Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


                                              “Judicial Fraud”

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2015-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,

Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:        

Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” criminal committing   “Judicial Fraud”

Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) having no legal standing ever in a Federal Court of (America) governing rules of corrupted “White Only” Laws being a legal forced “Slave” status with no ever official

 2015-2099 legal “Citizenship” while waiting in “Vain” for civil rights of the 4th 6th 13th and 14th Amendment of the “United States of America” that do not exist for (Negro) ever, while (Negro) furtherance’s being

“Grand Theft” and robberies, plunder, pillage, rape, loot, steal, embezzle, strip, and raid of all monetary taxes in this continual “Deep Dark ages Defendants “United States of America” typical using

Corrupted absolute immunity lynching (Negro) forever in “Judicial Fraud” force to maintain their collective ongoing non-reformed (RICO) slave régime by mutable counts of (44.5) million plus current “Slave Victim” being still criminally against their , peace, will, knowledge, and dignity of secret placement of Negro race sealed

“Mummy-Tomb”, “Mausoleum”, “Vault”, “Catacomb” fashion lost race of (America)in this still legal state of massive Fraud, Non-disclosure and “Judicial Fraud” to continual grand scheme of things for

($$$) “White Only” “Unjust enrichment of taxes” in this ongoing ““Judicial Fraud” and False Imprisonment” scheme of things from the exact “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) throughout dates of February 7th 2013

Notwithstanding “We thee abused Negro (Race) already wrong by past

“False Imprisonment” by continual “Slavery Servitude” there after 1865, institution additional laws of “Black Codes Laws, Vagrancy laws, Jim Crow Laws and running all currently while whole sale destruction of the

“Freeman Bureau”, and Physical actual 1000% “thousands upon thousands” of count of “Invasion of Privacy” in direct Violation of the

 Deep Dark ages Defendant ”United States of America” et al very own rules of governing laws pursuant to the 4th Amendment of “United States of America “Constitution” in the absolute immunity judicial shopping spree and

 1000% “Governmental sanction approval, leadership, and financing in insuring Pirate of (America) “White Only” Constitution government engaging fully with intent and conscious knowledge of their actions of whole sale conspire hand in hand sanction income in

“Pillage”, “Plundering and “looting of (Billions) in physical August 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 wholesale ransack, seizure by force 1000% absolute civil disorder in “Invasion of Privacy”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

1000% breach of fiduciary duty scheme of things in regards to own accord self-destruction of the 4th 6th 13th and 14th amendment of (America) constitution, accompanying criminal acts of “Black Code Laws, Vagrancy laws, Jim Crow Laws, and

1000% “Slavery Servitude” running currently from August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013, keeping “We thee abused (Negro) race forever confused, afraid for lost of life, while “systematically being furtherance’s subjects of

“Grand Theft” and robberies, plunder, pillage, rape, loot, steal, embezzle, strip, and raid of all monetary taxes in conveyance, spoilage of evidence,

(RICO) money laundering pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), leaving no official (Negro) kidnap and abducted race since August 20th 1619 some (394) years later of hideous, Very grim, dreadful and quite ghastly stealing of “Human Negro Souls”.

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