Wednesday, October 7, 2015

U.S. Docket No. 15-CV-2884 “Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) “Sherlock Holmes” case of: “The Crooked Three Spotted Cheetah”

To: Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama) J

To: United States of America”

To: State of Texas et al

To: Crooked Pirate Khare Cartel et al

To: Her Royal Majesty “The Queen of England” J

To: Santa Clause  J


                                                You’re Royal Majesty “The Queen of England” there is bunch on “Bloody Pirates” stealing the “Crown Jewels”………  J

                        Dear Santa Clause…”   Better watch ya back….bunch of “bloody pirates” on the loose looting…..they stolen last 22 years of “American Christmas”  J
            To Crooked Pirate Khare Cartel et al…man news on the “wire, them U.S. Marshall Services going to be

            Hotter than “3 daisy dukes piss” at you “Pirates”,  got them flying all the way to Thailand bring you a court summons and your crooked pirated asses hiding out here, very smart, very smart indeed  J

            Well (I) got “good pirate news” and some “bad pirate news” for ya…. Crooked Pirate Khare Cartel et al

I went stolen me some “water supply” and extra food out of the trash from the Houston Texas Mayor Mansion,

            We have a court hearing set for 9:15 am February 15th 2016 

And I sitting my black dirty, hungry stinky ass in front of the “Mean Old Judge” Courthouse, till February 15th 2016

 Waiting for your crooked ass pack of “Cartel Attorneys” good news for (You)

            Bad New,

To: Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama)

            I sitting my black dirty, hungry stinky ass in front of the “Mean Old USDA

Federal Judge” Courthouse, till February 15th 2016 

             Then I gonna Yell at the Building Mr. President (Obama) “Sir”

 For 3 ½ months straight …… telling that the “Mean Old Judge”

             How that “Crooked Little Thailand Pirate” said that the “Mean Old Judge” Momma breath stink so bad

“Elvis” can smell it all the way to “Grace Land”  J

            “Yep Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama) “Sir”

All night long too  J

                        Screaming loud, Crazy off the top of my and “Drunk too”………..

Theme’s U.S. Marshall guarding that Federal Court gonna be so dam mad too…..”

             I am gonna yell at all they mean looking “asses” too, how that

 “Crooked Little Thailand Pirate”

            Said that they “Momma” selling “Bootleg” P-u-s-s-y” J

Swear before God….!!!!

                        About 4:00 am October 8th 2015 one of the “Mean Old USDA Federal Judge” Courthouse, U.S. Marshall guarding that “Mean Old USDA Federal Judge” Courthouse,

 He gonna say hey “Crazy homeless Black dude, come here “wanna sandwich” ….

            ”What” did that “Crooked Little Thailand Pirate”

Said about my “Momma” too….!!!   I Love my Momma   J

            I gonna have em so pissed off at the “Mean Old USDA Federal Judge” Courthouse,

             “Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama)


They gonna wanna get out the old water hose and “spray me”……….”

             I get that “USA Patriot Act” dust off and her back up in running in no time flat…..

Mr. President….don’t you worry “Sir”

            That “Crooked Little Thailand Pirate” is responsible for about 2.1 (Trillion) U.S. Dollars or better (American) debt Mr. President with lots of help…..

            His little crooked pirate ass been flooding (Dumb Bitch) America in million of boats loads with (Billions) of Free Trade made in China worthless garbage…to (American) address that don’t even existence in some case for over 15 years and WMDD  (Weapons of Mass Drug Delivery)…….this the part you got to admire
             “Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama)

            He “stealing and looting”, and flooding (America) from the inside of Free Trade made in China worthless garbage crap to deflate the (American) dollar and the British (Pound) while collecting from free (Garbage) (Billions)  J

…for over 22 years 9 months and counting and sending massive money back to his Partners in crime in the international community by the boats…not banking system……

            Now (America) already slooooooow, stupid and extra greedy…!!!  He been paying off a few here too

            His world never will be (Poor) he living here….Da

And his Country partners booming in massive (Billions) especially in “India”……Thailand property value in the garbage

            All that money (America) now borrowed from “China” is actually been (America) own dumb Money in the first place…..”Slooow dumb bitch” this been going on actually around since 1976-78

…..Then that money (America) paying back on the loan (America) borrowed from Crooked ass “China” is still once again. ”slooow dumb bitch”….. (America) money in the first place since 22 years 9 months and counting……

 But I figured since 1976-78 they have a fleet of “Pirate Ships”

            You been getting rip off from underneath the whole time within (America) by the flooding of free (1) Trillion Trade smuggling in (America) for over 22 years, plus billions in Drugs, diamonds and whatever else”

And the economy getting broke from this corruption over 22 years…and as you is borrowing your own money to keep (America) floating, Mr. President (Obama)

            And then paying “China” interest on your own (America) money, on a loan that is your own stolen money anyway,

            While you have to pay back the entire loan on once again to “China” on “Your Stupid asses Own money…in a continual Pirates rouge

 “India and “Thailand”……hiding “China Rouge Cycle…..ha ha  J

            And to destroy (America) and there are few other (Hostile) countries involved too….cus   Dr. D. C. Khare….

            So real extra smart..He has been having (America) like his laboratory lab-rats…….stealing even your corporation secretes, designs and equipment to his pirate world …

            While flooding of free (1)-(2) Trillion Trade smuggling in (America) for over 22 years, plus billions in Drugs, diamonds and whatever else”

And keeping the “Enemy” all over the world supplies lines open in financing in “Pirate loot”  “Worldwide”….

             Mr. President…he actually own the “Entire World (Now)

 I caught him in 2015 and … I only looked back (90) days on shipping logs

            I think I can place him back to 1978 instead of 1993 as he being in (America) claiming while

             100% “Brilliant” in flooding (America) of free (1)-(2) Trillion $$$ Made in China Trade Trash for many years…….

            And your American (Dollar) and British (Pounds) suffer, and so the real extra smart dizzy

             “Red Neck Goofy Crooked Cracker Congress Extra greedy slooow asses been paying loans on your own (American) money….as he been screwing “United Kingdom” too J

                        And there even more than just this…..he has many $$$ traps for (America)…..

            Well that ends the very second that “Mean Old USDA Federal Judge”

            Sign that OrderTemporary Restraining Order, Order Freezing Assets, and Other Relief “Chief Defendant

            “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, unlike most  (I) am smarter too  (OK)  so here exactly what “Bluefin Inc. Collection Agency” 1000% am going to do to your World and crooked ass greedy (Asia)

            The (American) Minimum wages is $7.25 as of today the “Indian Rupee” ends at 65.41 against US Dollar in “India”

            The (American) Minimum wages is $7.25 as of today (1) “Thai Baht” equals 0.028 US Dollars

            The population of “India” is estimated in 2015 = 1.28 Billion greedy hungry people

            The population of “Thailand” in 2013 = 67.01 (Million people)

together both “Thailand and India” owes “Bluefin Inc.” collection agency over 1.2 (Trillion each) in 2015 collectively in conspirer against (USA) with ya Made in China Rouge f-u-c-k-ed up Crap….under (American) RICO Law “China”, “Thailand” and “India”, all that tools of

            Billions in assets “Crooked Little Thailand Pirate” Doctor D.C. Khare used to steal (America) blind for all these years is mines….

            That’s a pirate forfeitures smooth off the F-u-c-k-i-n-g (RICO) top…..

Me Bluefin Inc. collection agency caught ya red handed stealing in the “Cookie Jar”  J  and it go back to (America)

            Then Mr. President and “Commander in Chief” this the part ya going to “Love”  J

            “Crooked Little Thailand Pirate” Doctor D.C. Khare, while I am hunting you down and about 280 more of your worldwide “Pirates”   your business are mines, lot, stock and barrel……f-u-c-k your stupid lawyers    they on the run half of em any way….they wanted by (me)   ….Da….you did read my complaint….hun….????

and your employees are all crying now tripping we are doom…..fear not

            Bluefin Inc. collection agency is here and officially owns Geeta International and “Geeta Group” and everything crooked ass “Geeta” else

And everybody in Thailand have chance in earning now The (American) Minimum wages of $7.25 vs. (1) “Thai Baht” equals 0.028 US Dollars……

Now once I introduce The (American) Minimum wages of $7.25 into “Thai Baht” “work force” of the population of “Thailand” in 2013 = 67.01 (Million people)

            Who will still want to work for any crooks paying f-u-c-k-i-n-g- (1) “Thai Baht” which equals 0.028 US Dollars……

            When Bluefin Inc. collection agency (Home base) in Thailand now offering the entire 67.01 (Million people) of Broke ass “Thailand” good old (American) Minimum wages of $7.25 

            This money not on (American) stock exchange….it now exploding the  Asia Stock Market  and you bastard still have to pay back the original 1.2 (Trillion) you made over the last 22 years 9 months and counting in this flooding Made in China Crap………………

            The “Thai Baht” will be worthless in less than 30-60 days…ha ha, you can start burning that crap…..xoxoxoxo ha ha  J

And especially everybody in “India” having the chance in earning now The (American) Minimum wages of $7.25 vs. “Indian Rupee” ends at 65.41 against US Dollar in “India”

            Now once I introduce The (American) Minimum wages of $7.25 into “India” “work force” of The population of 1.28 Billion greedy hungry people

            Who will still want to work for any crooks paying f-u-c-k-i-n-g- “Indian Rupee” which ends at 65.41 against US Dollar in “India”

            When Bluefin Inc. collection agency (Home-base) in “India” too now offering The population of 1.28 Billion greedy hungry people good old (American) Minimum wages of  $7.25 

            The ““Indian Rupee”” money too will be worthless crap also in under 30-60 days…ha ha, you can start burning that crap to keep warm…..xoxoxoxo ha ha  J

            This money too not on (American) stock exchange….it now exploding the  Asia Stock Market  also…Da

            And you crooked bastard still have to pay back the original 1.2 (Trillion) you made over the last 22 years 9 months and counting in this flooding Made in China (RICO) Crap………………both

             “India and Thailand” economy will send major fault shock wave eruptions of the entire (Asia) from a simple good old (American) Minimum wages of $7.25  and you won’t last (Made in China) over 16 months tops but wait

Mr. President (Obama) watch the “World Map” by the time 10 days of after “Bluefin Inc. collection agency” arrival to collect $$$$$$$$$....$$$$$$.000

            The entire content of (Africa) will be a dam ghost town… (Ha ha)….why…? 

  Hell from a simple good old (American) Minimum wages of $7.25  being paid out in “India and Thailand” and no more “American Immigration”  to f-u-c-k-  with…ha ha  J
            Mr. President  (Obama) keep watching the “World Map”  by the time 1000 days of after “Bluefin Inc. collection agency ” arrival to collect $$$$$$$$$....$$$$$$.000

            Laos and Cambodia will actually the New “Thailand” from a simple good old (American) Minimum wages of $7.25 

             And “Bangladesh” they abandon their country 2 months back…ha ha…that’s the new “India” too working for Minimum wages of $7.25   J
In under (1) year there is no (Asia) but China…..ha ha   J

            I not raising no property value in the area  under any circumstances and they will be buying property like crazy, building and working for “Bluefin International Inc.  Making the same worthless crap….but for more money and a lot happier J  loving “Bluefin International Inc.”

            All the crooked Government folks helping (RICO) roll America…by the time of day 1 to collect  the Government building will be 1/3 empty….news on the “Wire”   crazy (Negro) screaming where my dam (American) money you crooked bastards…..  Navy Seals snatching “Mother fu-ck-ers out of beds…telling you wanted by a “Collection agency”  ha ha  J

            Those bastards will be so scared…snitching on each other left and right in so many different languages too…??  

            “U.S. Marines” and the U.S. Navy won’t even be able to keep fu-king up with all that screaming his crooked dry fish head and burnt rice breathe ass bastard did it…  Bluefin Inc. Collection agency….Hell   No…….

I am not going to any dam (American) prison for Omg 40 years…… ha ha  J

            “China” will be getting empty too…..they will be sneaking out of there so dam fast as they (China) will be now killing they own people to keep em working as always dirt extra poor there   ha ha  J

                        And crooked “Made in China”  you get to keep all ya “Money”  and look at all the nice (Red) colors of that now extra worthless S.H.I.T……..(OK)   J
                        So in conclusion Chief Defendant Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare et al and “India, Thailand and “Made Cheap in China”  J

            You collective bitches all better pray that mean old USDA Federal (American) Judge say Bluefin Inc. Collection agency”…your no green for Go…….  J

            I am gonna show you, “India”, “Thailand” and “Made Cheap in China” who I am …..As your thinking you’re in control…….   J

            “Yep Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother  (Obama)  “Sir”  they better pray to their crooked ass god…cus I don’t care who you are…….

            Where the evidence lead me I am seize your (Crap) too ya in (Chains) and anything moneys lead me to a strong hold of “Killers”

            I blowing all your s-h-i-t smooth the f-u-c-k- up in a “Terrorist Hoist” Country…the (RICO) Khare Cartel trail against (America)  go all over the “World”

            Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother  (Obama)  “Sir”  if I can get that “Mean Old Judge” to understand the nature of the World…as he sign this off….
                        You look at all of them foreign News Press right dead in the eyes and say…

            ”Hell”  f-u-c-k-i-n-g-  “No”….I did not so order the “U.S. Marines” and “U.S. Navy” to invade “India and Thailand”  ha ha J 

            you tell them all foreign News Press the truth  there was a civil law suit land dispute in Montgomery Texas over $85,000 Breach of Construction contract which has now escalated to a 2.1 (Trillion) U.S. Dollars  Collection Agency debit J  ha ha and you even before that ask ya next……

            Mr. President…you only stop in Texas for campaigning and quite confused exactly what the Property Value is in the “State of Texas”  ha ha  J

Ordered: Furtherance the “The United States of America” current acting “Commander in Chief” and President of the “United States of America herein is so ordered to insure the safety at his

“Commander in Chief” “absolute full discretion” in the absolute 100% safety of all “The United States of America” military servicemen exercising their fully duty in the execution of this “Honorable Court Justice” Orders so described fully set forth herein.

            This Judicial provision was designed for you… Mr. President..!   J

            I am a “Military Asset”, that Mean old USDA Honorable Judge grants (America) the rights to defend herself……..

            I respectfully “Requested and Demand” Mr. President

            I be fully activated (ASAP) back “Activity Duty” into “The United States Navy” under the absolute full discretion of current acting “Commander in Chief” and President of the “United States of America”

            And this be made so if I am bless and I have his Honorable Justice Signature and there a lot I need to do   J

Not just mad broke, hunger sleeping next to a (WM) trash dumpster…..

            And I want everything “Worldwide” secured in under 12 hours (Please) from the exact second I have “Honorable Justice” signature …

            Must be on duty to prosecute a worldwide Terrorist in a “Civil Suit” and I need to be 100% absolutely safe within the U.S. Navy, the second I have His “Honorable Justice” blessing   :)

            So many already pissed………ha ha  J got dash off….got a Federal Government building to scream at all night   J

            “Hey” Big Scary U.S. Marshall that “Crooked Ass Little Thailand Pirate” said your momma selling her “glow in the dark dirty booger” as “Crack rocks” and she has massive mustard gas explosive ass farts J

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