Thursday, January 7, 2016

Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) Vs. United States of America (Houston Division) et al

Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, Affirm, Declare, and State being official “abducted”, “kidnapped”, “bamboozle”, “kept bewilder”, on or about the exact date of October 1st – 4th upon which directly thereafter said

Was not even allowed “one foot” in the “Texas States Criminal Court” physical court room for the criminal mystery charge, further

Not allowed any access to any documentation involving this mystery arrest,

Not allowed any access to any affidavit of probable cause,

Not even simply allowed any access to any knowledge of whom the complaining state of Texas “White Boy” I had cut up this witness up with razor knife…?, as the already destroyed 6th amendment right to “speedy public trial” of all “Slaves” of (America)

Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, “Simply” filed first “Hamilton vs. “State of Texas et al”

 Filed on October 4th, 2011 U.S. Docket 1:2011-CV-00510 and on precisely in the early morning hours

“Surprise” Cmdr. Bluefin U.S. Ninja Navy” herein being Hostage in Jail while 1000% Inspection of “yep”  : )   Harris County Jail, ha ha 

So true and so sweet “Smooches” State of Texas”, ha ha….xoxoxooxox

As described by said Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, official U.S. Docket 1:2011-CV-00510  

Federal Complaint in detail to the nasty overcrowding underground worm hole jail system rat tunnels, to the corrupted Judicial Branch of Texas State Criminal Justice system……..Grrrrrrrrrrr”


County jail cited for dangerous overcrowding

Published 8:25 pm, Monday, October 10, 2011

8:25 pm, Monday, October 10, 2011

Filed: October 4, 2011 as 1:2011cv00510

Defendant: Harris County District Attorney, Harris County, State of Texas and others

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Cause Of Action: Prisoner Civil Rights

            The state jail commission cited Harris County for having 355 prisoners more than authorized in 19 cells in the basements of two criminal justice buildings on Monday, the latest setback in a chronically overcrowded jail system that costs taxpayers $18 million a year in overtime alone.
The citations were issued by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards, after inspectors made a surprise inspection at 5 a.m. Monday of holding cells beneath court facilities at 1201 Franklin and an adjacent building at 1301 Franklin, which are connected by tunnels to the county jail.

One holding cell at 1301 Franklin with an approved capacity of five inmates was packed with 25. In cells beneath 1201 Franklin, only five jailers were supervising 409 prisoners, fewer than the nine required by state law.
Inmates housed in the holding cells await court proceedings.

The jail commission's executive director, Adan Munoz, said the "blatant overcrowding" his inspectors found in the holding facilities Monday will not be tolerated.
He added the situation posed not only a potential health danger to inmates, but an opportunity for a riot, an attack on inmates, or an escape attempt.

"That's dangerous, when you put that many inmates in a cell," Munoz said. "One had 76 in a 23-person cell. My God, that's a danger in itself. It could be a health issue."

Munoz said Harris County has 30 days to submit a plan to correct the deficiencies and must be able to show the remedy is working for 30 days to avoid state sanctions.

"My inspector there this morning mentioned the cells were not only overcrowded but they smelled, it was filthy,'' Munoz said.

County Sheriff Adrian Garcia said overcrowding in holding cells is due to a shortage of jailers, adding he has repeatedly asked for authorization to replace some of the 300 full-time jailers who have left. The jail operates on a $220 million annual budget and employees 2,274 employees.

"I have been singing this song, telling people we have a very serious situation occurring and that's why I've been needing people," Garcia said,
"That's why I've been going to Commissioner's Court asking for appropriate levels of staffing, because I just knew at some point this probably was going to catch up to us."

Turned down in March

Commissioners are scheduled to vote Tuesday on converting 120 temporary jailers to full-time employees and hiring another 60 temporary jailers.

However, Garcia said those hires are for jobs in the main jail facility and not for personnel transporting inmates to court appearances.

Garcia noted he asked the court for permission to hire 260 full-time jailers in March but was turned down due to the county's hiring freeze.

Instead of hiring new jailers, the county is paying $18 million in overtime to deputies and jailers to pull extra shifts in the jail.

Precinct 3 Commissioner Steve Radack said it is Garcia's responsibility to manage the holding cells, adding the court has agreed to hire more jailers despite budgetary constraints.

"We're trying to provide adequate resources to the sheriff," Radack said. "It's up to him to manage his personnel.
And it's also up to him to make it clear to the courts that we are having too many people in the holding cells, and we can't bring more over until they clear them out.

 It's as simple of that."

District Attorney Pat Lykos released a statement saying her office is "committed to working with all relevant officials to resolve the situation to ensure compliance" with state jail standards.

Alan Bernstein, director of public affairs for Garcia, said that each day approximately one-tenth of the county's average 9,500 daily jail population are brought to holding cells to attend court proceedings.
 On Monday, there were 803 inmates summoned to court and kept in holdover facilities with a capacity of 382, the department said.

Transfer figures

Monday's jail inspection noted that from January to September this year, the sheriff's office reported 50 percent of inmates transferred to court facilities were not brought before a judge in the courtroom.

District Judge Belinda Hill, the administrative judge for the 22 felony district courts in Harris County, disputed the figure and said no reliable reporting is available. But she acknowledged defense attorneys and prosecutors often discuss a case while an inmate is in the holding cell, leading to negotiated plea bargain.

"The issue is not how many people we have in the courts everyday, but how they are brought over and where they are staged," Hill said.

 "A way to address that is bring the inmates over in shifts, instead of bring them all over at one time. That way you don't exceed the capacity downstairs."


HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS – State oversight officials failed the Harris County Jail in a surprise inspection on Monday, October 10, 2011. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards  cited dangerous overcrowding in jail cells located in the criminal courthouse basement.

Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia, a Democrat, blamed a lack of money in his budget for the jail overcrowding, but did not address the legal or safety aspects of this violation.


Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, Affirm, Declare, and State being official “abducted”, “kidnapped”, “bamboozle”, “kept bewilder”, now 1000% Declared a
“Mental ill/Prison inmates, of Harris County Jail system upon which” Now being Medically battery abused by
“Doctor Mind Bender” of Harris County Jail system in connection with the “State of Texas” and first kept in population and forced

Massive unwanted “strong medications” to make me forget being abducted “Slave” as abducted official now by “Texas” Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, 1000% innocently physically/mentally medical abused/assaulted  by

“State of Texas” Harris County and official Harris County “Killer Gang Prisoners Inmates” as

“Federal Prisoners Petitions” filed on March 30th 2012 U.S. Docket Number 4:2012-CV-00977 Hamilton vs. Sherriff Garcia et al, and Hamilton vs. inmates “Donnell Johnson” et al

Filed December 8th 2011 4:2011-CV-04256 and

Filed April 4th 2012 U.S. Docket Number 4:2012-CV-01122


Then Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, was kept in “Nasty” Medical Ward and forced unwanted strong medications, had no money for food so always so
“Extremely Mad” from being help abducted with no civil rights and having fights for survival in this captivity to the point

Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) had to “punch” out some crazy Negro tough guy face out smooth threw the jail bars, then grab him and slam his face mutable times into the
Jail Bar System from the other side, as I holing him from the other side laughing told you “Crook” leave me alone until the guards came and set him “bleeding” dumb ass “free” as

The Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) (RICO) Government of (America) hostile mystery illegal abducted, kidnapped
 Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN)  being further hostilities under Jail House Gang War “Fire Zone” even being always so very “hungry” in cold stinky dark Harris County Jail System

Filed: December 8, 2011 as 4:2011cv04256

Defendant: Donnell Johnson, Daniel M Gawrysiak, Alexander Olivieri and others

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Cause Of Action: Prisoner Civil Rights


Filed: March 30, 2012 as 4:2012cv00977

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Defendant: Adrain Garcia, Anorga, Crump and others

Cause Of Action: Prisoner Civil Rights


Filed: April 4, 2012 as 4:2012cv01122

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Defendant: Donnell Johnson

Cause Of Action: Prisoner Civil Rights


At some point Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) being further hostilities transported to

 “Texas State Crooked Asylum of “Doctor Mind Bender” whom sentenced Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II for more medical abuse and should
Consider him “Super Godly Lucky” because I wanted to “grand slam” his face and the two white boys too, in the office while the

 “White Crazy” mean Crooked Texas State Judge was on “Speaker” phone listing to me just quick “Ninja Navy Negro Kicks” there “three collective” white hostile asses to a “typical bleeding pain”

 As  “Texas State Crooked sentenced me to more many mess up months of Hostile forced “Doctor Mind Bender”
Medications and hostile threaten with XXX Mental medications over dosage shots as Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II trap watching crazy
XXX grisly iron cage “naked cat-fighting” hottie prison girls “blood baths” death matches in the Mad Max Beyond “Thunder Dome” compound @ Vernon Texas State “Doctor Mind Bender” Asylum/Killer Hospital


As Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II trap Just think of this “Doctor Mind Bender” and “Christ” talk three times, on his  faith as “Jesus” said no don’t fu-k him up because you’re in a “Wheel Chair” cripple ….

Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II trap ask (Christ) and beg for permission to two more times at the exact precise time of being sentencing to many more months

 Mad Max Beyond “Thunder Dome” compound @ Vernon Texas State “Doctor Mind Bender” Asylum/Killer Hospital

As “Jesus” said No it going to be too “Bad”
Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) trap, abducted into forever “Slavery Servitude” of now State of Texas, as well as “United States of America” et al was going to
“Half kill” Vernon Texas State “Doctor Mind Bender” crooked smart talking shit crooked “Doctor Mind Bender” corrupted sorry loser ass with that “Wheel Chair”, and slam the entire steel desk on the “door” …

            So nobody can “simply” escape or get in and slam all “three” screaming for help “Klansmen White Bastards” head wide smooth open for a whole half a hour while
“State of Texas”, corrupted stale ugly ass “simply” listen on the phone…in “Shock”...ok…and they were Trap…too as Vernon Texas State “Doctor Mind Bender” crooked smart talking shit mocking,
Harping talking out the side of his “White Only” Justice Neck, disgracing Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) for being official
“Cmdr. Bluefin” United States Navy, on the “Internet”
            “Jesus” said he will get” Vernon Texas State “Doctor Mind Bender” later… I said you better…. he “Jesus” said doesn’t worry….. Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) said ok…
           ”Cool Jesus”…. went had “Sweet Naughty" quickie prison horny white girl” XXX “Sex” on the blind walking hot sexy spot…… on the “walking track” on a nice day to be alive : )  
After “Crooked White Only” Slavery Servitude” Texas State Hospital “pigs” sentenced Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) me to more 222 days time” upon which 
 Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) trap, abducted into forever “Slavery Servitude” of now State of Texas, too,

filed a Federal Civil Suits “Hamilton vs. Vernon Texas State “Doctor Mind Bender” et al April 4th 2012 U.S. Docket Number 7:2012-CV-00053, upon which
 Pro Se Plaintiff “Slave Negro” “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against “Human Rights Violations” fully 1000% derived thereof, (Negro) race of
“United States of America have no legal standing in Federal Court deal with “Law or Equity” being a “Slave” when filed said suit on April 4th 2012 as Violation of the Deep Dark ages Defendant (United States of America) et al herein against their very own on rules of
 Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established
The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted
 shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
" Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,

The 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865.

           When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely

The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, meaning it never officially had abolished slavery.

The amendment was adopted in December 1865 after the necessary three-fourths of the then 36 states voted in favor of ratification.

“Mississippi Lynch Town USDA”, however, was a holdout; at the time state lawmakers were upset for exactly additional (148) years -

February 7, 2013 precisely later that they had not been compensated for the value of claim freed slaves.

Filed: April 4, 2012 as 7:2012cv00053

Defendant: Nita Patterson, Keli Boyd, North Texas State Hospital and others

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton

Cause Of Action: Civil Rights

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