Monday, December 14, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:
“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit a move toward “equal “Democratization and great respect for human rights of
We (Negro) in the “unjust schooling teaching” of all “publications of events” of “Slavery” and it’s ending in 1865 which current February 7th 2013 slave replacement findings dictates otherwise

“Slavery” thrives on in the Jurisdiction of United States as falsely claimed made in the 13th Amendment of Defendant United States of America as so stated.

New publications being made and compromised on by both of the parties we (Negro) abused and United States of America, and the truth of the ending of “Slavery” Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

 “White Only” prosperity society of slow thinking “America” in Breach of Fiduciary Duty to “Honor” they’re very own rules of governing laws 13th Amendment requirement of ending “Slavery Servitude” furtherance’s said

“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve”

Providing all 1st year attendance 6th grade (Negro) “Freedmen’s Bureau” shareholders children(s) and all other people of color 1st year attendance

6th grade children(s) to include “Low income and poor white”

All 1st year attendance 6th grade children(s) “Freedmen’s Bureau” funded

“New Laptop Computers”, computers bags, and 1syear attendance 6th grade children(s) needed schools supplies in said

 “New Laptop Computers”, computers bags for the next (25) years in funding “without question”

Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:

As a show of good faith between the parties “United States” hereafter,

We thee (Negro) abused (American) race 2015-2099 collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve”

“United States”, future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads, Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping needs to the 100% New 2015-2099

 “Freedmen’s Bureau”, base on a standard set minimum labor wages salary at $7.25 per man hour needing for completion of said entire
“Infrastructure Contracts” of United States and as a return “good faith” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve”

We new established “Freedmen’s Bureau” of 2015-2099 training, housing, food, security, new system for
“Prison Work Release Work Force” back into the community of (America) of all race to provided “United States”,

 Future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads, Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping base on a standard set minimum labor wages salary at $7.25 per man hour
 (Lock Wage Prison Contract) work force for said 25 years of

 “United States of America” et al in conjunctions with future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads, Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping  

Needing for completion of said entire 25 years hour (Lock Wage Prison Contract) work force in rebuilding  the entire decay, falling down to the ground neglected by

 “Pure White Only” Criminal (Past) Congressional prosperity reconstruction “Infrastructure Contracts” of United States providing

“Prison Work Release Work Force” paying there on “rent”, “food”, “housing”, “security”, Skill trade on job training,
And 100% social supporting all of their families while being silly/stupid for residing in (Prison), 

None the less “Prison Work Release Work Force” maintains their very own dignity, rehabilitation, and honest direct freedom of respect to move toward
“Democratization” and greater respect for their very own human rights and rehabilitated Prison living dignity,

Furtherance’s as a 1000% show of good faith between the parties directed at “United States” hereafter,

We thee (Negro) abused (American) race 2015-2099 collectively 1000% “Agree”, “Accept” and “Approve” 1000% officially financial Financing

 (Negro) “Freedmen’s Bureau” shareholders hardcore “Dissident’

 Wishes to be continual in “New” 2016 – 2099 opposition to “official honest policy” of the Laws of “United States of America” and or directed collectively criminally at

“Freedmen’s Bureau” et al being 1000% “Dissident’ any furtherance’s thereof especially 100% (Negro) race (Prison) gangbang shareholder” having

“Direct Double Trouble” pull up your His/her “fallen  down pants” gang member hard core
“Dissident’ having their very own “Prison Work Force” paying there on “Rent”, “Food”, “Housing”, “Security”, and

 Extra Special “Pull up” your “darn” Gang banger pants”

“Cold Case Skill trade” (OJT) on job training, building in conjunctions with future supply 25 years (America) infrastructure package,

(Petitioner) herein respectfully to His/her Honorable World Court Justices introduction to the “Extra Wake Up” you slow uneducated want to be a criminal (American) “Dissident’ to

 Thee Infamous Freedmen Bureau New “Prison System” Sweet special “Location”

Attu Alaska  : )

Which is the westernmost and largest island in the Near Islands group of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, and I reminder you of the (Cold)  : )

And at the westernmost point of land relative to Alaska, So Very, Very Cold before spring too, (ha ha)

Omg Welcome to the (ha ha) hardcore “Dissident’ “Prison Cold  : )

Belong to the United States, in North America and the Americas.

The island became uninhabited in 2010, Max Length: 34.98 mi, Max width: 20.01 mi, “Population in 2010 (20)  : )

 So Very, Very Extra Cold : )  too ...extra $$$ paid “Security” will love “any and all” go for it (silly) multinational race “Dissident’ escape attempts

“They will simply come back to “Prison” home life...xoxoxo

And be so silly “Dissident’ 1000% guaranteed glad to get a nice “big bowl” of “Good Warm Hearty Healthy “Freedmen’s Bureau” Prison “Soup”  : )

And 1000% “extra cold” helping hand to honest direct freedom of respect to move toward “democratization” and greater respect for their very own “human rights” and “rehabilitated”, Prison living dignity,

 With 100% extended “Sincere Welcome Back” to Warm (Negro) “Freedmen’s Bureau” shareholders “Prison Guards” Open Smiling Arms  : )



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