Monday, October 12, 2015

“The Vatican City”, “My Grandmother” The Holy Nun” and Thee’ “Jesus Christ” Welcome to Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”

To: Thee Jesus Christ’    (Thanks)
To: The Vatican City (Thanks)
To: My Grandmother the “Holy Nun” (Luv ya & Super Thanks)
To: President and “Commander in Chief (Obama) 
To: Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare
To: Aaron Michael Halvorsen (Hamilton) 
To: Michelle Halvorsen (Thanks)

Dr. Dinesh Chandra KhareCrooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate”, it has been further explain to me what else that was missing, by grandmother “The Holy Nun”, and Thee’ “Jesus Christ”…”
“United States of America”, “Canada”, “Australia” ,Her “Majesty” the “Queen of England” and the “British Royal Navy”,  my “Son” “Aaron Michael Halvorsen” (Hamilton II) your “Mom” “Michelle”…xoxoxox “Commander in Chief” President (Obama),“The Vatican City”,  “My Grandmother” The “Holy Nun” and Thee’ “Jesus Christ”(Thanks)
I welcome you all to Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”,

Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare  (Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate), “Jesus Christ” sent you exactly to me, you been “unholy for quite some time”, and you also scared the Holy Church, as before I met with the this Sunday, The Holy Church, told me you were dreamed about a week long before my arrival…
This “Holy Church” did not know I was coming to this exact “Holy Church” neither but “Holy Church” dreamed in fact dream about you Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare as was very afraid and after “My Grandmother” The “Holy Nun” and Thee’ “Jesus Christ” (Thanks), explain my gift, the heaven open up, before I went to the “Holy Church” as was told to me as a child,
I only had two simple question(s) Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare (Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate), for the “Holy Church”…this “Sunday”…upon my arrival just exactly who is “Aaron” and who “Michael” is.
According to the Book of Exodus, “Aaron” first functioned as Moses' assistant.
Because Moses complained that he could not speak well, God appointed Aaron as Moses' "prophet" At the command of Moses; he let his rod turn into a snake
Then he stretched out his rod in order to bring on the first three plagues, After that, Moses tended to act and speak for himself, Aaron married Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab and sister of Nahshon) of the tribe of Judah. The sons of Aaron were Eleazar, Ithamar, and Nadab and Abihu.
 A descendant of Aaron is an Aaronite, or Kohen, meaning Priest.
 Any non-Aaronic Levite—i.e., descended from Levi but not from Aaronassisted the Levitical priests of the family of Aaron in the care of the tabernacle; later of the temple.
The Gospel of Luke records that the priest Zechariah, his wife Elizabeth and therefore their son John the Baptist were descendants of Aaron
Now pay close attention “Michelle” Mother to our “Son”,
Michael ("who is like God?", Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל‎ (pronounced [mixaˈʔel]), Micha'el or Mîkhā'ēl; Greek: Μιχαήλ, Mikhaḗl; Latin: Michael (in the Vulgate Michahel); Arabic: ميخائيل‎, Mīkhā'īl) is an archangel in
 “Judaism”, “Christianity”, and “Islam”. “Roman Catholics”, the “Eastern Orthodox”, “Anglicans”, and “Lutherans” refer to him as
 "Saint Michael the Archangel” and also as "Saint Michael".
Orthodox Christians refer to him as the "Taxiarch Archangel Michael" or simply "Archangel Michael".
I was led to believe including by “Heaven protection”, the gift was slay dead in “Utah” at the hands of the “Mormons”, “Aaron Michael” has holy angel and his Great grandmother a “Holy Nun” watching over him more that his mother understand, but you must try now, your son “Aaron Michael” in fact Michelle has a gift, a very special one, as for proof you kept our baby safe, warm and dry, you Michelle cannot say you did not love the man of that child, for he would not exist at all as he also to be dead,
“Aaron Michael”, our son, has been protected by “Heaven Angles”, and his lovely mother whom did not know whom actually, “Aaron Michael” is, if I had known he existed in Tacoma WA. His name would not be “Aaron Michael”, Michelle it be of mines and you Michelle, would be my wife, as for my real wife lie dead in a grave in Utah, and Aaron Michael, has two sisters there and a dead child which would have been his sister or brother, none the less, I was led to believe he not existed because not by your doing “Michelle”, but heaven wanted that baby very protect, he has real heaven angels watching over him and his two sister, but that child “Michelle”, our son you’re the protected mother over my Michelle” you must understand the very second I talk to your son, our “baby”, you will never ever see him the same again … you will become quite happy, and confused in understanding all at the same time “Michelle”, and he may have to hold you, because at the second I am done talking with our baby, “Michelle”, and his great grandmother the “Holy Nun” tells him his secrete you will know this to be true, that day “Michelle”,
And I already know your exact words… “Michelle”, “I did not know I had that baby”… ok, you, our child, and his stepfather keep safe, and that baby must not be held back, “Michelle”, he must soon in life marry and have children, my Son “Aaron Michael” is a grown Man.
My Grandmother the “Holy Nun”, has a gift, for her “Great Grand Child”, whom you “Michelle” actually name him “Aaron Michael”, and I am the only person can tell him what was said to me as a child, “Michelle”,
Your son has been protected by many angels from “Heaven”, and my family don’t know he exist,
 I was asked by thee “Jesus Christ”, and by grandmother “The Holy Nun”, not to reveal his identity yet, to my family, they know nothing about his pictures posted they do not even know they are in fact posted…and I shall honor his Thee “Jesus Christ” and my “Grandmother’s request, because this all involves around Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare the (Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate),
He is officially under “biblical law” and in fact a walking biblical prophecy, “Michelle”, your baby (our) son, has family, a very different family, but his grandmother, is very special, and very well known in our city by what is called the “Elders” from the old country, she was very respect till her death, when I was a child at 7 my (Aunt) Aaron Michael, Great (Aunt) we called her billie, her name in fact is “Willie Mae”, and mom name is “Walterine”, my Grandmother wanted boys, and her first child was dead at birth, it was a boy, and my grandmother felt the gift was lost in that child death ok…
My “grandmother” is what they called also women who had enough experience delivering babies “Midwife” While also being a “Nun”…
but she also as told by me by my grandmother, lived in a “Holy Church” Catholic convent, for many years, and refused to leave, until my Grandfather smiled at her, then she decided from that smile that day to become a women, which is the same smile upon “Aaron Michael” face, now
but you see also my (Aunt) “Aaron Michael”, Great (Aunt) also is what is called (Barren) a women who cannot have any children, as she be in my ideal, a very good mom…….”Aaron Michael” “Grandmother”, my Mom, has four Kids, (Poncho), then me (Red), my sister (Johanna), and then (Joey) the baby….after the birth of my mom four kids namely (me), there was big family reunion on the Island in my home town, but actually this was plan for all the elders to meet me, my mother did not know this, she very different, and I was a child and surly did not understand I was 7 (OK), my (Aunt), guarded me well as a child and always fuss with her sister my mom, and told her you do not know your own son, so on this day it was nice we playing as children, until my (Aunt) asked me to come with down to me the group of people, and she help me butter up a corn on the cob, and took me down to see and meet these very Old African American Cajun People, whom are my family from some place I have no clue where…, they just say the “old country”,  and so they started talking to me and once I spoke a single word, they all started smiling, for you see after my birth, I did not speak English as a child, my first few words of a French nature of the Heritage of my family roots, but my mom, confused never understand this, for my sister, and two brother as a child English and talk very different from me even to this day, well at this reunion, they asked me simply questions of what I can see, as they described what they wanting me to look at, which lead to seeing the World type stuff, my thoughts on certain type religion stuff about “Heaven”, they did not get pushy like a Church with verse, and was taking their time talking to me and laughing as I answer their pointed questions, then told me I have the family gift, which did not mean crap to me at that time, and said my life will be filled with tremendous trial, tribulations, and persecution, I will be able to see and talk with the Heaven, and there will come a day far away I shall truly understand why…
six weeks after I onboard the USS Cochrane DDG-21 home port Pearl Harbor Hawaii, My (Grandmother) die, my mom for some stupid and very selfish reasoning did not tell me this, and I figured the rest of the family thought I knew the death of my grandmother, and refused to come to her Death Services, in light of her being family.
She was buried and lay to rest in our home town, but she never actually rested, My Grandmother the “Holy Nun”, know her very own daughter my mom, being silly, my Grandmother came to me in my sleep on the USS Cochrane DDG-21, and gave me a death services, of her being actually dead, and I woken, scared, running throughout the Ship, to get off it is late at night, and the deck watch was attempting to stop my passage from leaving the ship, so I fought threw one in the water, a ran like crazy to the phone booth, put my foot on the glass part so they could not get in and told them something wrong with my family cussing mad, shut up, I placed the call to my (Aunt), not my mom, and asked her what wrong with my grandmother, and (Billie) said you did not know…? Your mother did not tell you she is (Dead), she been gone now 3 weeks. I just simply open the door, was crying, as they back away and asked me what wrong, and I told them my Grandmother came in a dream and told me was dead, and my family just told me it is true.
As time come to pass, “Michelle”, we meet, your with our child, as you knowing why we broken apart, I feed the homeless and help with (bath) not my choice, to leave no need to fight, but I was still there while you with our child, he not born yet, I take to a new female mate, she was taken as I told you “Michelle”, on the phone, by some “black pimps” they beaten her naked in a bath tub she struggled escaped them somehow a ran and jump out of a three story window onto the concrete did not die but , I grief over that, and  “Michelle”, I am wrong on the phone, I was still there while you with our child, he still not born yet, I waited, and met another mate, she on her birthday with her best friend a cool black girl after their jobs went out to party more as I beg her to stay home, but I simply said please be safe, she drunk fell asleep driving on Jackson Rd. that big hill, as she coming down it asleep and hit this old man in a truck, her best friend killed within seconds, I grief, then now I leave Tacoma WA… your there with soon to be our son as his birth in very close now.
As time come to pass, “Michelle”, I get in many troubles, struggling and also pull myself together to search for a life in “Utah” , met my wife (Rachel), and Omg, will not even wanting to print this chain of unholy events in Utah, ever again, but (Rachel) first child my baby was killed, by her own family I was consider the Devil, because I am (actually) the real “Roman Catholic” faith… we tried to have a normal life…   As time come to pass, we have two daughter(s) (Chandra and Natasha),  after the first baby was killed, but nothing changing as her family wanting to take my wife new children’s too, as they took my wife’s other two daughters, my step daughters As time come to pass, (Rachel) my wife takes her own  life… (Rachel) my wife spirit touched me and said good bye that, while I hold our two daughters in grief and soon follow my (Chandra and Natasha), were taken from me too, by the “Mormons”, however I search the whole time for just to know my daughters, and I would not go back to (Mormon Country) I knew I never make it.
As time come to pass, “Michelle”, 20 years to be exact, I grief for my babies (Chandra and Natasha), and finally put it in the hands of my “Grandmother the “Holy Nun”, she waited for the exact moment until I asked her, and asked “Jesus Christ” and then my “Grandmother the “Holy Nun”, spirit was alive again, for the second time in my life, (Chandra and Natasha), was found within the hour, their picture is my profile picture on my facebook at the exact moment I found my two beautiful daughters, but there was a 1994 home video made of “Aaron Michael” sisters which was stolen from UPS and CVS pharmacy I was going to uploaded on my YouTube  and announced this on the “Wire” which I follow the legal trail via the mad now “Jesus Christ” and my Grandmother the “Holy Nun” to come to find out “The U.S. Attorney, and 2 of his Assistant U.S. Attorney were in fact involved in the heist of this (Utah) 1994 homemade video, but it was not me the stupid U.S. Attorney himself, and 2 of his assistant U.S. Attorney were dealing with, they took on thee “Jesus Christ” and my “Grandmother the “Holy Nun”, as they were unaware, and the facts fully filed in a Federal Court of law” in Houston Texas once again “Sherlock Holmes Case of “The Crooked Mormon”, I moved on.
As time come to pass, “Michelle”, my sister (Johanna) married for what it is Rich… a “Doctor”, who is an actual “Prince” in Africa, and also worship “Voodoo” whom I had to file suit against at the bequest of once again my Holy Nun Grandmother, to save her Granddaughter my sister…(Johanna) I did the Sherlock Holmes Case of “The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”, he destroyed her, after that civil suit, me and my sister whom I was so very close to never spoken again,
As time come to pass, “Michelle”, now this is so unholy very crazy, I walk into the “Beacon” three days I think before the “Thanksgiving Holiday …to start it …a nice homeless center in Houston Texas, Omg, so many people crying, very upset, security fuss, everybody acting like a earth quake just hit the place, I am very confused to see so many people and all homeless too, but even the Police there watching the place very mad also and upset, I do not even know what to think, so I trying to find someone to talk to for almost 15 minutes, I find a person clam enough to ask what in the Hell is going on…? He explained to me that a Lawyer filed a civil suit against “Christ Church Cathedral”, and his law office is directly across the street, I still like “What”…? He gives me the news paper and sure enough it true and National News even in England they calling him Scrooge Attorney that very day…?
Within seconds, I took the news paper walked outside looked up at his law office and My Holy Grand Mother the “Holy Nun”, at that second came to me and said Jesus just told me to tell you to take his crooked ass out now… I said yes (Grandmother) …went to legal work that day within seconds and the next day I am on the TV and National News after this crooked Scrooge Attorney Ass trying to steal a holy entire “Christ Church Cathedral” (Church) the Sherlock Holmes Case of The Talking Treasure Box.
My Grand Mother the “Holy Nun” and all of the Heaven then rest…

As time come to pass, “Michelle” there is this (Negro) a “huge water head baby” super nova brain type (Negro)  he attempts to takes the highest office of this Nation, (I) watch him in 2011-2011 as “Koch Coup Brothers, bankrupt and roll over against the entire finance of world.


To keep this “huge water head baby” super nova brain type (Negro) from takes the highest office on this Nation, My Holy Grand Mother the “Holy Nun”, and all of the Heaven now tell me protect that “huge water head baby” as time come to pass, either he like it or not,


Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare, As time come to pass, you been very quiet “Unholy”, all over the world you went after the weak first “United States of America”,


You secretly with the enemy(s) of my nation, worked well within just as President Abraham Lincoln 


“You” Doctor D.C. Khare, study not only my nation while for many years on a high sea pirate looting fest of the “World”,


“You study (me)… extra well that’s very right, you came and met me on purpose in this real life, but what you did not know,
Since January 1993- present 22 years 9 months you and “Geeta International Co. Ltd.
Was being watch by a unborn baby (yep) that is 100% right  
"Saint Michael the Archangel"  
With the heave spirit of a prophet" at the bequest command of Moses, whom had turn a rod into a snake.
For it was announced on Google + is this the same Louis that lived in Tacoma WA. In 1985: Louis did live there yes….: is this him…? We lived together for short time. Blast from the past:
Call I remember you J Louis Charles Hamilton II on Facebook:
As time come to pass I give my number “Michelle” we talk brief I asked how you been doing, she said real good, taking care of you “Son”,
Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare,
At the precise moment in time I posted on the wire I am defeated by you, Doctor D.C. Khare , my Grandmother the Holy Nun and
All of the heaven open up, and three calls came but it was announced no he is alive, he is on this Earth, and he shall be named “Aaron Michael”.
I asked now ask the entire Holy heaven hello it’s me just what in the “Bloody Hell” is really going on…? And now was told by my Holy Grandmother the “Holy Nun” and all of Heaven
I have been having my “fangs sharpening” all this life time to meet for in my real life a biblical pirate, he is the now the official answer to your unknown Child, and a walking Pandora box.
Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare, you scared the “Holy Church” they asked my vision is our “Nation in future danger”, I assured the “Holy Church”, this Nation is very safe, there are no “Broken Arrow” lying about against our Nation to harm all the people that is why, “Jesus Christ” sent you Doctor D.C. Khare, directly to me as I caught you very much in time…
And Thee “Jesus Christ” said thanks now not worry no more my “Black Knight” for here is a gift you have a “Son” his name is “Aaron Michael Halvorsen” and your Grandmother the “Holy Nun” her gift for her great grandson is very safe.
Thailand Pirate Doctor Denish Chandra Khare  and your whole “Khare Klan”, are very much in “Holy Trouble”, you have been watched , as the Angel was not even yet quite born whom was watching you… for it is the law of the bible you shall be judge, here on this earth.
And you are the exact baby Birthday Present of the Angel whom was not even born as he watched unholy you… whom been protected by angles of Heaven above all of this holy time….
Thee Jesus Christ’ (Thanks), The Vatican City (Thanks), My Grandmother the “Holy Nun” (Super Thanks),
Mr. President (Obama) The “Holy Church” before I left asked my “vision” are you a “good man” and I smiled and laugh by being caught off by this question especially coming from the “Holy Church”, and simply said “Hell Yes” he a Very “Good Man” because If he was not (I) never even would help his “Black Ass” …ha ha….xoxoxox
 I have vision, and your Nation is now super safe “Mr. President” and “Commander in Chief” (Obama) there are no “Broken Arrows” lying about…”
Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare,  Man you a piece of ungodly pirate work, all of heaven have been watching you all over the Earth”.

Thee Jesus Christ’ , “The Vatican City” and My Grandmother the “Holy Nun” I am so very grateful to serve and 100% surprise in having a Son, you guys are so “Heavenly Tricky” happy Halloween and welcome to Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race” it was designed by you (Guys)….thanks xoxoxoxoox!
“Michelle”, you done good, and His stepfather too, I bless you both, and “Aaron Michael”, my “Son”, you actually been watching that crooked “Thailand Pirate” all along as he led me to you, long before you were even born on this earth, as I never knew you actually even existed, you are surly very heavenly gifted my son, “Aaron Michael”…xoxoxoxoox!
“Michelle” “Aaron Michael”, not a baby no more, stops wiping his snotty little nose, Me know you very well “Michelle” (OK) thanks , but now let him grow more he is 29, once this Crooked Pirate is caught, we all need to talk, his mother, my son and I,

And he will then be ready for a wife.

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