Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” that in fact Defendant “The United States of America”, from the time frame March 16, 1995 to December 31st 2015 We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) “State”, “Affirm” and “Declare of being set free for only

exactly (20) years and (10) months at the end of 2015 from having been “captured” and “enslaved” since the exact year of 1619 -1995 by the Defendant on laws which of the “civilization” in the Northern hemisphere of the World Planet “Earth” known to be “

The United States of America” did in so fact release We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) from the exact legal time frame of March 16, 1995 notwithstanding continual with lynching’s and Murder(s) still occurred in the Defendant

“The United States of America” against We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) there after the exact legal time frame of March 16, 1995 with continual imposed oppressed poverty stricken slums and housing.


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” in that We the abused negro race 100% far outnumber any race in Prison population on the entire Planet of Earth as we the continual abused negro race of (America)
100% outnumber any race in Prison system within the Defendant on “United States of America, including the entire world while (we) continual denied Constitution rights as this corruption center around the Defendant “United States of America” corrupted Judicial System in all (Judges) enjoying

“Absolute Immunity”  to keep us We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) from economic advancing, stealing our land, our homes, and Business,

Such abusing corrupted Judicial System in 2015 “both “Criminal and Civil” in enjoying “absolute immunity” to make we the (abused) Negro Race leading the “Entire World” in Prison work population.

To the point the (Petitioner) himself herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, a abused Negro Race, not even allowed to advance under any legal laws the Defendant “United States of America”

 Because of the 100% corrupted Federal Civil Judicial System of the Defendant “United States of America” designed under “absolute immunity” continual as such corruption to denied both (Petitioner) as described in paragraph (6) below “Notice of appeal” which

             (Petitioner) herein shall file additional Petition as described in paragraph 6 below and letter to the “United Nation Security Council” giving the full chance to protect the “Entire World” from  Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, Geeta International Co. Ltd. et al. Geeta International Group et al and Geeta Group LLC et al


In The United States District Court

 For The Southern District of Texas

                                                    Houston Division

Louis Charles Hamilton II

Pro Se Plaintiff                                                                   Civil Docket No. 15-CV-2884

                                                                                                Notice of Appeal


Co- Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al


Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al


Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare

Geeta International Co. Ltd. et al

Geeta International Group et al

Geeta Group LLC et al

                        Notice of Appeal U.S. Civil Docket No. 15-CV-2884

To Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt this is my notice of appeal, and if you were not protect by 100% absolute immunity “corrupted slavery clause” of The American Judicial System  while you “officially rob” me of the Constitution of the (America) government a Navy Veteran no less,

I would 100% filed civil federal suit against you Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt, and the top of the list would be civil cause of action for “Obstruction of Justice”. Here is my appeal and you’re identified in “World Court of Justice” at “The Hague”.

And I am 100% filing additional suit against “United States of America” for once again “Judicial corruption” while Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare et al continual piracy of the entire world and put also many U.S. Americans services men in continual Harm way.

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “World Court of Justice”

The Hague (Petition) of

 Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) vs. Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare et al

To:      To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

Re: United States of America “Civil Complaint” and Temporary Restraining Order, Order Freezing Assets, and Other Relief

U.S. Docket No. 15-CV-2884 filed 10/02/2015

Before “United States of America” Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt

Cause: 18:1961 Racketeering (RICO) Act

Specifically, (Khare Cartel) a “International RICO Racket” to Defraud the World known as Planet “Earth” in this current 2015 ongoing “International “Smuggling and Piracy” enterprise ring

Which already proven by Louis Charles Hamilton II and exhibit(s) filed in a Federal Clerk of Court office showing a scheme of things to Defraud The “United States of America” as a Whole” in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 of the “United States of America” Laws as all Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) committed to “Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States”

Specifically of Title III of the "USA Patriot Act" In connection with an International (RICO) Cartel scheme of things engaging furtherance’s 

Specifically, violations of “18 USC § 1343 RICO Wire Fraud”, and

Specifically, violations of RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1) “Money laundering”

Specifically, violations of RICO statue “18 USC § 1341 “Mail Fraud”,

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S. Code § 1028A

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S. Code § 1001

Specifically, violations of“18 USC § 1956 (A) (1)

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S.C. 1028A - Aggravated identity theft

Specifically Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030

Economic Espionage Act of 1996, and 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason of the United States of America

Notwithstanding To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague the (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein furtherance’s’ state

Specifically, (Khare Cartel) an “International RICO Racket” to defraud the entire “World” in conjunction against the Laws on the “International Community and also laws of the “United States of America” namely

18 U.S. Code § 2339 (A), “providing material support to terrorists worldwide”, against the peace, safety, and

18 U.S. Code § 2339 (B), providing material support to terrorists or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations

And 18 U.S. Code § 2339 (C), prohibition against financing terrorism.

To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague the

(Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein furtherance’s’ state that Specifically, the “United States of America”, namely the

“Judicial Branch” of government continual being a causing ill affect of injurious, hurtful, destructive, and extremely disastrous adverse “lethal” and quite extremely “devastating” economic in this current 2015 ongoing “International “Smuggling and Piracy enterprise ring engaging in

Contraband shipping, smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials,

To included but not limited to conspire further to pirating in “illegal aliens” valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, mass illegal drugs, mass weapon’s, simultaneously laundering of large amount of worldwide “Currency”

(Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein furtherance’s’ state to the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Specifically, furtherance’s that the “United States of America”, namely the “Judicial Branch” of government continual being a causing ill affect of injurious, hurtful, destructive, and extremely disastrous adverse “lethal” and quite extremely “devastating” economic “worldwide” affect in this current 2015 ongoing “International “Smuggling and Piracy enterprise ring of Chief Defendant Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare fully with intent engaging in direct and indirect injury(s) loss to “human life” engaging in

Contraband shipping, smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials,

To included but not limited to conspire further to pirating in “illegal aliens” valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, mass illegal drugs, mass weapon’s, simultaneously laundering of large amount of worldwide “Currency”

As well as the same “lethal” and quite extremely “devastating” piracy being ongoing currently and fully under direct management of one “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare” of “India and Thailand” home-base well within this piracy strong hold within the control, custody and possession of The United States of America Jurisdiction.

(Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein furtherance’s’ “State”, “Declare”, “Affirm” with attached exhibit(s) as follows:


Namely Defendant(s) Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, Vipul Khare, Rishu Khare, Shipra Khare, Vijay Khare, “Geeta International” et al , “Geeta International” Co. Ltd. et al, Geeta International Group et al ,Geeta Group LLC et al and Plk LLC et al. whom collectively criminally having already within The United States of America, Jurisdiction, Did in fact on exact dates of June 19th 2015 to March 30th 2015 as evidence of the “United States Custom Records” engaged collectively

Piracy and smuggling of approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms was being smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped into the

 “United States of America” et al when said Defendant(s) “Geeta Group LLC” et al herein was not even in official existence, a state of being a legal LLC with the Jurisdiction of the  “State of Texas” et al within the “United States of America. Said defendant(s) collectively at this piracy smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped rate having in the past 1 year from June 19th 2015-June 19th 2014 alone within the “United States of America” engaged collectively Piracy and smuggling of approximately

 (112) shipments at 404,844 Kilograms Contraband shipping, smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials,

To included but not limited to conspire further to pirating in “illegal aliens” valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, mass illegal drugs, mass weapon’s, simultaneously laundering of large amount of worldwide “Currency” which this been ongoing since

1993 for approximately 22 years and 9 moths and still counting making a grand total of a minimum of (2,464) shipments at (8,906,568) Kilograms Contraband in shipping, smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials,

To included but not limited to conspire further to pirating in “illegal aliens” valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, mass illegal drugs, mass weapon’s, simultaneously laundering of large amount of worldwide “Currency”

And this is only in the United States of America, this international smuggling piracy ring simultaneously “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare” of “India and Thailand” being home-base well within this piracy stronghold within

The United States of America Jurisdiction as such “piracy and smuggling” scheme is intent, committed, and fully ongoing in 2015 currently against also the “United Kingdom” British Pound and against other “worldwide” Nations and their currency and assets.

On this ______ Day of ________________ 2015

By, _______________________________

     Louis Charles Hamilton II

     Pro Se Plaintiff

      P.O. Box 17524

     Sugar Land Texas 77496



We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” we legally forced to pay taxes to be continue thee abused (Negro) Race of (America) of the Defendant “The United States of America”.


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” the Defendant “The United States of America” in fact have no legal rights, or standing to continual presides or make any legal claims over our well being of We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) when in fact the Defendant

 “The United States of America” is “official ongoing criminals” whom illegally by force kidnap and abducted

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) from our sovereignty nation homeland birth rights and transported We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) to the Defendant “The United States of America” ” since the exact year of 1619 and We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) held as such abused “captive free slave labor in a life of abused chattel” and put to death in not performed work as such “abused free slave labor chattel” of the “civilization” of the Defendant “The United States of America”.


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) fully state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” in factual circumstances “Venue” is proper before the “World Honorable Justice”, pursuant to Defendant “The United States of America” on laws in the case of “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) fully state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” Dred Scott was a whos owner, an army doctor, had spent time in Illinois, a free state and Wisconsin, a free territory of the Defendant “The United States of America” during the time of imposed “Slavery”, at the time of Dred Scott’s residence.

The Defendant “The United States of America” Supreme Court was stacked in favor of the slave states. Five of the nine “Justices” were from the “South states of The Defendant “The United States of America”, armed in corruption of the “absolute immunity” clause (America) Judges cruelty enjoys, while another “Justice” namely “Robert Grier” of Pennsylvania, was staunchly Pro-Slavery in keeping us We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America).

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney wrote the majority decision, which was issued on March 6th 1857.

The Defendant “The United States of America”, “Court” held that “Scott” was not free based on his residence in either Illinois or Wisconsin because he was not considered a person under the U.S. Constitution-in the opinion of the Justices, “We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America)” were not considered citizens when the Constitution was drafted in 1787.

According to Taney “Dred Scott” was the property of his owner, and property could not be taken from a person without due process of law.


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) fully state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” in factual circumstances under Defendant “The United States of America” on laws

“Venue” is fully proper before the “World Honorable Justice”, in that The Defendant “The United States of America”, “Sovereignty”, Jurisdiction, Supremacy, dominion and power, is 100% bias, and continual corrupted over

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of the Defendant “The United States of America” whom are “official ongoing criminals” in 2015 whom illegally by force “kidnap and abducted”

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) from our “Sovereignty Nation” homeland birth rights and transported We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) to the Defendant “The United States of America” since the exact year of 1619.


“We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America)” were not considered citizens when the Defendant “The United States of America” Constitution was drafted in 1787 as stated by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney wrote the majority decision, which was issued on March 6th 1857 and this is 100% correct we were not citizens of the Defendant “The United States of America” in 1857,

 “We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America)” are official “illegal aliens” in 2015 whom the Defendant “The United States of America” being criminally with intent illegally by force “kidnap and abducted” “We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race from our “Sovereignty Nation” homeland birth rights and transported  “We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race” to Defendant “The United States of America” Since the exact year of 1619 and held as such abused “captive free slave labor in a life of abused chattel” and put to death in not performed work as such “abused free slave labor chattel” of the “civilization” of the Defendant “The United States of America”.


We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) fully state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” Defendant “The United States of America” exercise there  “Sovereignty” rights over We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race as their property, when in factual circumstances we are citizens from another “Sovereignty”,

and no more need to be unjustly legally held by  Defendant “The United States of America” as a continual “Legacy” of ongoing We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race living under hostile corrupted force to be continual abused (Negro) property of the “Sovereignty” rights of Defendant “The United States of America” when We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race having our very own “Sovereignty” rights from a foreign country in which Defendant “The United States of America” being criminally with intent illegally by force “kidnap and abducted” “We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race from our “Sovereignty Nation.

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) fully state, affirm and Declare before the “World Honorable Justice” in factual circumstances the Defendant “The United States of America” has no legal venue standing to continual deny “Their” criminal role in “Slavery” of

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) and furtherance’s have no legal standing in law and equity of the “The United States of America” on laws to preside over the Defendant “The United States of America” very own criminal proceeding for their own criminal, unlawful, illegal, illicit, lawless, and quite extreme murderous act of “Slavery” against We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America).



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