Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), “Lt. Moore” have “Helmsmen” come 360 Left 20 degrees Rudder, all ahead “Flank” departing “Rhine River” for the “North Sea”…………………………….”

Have the “Gunners Mate” Re-Load all ‘forward and aft’ torpedoes tubes, set “all” “depth charges rigged  for “Extreme Shallow”……………
…………………Reload forward and aft “Double Missile Launchers”…
..and have all Hand Clear, Aft Missile Launcher….

”Fire” in the Hole…………… on my Mark firing rear “ ASROC System”...………”Now”…………………….”

Lt. Moore”…the smoking Lamp is lit for 4 hours for the entire crew,  have all hands return to
“General Quarters” thereafter and fully loading both forward and aft
55 inch deck guns, and replenish all ASROC systems, 

That is all………………………………………………..”



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