Saturday, January 30, 2016

Hey ISIS Hero : ) Donald John Trump Sr. you so weak, "Fox News Megy "Kryptonit" Kelly Got Bigger Balls : )

 "Get your Loser Donald John Klan Trump Sr.

Ass from out in front of that American Flag
Dumb Wea;k P-u-s-s-y  Klansmen

Fu-ck debate on who get some Veterans $$
 your spending on Hookers "Bitch"

 I am A PTSD Vet Homeless suing your ass

 hungry to keep America free from a stupid "Bitch"

I want my Warm Jackets and New Computer at

The Homeless Vet Center President 2017 "Will Smith"

 this loser making money off the Interest fu-king over Us  (OK)

Klansmen Donald John Trump Sr. you
better hire three times more security
and protect them "Americans"
you wont your people only
"Let them in only"
no more fighting is this in your fucki-ing
Brainless Ass head
I told you to say your sorry to
Megyn Kelly
Now she ISIS hero and Mines too : )
You weak Bitch : )
you better hurry up with
my dam computers and fu=cking
warm jackets and Sarah Palin Free coffee
and donuts We Vets not waiting till PTSD
Next Christmas in Texas Ho

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