Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) Vs. United States of America (Houston Division) et al

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause by a

1000% Legacy in past, present and future (RICO) Enterprise of all described defendants collectively direct/indirectly engaging in deceit, shame, skills in a position of Government, among others no less, displacement, events, and circumstances of 1000%

 “Fraud” and “Fraudulent Nondisclosure” “Obstruction of Justice”, Judicial Fraud, Discrimination, Tortious Interference’s with Fiduciary Duty of a “United States of America” Judicial Absolute Immunity Branch of Government

Both Federal/State Upon”, Mutable of thousands upon thousands counts of “False Imprisonment” pursuant to “The Vagrancy Act of 1866”

Violation of the (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own

“Congress Article I describes the design of the Defendant (United States of America) herein “Legislative Branch” of governing rules of laws by
Congress in the official legal current time frame the Defendant (United States of America) herein Being in direct in violation of

Pursuant to Article I, section 10 “Or engage in war, unless actually invaded,” in this Hostile “Para-Military” Government Sponsored Honorable Royal “Knights” of The “Klu Klux Klan” aid and abetting
 “United States of America” collectively with their “Secret White Control” (Billion) Secure Supremacy Fine Pure Pristine Polish Society”

Having 1000% control and leadership over “United States of America” et al and its’ greedy, corrupted, “White Only” Constitution Control Congress/Judicial Branch of Government, hostile in gladly, 1000% represent racial motivated/bias acts of civil/criminal crimes against entire

“Negro Race” whom helpless having no legal standing before their laws in fair deal of “law and equity” as the Claimed just founding fathers of (America) wanted such “White Only” society, being everlasting

Now no more in 2016 than simple (RICO) enterprise “founding fathers” of wanted still at large criminal August 20th 1619 – 2099 “Slave Traders” and Honorable Royal
Para-Military White Supremacy Klansmen’s having unfetter “Pirate”, Plundering, and looting entire “Negro Race”, and all People of color Monetary taxes in favor

Claimed just founding fathers of (America) in 2011 still ongoing “Slavery Servitude”  (RICO) enterprise scheme of continual things for never ending “White Only” of (America) “Unjust Enrichment”, as

 “White Only” secret “supremacy society” furtherance’s criminals engaging in (RICO) enterprising nature in continual criminal acts of Slavery Servitude money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957,

Slavery Servitudemoney laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1) for privileged, polished, well financial secure in Billions “White Only” constitution of America continual

 “Slave Régime” forevermore “Unjust Enrichments” now 2016 - legal and political means to Restore the Founders’ forever pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

As Chief Defendant “United States of America” et al before Co-Defendant(s) “State of Texas” et al could very much ended “Slavery Servitude” long before in 1865 “United States of America”,

Co-Defendant “State of Texas” et al herein collectively even had the chance to provide Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), herein

Hostile Harris County Tour of Jail Duty (RICO) furtherance’s into an ongoing 2016 “abduction/mystery” false mental prison @ “Texas State Hospital” being 1000% (America) “Negro Mad Maxx” escape Beyond “Thunder Dome” compound @ “Doctor Mind Bender” Asylum/Killer Hospital,

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), suffrage of such 1000% “Murderous hostile attack against his peace, will, dignity, safety and crooked claim “civil rights” of Defendant “United States of America”, own accord design failure in

“Breaching of fiduciary duty” owed to officially end “Slavery Servitude” of free “unjust enrichments” against the Peace, Will, Dignity and Human Negro American Abused Life further existences free from Untimely forced deaths in that now further derive thereof

Each and every single dollar the defendant “United States of America” et al herein officially earn from the exact time frame 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 


“United States of America” et al own governing rules of (American) laws” they engaged in “Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO)....of a nature involving “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957,

“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)). .... Money laundering statutes, from 1957- February 7th 2013 exactly (56) years Defendant United States of America” there after the introduction of their very

Own governing rules of (American) laws” they furtherance’s engaged in Federal racketeer influenced and corrupts organization (RICO)....“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes,
18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, past the official date of February 7th 2013 in a Monetary Absolute Immunity Judicial Branch of Government criminal continual

(RICO) cover up “scheme of things” pursuant to “White Controlling Secrete Society” forever “White Only” prosperity knowing with fore thoughts, secret intense precise Judicial Control, deliberation, and rulings of the Highest Federal Court System of the defendant

“United States of America” et al herein “legally” Authority armed officially presiding forever that “Slavery Servitude”, in United States of “Dizzy” (America) was not officially Historically never over, pursuant to:

United States District Court,
N.D. Illinois,
Eastern Division.
MDL No. 1491.
No. 02 C 7764.


On behalf of herself :

and all other persons : CLASS ACTION

similarly situated, :





INC., CSX, and Their predecessors, successors :

and/or assigns, and CORPORATE DOES NOS. 1-1000,

 U.S. District Judge Charles Norgle dismissed an amended reparations lawsuit filed by Deadria Farmer-Paellmann.

Norgle also wrote that “Present-day Americans are not morally or legally liable for historical injustices . . . and that reparations talk is divisive, immersing African-Americans in a culture of victimhood.”

To “Judicially Cloaked” in a continual rouge (RICO) criminal “scheme of things” to 1000% defraud, in “monetary value” for services already render under forced August 20th 1619 - February 7th 2013 “Slavery Servitude”


 Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against abused Negro race having never no legal standing in fair proceeding over the

“Judicial Proceeding” before the Defendant (United States of America) herein very own on “Jurisdictions” in regards for compensation being made for past, and present acts of “Forced Slavery Servitude” which the defendant (United States of America) “living” on

Planet Earth still engaging in ongoing “Slavery Servitude” none-reform régime being Legally since precisely August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013 within their very own “Jurisdictions” engage furtherance’s in a criminal offense enterprise for

 “Unjust enrichment” legal and political means to Restore the Founders’ forever pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

 That involves interference, through the direct leading actions, of the claim just proper operations of a judicial court, namely “United States Supreme Court”
Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), in this “Grand 1619-1857 Twisted Never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with


The defendant “United States of America” et al, And their Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of

Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, jointly from exploitation of said Slave Labor” engaged for unjust enrichment”, in declaration for Prosperity “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the

 Property of Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, jointly from exploitation of said Slave Labor in this

“Grand 1619-1857 Twisted Never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with the defendant

 “United States of America” et al,, upon which “United States Supreme Court” engaged in “Obstruction of Justice”, Judicial Fraud,
Breach of Fiduciary Duty among other criminal acts to keeping just Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

In this “Grand Scheme of “White Only” prosperity in now the official date of 2015-2099 Twisted never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” against  

Abused Negro race 2016-2099 who officially as of this undersigned date having no legal “Official Nationalized citizenship within the defendant “United States of America” et al,

And being 1000% now thee official “Property” of Defendant United States of America et al from February 7th 2013 - 2099 “Slavery Servitude” duties”, 1619 - February 7th 2013 jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor”                                                         

In direct 100% complicity concert, collusion, conspire, design, and fundamental require “lazy format” of defraud in taxes kick back there after said (American) infrastructure 1000% official built on
(Negro) race performance in murderous kidnap and abducted false imprisonment in Require of our transgressor

“Master and Conquers” Governmental (USDA) designed “Slavery Servitude: Construction design for what (America) in 2016 appear to be the direct leading actions, leadership, governing laws, of Congress, and all Laws derive corruptly thereafter having no legal

“Official Nationalized citizenship within The defendant “United States of America” et al, And being 1000% now thee official “Property” of Deep Dark ages United States of America et al from February 7th 2013-2099

Violation of the (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,

 Shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

“Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,


 The 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865.

When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Defendant (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely

The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, meaning it never officially had abolished slavery,
The amendment was adopted in December 1865 after the necessary three-fourths of the then 36 states voted in favor of ratification,

“Mississippi Lynch Town USDA”, however, was a holdout; at the time state lawmakers were upset for exactly additional (148) years - February 7, 2013 precisely later that they had not been compensated for the value of claim freed slaves,


Violation of the Defendant (United States of America) very own on rules of governing laws set by their very own “Congress the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established,

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.

In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property,

Without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Defendant (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely

The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, meaning it never officially had abolished slavery thus not freeing slaves within the Jurisdiction of Defendant “United States of America until February 7, 2013

The 13th amendment was adopted in December 1865 after the necessary three-fourths of the then 36 states voted in favor of ratification,

The 14th amendment of The Constitution of the Defendant the “United States of America” herein being legally 1000%

Forever invalid, defective, having no legal enforcement, 100% premature faulty, and having ever any legal standing Before any (American) court of law on behalf of
“Abused (American) “Negro Race”…whom legally still being forced and imposed to “Slavery Servitude” there after the “bogus claim” expiration date of 1865 The 13th Amendment to the Constitution – 2099

As being described before the Honorable World Court His/her Justices collectively in
Conjunction before, United States District Court, the District of Columbia Honorable Justice

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