Friday, December 18, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)


1000% respectfully “Required” furtherance’s appearances Defendant (USA) To: His/her Honorable “World Court of Justices” The Hague legally as follows:

Pro Se Negro Slave (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II” (USN), as of this very undersigned

 “Notary Seal” date still, have not even had the duly pleasure of actually first and officially “Put under the ground”, with ceremony, event of ritual significance “part of a death” occasion, of “Death”

Herein Pro Se Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) being namely official (Dead) “White” wife, Rachel Ann Hamilton whom deceased on

April 20th remains body still (MIA) this matter has not been respected or officially “However”

“Chandra & Natasha” (Mother) “Body” shall remain with “Our” daughters’ wherever this grave is…?

Criminally hidden well within Dark ages “The Church of Jesus Christ” of “Latter-Day Saints” 1000% “Mormonism Cult” in their Sovereignty “Utah” Nation,


Order Production of all Documents “Defendant the “United States of America” et al “herein relating to certified copy of the “Death Certificate” of

Pro Se Negro Slave (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II” (USN), “wife” (MIA) Body known to be under grave as “Rachel Ann Walker”.


Order Production of all Documents “Defendant the “United States of America” et al “herein relating to certified copy of the “emergency” records of the “Fetus Death” of

Pro Se Negro Slave (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II” (USN), and “wife” (MIA) “Rachel Ann Walker” located at LDS Hospital a full-service hospital located in Salt Lake City, Utah located at 8th Ave N & C Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84143,


Order Production of all Documents “Defendant the “United States of America” et al “herein relating to certified copy of the Salt Lake City, UT (Police) records concerning the death of

Pro Se Negro Slave (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II” (USN), “wife” (MIA) Body knows to be under grave as “Rachel Ann Walker”.


Order Production of all Documents “Defendant the “United States of America” et al “herein relating to certified copy of the

 Pro Se Negro Slave (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) and “wife” (MIA) “Rachel Ann Walker” marriage records (MIA)…?


Order Production of all Documents “Defendant the “United States of America” et al “herein relating to certified copy of the Salt Lake City, UT (Police) records concerning the “death records” of

 Pro Se Negro Slave (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, (USN), “wife” (MIA) Body know to be under grave as “Rachel Ann Walker

Order Production of all Documents “Defendant the “United States of America” et al “herein relating to certified copy of the

 Pro Se Negro Slave (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, (USN) “wife” (MIA) Body known to be under grave as “Rachel Ann Walker birth records of

 “Chandra D. Hamilton” DOB December 27th 1990 and “Natasha C. Hamilton” DOB December 30th 1991

To be entering into “Evidence” before His/her “Honorable World Court Justices” and The “Entire” International Community”

193 “State Parties” being 1000% Foreign Country having Full Legal Possession, Custody, Control,  over all “monetary asset” of The Deepest Darkest Age Creepy Defendant “United States of America” et al herein

Being 1000% officially “frozen” “if” the deepest darkest creepy Defendant (USA) refusal to 1000% Produce all require reply/response as fully described herein and or simply

“End” and fully 1000% settle this Knights of The Klu Klux Klan drunken “spoiled yeast” bootleg liquor "Mississippi lynching USDA America" silly old August 20th 1619 – 2099

 “Civil War” raged against the innocents Capture abused just Negro Race of “United States of America” et al herein residing against will, peace dignity and
Basic human rights and this matter being furtherance’s (Required)

First and foremost 1000% officially set for first an official

“Child Abuse Custody Hearing”, than further set this “criminal matter”
Respectfully before His/her Honorable “World Court of Justices” of Hague and “Jury Trial” date set.




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