Saturday, October 10, 2015

United States of America “Crime Stopper” Welcome to Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2015 “Great Pirate Race”

To: President of the United States of America (Obama)

To: United States of America “Crime Stopper”

To: Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare and Vipul Khare of “Geeta International Co. Ltd”

                                    Hello United States of America “Crime Stopper”, I like to report that  approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms was being smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped into among other countries namely “United States of America”

Some seem like “very crooked pirate type activities”, as United States of America U.S. Custom clearance records seem to somehow indicating Between the exacts dates” of “June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015” approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms enter “Illegally” into the “United States of America” by a company called “Geeta LLC”, on the “State of Texas” registrations with the Sectary of The State of Texas office.

            This company "Geeta LLC" did not however exist until "June 19th 2015" and from June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015 and possibly beyond extreme large amount of "Shipment" at in excess of “101,211” Kilograms of unknown

 "Materials" have been illegally brought into "The United States of America” from Places Like, India, Thailand and “China” 100% pass U.S. Customs in excess of (28) times, they pass your “U.S. Custom” and “department of homeland security” in the last 90 days By A Company that never even existed in the first place.

This company "Geeta LLC" did not however exist until "June 19th 2015" in the “State of Texas” and from back dates of June 18th 2015 back to March 30th 2015 and possibly beyond large amount of "Shipment" at in excess of 101,211 Kilograms of unknown

 "Materials" have been in factual circumstances brought “illegally” into "The United States of America” Pass in excess (28) times once again secretly pass the United States of America U.S. Customs and department of Homeland security cargo from “India, Thailand and “China” By A Company that never existed in the first place until “June 19th 2015.

However I having already filed all of the factual evidence in U.S. Docket No. 15-CV-2884 in a Houston United States District Court of Law with the clerk of court”,…seems in addition lot of trickery with mutable “Federal and States” Tax evasion, possible money laundering  too….?

                        Notwithstanding “News” on the street in Texas this "Geeta LLC" doubling up their secret shipment in the “United States of America” for the “Christmas Holidays” shopping rush…seems to now approximately (56) shipment from “India China and Thailand” once again pass somehow the “United States of America” U.S. Customs and the department of homeland security to now 202,422 Kilograms of a “unknown” very suspicious power white substances…?

            I met the little Thailand pirate in person, and he committed robbery of me too….now lost my construction company, had to sell all my tools, and now selling my truck extremely very homeless now living down by the “river” and just found out I have a “Son” also to feed, too….”United States of America “Crime Stoppers” what is the exact reward this years for discovery of approximately 101,211 Kilograms of unknown very suspicious illegal power white substances…?  “Thanksgiving Turkey” or “Christmas Ham”…..?

            It would surely be appreciated “Thanksgiving Turkey” or “Christmas Ham” at my “homeless camp” we kind of hunger this year seems the mean Crooked Mean Little Old Thailand Pirate Doctor D.C. Khare and his pirate partner “Vipul Khare” has 100 % stolen my 2015 “Christmas Joy” ……Thanks

 “United States of America” Crime stoppers……my contact info is filed with all of the factual evidence in U.S. Docket No. 15-CV-2884 in a Houston United States District Court of Law with the clerk of court”


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