Tuesday, December 15, 2015

“Cmdr Bluefin” (USN) Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), “Lt. Moore” …The smoking Lamp is lit for 4 hours for the entire crew,

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief” : )

To: NATO  : )

To: United States of America

To: Mayor Annise Parker City of Houston Texas

To: L.K. Johnson “Sergeant Property Division Letter dated December 11th 2015 Houston Texas Police department subject Request Property

The Slave Negro Pro Se (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein having no legal standing born Nov 8 1961 -  2099 to appear before any Federal Court of Law, as described

“Cmdr Bluefin” (USN) Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), “Lt. Moore” …The smoking Lamp is lit for 4 hours for the entire crew,

Have “Helmsmen” reduced speed, to 1/3 curse speed, set deck watch condition “Yellow”, and set aft Station for “Beer-n- Steaks” for the entire crew…….   : )

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief” : )

How ya doing…?  Cool   : )

News on the “International Wire”   

Crooked America Looking kinda extra ugly crazy on the Internet ha ha Omg…completely f-king gutted “She Was Warn”  ha ha   : )

By the way No Joke  ….!

I sold officially (My) President “Ronald Regan” I called “Ronnie” Back United States of America The Infamous

Pearl Harbor Hawaii for $2000. U.S. Dollars : )  and return two Fighter-Jets…I accidentally borrowed did not said I flew them only stolen the official 1000% Flight crew ha ha   : )

“Yep” he was so dam pissed off ….Omg….very confused and super (Mad)  too, and it was not all “only” at me…. Da  : )

To: NATO  : )

Hi ya fellow’s sorry me so legal busy (Again) & Missing all of NATO (fun) opening the

Sub-Sea Bay “Boom” “Boom” bang bang doors for Thee Infamous made in USDA “Tomahawk Curies Missile” : )

I just simply blow up everything smooth the f-up on both “extremist sides”...they be so dam extra mad

And stop talking to each other, for many years to come…xoxoxox

And “Syria” refugee’s can go back home and fixing back the blown up massive trash I left

  "Cmdr. Bluefin" United States Ninja Navy"  :)

Ha ha “Stand By   : )

TO: United States of America et al


This is Cmdr. Bluefin “United States Ninja Navy” a/k/a “Lucifer”……a/k/a “Negro Sherlock Holmes”  : )

 Owner of Bluefin Inc.

            United States of America, et al having 1000% “Bluefin inc. Collection Agency”, herein as my records seems to indicate a rather “large” and extremely outstanding

 “Murderous” infamous “Knight of the Klu Klux Klan” Government sponsored eating, drunken bootleg liquor and dinning/dashing out on ya “lynch bill”,

 Would you like to please care to reflect adjust your past August 20th 1619 “Negro Abuse Abducted Slave records, and the (MIA) 13th amendment of 1865 “

Crooked White Only” America prosperity whom Conspire being official Thee 17th President Andrew Johnson who

 “Killed” President Abe Lincoln, XXX super pissed of Mrs. Lincoln

Furtherance’s instituted “Black Codes”, Vagrancy Laws, while destroyed the Freeman Bureau and built his

 “Murderous” Knight of the Klu Klux Klan Government going on lynching raid of the night as this will being requires

Simply “Cash” Debit” and or “Credit : )

“Bluefin inc. “Collection Agency”, having New Freeman Bureau easy payment plan  : )

To: Mayor Annise Parker City of Houston Texas

To: L.K. Johnson “Sergeant Property Division Letter dated December 11th 2015 Houston Texas Police department subject Request Property

Your records seem to indicate as stated by you “No Signature” of said City of Houston Texas personal….?  But very odd as follows

1.     032208911- All items are still in location at the Property Division but cannot be released at this time which you put time Twice..? Further stated due to “Homicide hold being placed on the item on terroristic Threat case. The items include legal documents, envelopes and pictures of the suspect….?

2.     123793311- .35 cents was transferred to the city General Fund as per city ordinance, a yellow handled knife with black cover was formally destroyed as per city ordinance, “BLACK COMPAQ LAPTOP was transferred to Surplus and Salvage for auction….? As per city ordinance, black pack containing clothing and paperwork was informally destroyed as per city ordinance, and a wooded Wine-Fest 2011 box was informally destroyed as per city ordinance. None of these items are being held by Property Division.

There are currently no items being held at the Property Division which can be released at this time.
The Property Division is a holding facility for the Police Department and cannot release or destroy any evidence without consent of the concerned division giving authorization…?

Attached are copies of screenshots showing when the item were returned to you or the status of the above property. I understand your frustration in the letter and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Have nice day.

No signature, but from the Desk of “L.K. Johnson…? Sergeant “Property Division

Mayor Annise Parker City of Houston Texas
“Why” did you destroyed my property when I was officially at The Property Division your claim holding facility for the Police Department and you still withheld everything…?

 And destroyed my property other than officially returning it to the owner…? When requesting it…? At the time before destroying it…..?

Everything destroyed including “laptop” for sell by you and the police….but refusal to return…to the rightful owner……?

Why was I arrested for cutting a white man I don’t know and was refused to represent myself in “Criminal Court”….? But hauled off to “States Hospital”…declared crazy……?

Why have your crooked court appointed attorney not officially supply me with one (Dam) single affidavit of probable cause for my arrest…any document concerning my arrest…?

Who was the “White Man”   your officially having me arrests over….?

 And then telling me he was wanted for possession of “Gun Violations” but I must confession to a crime I knowing nothing about in order after 222 days of abduction of being held in “States Hospital”…declared crazy……?

The only way I get to be free is to sell my soul for a crime I am 1000% so very confused about even before the “World Court of Justices of Hague…?


 Still I have no knowledge of what your creepy problem with my arrest in the first place and my property was free with me when I was simply free at the library now in jail…

Via Texas State Hospital and everything further destroyed but have a nice Negro day…? After 222 days…of spooky arrest…..?  And 1000% refusal to return my property but used for “Unjust Enrichment” of the City of Houston Texas,

As I to be so………………………………….

 “State Hospital declared crazy and official “Negro Sherlock Holmes” XXX “Stupid”…?

So the computer chips too destroyed and my social security card…?

What the creepy deal with my property, and I assumed begging for after my direct release from your custody….? 

Now you’re having “Homicide…Holding my property further…in 2015 – 2099  ...other then return to the rightful...owner…?

 Which the Legal document being deposition of “Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law is 1000% Official Evidence before a “World Court Honorable Justices”…..?

As I already been charge for a crooked crime I have deep dark night mare still about (OK), then abducted and next 1000% “physically attacked at the “Texas State Hospital” upon which (me) had to Omg physically search/destroy in return my proper

 (United States Ninja Navy) special stealth skills upon “Texas State Hospital” 1000% official return “old school” respect back unto a State Hospital official now officially Code help (us) scary screw your

“Slow XXX “Max Security” Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Breached into a “Ninja” “Blood Bath” being @ “twice” count for (me) being disrespected while be innocent and attack sleeping…?

 All on creepy think he so smart too goffey ass “Head doctor” reports as he and his whole dizzy ass “Texas State Hospital” extra sloooow staff having very first day of Cmdr. Bluefin (USN)
Direct arrival 1000% officially given “fair” U.S. Naval asset direct “warning” leave me the F- (Alone) …..I am being criminally abducted…..?

 And I am Not “Mental Crazy”……?  (OK)   so ya’ll all do your own unedumacted math…….”

All on official Texas States Sloooow Maximum Security creepy medical records no less and after this night mare about as 1000% extra lost in the deep darkness of my Brain of what the extra creepy deal …?

When legally I am at your confusing “but” 1000% very confusing “Police Station”….asking for my dam “BLACK COMPAQ LAPTOP”….but other then returning it 100% safely with “Police respect” it 1000% officially transferred to said “Surplus and Salvage” for auction….?

                        Just how “Crooked Broke” is the city of Houston Texas….?

 Deciding to not return my personal “BLACK COMPAQ LAPTOP which was further transferred to said “Surplus and Salvage” for auction….? 

While I am standing their asking for my “Bloody Property” and yet it is being refusal to give back….after spooky creepy arrest….?

 As per city ordinance, when legally I am at your once aging physically on camera confusing very confusing “Police Station”….Asking for my dam “BLACK COMPAQ LAPTOP”…
.but other then returning safely with “Police respect” it 1000% officially transferred to said “Surplus and Salvage” for $$$ auction….?

As per city ordinance, needing to sell my “BLACK COMPAQ LAPTOP”….before my eyes, and keeping officially me in the dark about this arrest and now I hearing further confusing very confusing “Police Station”…Spooky news,,,,,,,,?

            Mayor Annise Parker City of Houston Texas “Listen” extra (USN) super close,  you remember when I was on “Live TV” in your city hall chambers asking before your “Mayor” face….Hun….? Why I U.S. Vet-Negro had to bath in the dam river…? 

And 1000% smooth of the toilet chain asking you to your face exactly where are those tired of begging “Abused Texas Negro” Hurricane Ike Victim’s money the U.S. Federal Government already sent to “Texas”

I Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) forget officially nothing  (OK)……….

.As you’re not aware 1000% officially “Madam Mayor” Annise Parker of Houston Texas which you assumed (me)
Super SLOOOW negro once so many times again 1000% being in absolute deep darkness aware of what happen next as the (Obama) U.S. Federal Government descend upon you….. : )

Mayor Annise Parker City of Houston Texas with more “Negro” Hurricane Ike Victim relief money (OK)………………

.I am not by far as your seeming to think “Mental Stupid” or by far XXX Negro Egg Crack Head sloooooooooow  (I) physically do own a “Live” Intelligence agency within “United States of America  (OK) “Madam Mayor Annise Parker of Houston Texas

Bluefin Inc. officially “Not” listed in yellow pages……Must send your required request chit contact information to “NATO”  : )

I am the official protector of The Presidential Shield of Thee Infamous President Ronald Regan and he don’t give a rat dog frog wooden leg if I am in my soft bunk  Sleeping Comfortable in any stinky Jail…..release the “Negro Hound   : )

    Ya’ll So Slooooooooooooooooooow

So see ya’ll VIP Houston Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law and the “Whole 100% “Entire” Crooked Hole in the Wall Church Thievery Gang in so soon

Guest appearances before His/her Honorable “World Court of Justices” : )

Provided Thee Infamous 1619 “Slime Green Puss Leaking “Yeast Infected” Scank Ugly Whore “United States of America”, et al sloooow gang @ cReEPY

“Hidden Club Tea- House” under the “low sodium” thinking secrete “cracker factory” “White Only” prosperity (Klansmen) et al

Buzzard crooks don’t hurry the f-up and officially 1000% pay off

“This f-u-king enormous huge (MIA) “Abused Negro Slaves”

Infamous stolen finger licking XXX good Barbeque Bill………

Eat Me……Lick “Lucifer” Middle “Flaming” Finger…&……”Leave Me Thee Infamous F- Alone”

“Cmdr Bluefin” United States Ninja Navy : )

 “Going off line”………………………………………..

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