Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Negro “Sherlock Holmes” 2016 Case of: “Texas State Crooked Asylum” of “Doctor Mind Bender”

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Negro “Sherlock Holmes” 2016 Case of: “Texas State Crooked Asylum” of “Doctor Mind Bender”

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Negro Commander in Chief” : )

            To: “Texas State Crooked Asylum of “Doctor Mind Bender”

To: United States of America et al


All “New” Negro “Sherlock Holmes” Case of: “Texas State Crooked Asylum” of “Doctor Mind Bender” You saying….ha ha (WTF)………..oxoxoxoxo, (Gotcha)  : ) 

            Now you see why My President Ronald “Ronnie” Regan told me no I cannot be a “Navy Seal”…xoxooxxo he was still mad I sold him Pearl Harbor Hawaii for $2000 U.S. Dollars

             “Ronnie” said “Lucifer” you are the “United States Ninja Navy” now take this brown bag of your “tax cut” and stay the hell away from
           “United Sates of America” please don’t corrupted them bunch of nice honest thievery
         “Navy Seal” maggot fellows just take them to direct “Hell” tour with you then check Em back in the Navy Armory where they belong : ) and don’t call us ….ha ha’

                        I bet you were reading you’re “Abused World Court Petition” saying Hun…..? Omg   what “Crazy Cajun Negro Legal Wizardry is this…..?

 Turn off the dam “Internet”  : )

                                    Well you understanding the “Civil War Brief”  as your “Smart” so do what best for (America) not “White Only”, happy 2016 and best wishes to First Negro Family  : )

To: United States of America, how many times you past out” at MLK Jr. screaming at your “Crooked Ass” ha, ha  :  )  

FYI: My Holy Grand Mother The “Nun” in “Heaven” with “Thee Jesus Christ” said collectively “don’t pay” your F-king (Negro) Slave bill and you will be "waking" up “Very Wet”next to the

“Lost City of Atlantis”  : ) Sucking on “Small bubbles” ….xoxoxooxoox 

 So Crooked (American) imposed “Slavery 2016 Servitude” White Only” Constitution America Sloooooooow

            To: “Texas State Crooked Asylum of “Doctor Mind Bender”

Consider yourself “Super Godly Lucky” because I wanted to “grand slam” your face and the two white boys too, in the office while the

 “White Crazy” mean Crooked Texas State Judge was on “Speaker” phone listing to me just quick “Ninja Navy Negro Kicks” your “three collective” white hostile asses to a “typical bleeding pain”

 As she sentenced me to more many mess up months of Hostile forced “Doctor Mind Bender” Medications and hostile threaten with XXX Mental medications over dosage shots as I trap watching crazy

XXX grisly iron cage “naked cat-fighting” hottie prison girls “blood baths” death matches in the Mad Max Beyond “Thunder Dome” compound @ Vernon Texas State “Doctor Mind Bender” Asylum/Killer Hospital

Just think of this “Doctor Mind Bender” me and “Christ” talk three times, on your faith he said no don’t fu-k you up because you’re in a “Wheel Chair” cripple ….

I ask he (Christ) and beg for permission to two more times he said no it going to be too “Bad”

             I was going to “half kill” your crooked smart talking shit crooked “Doctor Mind Bender” corrupted sorry loser ass with that “Wheel Chair”, and slam the entire steel desk on the “door” …

            So nobody can “simply” escape or get in and slam all “three” of you screaming for help “Klansmen White Bastards” head wide smooth open for a whole half a hour while

“State of Texas”, corrupted stale ugly ass “simply” listen on the phone…in “Shock”...ok…and you three trap…were Trap…too   (Ninja Navy)  :  )

                                                    “Doctor Mind Bender”,

Consider your cripple self “Extremely Lucky” once in Fargo Cass County Jail “North Dakota”

            The (Jailers) dial (Help) to 911 the “State” ND “Judge” said what the “Hell” the “Cajun Negro” already in Cass County ND Jail…?  :  )

            “Jesus” said he will get you later… I said you better…. he said don’t worry….. (I) said ok…. I went had
          “Sweet Naughty quickie prison horny "white girl” XXX “Sex” on the blind walking hot sexy spot…… on the “walking track” on a nice day to alive : )  

            After your “Crooked White Only” Slavery Servitude” Texas State Hospital “pigs” sentenced me to more 222 days time” and I told you I beat that place to hell to your face….as I did… unsafe, and very XXX Crooked

                        See all so soon a few of you “Criminal Kidnapping “Bitches” got some “Lucky” X-plaining to Do

As Doctor “Watson” and I herein provides sordid XXX “British” upper crust lip and 4:00 pm hour none-fiction “tea tales” of “Sweet Hot XXX Naughty Blonde Female Sexy Nurses” with a

 Killer Bird Man “asylum patient” on the loose “sniffing” mental heavy 40 cc dosage in tonnages of pills seeking “narcotics over dosage” grim reaper details of sordid prison co-ed “sex scandals”, with

XXX grisly iron cage naked cat-fighting prison girls “blood baths” matches in the Mad Max Beyond “Thunder Dome” compound @ Vernon Texas State “Doctor Mind Bender” Asylum/Killer Hospital

 Surrounding all even and circumstances in 2016 Negro “Sherlock Holmes” Case of “Texas State Lunatic Crooked Asylum” of “Doctor Mind Bender”

In this Grand (RICO) hostile abduction/grand theft of all (MIA) two computer chips other than the actual theft of
1 laptop computer containing “Negro Sherlock Holmes” non-fiction legal manuscripts, which just actual legal 100% “federal and States” court files giving                                    
“Sherlock Holmes” titles to keep safe on the “Internet” because of so much “High Tech Grand Theft” usage spy net of
“Patriotic Act” causing of 1 (MIA) 1994 Home Video of 2 (MIA) Daughters namely “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” as

Grand Theft direct at Pro Se “Slave Negro” (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, legal Construction Company” photos and portfolio from

All Grand Fork North Dakota Flooding 1997 disaster construction files, photos and portfolio

All Construction files from “Billing Montana” photos and portfolio

All Construction file for Hurricane “Charley” Hurricane “Katrina” Hurricane “Rita” Hurricane “Humberto” photos and portfolio and
           “Family photos respectfully Legally declared and 1000% “submitted (MIA) missing in action all

3 “Fiction” typescript drafts of Pro Se “Slave Negro” (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, and all court research dating back to

August 20th 1619 to include all “federal/state court request for admissions, interrogatories, and request for productions legal court files…………..

James E. Smith
(940) 552-4000
Martha Keene
Assistant to Superintendent
(940) 552-4002
Richard Hoban
Assistant Superintendent
(940) 552-4001
Angelena C. Quisenberry
Assistant to Assistant Superintendent
(940) 552-4003
Robin Moreno
Financial Officer
(940) 552-4006
Kim Hays
Assistant to Financial Officer
(940) 552-4005
Lauren Parsons, M.D.
Clinical Director - Operations
(940) 552-4149
Tom Mareth, M.D.
Clinical Director - Psychiatric Services
(940) 552-4151
Becky Martinez
Assistant to Clinical Directors
(940) 552-4150
Teresa DeHaven, BSN, RNC
Chief Nurse Executive
(940) 552-4155
Linda Smithwick
Assistant to Chief Nurse Executive
(940) 552-4152
Sheila Sidlauskas
Director, Quality Management
(940) 552-4058
Robin Inge
Assistant to Director, Quality Management
(940) 689-5074
Chad Hughes
Chief Information Officer
(940) 552-4136
Tessa Buck-Ragland
Assistant to Chief Information Officer
(940) 552-4135
Ronna Akins
Director, Community Relations
(940) 552-4184
Donna Hager 
Director, Client Services/Rights Protection
(940) 552-4209
Jeff Bearden
Director, Forensic Psychiatric Programs
(940) 552-4148
Tommy Roberts
Director, Security
(940) 552-4402


Tom Mareth, M.D.
Clinical Director - Psychiatric Services
(940) 552-4151
         Tom Mareth M.D. a/k/a “Doctor Mind Bender”…?

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Negro “Sherlock Holmes” 2016 Case of:

                   “Texas State Crooked Asylum” of “Doctor Mind Bender”,

Going “Smooth off the “toilet chain”……………………………………dial tones


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