Wednesday, January 27, 2016

“We Thee Entire 44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race” herein before the “World Court Justices” Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2016 ★“High Tech Drone Report” To: Ted Cruz" (SOS) pep rally

Sen. Ted Cruz.....If You Lose your what ever you guys call this race to Donald (KKK) John Trump Sr. who I did hear on The "American Wire" claims did beat up a Blind Old Cripple Man. OK

You know what exact next thing to do  "With  Yourself..(Neck). alone with a the dark basement...if its a loser "self" next, nothing Personal, : )  ha ha ....   : )

You get some of that $900 Million $$$ Adolf Hitler refinery "Stash"  being "wire to your private banking account "yet" lol : )

Screw your "Lunch Time" this your dam pep rally

Get Your Ass in Line.....  :)

any clue on Sarah Palin Cabinet Position yet "Tina Fey" wanting to know if its working with the "Cripple" and "Blind"  :) P.S.
Donald Trump wont be at the Fox GOP Debate...
he going with Sarah Palin, in helping Track Palin PTSD "Igloo Meth" lab recover treatment program  (OK)  : )
"Say" Hi to Host Megyn Kelly :) for "Cmdr. Bluefin" United States Ninja Navy"...xoxoxox  : )  let her know about the PTSD "Igloo Meth" lab recover treatment program  (OK)  : )

FYI: President Obama On The Verge Of Issuing A “Citizens of The United State of America et al Stunner”  : )

Hey Ted Cruz, you watch
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia "Danny Devito".....OMG.... left a "Dead Hooker" in the apartment hallway :) and went to the "Bar" and drank Beer.............  lol  : )    so sick

Ted Cruz, Break over, get ya ass slooooow  : )

Supreme  Court of United States of America counting on you to stop the "British Royal Navy" invasion of "America"  The Queen" 
 she Very Hot and Super Ass Mad if Trump Win..... NATO might help, all of us N-g-g-ers fleeing to Canada, I in the process late night secret in the dark digging up my "Grand mother the Holy Nun  Grave to take with me, please do not tell the Vatican City  (OK)...thanks   well me busy work on your campaigning need help" Da  : )

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