Thursday, October 8, 2015

U.S. Docket No. 15-CV-2884 “Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) “Sherlock Holmes” case of: “The Crooked Three Spotted Cheetah”

To: Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama)

To: United States of America”

To: State of Texas et al

To: Crooked Pirate "Doctor D C Khare" Cartel et al

            Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama) the civil action U.S. Docket No. 15-CV-2884 before his Honorable Justice "Kenneth M. Hoyt" has been dismissed

            His Honorable Justice ruling, fair, sound and respected by me as required by "American Law" as stated by the “court” I have no enforceable Contract, as he kept, my sign copy,

And where can the "Court” even Have this Unknown man found for services of process when he all over the "Entire World" but business address listing "Thailand"….?

            None the Less to The “United States of America” acting "Commander in Chief", President (Obama), during my process in getting this ready for the "Honorable Justice "Kenneth M. Hoyt" U.S. Judge....

            I discovered that the company called "Geeta Group LLC" listed company address as



Locality CONROE, TX  77304


            In the State of Texas registration own by "Vipul Khare" actually own with also Doctor D. C. Khare whom both been using this unknown "Geeta Group LLC"  “Between the exacts dates” of


“June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015” collectively made approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms into the “United States of America”


            This company "Geeta LLC" did not however exist until "June 19th 2015" and from June 18th 2015 to March 30th 2015 and beyond large amount of "Shipment" at in excess of 101,211 Kilograms of unknown


"Material” have been brought into "The United States of America” pass number times by “U.S. Customs” By A Company that never existed in the first place.


            in addition I discovered he has been committing massive “Federal and State Tax Fraud” all over the entire "United States of America", while owning so (many) secret homes all over the "United States of America" that actually are sold to himself, with checking account to each of all of these mystery (homes) and business that is in fact part of a scheme against

(America) many times over in a secret group of (Khares) while he being the main (leader) a business man whom claim is from "Thailand" and he is not a American...... controlling over “United States of America”, “United Kingdom”

“Canada”, “Middle East”, among additional (40) countries worldwide including “Bulgaria”, “Caribbean Islands”, “China”, Cyprus”, “Egypt”, “Estonia”, “Finland”, Greece”, “Korea”, Kuwait”, “Lebanon”, “Lithuania”, Malta”, “Republic of Ireland”, “South Africa”, “UAE”, Uganda”, “Vietnam”, Mauritius”, “Romania”, “Slovakia”, “Solomon Islands”

            I discovered also that the "Owner of "Geeta International et al “ one “Doctor D. C. Khare  having absolute 100% control over so many company(s), worldwide and especially shipping companies to many for you to even understand or


Keep up with unless you understand the (Navy or Merchant Seaman shipping) which I know (both) and work in this field too and was raised by my “Father” former Navy, “Retired Second Mate” Merchant Seaman…….


I know more then you will ever understanding in this regards, on other level because it so massive and (America) been out match for a long while dealing with this secret black market supply operation underneath


(American) Law enforcement, U.S. Custom and Department of Homeland Security Back for 22 plus long years established secrete (Billions) net work, and such a brilliant operation this mastermind


Doctor D. C. Khare has designed to flood (America) and (United Kingdom) too with billions of (Free) trade made in China Inventory, plus other (secret) cargo activities worldwide not just sneaked in against United States of America


            I discovered also he has been slipping pass all "United States imposed embargos and Sanctions, as he is the "Director of Geeta International”,


 “Geeta Shipping and Clearing Services” and having absolute 100% control over also "FMGC Shipping Company" of India too, with a fleet of massive Ships working his operation "World Wide" 24/7 (365),


As he is without a doubt in my mind, a major security risk to the "United States of America", “United Kingdom”, “Canada”, The entire “World” and any U.S. Military action going on "World Wide" ….


As I file sound evidence in


            "U.S. Docket No. 15-CV-2884 that in fact supporting Director of “Geeta International” and "Geeta International Group" namely Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare is in fact is the main supply line of the entire world illegal "Black Market" by the usage of his entire collection of Companies especially in the "Shipping Industry". 


            He has complete control over many shipping Industry, global business and I "Louis Charles Hamilton II" caught him the main (Leader) in the rouge act of usage of a "Company LLC" name "Geeta Group LLC" that never exited within my home state of Texas when he made such


 (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms into the “United States of America” let alone controlling the entire world illegal "Black Market" by the usage of his entire collection of Companies especially in the "Shipping Industry". 



..Plus also I file facts of his mutable corporation Fraud against the 'United States of America" for over way to many years in Taxes, and I see a big major Land scheme involved with this group of (Khare) worldwide too, while (Leader) living in the


"United States of America" making such (secret) supply of (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms into the “United States of America” while in fact is hiding living all over (America) in real nice homes and billions in U.S. Dollars he been accumulating from this “Pirate” of (America) and many other countries worldwide


            As his "Honorable Justice"  stated" this may be true, "However" I have no legal standing to further proceed in this “civil action” as it is officially being dismissed which do not change the


"Crimes against (America) as a “Whole" and all of NATO countries safety when a “Pirate” especially having absolute control over entire massive fleet of Large Container Ships "World Wide", and


            “Between the exacts dates” of “June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015” collectively used such entire massive fleet of Large Container Ships "World Wide", when (secretly) made approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms illegally into the


 “United States of America” to a company that never existed when this (Rouge) “Geeta Group” et al has been going all over the


             "World" especially in the "United States of America" and The "United Kingdom"....  I already check "Shipping logs”, of this company "Geeta Group LLC" for 90 days back date and found this to be true exactly that back on


            June 18th 2015 to March 30th 2015 and maybe beyond (March 30th ) large amount of "Shipment" (28) to be exact at in excess of 101,211 Kilograms of unknown "Material" have been brought into "The United States of America" (Sneaked) pass


 “U.S. Customs” By a Company that never existed between June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015 in the first place and (I) filed such sound proof before his Honorable Justice "Kenneth M. Hoyt" U. S. Judge...with the Clerk of U.S. Federal Court.


            His Honorable Justice also asked how I find and researched all of this information leaving me to believe he seem to think I am “stupid and slow” as many do…….too when in fact the (Evidence) is all on the


 “Internet” his entire holding and Fleet of War pirate ships and U.S. of (America) on U.S. Custom Logs are posted on the “Internet”…  Da


Showing the (RICO) major “Corruption” which led me to discovery that in fact this unknown "Geeta Group LLC" 


“Between the exacts dates” of “June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015” collectively made approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms into the “United States of America”


            This company "Geeta LLC" did not however exist until "June 19th 2015" and from June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015 and beyond large amount of "Shipment" at in excess of 101,211 Kilograms of unknown


 "Materials" have been in factual brought illegally into "The United States of America” pass U.S. Customs By A Company that never existed in the first place.





Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare, Mr. President (Obama) as the “Honorable Justice” was confused for a understanding, I did not find him, he researched me from my Construction internet posting, and study me like crazy before meeting me …..Just exactly like he study


(America) this man is whole sale slaughtering a scheme against (America) economy from within for many years…and if I was in


“North Dakota”, right now he be under major arrest….then charged under “Terrorism” they be laughing as always and  I collect my nice reward for such a Major Crime….as  I have my 1000% probable cause,


(I) having Honest Law enforcement in “North Dakota” for the BCI among many other area of the USA except the “Dirty South”


And in fact I have (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms of “sound bite evidence proof” to had me a “issuance of a major arrest warrant” from a Honest Law enforcement in “North Dakota” for the BCI and this would all be smooth over…


But now I live in Texas, my home state which I am so ready to abandon, to slow and red neck….and being ripped apart from Masterminds, as it is a boom construction State now…..


Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare, completely destroyed my construction company for 4 months with this (RICO) scheme against me left be waiting to build 5 homes in a scheme which I discovery it actually now include against the (America) I lives in and “Wow” the “Bloody Entire World”…..


I rebuilt twice my construction company from other(s) ripping me off….he now is the main reason of my homeless, unemployment and real bitterness,


But I have dignity he cannot steal, as I did file for my (America) proof of how he is a International (RICO) Pirate terrorist supplier running a “Major Black Market” supply line “World Wide…


And before any idiot “General or President” for all that matter thinking of taking on any “War” on any “Battle field of conflict” worldwide….especially dealing with “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”

“Your” collective slow self’s already lost…in long time advance….“Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin” is a 24 advance move “Master War Chess Player” you have to be a like (me) minimum of

32 advance moves thinking “Master War Chess Player” dealing with “Masterminds” like Doctor D. C. Khare, “Genghis Khan”,  …and especially “Master War Chess Player” “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”

And all of the enemy(s) against “USA”, “United Kingdom”, and “NATO” has a whole sale slaughter “International Black Market” Khare Cartel working in supplying (Billions) each single day in Contraband shipping, smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of

“Merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials, to included but not limited to conspire further to pirating in valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, illegal drugs, weapon’s, simultaneously laundering of large amount (Money) being suppler to support “World Terrorism” on a large scale beyond your simple small control or current thinking….

Your (America) paying on a (Billions) of dollars Loan to “China” on the Money he “Doctor D. C. Khare” stolen from you (America) in partner with “China”


22 years 9 months and still counting and supplying (Billions) each day in Contraband shipping containers he moves for “China” he has been simply


“Genghis Khan” (RICO) imploding (America) from within,


“Must be 100% smarter” than “Doctor D. C. Khare” of “Geeta International Co. Ltd. , “Geeta Group” and a billion other “Geeta”s


 I have known him to be DNA of the real “Genghis Khan” I study him, researched him well now and this little smart Thailand soft man own the “Black Market of the Entire Under World” in real life.


He is” the official “Pandora Box” which actually leads “Genghis Khan” secrets to “Syria” and Russia among other places.

I do not care whom your stupid ass is (right) now…I have my honest legal law enforcement 100%  sound findings it is officially filed in a Federal (American) court of Law this not a “dam internet game” and a lot of you in “Washington DC” are actually legally Sloooooow and extra stupid too…..(Deal with it),

But don’t thinking I am a looking for glory, a freak, me street negro trash, and stupid slooow like your well dressed up, but still stupid slow Washington DC collective asses….

I can operated your (USA) Broke Stupid Government homeless and still save the “World”

He found me…cause me harm and caused me to research his “Very Crooked International Pirate Ass” terrorist supplying machine…

Right now as if you’re reading this……. Mr. President (Obama) so much you’re actually missing, as I cannot post it…..


And such heavy real science advantages, in three areas your very extra slow in 2015….he has to pass any DEA, or Dogs, or human eyes your all smooth out matched….


Must truly know real under world and especially real 2015 science too, you’re very slow in (America) right now……and getting toasted, slapped, kicked, ripped off and set up in many direction while being arrogant…with (American) lives,


As I am 100% homeless and can still out “Match” both “Master War Chess Player” “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”


And Doctor D.C. Khare a/k/a the DNA of “Genghis Khan”


Doctor D.C. Khare is more valuable that any “military target”, on this earth right now…in 2015…actually as stated and he is working for


“Made in China” and other “Master War Chess Player” likes


“Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin” being designed against the (America) dollar…and our (USA) way of life…....


 “Genghis Khan” (RICO) imploding (America) from within for quite a while collect massive wealth, living secretly within while still causing


(Billion) upon (Billion) of damages from within against the “America Dollar” as this scheme is also against the


 “British Pound”….. And No Military conflict is safe.  


You all already were “Military Beaten”,


Unnecessary lost of lives, before you being stupid even started…..


It must be a swift fast complete “worldwide” take down against


“Genghis Khan” before any “Military conflict” in the hostile mixed up world to be ever safe, started and achieved in Victory to win any “War”……Da


“Especially dealing right now with “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”

Open the “Pandora International RICO Box”

Mr. President (Obama) and you are a winner.

                                                                        You all were respectfully Warn,


Louis Charles Hamilton II, Cmdr. Bluefin (USN)




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