Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


            Why the “Sovereignty” Defendant of the claim “Civilization” in the “Northern Hemisphere” of the World Planet “Earth” known to be “The United States of America” fully strike down the
13th Amendment to the Defendant “The United States of America” Constitution” its continual hostile fraudulent false claiming that “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime wherefor the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

 “Formally abolishing slavery” in the United States, passed by the Defendant “The United States of America” “Congress” on January 31st 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6th 1865 this be removal in all false continual hostile fraudulent defamation claiming publications, print,

Being fully removed from all We” thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) minor children school books, and documents thereof in all such false continual throughout all of eternity the hostile “fraudulent defamation” claiming publications, print, claiming in 1865 against

We” thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) being falsely “Formally free from slavery” when to the Defendant “The United States of America” until 148 years later quite (KKK) lazy on February 7th 2013 that any place subject to their jurisdiction namely  

“Mississippi” finally got around to ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment” of The Defendant United States of America outlawing slavery against We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America)

While all of the premeditated, planning, direction, by Defendant “The United States of America” in collusion, conspiring with their confederate, association, Para-Military Death Squad for hire activities of the

Knight of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) 100% abuse, maltreatment, tyranny, slaughter, destruction, obliteration, oppression, and Deaths thereof by this Para-military death squad fully flourishes , multiply, proliferate and 1000% thrive from 1865- February 7th, 2013 as slavery institution continual onward within the Defendant “The United States of America”, being

Fully in cooperation, complicity, collaboration, complying, collusion, with all of their “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, and all types of infrastructures derive thereof being built from the exact time frame of 1619- February 7th, 2013

The Defendant “The United States of America continual “conspire and misused” in all of our We Thee continual abused (Negro) Race of (America) taxes monetary fund’s to support all of the activities of the Knight of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) abuse, maltreatment, tyranny, slaughter, destruction, obliteration, oppression, and

Deaths thereof this Para-military death squad, our (taxes) to financed all the weapons used to be abused with, fully financed all the strong robe to be hung with, financed all the killer (KKK) Police Squads Death of the Night,

Financed all our bullets and Guns to be shot at and killed with, purchased and financed all of the gasoline to burn down our own homes and business with, purchased and financed all the all of the
Dynamite to blow up our own schools and churches with, misused all of our We Thee continual abused (Negro) Race of (America) taxes to Purchased and Paid for all of the their grand (KKK)style rally and lynching party(s),

All of the liquid liquor/lemonade/popcorn/hotdogs/hamburgers refreshments for even their children watching in attendance while one or two of

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America) kidnap to participated at said lynching party(s), “struggling for life to stay on “Earth” at the end of a rope tightly fitted around his/her neck as misused

Our Taxes We Thee continual abused (Negro) Race of (America) taxes to fully “Purchased and Paid” for all of the laughter, excitement and entertainment of the “White Controlling Class” of the Defendant “The United States of America” and their

 “White Controlling Class”  Absolute Immunity “Judicial Branch” Government fully over seeing, lynching parties and participating as they too enjoying their liquid liquor/lemonade/popcorn/hotdogs/hamburgers refreshments fully funded by the misused taxes of We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race of (America).

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