Thursday, December 3, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

                           “Custodial Interference”


Deep, Deep, Darkest “Ages” Defendant “United States of America” et al not only violate the basic right to equality of Pro Se Slave Negro, (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II before the law they designed in “Child Custody”, laws

But 100,000 and 100,000% “illegally” criminally and with deep dark “Medieval times of “Salem Witch “Religious Persecution” as the Hands of the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” et al
“Judicial Fraud”, in full collusion, conspire, and direction of “conscious”, “declare”, “deliberation” and officially of “Absolute Power”, of being the supreme “White” being of Earth,

Before His/hers Honorable World Court Justice of (Petitioner) herein “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition) Pro Se Slave Negro “Louis Charles Hamilton II” (USN) suffrages of “Custodial Interference”, being criminally deny procedural rights guaranteed by the Deep Dark ages Defendant United States of (America) on “White Only” United States Constitution against

(Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II Furtherance’s the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” against “Natural Father” of beloved

“Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” Deep, Deep, Darkest “Ages” Defendant “United States of America” et al leadership, and “Judicial Fraud” to aid in “Custodial Interference” beloved (MIA) Thee “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” officially and quite criminally illegal pursuant to the teaching of

The Church of “Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), never ever more to having legal rights of birth in knowing the Natural Negro Slave Father or their entire Negro Slave “Heritage Family of the Pro Se Slave Negro (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II, all being conspire, malice,

Furtherance’s 1000% creation of a negative relationship between “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” to having legal rights of birth in knowing the Natural Negro Slave Father or their entire Negro Slave “Heritage Family of the Pro Se Slave Negro (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II,

All which in factual circumstances “never even existed” at time of both (Babies) birth, “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” being official abducted and 100,000 and 100,000% wholesale destruction involving

 “Custodial Interference” and the already direct criminal collusion with the Pro Se Slave Negro (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II, relationship between “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton”

Furtherance (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II having two minor Children(s) daughters “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton”, being kept away from “Christian Belief” of 1000% “Roman Catholic” of their Father, whom being raised as such and in factual circumstances

“Chandra and Natasha Hamilton”, “Great Grand Mother” 1000% “Roman Catholic” Holy “Nun” whom teaching, was at home as well in the 1000% “Roman Catholic Church”, established teachings before “Jesus Christ”

Whom (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein express (Own) rightful desire to raising said (2) daughters before “Christianity” Vs. “Mormonism Sovereignty Nation” of “The Church of “Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” within the

 “Sovereignty Nation” of the “Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America et al and the “Teaching racist teaching of the “Book of Mormon”

Involving among this “Sick white only twisted” religious “Cult”  “Wrongful Death of Fetus” of the (Petitioner) herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, and (Dead) wife, “Rachel Ann Hamilton” very first “Unborn Fetus” pursuant to the teaching of

The Church of “Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), as (Petitioner) herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, and (Dead) wife, “Rachel Ann Hamilton

In the Deep, Deep, Darkest “Ages” Defendant “United States of America” et al, between 25,000 and 100,000 children are kidnapped each year.

 See generally Proposed Federal Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act: Hearings on S. 105 Before the Subcomm.

 On Child and Human Development of the Senate Comm. on Labor and Human Resources, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 1 (1970) (statement of Senator Alan Cranston). As a result, "[s]tates have applied various legislative and judicial remedies to the parental kidnapping problem.

These remedies include uniform laws concerning child custody jurisdiction, tougher criminal sanctions against parental kidnapping, and traditional civil remedies." Campbell, "The Tort of Custodial Interference Toward a More Complete Remedy to Parental Kidnappings," 1983 U. Ill. L. Rev. 229.

Before His/hers Honorable World Court Justice of (Petitioner) herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, and (Dead) wife, “Rachel Ann Hamilton, suffrages of “Religious Persecution” as the Hands of the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” et al

 “Judicial Fraud” against their very own rules of “White Only” criminal forever hostile “Governing Laws” pursuant to Proposed Federal Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act, direct act of 1000% Custodial Interference, against the peace, rights, will, and dignity in that Before His/hers Honorable World Court Justice of (Petitioner) herein

Pro Se Slave Negro (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein whom physically having two minor “Very Pretty” Children(s) both Daughters name officially “Chandra D. and Natasha C. Hamilton

Whom after Custodial Interference and 1000% continual wrongful abduction in 1994 thereafter this very undersigned “Notary Seal Date”

Said “Very Pretty” Children(s) both Daughters name officially “Chandra D. and Natasha C. Hamilton ever, ever officially ever never ever knowing the Negro Father Pro Se Slave Negro (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein

Or their entire Negro “Heritage Family of the (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II with the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” Custodial Interference, and there involved “Henchmen” the 1000%

Twisted Corrupted Judicial systems” of the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, Judicial Fifth Circuit “conscious”, “declare”, “deliberation” and officially “Affirm”, Filed: April 17, 2012 as 12-40403

As such against (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton IIthat “Affirm” furtherance’s legally 1000% in Judicial Fraud, “Chandra D. and Natasha C. Hamilton 1000% furtherance’s ever, ever officially ever never ever furtherance’s after 1994 following collective birth(s)

(Chandra) December 27th 1990 and (Natasha) December 30th 91 knowing no more thee “Slave Negro Father (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein or their entire Negro “Heritage Family

 In connection furtherance’s Twisted Corrupted judicial systems” Docket No. 1:2011 CV-OO240,

Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II "Amend Complaint" Defendant(s), United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”,

Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker”, Co-Defendant(s) CVS/Caremark and (UPS)

Erase furtherance (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II having two minor Children(s) daughters

“Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” to aid in never knowing the Negro Father or their entire Negro “Heritage Family of the (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II, all being conspire and direct

“Wrongful Death of Fetus” of the (Petitioner) herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, and (Dead) wife, “Rachel Ann Hamilton” very first “Unborn Fetus” pursuant to the teaching of

The Church of “Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), , with collectively (Petitioner) being slave “Negro” race in 1000% furtherance’s suffrages of

“Religious Persecution” as the Hands of the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” et al “Judicial Fraud”, Erase furtherance (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II having two minor Children(s) daughters

“Chandra and Natasha Hamilton”, upon which is direct cause of action for Custodial Interference and 1000% continual wrongful abduction in 1994 thereafter this very undersigned “Notary Seal Date”, which

(Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II, seeks 1000% direct, intentional infliction of emotional distress/ and exemplary damages for “Wrongful Death of Fetus” of the (Petitioner) herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”

And (Dead) wife, “Rachel Ann Hamilton” very first “Unborn Fetus” pursuant to the teaching of The Church of “Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

 (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II, seeks 1000% direct, intentional infliction of emotional distress/ and exemplary damages for ‘Custodial Interference’ and 1000% continual wrongful abduction in 1994 thereafter this very undersigned “Notary Seal Date”

Said “Very Pretty” Children(s) both Daughters name officially “Chandra D. and Natasha C. Hamilton ever, ever officially ever never ever knowing the Negro Father Pro Se Slave Negro (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein

Or their entire Negro “Heritage Family of the (Petitioner) herein Louis Charles Hamilton II with the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” Custodial Interference, and there involved “Henchmen” the 1000%

Twisted Corrupted Judicial systems” of the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, Judicial Fifth Circuit “conscious”, “declare”, “deliberation” and officially “Affirm”, Filed: April 17, 2012 as 12-40403

1000% (25) Million U.S. Dollars with 6% interest incurred since date of Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, Judicial Fifth Circuit “conscious”, “declare”, “deliberation” and officially “Affirm”, Filed: April 17, 2012 as 12-40403 for both collectively
 “Judicial Fraud”, against the absolute 100,000,000% peace, will, dignity, and human rights of (Petitioner) herein and the direct furtherance’s criminal (RICO) “Slave Régime” since

August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 1000% continual “criminal cover up” of thee “Wrongful Death of Fetus” of the Slave Negro (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II” here, being Directed with deep dark intent, intentional infliction of emotional distress/and exemplary damages and furtherance’s

 Direct with (KKK) dark dreadful “White Only” (America) intent, intentional infliction of emotional distress/ and exemplary damages in this “Cult” Mormonism teaching of The Church of “Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

“Religious Persecution” as the Hands of the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America” et al “Judicial Fraud” involving “Custodial Interference’ Said “Very Pretty” Children(s) both Daughters name officially “Chandra D. and Natasha C. Hamilton and

1000% continual wrongful abduction in 1994 thereafter this very undersigned “Notary Seal Date” against Slave Negro (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II” here

Whom Slave Negro (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein express (Own) rightful desire to raising said (2) daughters before “Christianity” Vs. “Mormonism Sovereignty Nation” of “The Church of “Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” within the

 “Sovereignty Nation” of the “Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant United States of America et al and the “Teaching racist teaching of the “Book of Mormon” and the confusion in “The Curse of Dark Skin”…?

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