 8 “Stinger Missiles” come in……personally I like (blue)……….Please…..and you think you can find me 89 crate of some C-4….!!!

You do take (American) express debit card…???

And just exactly where were you at in Thailand …..Mr. Pirate leader “Crooked (Billionaire) Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare when weapons were smuggled into Thailand from North Korea…..???

Seized N. Korea plane tied to alleged smugglers

A weapons-laden cargo plane impounded in Bangkok has links to at least two men accused of global arms trafficking, including one fighting extradition to the U.S. from Thailand, an analyst said Tuesday.

The five-man crew of the aircraft that arrived from North Korea — four from Kazakhstan and one from Belarus — have been charged with illegal arms possession and face up to 10 years in prison.

The men were being held at Bangkok's high-security Klong Prem Central Prison, the current home to suspected Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, once dubbed the "Merchant of Death" for allegedly supplying weapons to dictators and warlords around the world.

Thai officials impounded the Ilyushin Il-76 transport plane when it landed in Bangkok on Saturday to refuel, and discovered what they said — exported in defiance of a U.N. embargo against North Korea.

Sketchy past

Hugh Griffiths, a researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, told The Associated Press the aircraft was previously registered under a company named Beibars, which has been linked to Serbian arms trafficker Tomislav Damnjanovic.

In the past, it has also been registered with three companies identified by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control as firms controlled by Bout. The U.S. is trying to extradite Bout, who was arrested in March 2008 during a U.S.-led sting operation and subsequently indicted on four terrorism charges in New York.

Researchers said the arms were likely destined for African rebel groups or a rogue regime such as Myanmar. The aircraft's documentation had falsely described its cargo as oil-drilling equipment, and declared it was bound for Sri Lanka. Thai officials are skeptical that that was the true destination.

Col. Supisarn Bhakdinarinath, head of the Thai police inspection team, estimated the value of the weapons at about 500-600 million baht ($15 million-18 million).

Illicit past, cargo

Supisarn said more serious charges, possibly carrying the death penalty, would be added because the haul included explosives.

Prison director Sopon Thititam-pruek said the crew members were being held in separate cells, and guards were keeping a close eye on them to prevent them from meeting Bout.

Griffiths said the past owners of the aircraft have been documented by the United Nations as trafficking arms to Liberia, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan and Chad. He said the plane also was used to ship arms from the Balkans to Burundi in October.

"They are like flocks of migrating birds, these aircraft. They change from one company to another because the previous company has either been closed down for safety reasons or been identified in a U.N. trafficking report," Griffiths said.

Siemon Wezeman, a Senior Fellow at SIPRI, said the types of arms found in the aircraft — used to add firepower against planes and tanks in the arsenal of government forces — were typical of those used by insurgent movements, and raised suspicion they could be headed for an African rebel group.

Arming warring factions

Possible buyers included Sudan, which might pass the weapons to rebel groups in Chad, and Eritrea, which might keep them for its own arsenal or pass them on to warring factions in Somalia, said Christian LeMiere, editor of the London-based Jane's Intelligence Weekly.

The United States, which is particularly concerned about North Korea selling weapons and nuclear technology in the Middle East, reportedly tipped off Thai authorities to the illicit cargo. The U.S. Embassy has declined to comment.

Impoverished North Korea is believed to earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year by selling missiles, missile parts and other weapons to countries such as Iran, Syria and Myanmar.

U.N. sanctions were imposed in June after the reclusive communist regime conducted a nuclear test and test-fired missiles. They are aimed at derailing North Korea's nuclear weapons program, but also ban North Korea's selling of any conventional arms.



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