Friday, October 16, 2015

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”… Rock of Gibraltar (Cigarettes smugglers cove), “The Lost City of Atlantis” Spain (Special Report).

To: President and “Commander in Chief” (Obama) 
To: “United States of America et al
To: Her “Royal Majesty” The “Queen of England”, and “The British Royal Navy”.
To: Rock of Gibraltar, (Cigarettes smugglers cove),
To: Spain and “The Lost City of Atlantis”
 To: Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare
 “United States of America”, “Canada”, “Australia”, her “Majesty” the “Queen of England” and the “British Royal Navy, my “Son” “Aaron Michael Halvorsen” (Hamilton II) your “Mom” “Michelle”…xoxoxox
“Commander in Chief” President (Obama),
“The Vatican City”, “My Grandmother” The “Holy Nun” and Thee’ “Jesus Christ” (Thanks), “Switzerland” and “Finance Ministry” “Ancient Greece” “Port of Alexandria”, Egypt hub of the “smuggling” Networks on Egyptian coast,
Rock of Gibraltar, (Cigarettes smugglers cove), Spain
And “The Lost City of Atlantis”.
I welcome you all to Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”,
“The Rock of Gibraltar (Cigarettes smugglers cove), “The Lost City of Atlantis” Spain (Special Report).  
Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare
The EU is calling on Spain and Gibraltar to crack down on tobacco smuggling across the border between the two countries, citing concerns about the involvement of organized crime.
Wrapping up a one-year investigation, the European Anti-Fraud Office (Olaf) said in a statement that it had "raised a number of concerns" to UK and Spanish officials regarding its investigation into the increase of cigarette smuggling across the frontier.
While the report was not made public, Olaf noted "a significant increase in the size of the Gibraltar market for cigarettes over the past four years" and that "the concerns include indications of the involvement of organized crime".
The investigation was sparked by a complaint from Spanish authorities to the EU that between 2006 and 2011, Gibraltar nearly tripled the amount of tobacco it brought in. The Spanish government claims that much of this tobacco was then sold illegally in Spain.
Hovering at around €26 (£20) a carton, tobacco prices in Gibraltar are much cheaper than in Spain, where the cost generally ranges from €40 to €44.
According to figures from Spanish government officials, the amount of tobacco brought into Gibraltar has continued to rise in recent years, from 110m packs of cigarettes in 2012 to 117m packs in 2013.
The figures, they argue, are excessive for the 30,000 or so inhabitants of Gibraltar. "Every resident of Gibraltar, including children who are nursing, would have to smoke nine packs of cigarettes each day," one government source told El País.
After three visits to Gibraltar in the past year, Olaf said on Monday that the increase in tobacco being brought into Gibraltar was of concern, given its links to "the subsequent increase of cigarette smuggling across the frontier and corresponding increase in size of the illicit market in southern Spain."
Noting that its only role is to carry out administrative investigations, Olaf called on Spain and Gibraltar, via the UK Representation to the EU, to "initiate judicial proceedings" related to the concerns raised in the report.
Spanish authorities welcomed the Olaf findings. "Spain's only goal is to ensure that international and EU laws are followed," Spain's foreign minister, José Manuel García-Margallo, told reporters on Sunday. Spanish courts are expected to open an investigation into the matter in the coming weeks, reported Spanish media.
Contraband tobacco is one of several contentious issues that has been at the forefront of tensions between London and Madrid over Gibraltar. The diplomatic spat flared up last summer, after Spain complained that an artificial reef created by Gibraltar was disrupting its fishing boats.
In a move seen by many as retaliatory, Spain tightened controls at its shared border with Gibraltar, leading to long waits for those trying to enter the British overseas territory.
Spanish authorities maintain that the increased checks at the border are necessary to crackdown on tobacco smuggling. In the first five months of this year, Spanish border police said they have detected more than 2,500 offenders travelling from Gibraltar to Spain carrying illegal amounts of tobacco.
After months of pressure from groups on both sides of the border, last month Spain announced it would create a special "fast lane" for workers who need to travel between Gibraltar and Spain, in a bid to ease the disruption to their commutes.
The plans were slammed by the Gibraltar government, who argued that everyone – from tourists to residents – should have the same freedom of movement with respect to entering the British outpost. "The reality is that the Spanish authorities make life difficult for people and vehicles crossing the border, for political reasons and because they want to," the Gibraltar government said in a statement.
"All that Madrid has to do is improve the flow rate of cars and persons and operate proper red and green channels."
A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: "The Olaf report raises concerns about cigarette smuggling over the frontier, an illicit market in southern Spain, and the involvement of organized crime.
Following its most recent visit to the Gibraltar-Spain border, the European Commission recognized the commitment the Government of Gibraltar has made to tackle tobacco smuggling and the significant steps taken to date, including restricting the number of cigarettes allowed in the area around the land border to 200 per person.
"The Government of Gibraltar remains ready to work directly with their Spanish counterparts to tackle this issue. But at the same time, the Commission raised concern about the lack of progress by the Spanish in addressing its recommendations and said that the
Spanish checks giving rise to several hours waiting times at the Gibraltar/Spain border are disproportionate, a point that the UK government has made consistently clear for some time." seem like “very crooked pirate type activities”, being smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped into among other countries namely “Spain” just like Geeta LLC in Conroe Texas did to “United States of America” in that approximately
(28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms was being smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped into among other countries namely “United States of America”
Some seem like “very crooked pirate type activities”, as United States of America U.S. Custom clearance records seem to somehow indicating Between the exacts dates” of “June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015” approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms did enter “Illegally” into the “United States of America” by a company called “Geeta LLC”, on the “State of Texas” registrations with the Sectary of The State of Texas office.
            This company "Geeta LLC" did not however exist until "June 19th 2015" and from June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015 and possibly beyond extreme large amount of "Shipment" at in excess of “101,211” Kilograms of unknown
 "Materials" have been illegally brought into "The United States of America” from Places Like, “India”, “Thailand” and “China” 100%
you “Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare passing U.S. Customs in excess of (28) times, in the last 90 days By A Company that never even existed in the first place, but meanwhile “Geeta Shipping and Clearing Services” since three decades, as claimimg a “legacy of trust” by offering “freight management services”, that include moving cargo by “Air”, Sea” and “Road”.
Heavey Machinery, Petroleum Product, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Industrial goods and various other merchandise “Namely” smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, bootleg “cigarettes” into the Gibraltar-Spain border which you do “Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare having already passing U.S. Customs in (America) in excess of (28) times, in the last 90 days By a Company that never even existed in the first place, meanwhile your fleet of “Geeta Pirate ships” alone with your
“FMCG Export Fleet”, of Pirate Ships and the other secret (India) home-base “Pirate shipping company” your “Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare having access too was last seen in the area of “Gibraltar-Spain” from June 19th 2015 back to 1995 unloading secret (“cigarettes”) shipping containers in “Spain”…???
“Meanwhile Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare  It has remained a tantalising mystery for thousands of years, but now a U.S. led research team believes it has found the legendary lost city of Atlantis.
Scientists claim to have pinpointed the exact location of the metropolis under mud flats in southern Spain.
The team of archaeologists and geologists are convinced that Atlantis -swamped by a tsunami - is submerged just north of Cadiz
Professor Richard Freund of the University of Hartford, Connecticut, who led the international team, said: 'This is the power of tsunamis.
'It is just so hard to understand that it can wipe out 60 miles inland, and that's pretty much what we're talking about.'
The team used a satellite photo of a suspected submerged city to find the site then surveyed it with a combination of deep-ground radar, digital mapping, and underwater technology.
Buried in the vast marshlands of the Dona Ana Park they found a strange series of 'memorial cities,' built in Atlantis' image by the refugees who fled the destructive tsunami.
Atlantis residents who did not die built new cities inland, claimed Freund.
The team's findings were unveiled yesterday in Finding Atlantis, a new National Geographic Channel special.
Freund said the 'twist' of finding the memorial cities makes him confident Atlantis was buried in the mud flats.
He said: 'We found something that no one else has ever seen before, which gives it a layer of credibility, especially for archaeology, that makes a lot more sense.'
Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis some 2,600 years ago, describing it as 'an island situated in front of the straits called the Pillars of Hercules.'
These pillars were known as the Straits of Gibraltar in bygone times. Using Plato's detailed account of Atlantis as a map, searches have focused on the Mediterranean and Atlantic as the best possible sites for the city.
Freund says tsunamis in the region have been documented for centuries with one of the largest reported in November 1755 hitting Lisbon with a 10-story tidal wave.
Debate about whether Atlantis truly existed has lasted for thousands of years. Plato's 'dialogues' from around 360 B.C. are the only known historical sources of information about the iconic city.
Plato said the island he called Atlantis 'in a single day and night... disappeared into the depths of the sea.'
Experts plan further excavations at the site where they believe Atlantis is and at the mysterious 'cities' in central Spain 150 miles away to more closely study geological formations and to date artefacts.

Atlantis has been 'discovered' many times in the past.
In 1997, Russian scientists claimed to have found it 100 miles off Land's End.
Three years later, a ruined town was found under 300ft of water off the north coast of Turkey in the Black Sea.
See you later as you Crooked Mean Little Old “Thailand and India” Pirate Dr. Dinesh Chandra Khare  getting ready to go on a Pirate Looting spree of “The Lost City of Atlantis” underneath the mud flaps in Spain………………………….”



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