Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cmdr. Bluefin 2016 “Sherlock Holmes” case of: The Four (MIA) “NATO” N-i-g-g-e-r “Sidewinder Missiles” : )

TO: President Barack Obama and “Commander in Chief” : )

To: NATO  : ) Congratulations ….xoxoxoxoox!
To: Her Majesty “The Queen” and “British Royal Family”  :  )
To: United States of America et al  :  )
To: Rick Perry “Former Gov. of The State of Texas“ On the “Legal Lame” : )
To: Sarah Palin (Dizzy Bitch) “Blames Son's Violence on Obama….?
To: Michael McCrum Attorney at Law “San Antonio” Texas  :  )
First President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief” : )
Did you hear the legal “News” : )
 The “Supreme Court” agreed Tuesday to review President Obama’s plan to shield up to 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation,
I Think they Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America Supreme Court”
got my Cmdr. Bluefin “Memo” on Tuesday”, ha ha : ) 
Cmdr. Bluefin Pursuant to Dred Scott vs Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) "Lt Moore " Command to All Naval Task Force "Gunnery Mates "
 Direct Cease Legal Fire " Bombardment" of The Texans Lone Star State" ....
………………………xoxoxoxooxoxx………ha ha…………….  :  )
Congratulations ….xoxoxoxoox! Have a cool day, my best to the Family  :  )
To: Her Majesty “The Queen” and “British Royal Family”  :  )
“Just” exactly what is a “British Buffoon”….?  Is that the same as calling Presidential Front runner “Donald Trump” a
“Twat Wally, leaking “Butt Berk…? Or an Empty Ugly Numpty Klansmen’s Knob-Head…?..
I am so “Negro Slave” herein confused…?  : )
The “Ninny Tosser “Donald Trump” and His “Slapper Pillock” side Kick “Sarah Palin” Trollop about with the Racist “American Lazy Sod”,
 Both being extra “dead from the “Neck Up” and gone to the Dogs Mad as a “Bag” of “Ferrets” lost the plot  : )
Personally The “Prat” “Donald Trump” and “Manky Minger” ” side Kick “Sarah Palin” both “Naff & Gormless”,  I think  :  )
Have a Royal British Family Sunny Day  : )
To: Sarah Palin whom Blames Son's Violence on Obama….?  
You Lost Clucker “Slapper Pillock” side Kick “Sarah Palin” Trollop about with the Racist “Ninny Tosser “Donald Trump” “American Lazy Sod”,

 I Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) blame....
The “Pure Meth” and “Crack Double up Size Scooby Doo”
$50 Heavy Hitting Smoking Rocks :)
 on your “Son” Half Killing his wife you losers  “Naff & Gormless”,  Bitch...... OK...
Not President (Obama)... And you're his “Meth” Connection and Suppler,,.. : )
“Manky Minger” Sarah Palin Goonie Goo Ugly Ass Ho .....What a beautiful British day for two “Minge Bags Dumb Asses :) 
ha ha  “Smooches”  Her Majesty The “Queen”   :  )
To: NATO  : )  Congratulations ….xoxoxoxoox!
Your having a Negro “Sherlock Holmes” grand mystery in the making…xoxoxox
 Nothing but the best for “NATO”  :  )
Cmdr. Bluefin 2016 “Sherlock Holmes” case of:
The Four (MIA) “NATO” N-i-g-g-e-r “Sidewinder Missiles” :  )
To: United States of America et al “News on the British BBC “Wire” you’re a “Gone to the Dogs”, American “Berk”  : )
To: Rick Perry “Former Gov. of “The State of Texas“
On the “Legal Lame” and His “Attorney General of Record”……………….You two “Bell End” are in XXX major trouble,
Rick Perry “Former Gov. of “The State of Texas“, yes suspending your “Republican Presidential Campaign is 1000% my “advisement”, being on the “Legal Lame” : )
Abuse of official capacity, of Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Negro “Sherlock Holmes” kidnapping to “Texas State Crooked Asylum” of “Doctor Mind Bender”,
 “Special Prosecutor” Michael McCrum “Attorney at Law”
This was done to keep 1865 “Civil War” being officially ongoing past “Slavery Servitude” ending as stated in the
(MIA) 13th amendment in the United States of America” well ongoing in 2011…with the Rick Perry “Former Gov. of “The State of Texas“,
Texas XXX Voting Fraud scheme of things….. Too….Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr”
Mr. Ninny VIP Rick Perry and His Side Kick “Twit” Attorney General “Greg Abbott”……..
To: “Special Prosecutor” Michael McCrum Attorney at Law “San Antonio”
The “Bloody Tosser” “Perry” who did it,
 “Former Gov. of “The State of Texas“, and His Side Kick “Twit” Attorney General in 2011 “Airy-Fairy Plonker Pikey” engaging in abduction/kidnapping (me) the official “Cmdr. Bluefin” Infamous “
United States Ninja Navy” both the “Naff & Gormless Git” are officially “Wanted and at Large”,
And FYI:
“Special Prosecutor” Michael McCrum “Attorney at Law”
 From “San Antonio”, Your “legal Attorney “Special Prosecutor Ass” can take a “Back Burner” on your sloooow ass case……
Fu-ck-ing Screw Former Gov. Rick Perry's legal fees which climb to $2.5 million,
The “Gannet Ligger” Daft Prick  “Former Gov. of “The State of Texas“, “Perry” and His Side Kick “Twit” Attorney General Abbott needing (Asap) another
White Only “Legal Team”, plus add extra $8.4 Million more in defense “Washington D.C. Federal Court “funding”…..$$$$
These two, “Slags” got some
 “Heavy” fu-ck-ing “Lucy” XXX-Planing to Do” concerning official kidnapping All Negros clear back to August 20th 1619 – 2011
Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) to furtherance’s said (RICO) enterprise “scheme of things” directed 1000% at official kidnapping
Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), in 2011 to “Texas State Crooked Asylum” of “Doctor Mind Bender”,
“Plaintiffs” collectively herein “Super Ninja Navy” XXX Pissed Off about loss of Many Negros Human Life, Will, Peace, Dignity,
 All filed Before the Honorable “United States District Court” for the “District of Columbia”
Via (RICO) Count I,
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act”...for “White Only” profit namely
Slavery Servitudemoney laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957,
Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)


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