Sunday, January 24, 2016

“We Thee Entire 44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race” vs. Donald John Trump, Sr. Before His/her Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

       “Destruction of The Civil Rights Act of 1964”  (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964)”

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2016-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,
Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:        

Pro Se “Slave Negro” (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, on behalf on every “Negro” race since DNA was established upon the official date of August 20th 1619 in the abduction of a entire (Negro) race from a free sovereign to stand forever more as “property” pursuant to forever more

 “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) Deepest Dark Ages “United States of America” et al 1000% continual under hand dealing in “Whole Sale” destruction of their very own continual “White Only” rules of governing laws, pursuant to erasing

“The Civil Rights Act of 1964” thereafter fully institution in being “quite” empty, hollow, absolute immune in having effect, against the darken “Slave Régime” 100,000% legal breach of fiduciary duty in refusal to

 “Honor” the 13th amendment doctrine of the “United States of America” and there “White Only” Constitution, thereby legally requiring “Slavery Servitude” to having a “meaning” actual

1000% final ending on or about in the “year of 1865, not February 7th 2013 as United States of America” major “death toll” official free them (Negro) race “Civil War” surly did dictate such a “Common Interest” for a

“Ending of being (America) being “Criminal, in continual imposed “Human rights violations of “Slavery Servitude” against (any) race of people for “unjust enrichment”

                                                “Trump Brief I”

Pro Se “Slave Negro” (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, “Until” Direct Eximination Under “Video Deposition” Chief Defendant Donald John Trump, Sr., herein before each of

 His/her Honorable “World Justices” of The Hague and Further documented 1000%facts Appearance Respectfully Presiding “Justices”, as so much

A new book by Gwenda Blair, The Trumps: Three Generations That Built An Empire, describes how Trump’s grandfather came to the U.S. from his native Germany, started a small business in America,

 Then set out for Canada to try to find a fortune during the Klondike gold rush

Friedrich Trump, a barber’s apprentice in Germany, set out for America in 1885 at age 16. Friedrich’s father had died young, and the young man was looking to do something other than become a barber.

 He wound up in Manhattan at a time when, as Blair observes, there were no immigration quotas, and became a naturalized American. He Anglicized his name to Frederick and wound up in Seattle, looking to make his fortune

In Seattle, the young Trump leased a small restaurant known as “The Poodle Dog” that advertised “private rooms for ladies,” which at that time was a reference to prostitution

His restaurant was doing well, but when he heard that John D. Rockefeller was financing a mining operation in a town called Monte Cristo, Trump knew he had to get in on it

In Monte Cristo, Trump filed a fraudulent mineral claim that he had no intention of working and built a hotel on the land, even though he didn’t own it,

He then returned to the business of offering customers food, booze and women,

When the Monte Cristo mining boom began to peter out both Rockefeller and Trump quietly backed out,

 This made them, according to Blair, two of the few who made money on the adventure,
By this time, miners had begun arriving to make the journey to the Yukon to mine for gold. Trump saw a golden opportunity. Not in mining, but in a series of trail-side restaurants that would also supply the miners with prostitutes,

 Just like his grandson’s casinos, Frederick Trump intended to make his fortune by, as Blair puts it, “mining the miners”

In 1900, Trump was living in White Horse, Yukon, where he had once again built a hotel on land he didn’t own, across from the railroad station,

 His Arctic Restaurant offered arriving miners the things he had offered in his other ventures: food, liquor, gambling, and prostitutes
 This business was to be short-lived, however”

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police — the “Mounties” — were beginning to crack down on vice in the territory
 But Trump had made his money, and as the Yukon gold rush was coming to an end, he made his way back to his native Germany, with a nest egg equal to about $600,000 in today’s money

While in Germany, Trump got married, But he also ran into a problem. Military service was mandatory, but since he left at 16, he had been too young to serve”

Now, he was over 35, and too old to serve. Trump tried to buy his way out of the predicament by offering to deposit his money in the village treasury

 He then swore that he had not intended to avoid service, but was merely trying to help his mother”

All he wanted to do was regain his German citizenship, and “lead a quiet life.” Local officials liked the plan

 But Frederick Trump was not anybody important, and regional authorities rejected it”

Frederick Trump, his wife who was at the time pregnant with Donald’s father Fred, and their daughter were stripped of their German citizenship and put on a boat to the United States,

Frederick Trump, Most importantly, he was an “immigrant” who actually started his fortune not in the “land of opportunity,” America,

 But in Canada, and who was deported from his own homeland German citizenship”

"In 1828 a negro slave found some grains of gold in the sands of Bear Creek in what is now White County. The amount was so insignificant that little attention was paid to the discovery until the same “Negro” found in the sands of the Nacoochee River, a nugget worth several hundred dollars

Thus began the Georgia gold rush and the wave of immigrants that some historians assert was the actual cause of the forced relocation of native Americans known as the Trail of Tears. Connecting the cultural lines of the acclaimed

Black California Forty-niners, from Africa to the American West and beyond, is an interesting exploration into the primal soul of the human nomad,
If the centuries were known by their mineral usage, we would call the 20th century the fossil fuel century,

 And the 19th century would be known as the gold rush century

 Gold rushes produced global cults of people who had little regard for nationalism, and even less regard for indigenous peoples. As unjust as the forced relocation of Native Americans from their homelands in the

 Eastern U.S. was, the California Gold Rush resulted in a state facilitated program of extermination and extinction of tribes as documented by Kroeber and the Ishi study in the early twentieth century,

When Governor Swarzeneger made the campaign statement that the California Indians werent paying their fair share from the Casinos, I had to take a deep breath

 Similar results occurred against aboriginal Australians after their gold rush began in the 1850s. Some of the better documented gold rushes of the nineteenth century were:

 North Carolina 1803, Georgia 1828, California 1849, Australia 1851, Frazer Valley, Canada 1858, Black Hills, Dakota Territory 1874, New Zealand 1878, South Africa 1884, and Klondike, Alaska 1898

 In almost all of these gold rushes people of African descent are chronicled as being part of the events,

Africa is a continent with a myriad of cultures in its history. One Yoruba culture has a creation story that says that a god came down from heaven on a gold chain, and where his foot touched the water, land began,

 The Mali people of West Africa in the fourteenth century based their economy on gold and its relationship to salt that they acquired from North Africans

1300 years before Negro Bar in California an early Ghana culture known as the Soninke formed an empire with gold trade in the 5th century,

 By the time the Iberians begin the slave trade in the 15th and 16th century, Europeans already acquired gold from North Africans that was mined by sub-Saharan Africans and traded by Camel routes across the desert,

In the 1750s Brazil, one of the last countries to end slavery in the Americas in 1888 is noted as having one of the hemispheres earliest Gold Rushes. African Slaves were re-assigned from sugar production and imported from Africa to mine gold

About thirty years later gold was re-discovered by North American colonists in the Carolinas in 1799, Native Americans and Spanish explorers already knew of it

The Carolina Rush actually began in 1803 after a slave found a large specimen, the following excerpt explains:

A number of nuggets and a good quantity of dust were recovered in the auriferous sands along the stream. In 1803 there was wild excitement when a slave recovered a lump of gold weighing 28 pounds from a place on the northwest side of the "lake" (a wide place in the Little Meadow Creek)

At first the miners (often slaves belonging to the partners) had roved the bottoms digging up "stones, clay, &c. and picked up what they could find."

Both the North Carolina and Georgia gold rushes document the involvement of American slaves, and this point should not be lost as we move west to the California gold rush of 1849

 Slavery and the enfranchisement of free Black citizens was one of the greatest debates in the first California Constitutional Convention

 While many Blacks persevered and prospered under a politically hostile government, some decided to leave

 A cause other than disaffection for their departure though was the heralding of new gold strikes in Canada and Australia,

Canadas Gold Rush in the Fraser Valley east of Vancouver, B.C had significant race/politics overtones. With the 54 40 or fight campaign by the U.S. to take all of British Canada up to the Russian Alaskan border still fresh in their minds, Canadian politicians were sensitive to what types of people arrived with gold fever

 Their Governor, Sir James Douglas, the child of a Scottish father and a free Negro mother from the West Indies, is reported as learning of the troubles of Blacks in California and inviting them into British territories to enjoy the protection from slavery provided by Queen Victoria

 As with other gold rushes, the collapse was harsh and several Black miners returned to their families in the U.S. There was even talk among some that they should petition to annex with the U.S., the following excerpt addresses this point:

1871 At the end of the gold rush and in debt, British Columbians considered their options, including annexation to the US, and chose confederation with the Dominion of Canada,

Canada agreed to take over BC's debt and to complete a railway to Victoria within 10 years

California Eucalyptus trees have a history as old as the gold rush

 The California/Australian gold rush population shifts deserve further study but there is mention of Blacks participating in the Australian gold rush of 1851

 These rushes were only two years apart so they occurred as duel events with hard choices for the mining nomads as to which location to choose

The story of a Black outlaw in Australia (the Aussies called them bushrangers) is told in the following excerpt BENDIGO'S BULLIONS
by Tom Ferguson

 The one hundred miles from Melbourne to the diggings was a dangerous place

In the first half of 1852 no police were available to police the area and bushrangers took full advantage of their luck. Such characters as

 "Black Douglas", a Negro who had jumped ship and his band were notorious for their exploits, including a number of murders committed during hold-ups

 "Young Bendigo" and his gang worked the area as well

I could exercise political correctness and omit this story about a Black criminal in what has become a predominately White country, but after all, Australia was a penal colony and the story seem apropos. Besides,

 Australia contribution to the criminal element in gold rush San Francisco, i.e. the Sydney Ducks gang, more than makes up for Black Douglas

The Klondike gold rush was the last and largest gold rush of the nineteenth century, surpassing California gold rush immigration by several thousand

The Klondike rush is chronicled by great writers like Jack London and Robert Service, but another author of perhaps lesser renown,
Rev. A. L. Demond of the Montgomery, Alabama Dexter Ave. Baptist Church, recognized the Black miners of the Klondike in a speech dated 1900 titled

The Negro Element in American Life

 An excerpt follows:

Let us consider the Negro element in American life

 The world may well ask what the Negro has to say of himself and for himself after two hundred and eighty years residence on American soil

 And the Negro, standing on the threshold of the 20th Century, owes it to himself to say a word as to the part he has played in American history

On the bleak hillsides of New England, through the middle states, in far away Texas, on the Pacific slope and by the Rocky mountains--there is not a state or territory without its Negro population

Even on the Youkon, in Alaska, the Negro has been found hunting gold in the Klondike

Not only were men of African descent present in the Klondike, women of African descent were there as well

 The University of Alaska Museum article Threads Of Gold - Women of The Alaska Gold Rush, tells of a Black husband and wife team named the Hunters. They named their daughter Teslin, a Tlingit Indian word which meant long, narrow water

When the names of prominent African-American women of the west are mentioned like Montana wagon driver Mary Fields and Buffalo Soldier Cathy Williams, Klondike gold miner Lucille Hunter belongs in their company, the following excerpt explains:

Lucille Hunter - 1879-1972

Lucille Hunter was 19 and pregnant when she and her husband Charles took the Telegraph Creek route to the Klondike in 1897-98. An African-American woman from the deep South, Lucille later said that she had worked in the fields since she was 13 years old

 Lucille and Charles stopped only long enough for her to give birth to a daughter whom they named Teslin to honor the village on Teslin Lake

 The Native people had never seen a black person before, and they called the Hunters "Just another kind of white person."

While most travelers camped by the lakes waiting for break-up, Lucille and Charles trekked on through mid-winter sub-zero temperatures by dog team

They reached Bonanza Creek in early spring and staked a claim

The Hunters continued to mine and stake claims in the Mayo area on the Stewart River

After Charles' death in the 1930's Lucille continued to work her claims

 Each year she walked over 150 miles from Dawson to Mayo and back again to do the assessment reports needed on her claims

 She died in Whitehorse at the age of 97

African Americans continued building a history in Alaska as troops working on the ALCAN (Alaska/Canada) highway during WW11

 Its highly likely that people of African descent made contact with Russian colonials in Alaska via trade between Russian Alaska, British Columbia, and Spanish California prior to the U.S. purchase of Alaska in 1867

 African-Americans make their biggest debut in Alaska as Klondike Stampeders in 1898

The inflated prices for goods during the Klondike gold rush made profit difficult, but a few stayed in the north and helped make communities and histories.”

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