Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) Vs. United States of America (Houston Division) et al

United States District Court

                                                The District of Columbia

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II

Pro Se Plaintiff


United States of America (Houston Division) et al



State of Texas et al                                               Complaint and Jury Demand



Harris County Texas et al



City of Houston Texas et al



Houston Texas “Mayor Annise Parker”



 Chief of Houston Texas Police
      “Homicide Division”

Houston Texas Police Dept.


Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law Esq. (Houston Texas)



Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al


Marine Building, L.L.C. et al
 1305 Prairie Street Houston, Texas 77002
 Harry C. Arthur (Owner) suite 200
 1.AA Quick Bond suite 100
 2.Mike Cox’s Bail SVC suite 101
 3.Lacey’s Deli
 4.Jonathan A. Gluckman (Attorney) suite 102
 5.Wayne Heller (Criminal Attorney) suite 103
 6.Law offices of Harry C. Arthur suit 200
 7.The Ring Investigations Mark Thering suite 300
 8.The Ring Investigations Kandy Villarreal suite 300
 9.Mark Thering (Attorney) suite 300
 10.Darrel Jordon ( Criminal Attorney)
 11.Daniel Perez-Garcia (Criminal/Immigration Attorney) suite 300
 12.Marquerite Hudig (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
 13.Carl D. Haggard (Attorney Mediator) suite 300
 14.F.M. (Poppy) Northcut (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
 15.Sandra Martinez (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
 16.Allen J. Guidry (Criminal Attorney) suit 300

Co-Defendant(s) (Collectively)

            Comes Now Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein

 Files this “Civil Complaint” Before the Honorable United States District Court for the District of Columbia and for just cause

            Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein furtherance’s “State”, “Declare” and fully 1000%

            Affirm before the Honorable United States Justice as all legal facts, circumstances described against each

            Defendant(s) collectively herein against the “Civil Rights”, “Peace”, “Will”, and Absolutely “Dignity” follows:



Slave Negro Pro Se  Louis Charles Hamilton II born November 8th 1961 (American) Negro Race “State”, “Affirm” and “Declare” before the “Honorable United States Justice”,


                        United States of America (Houston Division) et al

       The United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas

                                                515 Rusk Avenue Houston Texas



                                                   State of Texas et al

            Texas is a large state in the southern U.S. with deserts, pine forests and the Rio Grande, a river that forms its border with Mexico.

            Capital “Austin”, founded December 29th, 1845, the Lone Star State, “Motto” Friendship, Population, 26.96 million (2014), Governor, “Greg Abbott”, Attorney General “Ken Paxton”


                                                   Harris County Texas et al


            The county was founded on December 22, 1836, as Harrisburg County. The name was changed to Harris County in December 1839.

            According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 1,777 square miles (4,600 km2), of which 1,703 square miles (4,410 km2) is land and 74 square miles (190 km2) (4.2%) is water. Population (est.) 4,441,370


                                       Houston Texas “Mayor Annise Parker”


            Mayor Annise D. Parker serves as the Executive Officer of the City. As the City's chief administrator and official representative,

            The Mayor is responsible for the general management of the City and for seeing that all laws and ordinances are enforced.


                                            City of Houston Texas Police
                                                    “Homicide Division”
                               “Dealing with HOMICIDE” (DOA)
    Houston Texas Police Dept.



                        Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law Esq. (Houston Texas)


                        Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law Esq., eligible to practice in Texas, Bar Card Number: 01364000. TX License Date: 09/18/1970 Primary Practice Location Houston Texas, he graduated in1970, number one in his class as “magnum cum laude”

            (Owner) of building belong to the “official” site of President “Sam Houston” of the Republic of Texas.

Address: 1305 Prairie St # 200, Houston, TX 77002 Phone: (713) 224-7996


                                                Marine Building, L.L.C. et al
                                     1305 Prairie Street Houston, Texas 77002
                                     Harry C. Arthur (Owner) suite 200
                                              Co-Defendant(s) (Collectively)

 1.AA Quick Bond suite 100
 2.Mike Cox’s Bail SVC suite 101
 3.Lacey’s Deli
 4.Jonathan A. Gluckman (Attorney) suite 102
 5.Wayne Heller (Criminal Attorney) suite 103
 6.Law offices of Harry C. Arthur suit 200
 7.The Ring Investigations Mark Thering suite 300
 8.The Ring Investigations Kandy Villarreal suite 300
 9.Mark Thering (Attorney) suite 300
 10.Darrel Jordon ( Criminal Attorney)
 11.Daniel Perez-Garcia (Criminal/Immigration Attorney) suite 300
 12.Marquerite Hudig (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
 13.Carl D. Haggard (Attorney Mediator) suite 300
 14.F.M. (Poppy) Northcut (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
 15.Sandra Martinez (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
 16.Allen J. Guidry (Criminal Attorney) suit 300

Nov 24th 2009 at 4:06 PM

            It’s almost Thanksgiving. It is a wonderful time to reflect on all of your blessings — and maybe spare a coin for those less fortunate.
Or, if you are a lawyer — you could sue those less fortunate; especially if the unwashed masses are hurting your business. Tex Parte Blog has this
lovely holiday tale:

            A lawyer who owns an office building located near The Beacon, a day center for homeless people in downtown Houston, filed a suit Monday seeking a permanent injunction to shut down the operation on the ground it’s a “private nuisance.” Lawyer Harry C. Arthur seeks a minimum of $250,000 in damages from defendants Christ Church Cathedral and The Beacon to compensate him for the loss of rentals in his building and the loss of its market value.

            When I first read this story this morning, I thought somebody was pulling my leg. But I suppose this is what JaKe Emeritus is doing while on winter break in addition to posting comments on ATL.
After the jump, Harry “Scrooge” Arthur makes a
modest complaint that would cause Jonathan Swift to blush.

            Arthur isn’t suing the beggars and lepers directly. Instead, he’s going after those with the audacity to feed these vagrants:

            Arthur alleges The Beacon, which is operated by Cathedral Health & Outreach Ministries, has created a “health hazard” in the area. “The persons attracted by the free meals, free laundry and other services, urinate, defecate and drop trash in the street, sidewalks, doorways and other private property areas of the neighbors,”

Arthur alleges in the petition filed in state district court in Harris County. Arthur alleges that on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, when The Beacon is closed, “things are once again quiet and pleasant” in the area.

            This sounds like the kind of guy who starts screaming at the Salvation Army Santa for ringing that bell all day. But I bet Arthur could jump at least 3 or 4 homeless people with his skateboard.
The Beacon is in the business of feeding poor people. What does Harry Arthur do for a living? If you guessed “personal injury attorney” you win the Captain Obvious prize! From the
welcome page on his website:

            Operating with the highest moral principles and ethics, Harry C Arthur, a Houston attorney, has devoted his law practice to helping his clients get what is rightfully theirs.

Opening his practice in 1970 after graduating first in his class, Harry C Arthur has created a reputation for a law firm that is well known for its ability to handle a variety of litigations from personal injury to the New Defense Base Act. His Houston law firm has a proven record of success for their clients, helping them receive compensation for pain and suffering resulting from an accident, injury, or wrongful death of a loved one.

            Nothing says “moral principles” quite like suing a Christian charity for the crime of feeding poor people.
And what fine institution of legal education can claim Mr. Arthur as one of its valedictorians? That would be the
South Texas College of Law:

            Harry C. Arthur is a trial lawyer who fights for people. He has devoted his law practice to helping people assert their rights when they have been wronged, whether by another individual, an insurance company or a big corporation. He has practiced in the area of personal injury,

Wrongfully death, product liability, Long shore and admiralty, and workmen’s compensation law his entire legal career. Mr. Arthur specializes in representing victims in serious and soft tissue cases.
            Harry C. Arthur received his Bachelor of Arts from Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas in 1964. He then moved to Dallas, Texas to work for Republic Insurance Company as an adjuster. Then in 1967 Harry moved to Houston and worked while attending law school. He graduated in 1970, number one in his class as magnum cum laude from South Texas College of Law and received his law degree.

            He’s been an insurance salesman and is now a personal injury attorney and landlord. Wait a minute, are we sure that the hungry people are the only ones urinating and defecating all over this area?
Lawyer sues church, homeless day center in Houston.


Lawyer sues church, homeless day center in Houston

            A lawyer who owns an office building located near The Beacon, a day center for homeless people in downtown Houston, filed a suit Monday seeking a permanent injunction to shut down the operation on the ground it’s a “private nuisance.”

             Lawyer Harry C. Arthur seeks a minimum of $250,000 in damages from defendants Christ Church Cathedral and The Beacon to compensate him for the loss of rentals in his building and the loss of its market value. Arthur alleges The Beacon, which is operated by Cathedral Health & Outreach Ministries, has created a “health hazard” in the area.

             “The persons attracted by the free meals, free laundry and other services, urinate, defecate and drop trash in the street, sidewalks, doorways and other private property areas of the neighbors,” Arthur alleges in the petition filed in state district court in Harris County.

Arthur alleges that on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, when The Beacon is closed, “things are once again quiet and pleasant” in the area. However, he alleges, from Thursday nights through Monday nights, “hundreds of disheveled individuals sleep and hang out on the streets and sidewalks” near The Beacon. Arthur’s building,

            The Marine Building, is located diagonally across an intersection from The Beacon. “The individuals sing, play music, dance, fight, share drugs and other undesirable activities,” Arthur alleges in the petition, noting that individuals sleep on the sidewalks because The Beacon is closed at night. 

 He also alleges the Beacon “encouraged others with probably good intentions to bus indigent people to The Beacon so that they may also be fed and cared for.” Arthur, of Law Offices of Harry C. Arthur, did not immediately return a telephone message left at his office.


Carol Barnwell, director of communication for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, declines comment and refers questions to Dean Joe Reynolds of Christ Church Cathedral. Neither Reynolds nor Tracy Burnett, executive director of The Beacon, immediately returned a call seeking comment.
-- Brenda Sapino Jeffreys


November 29, 2009 / 6 Comments

            Harry C. Arthur, a lawyer in downtown Houston whose office is near Christ Church Cathedral, is suing in pursuit of shutting down The Beacon, the cathedral’s well-used program for area homeless.

            According to The Beacon’s web site, the four-day-a-week service “[provides] hot meals, clothing, private shower and lavatory facilities, laundry services, and case management to people living on the streets of Houston,” all in hopes of eventually getting people off the street.

            The Houston Chronicle reports that Arthur’s suit is based the simple fact that since The Beacon came on the scene, his business has been compromised.

            “What started as a good and noble idea has instead grown and turned into a danger to the health and safety of others in the adjacent areas,” the suit states. “The individuals sing, play music, dance, fight and (do) other undesirable activities. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, when The Beacon’s operation is closed, things are once again quiet and pleasant.”

Cathedral leadership remains clear-eyed.

            “The Cathedral is engaged in the business of feeding the hungry and caring for the poor, as it has been for 170 years,”
       [Christ Church Cathedral Dean Joe] Reynolds said. “Any time you do that, there are going to be challenges involved. We try to address those challenges. We have a stake in being good neighbors in ways that are consistent with the mission we have as a Christian community.”

            “This is nothing new… We don’t want to go about it in a cavalier way, but the Christian community has been in the business of feeding the hungry for 2,000 years. We’re not going to stop.”


Lawyer drops suit that sought to close homeless center

Lawyer drops suit over church's homeless center

Published 6:30 am, Friday, February 5, 2010

            In a legal U-turn, Houston lawyer Harry Arthur late Friday dropped his lawsuit against Christ Church Cathedral and its Beacon Homeless Center, an outreach effort he contended attracted panhandlers and drug users to his downtown office's neighborhood.

Arthur's decision to drop the legal case, filed in November, came just two days after he had filed an amended lawsuit that made additional claims against the Episcopal church's program, headquartered at 1212 Prairie.

            Arthur had sought an injunction to close the program and $250,000 in damages.

Arthur did not return telephone calls, but the church's lawyer, Arnold Vickery, said a neighborhood advisory board consisting of property owners, church representatives and Beacon clients will be formed to “regularly share insights and mutual concerns and ... explore ways in which the operation of the Beacon can coexist in harmony.”

In a prepared statement, Vickery said Arthur's wife would be a member of the panel.

            “My prayer — and expectation — is that a neighborhood advisory council will find ways for the Beacon to be a part of the solution that are ever more caring, efficient and attentive to all of God's children,” the Rev. Joe Reynolds, dean of the cathedral, said in the statement.

Reynolds declined to comment beyond his remarks in the statement, which was prepared by a public relations firm.

Vickery called the agreement a “win-win-win” resolution.

            The outreach effort, which is cater-corner from Arthur's law office, serves as many as 8,100 homeless people four days a week. It offers hot meals, clothing, showers, laundry services and case management.

In his lawsuit, Arthur argued that what had “started as a good and noble idea” had grown into a danger to the health and safety of the community.

Not allowed to sleep on church property, he contended,

            Beacon clients slept on neighboring sites, where they urinated and defecated. The homeless played music and danced, fought and shared drugs, the lawyer said in the lawsuit.

Arthur's petition contended that the defendants ignored pleas from neighbors to take action to alleviate the problems and allowed them to grow worse. In the updated lawsuit filed this week, Arthur said an apparent client of the homeless program cursed his secretary when she told him the lawyer had left the office for the day.

            Vickery described Arthur and his wife as “good Christian people.”

“I hope that once our clients at The Beacon have heard them out and vice versa our outreach mission at Christ Church can continue with renewed sensitivity to the concerns of all our neighbors,” Vickery said.



Homeless Man Seeks $2.4 Million from Lawyer Over Nuisance Suit (

            Houston lawyer Harry C. Arthur touched a nerve in one homeless man when Arthur filed a suit seeking to shut down a church-sponsored operation that provides meals and services for homeless people,
            on the grounds that the center is a "private nuisance." Louis Charles Hamilton II filed a pro se suit seeking a minimum of $2.4 million in damages, alleging that Arthur "unflinchingly, courageously" and ... (Jan 9, 2010)


United States District Court

 Southern District of Texas

 Houston Division

 Louis Charles Hamilton II

 Pro Se Plaintiff Complaint

 Jury Demand


 Harry C. Arthur (Esq.)


 Law office of Harry C. Arthur et al

 Co- Defendant(s)

 Marine Building, L.L.C. et al



 Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, hereby files a Complaint with the above Honorable Court and for Cause of Action(s)”

The Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court all facts as follows:


 The Plaintiff seeks cause of actions for each described Defendant(s) Herein knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed, conspire, prepare or directed and orchestrated,

 Primarily all extreme and outrageous acts and actions in conscious disregards for Violations committed under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization against the legal rights of the Plaintiff


 To include but not limited to each said defendant(s) Harry C. Arthur (Esq.), Defendant, Law office of Harry C. Arthur et al, Co- Defendant(s) and Marine Building, L.L.C. et al, Co-Defendant(s) herein
knowingly premeditated and intentionally committed, conspire together to organize, act together, collaborate, prepare or directed, Aiding and abetting , Assisting and participating, orchestrating, prepare and directing,

 And orchestrated primarily all extreme unprovoked, and outrageous acts and actions described herein with a total conscious disregards for (among other things) Violations by said defendant(s) being committed under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization against the legal rights of “others similar situated” the same as the Plaintiff herein;


 With further cause of actions Plaintiff will show giving rise to this Honorable U.S. District Court Civil suit filed by the said Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II,

 For each said described Defendant(s) herein collectively deceitful commitment and conspirer to commit to Discriminatory, Invidious Discrimination & Defamatory Practices, Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice,

 Legal Malpractice to defraud a judicial proceeding with Misrepresentation of all material facts in regards to defendants financial business survival, endurance, continued existence, dilemma, predicament, and possible financial business death’ during a Legal Judicial proceeding , (Aggravated Perjury),

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts, Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding and Fraud upon a Texas Honorable District Court, among other cause of actions;

 All dedicated, devoted and committed against the Plaintiff legal rights as a United States Citizen base primarily because of the Plaintiff race of African American, and base also solely because of Plaintiff Disability, economic & education status


 In a charade, deception, façade, con, act, bogus sham structure to downgrade & depreciate first the property belong to (Christ) and the surrounding area,

 Then second this scheme of the Defendant(s) collectively shamelessly sought to impose permanent closure on the property of (Christ),

 Then there after said civil malicious tort having been put into effect, impose and enforce on the property belong to (Christ)

 Defendant(s) collectively further sought to apply if needed further full/semi- Hostile course, approach, ploy, device, maneuver and tactic to take further over of the property of
(Christ) and to get hold of, attain, obtain, acquire, & achieve property belonging to (Christ Church Cathedral Beacon operation) in Houston Texas (here after name and all interest thereof) (“Christ”.)…()

For each defendant(s) herein financial gain in a “New Retrofitted Legal” office complex & expansion of a Deli”

With the division of all of the ill-gotten pilferage of (Christ) federal, private, donated, funds in excess of $250,000.00 dollars Defendant (Arthur) finally makes with his majority share needed building repairs by way of Painting”,


And finally after “(3) SOME PLUS” years defendant (Arthur) finally can afford to pay to clean the “Mummified human waste (Crap) matter of platter stains on the “Marine Building L.L.C.” on a “National Historic Property” sight in Houston Texas

 And or alternatively the Plaintiff will show quite easy to the Honorable Court that the “Chief Organizer” & designer of the “Malicious Civil Tort” and all Fraudulent material facts involved therein;

 Defendant (Arthur) having some other hidden third party conglomerate real estate developer(s) company(s) in the waiting position ranks to further take over the property of (Christ) with profits distribution, sharing, and benefit(s) in favor of all the Defendants collectively herein in some form or manner as this organization precisely agreed upon;

 With the Defendant (Arthur) and Co-Defendant(s) (Law office of Harry C. Arthur) collectively finally having the Professional Ruthless legal repute reputation of having shut down (Christ) at the expense of (Christ) and the Plaintiff and other similar the same as the Plaintiff

 And (Arthur) gluttonous, greedy materialistic pockets are effusive abundantly & fully line with gold.

 Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court that the Plaintiff was held secretly against & in opposition to his will, and was to be required in the full participation of victimizations of all numerous phases in
order that all of the defendant(s) entire collectively scheme of things was enforced up to the point the Plaintiff being evicted wrongfully from (Christ) and the final scheme of things move forward as plan.

 Plaintiff herein file for a Cause of action for each said described Defendant(s) herein collectively wrongful, deceitful commitment and conspirer to commit to Discriminatory, Invidious Discrimination &
Defamatory practices, Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice, Legal Malpractice under (RICO) statue, (Aggravated Perjury), Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts,

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding, among other wrongful cause of action(s) to take advantage because of the Plaintiff is a mental disable person or a person(s) cover under (ADA) American with disability act; to include but not limited to


 Cause of action for each said described Defendant(s) herein collectively deceitful commitment and conspirer to commit to Discriminatory, Invidious Discrimination & Defamatory practices,
Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice, Legal Malpractice under (RICO) statue with false oaths and claims to aid in the scam of the defendant(s) as describing herein this complaint under (RICO) statue,

 To include but not limited to the Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court each defendant did in fact commit collective violation(s) of The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (as amended 1994 and 1996) for fraudulent wide spread media coverage in connection with a
“Financial crime”, conspiracy in connection thereof, unauthorized access and fraudulent providing false and misleading “Material Facts Through a protected computer” Media Computer(s), “Internet”, public records and all court: txed via-

All judicial records & Media records, recordings thereof, and access device to provide tremendous amounts of personal/business information which were used in a fraudulent way to fraud for monies and obstruction of justice in connection thereof.

 To include defendant(s) collective said wrongful abuse of the computer fraud and abuse act to provide fraudulent public and court records

 (Aggravated Perjury), Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts in public records and media,

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding Practices, and fraud upon the court, among other wrongful cause of action(s) to take advantage of the Plaintiff economic status; to include but not limited to


 Cause of action for each said described Defendant(s) herein collectively deceitful commitment and conspirer to commit to Discriminatory, Invidious Discrimination & Defamatory Practices, Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice, Legal Malpractice under (RICO Statue), (Aggravated Perjury), Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts in public records and media,

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding, and fraud upon the court, among other wrongful cause of action(s) to take advantage of because of the Plaintiff education status;

 With the Pro Se Plaintiff respectfully giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take Judicial Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each defendant herein collectively deceitful commitment

 And conspirer to commit to Discriminatory, Invidious Discrimination, & Defamatory Practices, Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice, Legal Malpractice, (Aggravated Perjury), Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts,

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding Practices among other wrongful cause of action(s) against the legal rights of others similar situated as the same race as the Plaintiff herein (African American)

 And or those similar minorities persons cover under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include but not limited to all person/persons cover against such Discriminatory, Invidious Discrimination & Defamatory practices,

Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice, Legal Malpractice & False oaths and claims under (RICO) statue, (Aggravated Perjury), Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts,

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding, and fraud upon the court, among other wrongful cause of action(s)

 The Defendant(s) collectively being most all (Attorneys at law) no less calculated and orchestrated primarily and then prepared and directed, participated collectively each to committing each said “extreme and outrageous” acts and actions bases upon Plaintiff race, disability, economic & educations status to take advantage of the Interest of (Christ) for a scheme In a charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to demote, lower, and downgrade (Christ) property and surround area’

& then further said sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’

Then finally from said sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’

Which Defendant(s) collectively further impose wrongfully permanent closure on (Christ) property

 With further full/semi- Hostile take over’s action to get hold of, attain, obtain, acquire, & achieve property belonging to “Christ Church Cathedral” for personal future gain.


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff respectfully giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take Judicial Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each defendant herein collectively deceitful commitment

 And conspirer to commit to Discriminatory, Invidious Discrimination & Defamatory Practices, Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice, Legal Malpractice under (RICO) statue, (Aggravated Perjury), Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts,

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding Practices among other wrongful cause of action(s) against the legal rights of “others similar situated” as the same as the Plaintiff herein as a Mental disable person and or a other person/person(s) cover under (ADA) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff respectfully giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take Judicial Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each defendant herein collectively deceitful commitment and conspirer to commit to Discriminatory,

 Invidious Discrimination & Defamatory Practices, Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice, Legal Malpractice under (RICO) statue, (Aggravated Perjury), Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts,

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding among other wrongful cause of action(s) against the legal rights of “others similar situated” as the same as the Plaintiff herein base because of others economic status;


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, respectfully giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take Judicial Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each defendant herein collectively deceitful commitment

 And conspirer to commit to Discriminatory Invidious Discrimination & Defamatory Practices, Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice, Legal Malpractice under (RICO) statue, (Aggravated Perjury), Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts,

 Fraudulent Misrepresentation upon a Judicial Proceeding among other wrongful cause of action(s) against the legal rights of others similar situated the same as the Plaintiff herein base because of others education status; to include but not limited to;


 Actual Fraud, Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts during a civil court proceeding, Legal Malpractices in the capacity of Attorney of Law, “Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud” under (RICO) statue,

 Falsifying Court records, fraud upon a judicial proceeding and all records their in with further full intent to even deceive a Honorable Court Official’s while Defendant (Arthur) and Co-Defendant (Law office of Harry C. Arthur) acting in their official capacities of officer’s of the Court and license Attorneys of Law in and for The State of Texas

 In which all was done assemble, organize, make plans for, and arrange in hostile fashion design in a Civil Tort” against the legal right(s) of the Plaintiff, and others similarly situated the same as the Plaintiff, to include but not limited to;


 All defendant herein Collectively united in a Conspiracy to execute several sham’s of a well devised charade, deception(s), façade, con’s, act(s), and bogus sham(s) structure to wrongfully gain and or conspiracy to commit theft, and divided Fund of

 “Federal Funded programs” designated to (Christ) in which each defendants herein sought to “ungodly pilferage” said funds in excess of $ 250,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars) designated for the Plaintiff full self interest in "A day center providing hot meals, clothing, private shower and lavatory facilities, laundry services, and case management to people living on the streets of Houston."

 To include but not limited “ungodly pilferage” federal funds for Homeless Youth Street Outreach Project which

this program provides case management and licensed mental health counseling services to homeless youth living in the Houston area.

 To include but not limited to “ungodly pilferage” federal Funds for;

Brigid’s Hope

 This program provides transitional housing and supportive services to homeless women who have left the Texas prison or jail system. The goal of Brigid's Hope is to reduce the number of women returning to the criminal justice system by giving women the tools needed to become self-sufficient and to secure a safe and productive life.

 To include but not limited to “ungodly pilferage” Federal funds for;

 Cathedral Justice Project

 The Cathedral Justice Project provides pro-bono legal services to Houston’s street community. To include but not limited to “ungodly pilferage federal funds for;

 Cathedral Clinic

 This clinic combines primary health care and psychiatric treatment/mental health counseling with intensive case management to address the unique needs of men, women and children living on Houston’s streets

 By all-above identified Defendants herein cartel, syndicate & combine together in a well “Legal organization” to master mind such collective hostile acts and actions of deceitful, fake, counterfeit sham of fraudulent Misrepresentation(s), of a infamous, notorious fashion

 In a charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to demote, lower, and downgrade (Christ) property and surround area’

& then further said sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’

Then finally from said sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’

Which Defendant(s) collectively further impose wrongfully permanent closure on (Christ) property

 With further full/semi- Hostile take over’s to get hold of, attain, obtain, acquire, & achieve property belonging to “Christ Church Cathedral” for personal future gain.

 In which all was done in a hostile civil tort fashion against the legal right(s) of the Plaintiff not limited to other factors

 In that the Defendant (Arthur) and Co-Defendants (Law office of Harry C. Arthur) acting in their “Professional legal capacity” as Attorneys of Law no less, in and for the State of Texas,

 To include but not limited to; all defendant(s) herein acting in full performance recital, and concert to collectively attempt to get hold of, attain, obtain, acquire, & achieve property belonging to “Christ Church Cathedral”.

Which the Plaintiff will further be able to respectfully & “Honestly” provide a lethal compiling of evidence showing venomous contempt of how each and every defendant described herein

“Did not” at any time frame past nor present or future take separate efforts to decline, refuse, repudiate, rebuff, reject, make a effort, file a official protest and simply put just “say no” to their well executed gluttonous, greedy, materialistic individual described rolls in carrying out as a organization(s) of “cut throats buccaneers” counselors of law;

 To include but not limited to each defendant(s) organization of “Ill-Legal Eagles” jointly holding steadfast to;


 A further sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to Committing in Conspiracy to wrongfully gain and or conspiracy to commit theft of “Private Donation & Charitable” funded programs designated for “Christ Church Cathedral”

Each defendants herein sought to “ungodly pilferage” said funds in excess of $ 250,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars) designated for the Plaintiff self interest by Defendants collective acts and actions of deceitful, fake, counterfeit sham

 And fraudulent Misrepresentation in a sham of a well devised charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’

Then finally from said sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’ and Defendant(s) collectively impose permanent closure on (Christ) property

 With further intent of a full/semi- Hostile take over’s to get hold of, attain, obtain, acquire, & achieve property belonging to Christ Church Cathedral.

 To the extent the Defendant(s) collectively willing to take such legal calculated measures in “court room drama” & “media exposure” risk(s).

 In which all was done in such a “Civil Tort” hostile fashion against the legal right(s) of the Plaintiff,


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff respectfully giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take further Judicial Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each defendant herein Conspiracy to wrongfully gain and or conspiracy to commit theft of Federal Funded programs

 Designated for the self interest of others similar situated the same as the Plaintiff herein by Defendants collective acts and actions of deceitful, fake, counterfeit sham and fraudulent Misrepresentation, in which all was done against the legal right(s) of “others similar situated” the same as the Plaintiff herein


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff respectfully giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take further Judicial Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each defendant herein Conspiracy to wrongfully gain

 And or commit to conspiracy of theft of Private Donation & charitable funds programs designated for the self interest of others similar situated the same as the Plaintiff by Defendants collective acts

 And actions of deceitful, fake, counterfeit sham and fraudulent Misrepresentation, in which all was done against the legal right(s) of “others similar situated” the same as the Plaintiff herein to include but not limited to all defendants herein committed acts and actions of as listed additionally in paragraph (16) below;


 Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court that each of the Defendant(s) each herein committed in concert, collusion act(s) and action(s) under the following:

“Malicious Prosecution of a Civil Tort” for personal monetary gain (with not probable cause and no proper investigations), (Failure to join all proper Plaintiffs’ and Defendants’)

Breach of Fiduciary Duty to the integrity of the Judicial System and to the State Bar of Texas association governing Attorney and Counselors in and for the State of Texas disciplinary codes, the Courts, and to each Attorneys personal fiduciary duty to him/her self professional code of ethics,
To wit: each Defendant (s) acted out in a total disregard for such a professional standard of legal care and each did in fact breach their fiduciary duty;

 Obstruction of Justice by way of preventing the honest flow of the truth, corruptly or influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede in the truth in all manner surrounding “materials facts” during a judicial proceeding filed in Defendant(s) “Tort” in its entire fashion;

 And “obstruction of justice” in Defendant(s), (Arthur) reply to Plaintiff “Interrogatories and request for admission questions” in regards to actual “owner ship” of the deposition conducted on Defendant (Arthur), by claiming Attorney-client privileges and work product doctrine.

 Perjury in the presentation of all material facts in official court records in regards to the Defendants business financial dire situation,

 Fraud upon a Judicial Proceeding and fraud upon the courts,

 Fraud in the suppression of truth to deceive all material facts during a legal Judicial Proceeding before an Honorable District Court of Law

 In which all was done against the legal civil protected right(s) of the Plaintiff


 Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court further each defendant Identified above is civilly require to be also charge in Aiding and abetting to commit (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization;

 And Aiding and abetting to commit other fraud(s) in a civil tort with all post planning cover up their of, in which all was done against the legal right(s) of the Plaintiff


 Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court each defendant identified above is civilly required to be also charge Assisting and “participating, orchestrating, prepare and directing” to commit (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization;

 And Assisting and participating to commit other fraud(s) in a civil tort with all post planning cover up their of’

In which all was done against the legal right(s) of the Plaintiff


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take further Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each said described Defendant(s) herein collectively deceitful commitment and conspirer to commit to


 Actual Fraud, Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts during a civil court proceeding, Legal Malpractices under (RICO) statue,

 Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court the Defendant(s) willfully, wanton, and aggressively committed collectively “Mail Fraud & Wire Fraud” for the defendant desire scheme of things in violation of and completely under (RICO) statue

 To wit: each said described defendant(s) herein commit to Falsifying false material facts in a “Tort” for Harris County District Court records in and for the State of Texas,

 To include but not limited to all public records, media broadcast records (Both in print form and Live Video and “Internet publications), and all judicial proceeding records and documentations there involved in said multiple

“Mail & Wire Fraud scheme and pattern in a charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to demote, lower, and downgrade (Christ) property and surround area’

& then further said sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’

Then finally from said sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’

Which Defendant(s) collectively further impose wrongfully permanent closure on (Christ) property

 With further full/semi- Hostile take over’s to get hold of, attain, obtain, acquire, & achieve property belonging to Christ Church Cathedral for personal future gain

 Which said “Mail and Wire Fraud Scheme of things also involved to cast the bogus unjust impression of the Plaintiff being totally:

“Nasty, filthy, grimy, grubby, dirty, rude, immoral, indecent, smutty, soiled, mucky, stupid, slow, brainless, dim, unintelligent, unwise, foolish, silly, daft, deprived, meager, destitute, impoverished, penniless & poor before the National Public News to carry the defendants collective scheme of things to first “Ungodly pilferage Fund of

“Federal Funded programs” “Private funded programs and (Christ) congregations donations designated to (Christ) in which each defendants herein sought to “ungodly pilferage” said funds in excess of $ 250,000.00

(Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars) designated for the Plaintiff full self interest, then defendants collective scheme of things was to next use said “Mail and Wire Fraud”

To devalue the property of (“Christ”), and all of the real estate in the surrounding downtown Houston, Texas area in a “Hostile Real estate development/take over” scheme to include devalue of all property in the area for the future Interest Especially of the Defendant (Arthur) and Co-Defendant(s) Interest (Marine Building L.L.C. et al) development;

 To include but not limited to misrepresentation of all material facts in this “Mail and Wire Fraud Scheme in regards to defendants financial business records, endurance, continued existence, dilemma, predicament, and possible financial business death during a Legal Judicial proceeding

 In which all was done while in the Defendant (Arthur) and Co-Defendants (Law office of Harry C. Arthur) acting “Professional legal capacity” as Attorneys of Law, in and for the State of Texas, against the legal right(s) of the Plaintiff and “others similar situated” as the same race, disability, education status, and poverty status as the Plaintiff herein.


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take further Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each said described Defendant(s) herein committed to in addition of all of the above, also Malicious Prosecution of a Civil Tort for personal wrongful fraudulent gain, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Fraud of a Judicial Proceeding & Fraud upon the court, in which all was done also against the legal right(s) of “others similar situated” as the same as the Plaintiff herein.


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take further Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each said described Defendant(s) herein committed to Aiding and abetting to commit (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization;

And Aiding and abetting to commit other fraud(s), in which all was done against the legal right(s) of “others similar situated” the same as the Plaintiff herein.


 With the Pro Se Plaintiff giving the Honorable U.S. District Court to take further Notice, become aware of, take in, detect, perceive, observe, each said described Defendant(s) herein committed to Assisting and participating to commit (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization;

And Assisting and participating to commit other fraud(s) in which all was done against the legal right(s) of “others similar situated” the same as the Plaintiff herein.


 With Plaintiff respectfully stating before the Honorable Court a further cause of actions against all defendant(s) for Intentional Infliction of Emotional distress and Mental Anguish,

 Punitive/exemplary awards, declaratory judgment, special, consequential, incidental, excess, actual, compensatory, discretionary, necessary, proximate, non-pecuniary, future,

 And treble damages being levy against each described defendant herein under (RICO) Statue; with full Interest incurred from date of injury throughout both (pre and post) judgments;

 For all of which each defendant herein collectively inspire to achieve in an extreme, offensive, contemptible, despicable and outrageous nature which is of a civil/criminal shameful notoriety shocking inexplicable type nature committed against the legal rights of the Plaintiff

 In which said Plaintiff never did at any time frame both past and present, “bring about”, “trigger” or being a source of provoke of probable cause

 To render such proximate injury to cause the defendant(s) collectively to act against the Plaintiff with such force’ and

 Reasoning that the Plaintiff being held accountable for the defendant(s) initially and collectively to take such aggravated, inflamed and incited acts, actions, and circumstances of ill-deeds directed at the Plaintiff in a devised charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’

Then finally from said sham of a well devise charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue (Christ) property and surrounding area’ and Defendant(s) collectively impose permanent closure on (Christ) property

 With further intent of a full/semi- Hostile take over’s to get hold of, attain, obtain, acquire, & achieve property belonging to Christ Church Cathedral.



 Pro Se Plaintiff

 Louis Charles Hamilton II, African American Male, Currently Homeless U.S. Navy Veteran, Permanently Disable Citizen protected under: (ADA) American with Disability Act; And also minorities persons cover under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Domiciliary State of Texas, P.O. Box 20126 Houston, Texas 77225



 Harry C. Arthur Esq.

 A Houston Personal Injury Attorney

 1305 Prairie Street Suite 200

 Houston, Texas 77002

 Advertisement states:



 Co- Defendant(s)

 Law offices of Harry C. Arthur

 1305 Prairie Street Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77002


 Harry C. Arthur (Owner) (Personal Injury Attorney) suite 200

 Larry G. Justin (Case Manger) suite 200

 Ralph M. Wear (Case Manger) suite 200

Humberto R. Trejo (Criminal Attorney) suite 200

 Sonia Behrana (Attorney) suite 200

 Pat Vargas Grady (Attorney) suite 200


 Co- Defendant(s)

 Marine Building, L.L.C. et al

 1305 Prairie Street Houston, Texas 77002

 Harry C. Arthur (Owner) suite 200


1.AA Quick Bond suite 100

2.Mike Cox’s Bail SVC suite 101

3.Lacey’s Deli

4.Jonathan A. Gluckman (Attorney) suite 102

5.Wayne Heller (Criminal Attorney) suite 103

6.Law offices of Harry C. Arthur suit 200

7.The Ring Investigations Mark Thering suite 300

8.The Ring Investigations Kandy Villarreal suite 300

9.MarkThering (Attorney) suite 300

 10.Darrel Jordon ( Criminal Attorney)

 11.Daniel Perez-Garcia (Criminal/Immigration Attorney) suite 300

 12.MarqueriteHudig (Criminal Attorney) suite 300

 13.Carl D. Haggard (Attorney Mediator) suite 300

 14.F.M. (Poppy) Northcut (Criminal Attorney) suite 300

 15.Sandra Martinez (Criminal Attorney) suite 300

 16.Allen J. Guidry (Criminal Attorney) suit 300



 The Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, Respectfully Asserts the above Honorable U.S. District Court has proper Jurisdiction venue over all subject matters involving Federal Question(s); in which the (Government) is not a party.

 The amount of monetary fund’s in controversy exceed the Jurisdictional limits of $75,000.00,


 Plaintiff Respectfully Assert the Honorable U.S. District Court has subject matter Federal Jurisdiction over all Matters involving:

 Violations under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization

 Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice), section 1952 (relating to racketeering), section 152 (relating to concealment of assets; false oaths and claims

 "Enterprise" is defined to include "any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity."

 Violations of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030, to knowingly accessing a protected computer with the intent to defraud and there by obtaining anything of value and knowingly and with the intent to defraud, trafficking in a password or similar information through which a computer may be accessed without authorization;

 Violation under Title VII has been supplemented with legislation prohibiting pregnancy, age, and disability discrimination; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990).

 Violations of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88-352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964 prohibit Discrimination base upon race, age, gender and sexual orientation

 With further committed combine Violations of The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986

 To include but not limited to all defendants herein collectively in concert, conspire, and committed: Actual Fraud, Fraudulent Misrepresentation of material facts during a civil court proceeding, Fraud upon the court and the Public through the Media

 Legal Malpractices in the capacity of Attorney of Law, “Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud” under (RICO) statue,

 Falsifying Court records, fraud upon a judicial proceeding and all records their in with further full intent to even deceive a Honorable Court Official’s while Defendant (Arthur) and Co-Defendant (Law office of Harry C. Arthur) acting in their official capacities of officer’s of the Court and license Attorneys of Law in and for The State of Texas

 In which all was done assemble, organize, make plans for, and arrange in hostile fashion design in a Civil Tort” against the legal right(s) of the Plaintiff

 To include hostile Discriminatory, Invidious Discrimination & Defamatory Practices, Malicious Prosecution of a civil tort, Obstruction of Justice,

 Legal Malpractice to defraud a judicial preceding with Misrepresentation of all material facts therein a “Tort” in regards to defendant’s collective “financial business/personal survival, endurance thereof, continued existence, dilemma, predicament, and possible financial business death’ during a Legal Judicial proceeding to include

 (Aggravated Perjury), knowingly premeditated and intentionally committed, conspire together to organizes, act together, collaborate, prepare or directed, Aiding and Abetting, Assisting and participating, orchestrating, prepare and directing to commit among other things

 Fraud against the dignity & rights of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II,

 And take the Plaintiff name in a manner to cheat all legal interest in (Christ) for the Defendant “Master Fraudulent Plans”.



 Venue is proper before the Honorable Southern District of Texas U.S. District Court in that all parties reside within Harris County, Houston Texas when all incident(s) as described herein occurred.

 All defendant(s) in their individual persons and their places of Professional business are located within Harris County, Houston Texas;



“Houston we have a Problem”…!

Chapter I

 (“Hostile Take Over”)

To Wit: The Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, Respectfully assert all truthful material facts herein before the above entitled-Honorable U.S. District Court and making declaration under penalty of Law in that on or about (Nov. 23, 2009 -- three days before Thanksgiving Day)- To Wit:

 The Defendant (Arthur) and Co-Defendant(s) hereafter named (Law office of Harry C. Arthur)

 And Co-Defendant(s) (Marine Building L.L.C.) instituted a malicious civil action tort against Christ Church Cathedral Naming the (Beacon) within the suit seeking several cause of actions namely aim to shut down (Christ);

 Which capture “News Headlines” as breaking news story local and nationwide through transmitting via device such as newspapers, radio, T.V. and Internet” labeling Houston Texas as “Derelict town” “USA” and the Defendant “Sir Arthur C. Harry Esq. a/k/a “Scrooge” going to put a handle on things and toss out the “Nasty” Plaintiff to boot.


Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, furtherance’s herein “Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), Making for exactly (156) exact “ungodly corrupted judicial racial bias years of being denied legal (Negro) race status standing to proceed before any

Federal Court of Laws, on laws “Dealing” with among required judicial duties of the Deep Dark Ages Defendant in coming about Fair play in “equity”, concerning

 “Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), herein upon and information and strong belief physically being abducted, in a state of 1000% false imprisonment there after the filing of this civil action, against Thee “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law

And falsely in 2011 “Criminally Imprisonment for 222 days, in the “State of Texas” (Jail) “States Hospital” declared incompetent to even represent himself and never even been allowed to even have a affidavit of probable cause for said arrest just hauled off


upon which being furtherance’s denied among other civil claimed rights of (America) the official 6th amendment of Defendant “United States of America” et al claim just constitution, and 1000% denied the 14th Amendment protection in being “Negro” race having claimed equal protection of the laws of Defendant “United States of America” and

“Slavery Servitude” being claimed over on or about 1865 as  “Pro Se Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), herein upon falsely in 2011 “Criminally Slave Imprisonment for 222 days, in the “State of Texas” (Jail) “States Hospital” declared incompetent to even represent himself and

suffrages physical attack while being “Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), herein upon falsely in 2011 against will “Criminally Slave Imprisonment for 222 days, in the “State of Texas” (Jail) “States Hospital” declared mentally incompetent which the Defendant

 “United States of America” (Houston Division) , Co-Defendant State of Texas, Co-Defendant Harris County, Co-Defendant Houston Mayor Annise D. Parker City of Houston”, and Co-Defendant Chief of Houston Texas Police “Homicide Division” Houston Texas Police Dept. Co-Defendant(s) “Gangbang”


 Upon a official (RICO) enterprise “Criminal” scheme of things involving “Texas Black Codes, Texas Jim Crow Laws and “August 20th 1619 forced “Slavery Servitude” in conjunction upon finally releasing “Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN),

As “Chief Defendant” Mastermind” Thee “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law being in control of and a party thereof a “Secret White” controlling society in a Keeping “Slavery Servitude” an ongoing institution within Defendant “United States of America” et al “Entire” Jurisdiction at the time


“Pro Se Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), herein upon falsely in 2011 “Criminally Slave Imprisonment for 222 days, in the “State of Texas” (Jail) “States Hospital” declared incompetent to even represent himself in a very “Mysterious secret criminal case against (Plaintiff) peace, will, safety and dignity and suffrages actual unwanted physical attack, while innocently sleeping at said “State of Texas” (Jail) “States Hospital” declared incompetent


“Chief Defendant” Mastermind” Thee “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law, Co-Defendant Houston Mayor Annise D. Parker City of Houston”, and Co-Defendant Chief of Houston Texas Police “Homicide Division” Houston Texas Police Dept. Co-Defendant(s)

Criminal engage further in the absolute 100,000% Grand Theft of Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein “Laptop Computer” containing In American civil procedure, the 100% work-product doctrine protects materials prepared in anticipation of litigation of U.S. Docket Number

Hamilton v. United States of America et al decisions or orders for this case

Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Defendant: United States of America, Andrew Johnson

Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act

Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court

Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

Filed: April 17, 2012 as 12-40403

Plaintiff - Appellant: LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II, Negro African American, suing on behalf of all other African American (Negroes) Americans in and for the United States of America


Court: Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit

Type: Other Statutes RICO

Criminal engage furtherance’s in the absolute Theft of Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein “Laptop Computer” containing In American civil procedure, the 100% work-product doctrine protects materials prepared in anticipation of litigation of U.S. Docket Number

Louis Hamilton, II v. Harry Arthur, et al

Plaintiff - Appellant:


Defendant - Appellee:



Case Number: 11-20216 Filed: March 31, 2011

Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit Nature of Suit: RICO


The official deposition of Thee “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law, further all legal files, computer chips, social security card, computer bag, And the VIP “Theft of Personal Property of “Deposition of “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law, which do exist as

“We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition) file to “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, of “World Court of Justice” The Hague exhibit (A)

“The Vickery Law Firm”. (Andy Vickery) dated August 15th 2011, whom pursuant to Civil No. 4:10-CV-2709, “The Vickery Law Firm” provided the


“Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein “legal deposition” upon which said legal deposition being stolen from me Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein on the exact date of March 14th 2011 at the precise time of 15:13 PM hour by the criminal conduct of

 Co-Defendant City of Houston Texas Police “Homicide Division” et al Houston Texas Police Dept in 2011 precisely said (RICO) grand theft with all parties described herein conspire against

Case Number: 11-20216 Filed: March 31, 2011 Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit Nature of Suit: RICO as this grand criminal conspire hostile abduction illusion directed at “Pro Se Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), (Life) herein upon being said falsely in 2011 “Criminally Slave Imprisonment for 222 days, in the

 “State of Texas” (Jail) “States Hospital” declared incompetent to even represent himself in a very “Mysterious secret criminal case against (Plaintiff) peace, will, actual physical safety and dignity in major RICO enterprise dealing in among other things


“Obstruction of Justice” to hinder, foil, brings to a stop, hamper, impede, inhibit, and prevent official Government Public records of “Deposition” by “The Vickery Law Firm”. (Andy Vickery) Conducted on Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law, being filed before the

 “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals”  all of which “Proclaim” as this very undersigned “Notary Seal Date” of this “Complaint filed” before, United States District Court, The District of Columbia being official in the Year of 2016 of the Lord,

Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), the (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein being kidnapped in 2011, and theft of his property, all to protect Houston Scrooge Attorney

“Harry C. Arthur Esq.” and His (RICO) scheme of things involving a Downtown (CBD) building belong to the “official” site of “President the “Sam Houston” of the Republic of Texas…..


Upon which as of this undersigned notary sealed date (Building) just sit there in years of “Decay” as all parties involved “attacked” officially “Christ Church Cathedral”  ,A Homeless soup kitchen for $250,000 U.S. Dollars, part of a (RICO) scheme of thing to erect a $20s – 40s plus (Millions) newer building,

Upon which Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), after released from “false slavery Imprisonment”, thereafter 2011

The Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein having no legal standing in 2011- 2099 to appear before a Federal Court of Law, in this “White Only”, never ending  (RICO) enterprise ongoing “Slave Régime” 2015-2099, direct at the (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein said “Personal Property”

Which the Legal document being deposition of “Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law is 1000% Official Evidence before Now a “World Court Honorable Justices” involving among other things “Slaver Servitude” still ongoing in Defendant “United States of America” et al as said “Personal Property” Which is the Legal document being deposition of

 “Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law is 1000% Official Evidence before now a “World Court Honorable Justices” criminally (RICO) enterprise kept 1000% “Mummy Tomb” in a Vault for 4 years 9 months and counting  


When legally 1000% very confusing The Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein being at said Houston Texas “Police Station”….asking for my

“BLACK COMPAQ LAPTOP”….but other then returning it 100% safely with “Police respect” and all legal documents thereof 27 days Evidence physically stolen before “deadline” filing of Case Number: 11-20216 Filed: March 31, 2011 Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit Nature of Suit: RICO

Instead on the exact date of March 14th 2011 at the precise time of 15:13 PM hour by the “Leading” “Mark Fuhrman” style Homicide Detective resurrection of the Los Angeles Police Department once again type  criminal conduct of Co-Defendant City of Houston Texas Police “Homicide Division” et al Houston Texas Police Dept direct at

1000% officially with criminal intent transferred physical Legal Evidence contained in “BLACK COMPAQ LAPTOP”….to said “Surplus and Salvage” for auction and (MIA) computer chips never even being claimed on property evidence receipt engaging (Collectively) as a “Unit” in Major 1000% (RICO) enterprise scheme of things in among other things


“Obstruction of Justice” and in the hostile mysterious abduction of Pro Se Slave Negro “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein and his “Personal Property” among all was destroyed as criminal conduct of Co-Defendant City of Houston Texas Police “Homicide Division” et al Houston Texas Police Dept direct at

1000% officially with criminal intent “Pick and Chosen” their collective Criminal claimed evidence against Pro Se Slave Negro “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein while committing to “Such” (RICO) enterprising conduct ongoing as described in Letter dated (Friday) December 11th 2015

*Attached are copies of screenshots showing when the item were returned to you or the status of the above property. I understand your frustration in the letter and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Have nice day.

No signature, but from the Desk of “L.K. Johnson…? Sergeant Houston Texas Police Dept. “Property Division


But the Legal document being deposition of “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law is 1000% Official Evidence before Now a “World Court Honorable Justices” criminally (RICO) enterprise being kept 1000% “Mummy Tomb” in a Vault for 4 years 9 months and counting on past

Terrorizing investigation claims made against said Pro Se Slave Negro “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein still live in 2015 as some 4 years 9 months and counting past as (RICO) enterprise “White Only” Justice of (America) criminal conduct continual onward of Co-Defendant City of Houston Texas Police

“Homicide Division” et al Houston Texas Police Dept securing such “Obstruction of Justice” in White Only” constitution of Defendant “United States of America” et al (Houston Division) already having criminal (RICO) enterprising engaged in Judicial Fraud”, among other criminal intent in favor of Chief Defendant

“Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law whom legally filed a $250,000 “Legal Defamation Hit” direct at Pro Se Slave Negro “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein on global News upon all furtherance’s as described before the World Honorable Court His/her Justice as follows:

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

                                                  “Judicial Fraud”

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2015-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,

Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows: 

Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” et al 1000% criminal committing  1000% “Judicial Fraud” Pursuant forever to the “Monetary Forever Judicial Fraud Corruption” direct at the,

 Thee “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law, further all legal files, computer chips, social security card, computer bag,

And the VIP “Theft of Personal Property of “Deposition of “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law, which do exist as

“We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition) file to “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, of “World Court of Justice” The Hague exhibit (A)

“The Vickery Law Firm”. (Andy Vickery) dated August 15th 2011, whom pursuant to Civil No. 4:10-CV-2709, “The Vickery Law Firm” provided the (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein legal deposition upon which said legal deposition being stolen from me (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) in 2011

 “The Vickery Law Firm”. (Andy Vickery) Conducted on Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law, all of which

“Proclaim” as this very undersigned “Notary Seal Date” being official in the Year of 2015 of the Lord,

Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), the (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein being kidnapped in 2011, and theft of his property, all to protect Houston Scrooge Attorney

“Harry C. Arthur Esq.” and His (RICO) scheme of things involving a Downtown (CBD) building belong to the “official” site of “President the “Sam Houston” of the Republic of Texas…..

Upon which Pro Se (Petitioner) “Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II herein officially legally born November 8th 1961 (American) Negro Race

Upon which as of this undersigned notary sealed date (Building) just sit there in years of “Decay” as all parties involved “attacked” officially “Christ Church Cathedral” ,A Homeless soup kitchen for $250,000 U.S. Dollars, part of a (RICO) scheme of thing to erect a $20s plus (Millions) newer building,

Criminal engage furtherance’s in the absolute Theft of (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein “Laptop Computer” containing In American civil procedure, the 100% work-product doctrine protects materials prepared in anticipation of litigation of U.S. Docket Number

Louis Hamilton, II v. Harry Arthur, et al

Plaintiff - Appellant:


Defendant - Appellee:



Case Number: 11-20216 Filed: March 31, 2011

Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit Nature of Suit: RICO

The official deposition of Thee “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law, further all legal files, computer chips, social security card, computer bag, And the VIP “Theft of Personal Property of “Deposition of “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law,

As Locked forever in the “Internet” as very XXX slooooow “United States of America” et al continual onward in a hostile (RICO) enterprise scheme of things of keeping stealing,

My Pro Se (Petitioner) “Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II herein officially legally born November 8th 1961 (American) Negro Race files, personal property, Laptop computer(s), and all computer chip of “legal knowledge of material facts” to furtherance’s there collectively

 “Judicial Fraud” (RICO) enterprise scheme of things and The “White Only” ongoing 2015-2099 “Slave Régime” and the secret white only pristine and pure polished society,

 Upon which the deep dark ages Defendant “United States of America “Judicial Fraud” (RICO) enterprise scheme of things, further corruption in the concealment of all factual circumstances in the actual “Physical” evidence of “Infamous” Houston Scrooge Attorney Esq. “Harry C. Arthur” Attorney at Law,

Completely toss in the Trash the following files records, interrogatories, request for disclosures ,Clients Certified Mail, Client complete briefs, Clients Background facts, Responses to request for disclosure phone <br />Messages, clients complete home Liability claim, “Internet research material”, phone numbers & Address, Detective reports, Divorce records,

Attorneys listing, clients prices listing, <br />Attorney price listing, “United States Bankruptcy Court Records for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division records”, Insurance Records, Criminal records, Civil Records, Subpoena, Summon, Confidential Medical Records, Fax records, Notices, sign in sheets, listing of client(s) for stated:
<br />Spradlin, Riley & Spradlin (Attorney at Law) 24017I-45 North Suite 1 (Woodlands, Texas 77380)<br />Spencer Crain Cubbage Healy & McNamara pllc 1330 Post Oak, Suite 1600 Houston Texas 77056<br />Ms. Kathryn P. Anderson,

               The Anderson Firm, L.L.C 5629 FM 1960 West, Suite 106 Houston Texas

77069<br />Global 14 Mamaroneck Ave.., 3rd floor White Plains, NY 10601<br />Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital (Houston Texas)<br />Clear Lake Reginal Medical Center ER, Dr. Susanna Perkins (League City), Dr. David Nelson, D.C. (League City), Dr. John Beerbower, M.D. (Dickinson), Dr. John G. Steele, M.D. (Dallas Texas), Leslie Miller, MOT, OTR (Houston Texas), Dr. Smith Johnston, M.D. (Dallas Texas),

Dr. Edward Murphy, M.D. (Houston Texas), (Dr. Govindaraj Ranganathan, M.D. (Friendswood Texas), and Dr. David Durkop, D. C.<br />State farm Insurance Ms. Anise Wu (Austin Texas), <br />Richard Reading and Rhoda Marie Reading<br />Attorney Ned Gill 6575 West loop south, suite 600, Bellaire Texas 77401<br />

 (Rhoda Read living @ 1711 McLean Road, Pearland Texas 77584)….Married November 11, 2000 <br />Esteban Hernandez<br />Calvin Banks<br />Johnny Villatoro<br />Nicholas Little (PSI)<br />Ja’mericka Hall<br />Jorge Santiago<br />Juan Sanchez<br />Richard Ramirez<br />Darvin Lynn<br />Samuel Robinson<br />Alvin Alfred<br />Esau Velasquez<br />Damon jaqot<br />

Johnathan Simmons<br />Brian Golatt<br />Carl Newton<br />James Hughes<br />Pershing Powell<br />Luis Gonzaga<br />John Goffney<br />Erick Calderon<br />Alex Cantor-Marroquin<br />Deandre Mason<br /> James Huntley<br />Eduardo Quiroga<br />Eduardo Garcilazo <br />Amicar Vasques<br />Dennis Carias<br />Arthur Mireles<br />Craig Scott<br />And Julio Matamoro <br />Eteban G. Alvear<br />Baltazar, Arroyo<br />Abraham Aparicio<br />Willentett T. August<br />Frances Arrendondo<br />Jocelyn Arnett<br />Timothoy Adair<br />Marilyn Aleman<br /

>Jennifer, Bronfield<br />Shen Burleson<br />Zachary T. Boston<br />Maurice S. Bradly<br />Xavier J. Cain<br />Augustin Carbajal <br />Homero Coronado<br />Martha Cuellar<br />Rosalyn Collins<br />John Contreras<br />Mike C. Cisneros<br />Guadalupe K. Cortez<br />Maria I Corona<br />Donovan Crosby<br />Garibaldi Campos<br />Jose A. Cantu<br />La Toya C. Carter<br />Paulo Castanuela Jr.<br />Carl A. Crochet<br />Anthony Doyel<br />Andros A. De La Cruz<br /

>Sharon L. Dolge<br />Amy Fleming<br />Brett M. Foisie<br />Alejandro Fernandez<br />Jesus Franco <br />Ricardo Gonzalez<br />Rubidia Garcia<br />Hector Guevara<br />Ismael Garza<br />Adolfo C. Gonzalez<br />Ruben M. Gonzalez<br />Salvador O. Gomez<br />Yessica Suarez-Galvan<br />Raymon M. Garcia<br />Lizette Guerra<br />David Gonzalez<br />Hameedul Hassan<br

/>Jennifer Hanner<br />Lucina M. hernandez<br />Devanand Hasmukh<br />Ronalald Jiles<br />Taft Jackson<br />Nathan A. Jimenez<br />John Joubert<br />Mauro Junco<br />James G. Jordan<br />Aaron D. Johnson<br />Jose D. Katz<br />Diamond Laddermore<br />Victor Lara<br />Julio C. Lopez<br />Duane E. Lawrence<br />Dwayne Liggines<br />Jonathan L. Limbrick<br />Luis Gerardo Lopez<br

/>Franciso Martinez<br />Jose D. jr. Moreno<br />Farris Mc Kendall <br />Francisco Munoz<br />Steven R. Nunez<br />Jerry L. Pierson<br />Andrew Phillips<br />Charles Piercefield Jr.<br />Amilcar Peraz<br />Santiago Pineda<br />Ruben Puga<br />Victor Portillo<br />Cesar A. Palacioa-Garza<br />Robert Robles<br />Joseph Rumfolo<br />Ari Riascos<br />Angel Sierra-Rojas<br />Sergio Rodriguez<br />Daniel Ramirez<br />Darrel W. Reece<br />Daniel Ramirez<br />Loreli Angel Del-Rivera<br /

>Jesus G. Reyes<br />Max Reza<br />Benito F. Rodriguez<br />Eugenio Romero<br />Ronald E. Rowan Jr.<br />Victor Soria-Gutierrez (Corpus Christi)<br />Armand J. Spence<br />Daniel E. Segura<br />Mustafa Sutarwala<br />Pete Saenz<br />Hector E. Gonzalez-Silvia<br />Kelton Simmons<br />Jose J. Segredo<br />Michael Scott<br /

>Oliveroes J. Torres<br />Luan Cong Trong<br />Maria E. Umanzor<br />Dillion W. Vernon<br />Markeith Whiting<br />Arthur Woods<br />Victor M. Zamora<br />

To include the Plaintiff will show “Honorable Court” evidence with the Plaintiff actual physical name” Louis Charles Hamilton II” on it…<br />

All being criminal, and gross negligent in dumping on the ground behind the Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al, and The Marine Building L.L.C on 2009 and completed before February 14 2011

All the “Physical Evidence Supporting Plaintiff complete Claims herein this “Federal Civil Action”<br />With Plaintiff herein (Time release photograph exhibits) already filed in the “Federal Court records &

 Plaintiff herein “ account” showing for years 2009 and 2010 showing the complete criminal (RICO) activates (among other things) of the “Legal trash” toss on the ground.<br />

Which the Plaintiff will show a “Honorable Court” that the Undersign Judge herein acted” Criminal in Conspire actions” with all Defendants in this action involving (Arthur et al) in the bogus bold refusal to produce any said documents,

Depositions or evidence in this “Matter and the conspire to scuttle of all evidence which is now in the hands of the Plaintiff<br /> Except the “last final missing piece” Plaintiff seeks in this Federal Civil matter the

“Deposition” conducted on Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq.<br /> By “Andy Vickery” Attorney at Law in Houston Texas during the matter with “Christ Church Cathedral;<br />

As described herein Plaintiff exhibit(s) (A) will show an Honorable United States Federal Court showing the Following:<br />Exhibit –

 (A) Invoice dated 1/31/2011from the Marine Building L.L.C 1305 Prairie, Ste. 200 Houston, TX 77002 Bill to: Glenn Loethen 3rd floor<br />(February Rent $400.00 & February parking $100.00)<br />Plaintiff will first show the Honorable Court facts detailing surround

 Plaintiff exhibit (A) is this that during the exact day (Harry C. Arthur Esq. & Marine Building L.L.C et al ) filed suit against (Christ Church Cathedral) <br />Defendant himself (Arthur) had “just” deposited for the Month of November 2009 rent from

(19) tenants all list above @ $400.00 each,<br /> Plus $100 each from each tenants for Parking for a Grand Total of = ($9,500). <br />Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court from November 23 2009 to December 1st 2009 some (8) days later after Defendant himself (Harry C. Arthur Esq. & Marine Building L.L.C et al ) filed suit against

(Christ Church Cathedral) “just” deposited another ($9,500) Dollars into the Marine Building L.L.C et al Banking account<br />Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court that during the year of 2009 up to the day Defendant himself (Arthur Esq.) was in possession of the Marine Building L.L.C. (Arthur Esq.) deposited other

 ($108,000) Dollars into the Marine Building L.L.C et al banking account.<br />Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court that during the course of this litigation for the year of 2010 Defendant himself (Arthur Esq.) deposited another($108,000) Dollars into the Marine Building L.L.C et al banking account.<br />

Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court that the Defendant himself (Arthur) for the Last (5) years of (Ownership) of the “Marine Building L.L.C. having deposited in excess of ($902,500) <br />Plaintiff assert before the Honorable Court which is actually more income deposited base on Lacey’s Deli Commercial sq. ft. at no less than $600-$800 a month rentals

(And based on Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Greed).<br /> With tenants Humberto R. Trejo (Criminal Attorney) suite 200, Sonia Behrana (Attorney) suite 200 and Pat Vargas Grady (Attorney) suite 200 having not been computation into these ($902,500) yearly factors and base upon (Arthur Greed)…<br />Making the income of

Co-Defendant “Marine Building L.L.C.” deposited far in excess of ($932,500) yearly<br />With a (five) years grand total of $4,512,500. Being deposited into Co-Defendants “Marine Building L.L.C.” Banking accounts<br />Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court that the Co-Defendants herein The “Ring Investigations et al” took in income in (one) month, funds in excess of $9013.53 gross.<br /> With deduction for rent and parking of $500.00 leaving Ring Investigation net pay for one month in excess of $8513.53<br />Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court that the

 Co-Defendants “Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al” took income in (one) month time funds in excess of: <br />During the month of November 2009 when (Arthur et al) file suit against (Christ et al) $166,500.00 per month = $330,001.00 for (2) months in the Month of November 2009

And the month of December 2009<br /> When (Arthur et al) launch Hostile Takeover actions against (Christ Church Cathedral <br />Plaintiff will show a “Honorable United States Federal Court” that in the last (5) past years Defendant himself Law Firm & (Arthur Esq.) accumulated per year a Total of $1,998,000.00

(One Million Nine Hundred and Ninety Eight Thousand Dollars<br /> With a Grand total “Nets egg” deposited for a (5) year Law Firm Operation of $9,990,000 <br />Plaintiff will show the Honorable Court that the Defendant himself (Arthur) for the Last (5) years of (Ownership) of the “Marine Building L.L.C. having deposited in excess of ($902,500) <br />

And for <br />The last (5) past years Defendant himself Law Firm of Harry C. Arthur & (Arthur Esq.) accumulated per year a net Total of $1,998,000.00 (One Million Nine Hundred and Ninety Eight Thousand Dollars.<br /> With a Grand total

“Nets egg” deposited for a (5) year Law Firm Operation of $9,990,000 combine the two Grand Total for (5) years of the Marine Building L.L.C. and Law Offices of harry C. Arthur et al….. “Drum roll”……..Plaintiff will show an “Honorable Court Grand Total of $11,988,000.00 (Eleven Million Nine Hundred and Eighty Dollars <br />This figure was base upon

(Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al) Clients listing filed above and for the following Clients in this never ending “Black Codes” Never-land, corruption of “Judicial Fraud” (RICO) enterprise scheme of things, upon which Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” et al 1000% criminal committing

“Judicial Fraud” Pursuant forever to the “Monetary Forever Judicial Fraud Corruption” Affirm”

                                   “Disheveled Individual”

 Louis Hamilton, II v. Harry Arthur, et al

Filed: March 31, 2011 as 11-20216

Plaintiff - Appellant: LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II


Court: Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit

Type: Other Statutes › RICO

“Houston lawyer Harry C. Arthur touched a nerve in one homeless man when Arthur filed a state court suit in November 2009 seeking to shut down a church-sponsored operation in downtown Houston that provides meals, counseling and laundry service for homeless people.

 In Harry C. Arthur, et al. v. Christ Church Cathedral, et al., Arthur and The Marine Building, an office building Arthur owns, seek a permanent injunction to shut down The Beacon, the homeless center. Homeless Man Seeks $2.4 Million from Lawyer, Building

Brenda Sapino Jeffreys, Texas Lawyer

 January 11, 2010”

Read more:

“HOUSTON A homeless shelter in downtown Houston is fighting attempts to shut it down.

The Beacon, located on Prairie Street, is run by Christ Church Cathedral.

An attorney who works in a building across the street says all the homeless people are a nuisance and has filed a lawsuit to close The Beacon for good.

On Monday, shelter officials held a pep rally of sorts for the homeless, promising to do everything they can to keep The Beacon open. People of Christ Church Cathedral have been on this corner for 170 years actually on this corner right across the street trying to take care of the poor and the needy and the homeless.

That s the Christian admonition, that s the mission of the cathedral and of The Beacon and we don t intend to be shut down, Andy Vickery, attorney for The Beacon, said.

In his lawsuit, attorney Harry C. Arthur, described the people who use the shelter as derelicts and said their presence has cost him business.”


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