Friday, October 9, 2015

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”

To: President and “Commander in Chief (Obama) 

To: Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare

To: Aaron Michael Halvorsen (Hamilton)   “Hello Son”   I am your “Daddy”

To: Michelle Halvorsen (Thanks)

To: That Little voice in my head (Thomas Magnum) “Thanks”

To: My Zombie Team (Thanks)  

            “The Official 2015 Great Pirate Race” is on and kicking Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, yep….I got “Sweet cool inbound intelligence (calls) encrypted yesterday…of (Thanks)...3 to be exact, 1, from “Michelle Halvorsen”, she post on Google +  seems Now (I) have a “Son” Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate,

His name is “Aaron Michael Halvorsen” (Hamilton), and I don’t need no DNA testing because I have some pictures of him I am posting (today) and the one in the glasses my (Son) Aaron Michael is actually (Me), ha ha that is exactly how I looked 100 % when I join in the Navy, they thought I was a baby at 14,

your Uncle My Big Brother retired “Master Chief” from the Navy told them screw me I nothing compare to my little brother, I am your Naval “Martial Art Instructor”, but he’s the one ya “”Better watch”…that (Cute) baby face, he isn’t right….go ahead a mess with him if you want to, ha ha…..he warn them…. (Yep) and now “Thanks to That Little “voice” in my head

 (Thomas Magnum) you “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, “The Official Great Pirate Race” is on…..xoxoxo you see Mr. President (Obama), when I was drafting the complaint against the “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, Geeta International et al, “Sherlock Holmes” yes on the case, all correct, got the proof from the shipping logs of the

approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms was being smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped into among other countries namely “United States of America”

but the last three days I could not eat, that little “voice” in my head (Thomas Magnum)  keep saying “T C” something just still not right with this “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, because  (Thomas Magnum)  he is my “Naval Intelligence Officer”, and “Private Investigator”, together with “Sherlock Holmes”, I figured out what I was missing “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, that’s why your charged by me (Cmdr. Bluefin) for robber of (USA) and supplying a world “Black Market” to the enemy, you “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, and Now the official great “Pirate Race” is on, ha ha  (Yep)…….Doctor D. C. Khare, of “Geeta International et al” you pissed off ”Thomas Magnum”, too, that little “voice in my head” and for that, as your safe hiding, in slow (USA) as you seem to think…

And the (Negro) Broke Contractor…you robbed too, a/k/a/ “Naval Intelligence Office”, and “Private Investigator”, has no connections, your seeming to think….(OK)…..ha ha….“Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, Boy a few countries right now….super nova mad at you “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”,  and I will truly fill ya in…ha, ha .xoxoxoox….

 Michelle Halvorsen (Thanks), yes My “Son” is super nova smart, it’s a gift, now you understand his sickness, and you have to find something that so very super advance to keep his super “Nova Mind” busy and he will relax, his brain is too fast and I have the answer (OK)…buy him the “Sherlock Holmes” book I wanting him to study it….

“Aaron Michael Halvorsen” (Hamilton), “Son” listen (I) love you, and did not know you “existed” until your mother told me yesterday…oxoxox!

Your mother and I talked, and the reason we broke up, she got mad, because I would help homeless, people, come to the house bath, eat, ha ha, while she was at work, as I told her yesterday…so we broke up over something silly…..xoxoxox

(I) always help the homeless….xoxoxox even if I homeless too...xoxoxox

 I would never left “you” if I would have know you existed (OK)… because I know you do exist, I thought my first born baby was dead and killed in “Utah”, by my wife, family, I was scared that “Super Nova Mind”, family gift was destroyed “forever”……..Now yesterday, your mother telling me it’s alive, ha ha…..and your “Very Special”….. (OK)

It’s very hard to explain, but your following what I am saying, now you have my blog which is saved for you, and a lot of secret I shall share with my “Son” too, your mother told me you as a child wanted to Join the “Navy”, and be a “Navy Seal” that a gift to, it’s because of your Grandfather, my “Dad”….  The Ocean lives in his Negro blood and Man He Knows the World very super well in return he taught me as a baby, which is Why…..“Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, Doctor D. C. Khare, of “Geeta International et al” I was raised by a “Pirate” and you extra pissed off especially ”Thomas Magnum”, too, that “little voice” in my head………and Now

“United States of America”, “Canada”, “Australia” and Her “Majesty” the “Queen of England” my “Son” Aaron Michael Halvorsen (Hamilton) your “Mom” “Michelle”…xoxoxox (My) Zombie) Team and “Commander in Chief” President (Obama)

Welcome you all to the “Great Pirate Race”, ha ha  ….xoxoxo

“Happy Halloween” too….. “Aaron Michael Halvorsen”(Hamilton)… xooxoxox You gonna love this….It for all the “Birthdays” I missed, “Happy Birthday” Son……your “Gift”….

The official Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) “Great Pirate Race”, ha ha,     

“Commander in Chief” President (Obama) you see when I join the U.S. Navy, it was not the respectful one you have now, it had glitches in it namely (KKK) ha ha….7 of them crooks try throwing old Cmdr. Bluefin out to sea, you have any ideal’s how long a swim it is back to the “United States of America”….Hun…..?

Boy I was dropping them fools “left and right”, went to my bed got out my little friend and chase three (KKK) into the ward room, with my “Ninja Sword”, ha ha  yep…My Old Ancient Chinese secret….”Man That “Captain” Eyes got buck wide open then……..he trying to figure out why he, and now three of these (KKK) and two other officers running around the officers ward room away from (Baby) face (me)….ha ha…..i was so dam mad…too…….that ”Captain” so Lucky he talked me down,…….I was having me some “KKK” steak, …..

The Navy Lie to me “Son”….them “bastard” had me training long before I even Joined, crooked bastard wanted your “Uncle”, my Big Brother something extra bad….we had a Marital Art school in my home town, when I was small and it was  Legendary too……hell we take on The National Guards Armory, and Police Cadets, they be so set up…my big brother would drop em so super “fast”……but I never competed…I kept “secret”, once you hurt me I get disqualified in any competition because I might poke ya eye out, and hand it to you like I did once before….”

So they knew your better leave (baby) face “alone”….. now (Poncho)  your Uncle, had a scholarship before he even finished school, he was the Best (Football) player in the nation for defense, naturally  he a dam “Martial Art” instructor, and the “Dallas Cowboys” wanted him like “Crazy” was going to send him to (Grambling State University) then on to the “Dallas Cowboys”, but he turn all that money down, and chance for the “Dallas Cowboys”, and Join the USA Navy, which he did retired “Master Chief” ..(Cool), now me on the other hand, I am just 100% like your Grandfather (Blondie) my dad, that his nickname He Join the Navy, and as he “stated” them crackers” be abusing their rank, and having him too, doing crap jobs, so he said one day, some fool, cracker officer was “off duty”, and had a job to pump out the lower part of the ship where this sludge being at out to sea…. This Officer order my dad to do his Job so he can go into the “Philippines” Subic bay” and Buy some P-u-s-s-y-…my father told me he drop his ass so quick”…they kicked him out and the Next day he was a “Merchant Seaman making 10 times more (money) as we was eating thanksgiving dinner...I was laughing so hard… he always telling “Navy and Merchant Seaman” stuff and I stated so “Dad”…I see where I get that (Code Red) from, ha ha, my Nickname from my family is (Red) since I was a baby…but (Poncho) actually my Father first born……he don’t have the Super Nova Brain, but really smart.…..wait your F-u-c-k-ing turn “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, Doctor D. C. Khare,…you see me talking to my (Son)……Da

                        Anyway, I had a iron clad deal to join the U.S. Navy too, and I get to be just like that Jethro Bodine on the Beverly hillbillies a “Double Knot Secret Agent”, and a “deal is a deal”….you crooked Navy…..bastards…….”

So after that U.S. Navy started dishonor my “Double Knot Secret Agent”, iron clad agreement, and treated me like trash too, playing me like the “little” baby face and having me doing crap jobs too…..

 I just simply took Pearl Harbor Hostage, and own it……Da

“Commander in Chief” President (Obama) if President (Reagan) was alive right now...he say dead to your President face, I think that’s that “Little crooked baby face sailor bastard” who stole 2 of my “fighter Jets” from “Hickam Air force” base, then when I got shot, he threw a big old dam “My Presidential Assignation Party” at “Pearl Harbor”, ha ha  ………..”He was so Mad at me”…..xoxoxoox!

So keep up what happen next “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, I wanted out of the Navy, now, you (Navy) broke my f-u-c-k-I-n-g- heart, pissed me off, and I about to kill half of you bastards, in the Navy Klan…so I wanted out asap, and they knew I was right, but did not want to discharge me, because I was way too smart, already knew the ship 1200 psi boiler systems long before I ever joined, my Family got brains….xoxoox

My last two weeks, I am so dam mad, they put me in the brig 3 times, I am fighting like crazy, and they still said no I cannot leave the Navy,

 I said (OK)…..the second you let me out of this “Military Brig” you will wish you discharge my black ass out of the “Navy” …….man my (son) I went after any and all…….then they knew at that second I was very hurt, and nothing they can say ever or do make me stay, they even had your Uncle (Poncho) trying to keep me in too, as he too pissed me off….I had to drop his big ass one day too, in front of his Navy friends on the ship…as he playing big brother show off……abusing me, kicking me in the ass as I was taking out garbage to throw of aft end on the “Ship”

So the day they gave me my “other that dishonorable discharge”, is the same day I rejoin the “United States of America Navy” again, that very second

(OK) Mr. President Obama... ha ha… my DD-214 is in correct, whatever your staff told you as me being so crazy……..I actually having my own “Command”

Only this time I am a civilian, and “tax free cash”, no stupid, slow personnel, “I stand alone” I be baby face sitting next to the enemy they thinking I 14-15, I am actually 24

So I took my 3rd Oath to defend “United States of America”

My First Oath “Commander in Chief” President (Obama) was for the “Boy Scouts”, My Second was for the “United States Navy”, My third Oath was for the “United States Navy” secretly (again), My Fourth Oath was to protect the “Presidential Shield” of “The Office of the “United States of America”, and now we get to my fifth Oath that same very day,

 “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, Doctor D. C. Khare,… you gonna love this  J

I always wanted to be a “Black Knight”, and I study “Sherlock Holmes” very well as a Kid, because my father told me be smarter, learn from them “White-men”, not all are mess up, I asked my Uncle, who he thought was the smartest “Whiteman” on earth he knows, because my uncle a famous school teacher in Port Arthur Texas, and he told me he is actually in a book, “Sherlock Holmes”, Nobody can out smart him, he from “England” a factitious Super Nova Brain…….

That’s when I had my secret 5th Oath announced to me  that I am taking an additional oath to Defend not only the “United States of America”, “The Presidential Shield” of “The Office of the “United States of America”,  but also oath to Defend Her “Royal Majesty” the “Queen of England” and the “Royal family” too,

I said way cool….xoxoxoxooox!   “Ninja Navy” 

(You) see ya “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, My (Actual) “Zombie Team” (They) not (American) Naval assets at all, they “British Royal Naval”, Da

And you took to committing of robbery of the “Queen of England” too, ha ha….” She mad at you, ha ha

Plus pissing off that little “voice in my head” too, (Thomas Magnum)…….and

“Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, “United States of America” does not own the “International Water ways” you’re looting in nor do they own the “British Royal Navy”, “Canada” or “Australia”   ha ha……

And you went crooked rouge into “Canada, and “Australia” too, not just robbery of the “Queen Jewels” and The United States of America dollar, on a good old fashion “Pirate looting”, “Plundering” shopping spree,

So the Buzz News on the “Old Wire” as I heard “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, when you “sneak” your “crooked twisted little pirate” Thailand ass out of the “United States of America” coastal water ways or “Air Space” from ones of your many secret “Pirate hide outs”,  

  Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) “Official Great Pirate Race” commence,  ha ha and you’re so very welcome too Doctor D. C. Khare, of “Geeta International”, and all your “Geeta” corporations and “Pirate strong holds”…..Congratulations”,  ha ha”….xoxoxo

“United States of America”, “Canada”, “Australia” and Her “Majesty” the “Queen of England” with the British Royal Navy, “Lady and Gentlemen’s” start your engines…….Let the 2015 Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) “Official Great Pirate Race” commence…….and “United States of America”, seem you have a slight lead advantage, crooked little mean old “pirate” seem to be hiding right underneath your slow asses, ha ha…..xoxoxoxo!

 My “Son” Aaron Michael Halvorsen (Hamilton) “Happy Birthday”, ha ha and thanks to your Mom “Michelle”…xoxoxox

This official none fiction “Cmdr. Bluefin” United States Navy Great 2015 Pirate Race” is just made especially for you, together we watch them hunt his crooked “International Pirate Ass” down, and who ever catches his sneaky little Thailand ass first get all the “Pirate loot”, ha ha……  Da

FYI: Doctor D. C. Khare, of “Geeta International”, you see as for wood, it will begin a process known as “pyrolysis” at temperatures around 500-600 degrees Fahrenheit, at these temperatures wood will begin giving off up to 100 chemicals, including methane and methanol (the same stuff they put as additives in gasoline) (I) know crooked pirate the problem with melting wood revolves around what combustion is, and what temperature the combustion of wood happens at.

Wood is mostly made up of things like cellulose, lignin, and water. And as wood combusts, it’s broken down into products like charcoal, water, methanol, and carbon dioxide”, ok…now, you’re from “Thailand”, very crafty with wood, and also having opium labs, process plants, and this cheap practical boards made in China crap…..ok…….and “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, your having “Papaver somniferum a/k/a “Opimu” which is the source of many drugs broken down like “Heroin”,… you see “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, I have my own science lab, since I was 12  ok… my Uncle the “Master School Science Teacher” garage ha, ha  (Yep) that’s right, keep up with this (Bitch), now I also worked all over the United States too, and did you know “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, I actually made paper, and wood  ha ha, Da”……I did not just build with wood

now my (Son) Aaron “cheap wood” that soaking in water what happen…do the test….it just simply fall all apart like nothing and you don’t have to cut it with a saw”….but your “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, “Super Nova Brains”, quite gifted in wood too and science,

So Aaron Michael Halvorsen (Hamilton) my son, let’s say you took some liquid “Opium” and mixed in a bunch of wood compound, would you lose the “Opium”…….?   “Hell” No, you just simply apply control temperatures around up to 500-600 degrees Fahrenheit, at these temperatures this wood will begin giving off up to 100 chemicals, including methane and methanol and if it in layers like a sandwich, it will also give off broken down “Papaver somniferum” a/k/a “Opium”, a/k/a “Heroin” …….now if you also own your “Own” opium processing “food plant” and your own opium canning seal containers machines, and also making furniture out of “Papaver somniferum”, liquid and delivery both “World Wide”,  especially to (America) you can look at the furniture all dam day long, cut it, and let the dogs sniff it, and lick it till his tongue and balls fall off …drill a hole, all your getting is wood dust as your thinking….cus…the “Papaver somniferum”, is mixed inside the “wood”, the whole time and to extract it from the wood” you must use “Crooked Little Thailand Pirate Science” Da………oxoxoxooxox!

Well “Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, I notice a few other things about a lot of your inventory your sneaking in (America) let alone legally bringing some from “India and Thailand”…”especially in wood too…..ok….and I also, Know, Mexico, they are Army ants, they did tunnels, to get to the ($$$) “Market”, hell they even dug a tunnel, and got out their leader  (OK)….now you’re in “Thailand” and “India”, However….very too far to swim, or dig a underwater tunnel, and I remember what this “Old Merchant Seaman” told me once, how you “Thailand” guy’s made these special shoes for them by the tons, with hidden compartment, so the “Sailors and Merchant Seaman” worldwide can get their “Thai Buds” and whatever else across the “gang plank” back on to the Ships, to go back to (America), so then had to bring in dogs……ok…. but what you really did not also know crooked little Thailand “Pirate”…I know how to use a

CNC in professional making of “Robotic parts” and also professional woodworking, ha ha (Gotcha),…ha ha….ya so slooooooooow, not me, them (Americans), ok, ha ha….(I) am Cmdr. Bluefin (USN)   Da, ha ha….xoxoxo

You so very crooked “pirate done” as we speaking me having my little voice in my head (Thomas Magnum) testing done, on the other side of the world. Ha ha…and there something else you screwed up on among others, ha ha….xoxoxoxox 

(So) good Luck sneaking ya crooked little pirate ass out of the “United States of America”, and that mean old “USDA Judge” said how we can he have the “Crooked Little Thailand Pirate” served a civil suit,

Well for me very easy, (I) ring your door bell, anywhere in the world…and you face will drop, cus standing in your face (Negro) “Sherlock Holmes”, and then I say Hi, and slap, the smooth S-H-I-T, out of you, onto the floor and say “Doctor Watson”, slap that chains on this “Pirate”…..ha ha,

Must dash off, and post my (Son) Pictures (You) Crooked Little Mean Old Thailand, “Pirate” …and let the “Great Pirate Hunt” commence…(Da)..xoxoxoxox

 (Smooches) America, and my (Son) Aaron Michael Halvorsen (Hamilton)   this is Louis Charles Hamilton II, a/k/a your Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) “Happy Halloween” I am going smooth off line………………………………..


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