Monday, March 28, 2016

Cmdr. Bluefin Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) Donald John Trump Media KKK Blocking all my Internet access as much as possible POTUS (Barack Obama)

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Locked out of uploading on google. Plus two account(s) no videos upload showing normal citizens talking or any posting now being jammed up by
“Donal John Trump MEDIA KKK BLITZ of denied Niggers rights to even post a single word against

 The Slave Master and owner of all niggers 44.5 Million KKK Leaders ship Donald Trump  Mr President Obama…he is loocking me out of my YOUTUBE, MYSPACE…

and both google plus accounts only letting them control the minds of the people in Media helping promote the negro race to be stupid and blind with Trump KKK confederates censorship of
 Louis Charles Hamilton II since 2011 to keeping “Slavery Servitude against The President of The United States of America and Family (Obama) and Mines too……

you have a phone and a pen Mr. Obama  stop them fu-cking over my email accounts blocking me from uploading Videos
and post but allowing Donald Trump to promote Hate Crimes against America with Media “HELP{“

And tracking my phone GPS  as we notice everything @  Bluefin Inc.   (OK) Obama……………………….”

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