Wednesday, October 7, 2015

“Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) 18 U.S.C. § 371 “Sherlock Holmes” case of: “The Crooked Three Spotted Cheetah”

To: Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,      

 This is once again…”….!!!

Bluefin Inc. “Collection Agency”,

            Sir(s) you still collectively having a showing of a outstanding Bill,

My company agency records showing a contraband shipment in smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of

 “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials,

 and “China White Heroin” was made mean old “pirate”, and I will have to pack up my homeless (WM) “waste management” office beside

 “PAPPA BUGERS’ in Downtown Houston Texas,

Commandeer me The “Queen of England” Royal Navy,

 And pursue your “Crooked Pirate Asses”

I am asking again nicely “Debit or Credit”…?   “Sir’s” ……?

I do have payments (plans) J

Meanwhile……Back at the “USDA Courthouse”….  J

                        The Court: “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) you may call your next witness to testify…?

                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton): Thank you “You’re Honor “Sir”

I call the “The State of Illinois” to the witness stand your honor “Sir”

                        The Court: OK Mr. “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton)

                        The Court: “State of Illinois” come up and please takes the witness stand and is “sworn in”…..”

                        Defense Attorney: “Object your Honor”, …!!!!

This is some “Merlin Wizardry Magical” puff of smoke act,

 Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton),

 Prefer working before the “Honorable Court” 

                        The Court: “What in the Hell you babbling about

 “Cartel”, “Defense Counsel”…..”…!!!

                        Defense Attorney:  You’re Honor “Sir” first “Pro Se Plaintiff

(Hamilton) in a “rash attempt” to embrace my “Clients” before the Jury,

            “He never once” introduced into evidence before the “Honorable Court”

…..Sound Proof of a paternity (DNA) testing that “Geeta ja”, “Geeta Jo”, “Geeta

Jean”, “Geeta Billy Rae”, and “Geeta  Jetta”  of this known

            “Street walking scarlet “Guadalajara State of California” Mexico “Slut”

Even having any “sexual relationships”

With my foreign client “Let” alone produce (5) off spring “Geeta”s 

            The “State of Illinois” is related to the President of the “United States of America” and that 100 % bias your “Honor”…!!!!

            And Then “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) introduces the “State of New York”…..

”Your Honor” looking nice before the “Court” she is

…. Nothing more than a $5000.00 a Night “Call Girl”

….Here your “Honor”  “Look”……I have very “Naked damaging photos” “Sir”

this sweet smelling

 “State of New York” Pinky Channel Dress $5000.00 a Night “Call Girl”

 “9th floor “Elevator Whore” caught “knocking ugly boots” with

 “The Billionaire” himself “Donald Trump”…. J

                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton): “Object Your Honor”….. “Sir”

            Defense Counsel has no standing to just introduce and toss “soap box scantling photos” before the Jury your Honor, without first allowing Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) proper discovery…. “Your Honor….!!!!

            (I) Move the Bailiff remove these pictures (Asap) from the Court “Your” Honor…and they be striking from the record.

                                    The Court: “Object” over rule Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) this is 4th Amendment (America)

“Court Clerk” please mark the exhibit(s) Defense (A) and enter these pictures into evidence and stricken The Witness (“State of California” ) testimony from the record

            Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) has not introduced any such paternity (DNA) testing evidence that in fact

 “Geeta ja”, “Geeta Jo”, “Geeta Jean”,

“Geeta Billy Rae”, and “Geeta Jetta” is the “foreign Defendant”

Natural Born obligation before my “Court”…!!!!

            “Now” Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) I said call your “Next Witness”

            Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton): “Yes …… “Sir”   “You’re Honor” I recall “The State of Illinois”

             However” I asking for a moment your “Honor Sir”  they are bring “Her” up now….!!!
                        The Court: Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) who is it exactly is they that are bring up “The State of Illinois” …!!!!

            Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton):  “Cook County Sheriff’s Office”,

 You’re Honor “Sir”……..”

                                    The Court:  “What”…!!!!

    Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton):  “You’re Honor” “Sir”

 The “Cook County Sheriff’s Office”,   is escorting             “The State of Illinois” to Trial

Because she broke her “house arrest” probation for……”,

“Domestic Violence” ….”…!!!!

”Your Honor …”Sir”…”    

                                    The Court:  “This Court” is in “full recess” for 3 hours lunch

“Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton)” and “Cartel Defense Attorney”….!!!!!

  (I) see the “both” of you two “Clowns”….!!!!!  

 In my “Chambers”…..Right Now”…..!!!   J

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