Tuesday, January 26, 2016

“We Thee Entire 44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race” herein before the “World Court Justices” Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2016 ★“High Tech Drone II Report”

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief”  :  )

To: United States of America Supreme Court

To: Donald John Trump, Sr.

To: “Black Lives Matter”

“Black Lives Matter”

I am your “Commander in Chief “, do not execute any violence in United States of America, but protect yourself, protest

Peacefully  (OK) in Honor and respect of MLK Jr.

I will deal with this matter, in the World Court, before Thee Justices of The Hague

Donald John Trump, Sr., Now leave them alone,

“Black Lives Do Matter” according to God”

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