Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


                                               “Judicial Fraud”

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2015-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,

Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:        

Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” et al 1000% criminal committing  1000% “Judicial Fraud” Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) (Petitioner) having no legal standing before a Federal Court of Laws being a “Slave” 1865-Feburary 7th 2013

Upon which the Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America”  “Judicial Fraud” inbreed “Obstruction of Justice in addition denied (Petitioner) legal civil standing in that under status of forever being subject to rules of “Slavery Servitude” in that, furtherance’s affirm, state and fully declare 100%

 Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 The “legal” right to call, examine and cross-examine witness; namely former criminal defense attorney, a contract public defender

Named Mark Beauchene—1000 and 100% violated “Slave” constitutional rights and committed legal malpractice in that furtherance’s

Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague,

I Louis Charles Hamilton II, Negro Slave (Petitioner) herein respectfully present before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, the official real “Lady Justice” The 1000% “Very, Very Honorable” Chief Magistrate Judge “Karen K. Klein”, whom (This) very “Honorable Justice”, presiding over the issue of Louis Hamilton, II v. Wold Johnson Law, upon which the (Petitioner) brief furtherance’s affirm, state and fully declare 100%

 I Louis Charles Hamilton II, Negro Slave (Petitioner) herein respectfully submitted “Lady Justice” The 1000% “Very, Very Honorable” Chief Magistrate Judge “Karen K. Klein”, was entertained with

“Due legal respect”, “high opinion”, and legal 100% recognition as the 6th Amendment of The Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” so duly claimed on behalf (Negro) race too,

Upon which there after Honorable” Chief Magistrate Judge “Karen K. Klein”,, 1000% officially Granted , Negro Slave (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein respectfully, 100%

The “legal” right to call, examine and cross-examine witness; namely former criminal defense attorney, a contract public defender

Named Mark Beauchene—1000 and 100% violated “Slave” constitutional rights and committed legal malpractice, and wholesale 6th Amendment “Slaughter” in that furtherance’s with criminal conspire, collusion, corruption with Assistant District Attorney “Wade L. Webb”,

 Now “District Judge Wade L. Webb” of “Cass County Courthouse” in Fargo, North Dakota, “Broom Closet secret (RICO) meetings as Negro Slave (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, as of this very undersigned

 “Notary Seal” date still, have not even had the duly pleasure of actually first and officially meeting my former criminal defense attorney, a contract public defender, in the entire 3 months’ time they “Kept” (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II”,

 Hidden secret deep in “Jail” waiting for said (XXX Peter Built Dump Truck) defense attorney to finished, his “Judas” sale out commitment to conspire furtherance’s in his role of “Judicial Fraud” Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

Named Mark Beauchene

Criminal defense, including traffic, misdemeanors, and felonies, is Mark’s primary area of concentration. He has experience in representing individuals at all states of a criminal proceeding since 1979.

Whether the need of a client is a pre-charge matter, motion practice (typically search and seizure and constitutional issues), trial, or appellate practice, Mark has been very successful in obtaining excellent results for his clients. Mark practices in all North Dakota state and federal courts. He will be happy to provide you with actual case references upon request.

Mark grew up in Fargo, North Dakota, graduating from Fargo North High School in 1972. He obtained a Business Economics degree from North Dakota State University in 1976. Thereafter, he attended Law School at the University of North Dakota, graduating in 1979.

Mark’s wife, Sheila, serves as Assistant Supervisor/Deputy Clerk for United States District Court in Fargo, North Dakota. They have two sons. Both Mark and Sheila are active in church activities at Sts. Anne and Joachim Catholic Church.

Mark has been involved as a volunteer parent coach in a variety of sports including football, baseball, and basketball. Additionally, he enjoys golfing, skiing, hunting, fishing, and spending time with his family and friends at the lake.

Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” et al 1000% criminal committing forever infamous “Judicial Fraud” Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

 Being legally Negro Slave (Petitioner) having no legal standing before a “White Only” Federal Court of Laws being a “Negro Slave” 1865-Feburary 7th 2013

Upon which the Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America”  “Judicial Fraud” (White Only) inbreed “Obstruction of Justice in addition denied (Petitioner) legal civil standing in that

The 1000% “Very, Very Honorable” Chief Magistrate Judge “Karen K. Klein”, after the exact precise “moment” of 1000% Honorably in “law and equity” officially granting” (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, herein thee

Absolute legal civil standing right to call, examine and cross-examine witness; namely former criminal defense attorney, and present physical evidence of his “(MIA) and 1000% working for the D.A. “prosecution”

 A contract public defender Named Mark Beauchene, before a “Legal” deposition, being 100% officially conducted by (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, herein, “However”

” Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) (Petitioner) “Negro Slave” officially always never having furtherance no legal standing before any Federal Court of Laws being a kidnap and abducted since 1619 “Slave” beyond claim freedom 1865-Feburary 7th 2013, a still “Negro Slave”

in that the “Secret White Only”, and there forever “White Only Constitution”, quickly shocking, appalling, and 100% disgusting, wholesale with crooked intent committed to always thee

 “Judicial Fraud” and “Crooked Road Kill Buzzard Style” swooped in hostile fashion (Quickly) over ruled The 1000% “Very, Very Honorable” Chief Magistrate Judge “Karen K. Klein”, after the exact precise “moment in time of granting” said

 (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, herein 100% legal civil standing right to call, examine and cross-examine witness; namely former criminal defense attorney,

 A contract public defender Named Mark Beauchene, before a “Legal” (ASAP) deposition,

“Judicial Fraud” and 100% “Obstruction of Justice to protect, the pure, pristine and XXX fine polished “White Only” in Justice of (America) Society,

” Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) (Petitioner) having no legal standing before a Federal Court of Laws being a “Negro Slave” 1865-Feburary 7th 2013,

Louis Hamilton, II v. Wold Johnson Law, 01-3998 (8th Cir. 2002) Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit Filed:  May 10th, 2002 Status:  Non-Precedential 

Docket Number: 01-3998

Fingerprint: 52dcf13a6810b640b76cde4c431671d86d256d49

                      United States Court of Appeals

                             FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT


                                    No. 01-3998


Louis Charles Hamilton, II,              *


               Appellant,                *

                                         * Appeal from the United States

      v.                                 * District Court for the

                                         * District of North Dakota

Wold Johnson Law Firm,                   *

                                         *    [UNPUBLISHED]

               Appellee.                 *


                            Submitted: April 26, 2002


                                Filed: May 10, 2002


Before McMILLIAN, BOWMAN, and WOLLMAN, Circuit Judges.




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