Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN vs U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al, Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors,



As Affirm, State and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:
Jurisdiction is proper before any Southern District of Texas Honorable Justices” Houston Division Exhibit(s) C,D,E, and F 1000% confirm Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN Affirm,
 And PLANTIFFS”, Affirm, state and fully declare being “Slaves” Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) to the
“Honorable U.S. Court” of District of Texas in that (Pro Plaintiff) and “PLANTIFFS” is and always a “Ni-gg-er Slaves” in 2016 herein

Pro Se Negro Slave Home Resident of Jefferson County Texas, residing in Fort Bend County and current in “Harris County” Houston Texas to all acts and actions described herein by all the Defendant and Co-Defendant(s)
(RICO) enterprise endeavor(s) described herein fully occurred within the Jurisdiction of “Houston Division” Federal Courthouse seeking such Justice before District of Texas within the United States which occurred in Houston Harris County Texas.

Being intertwine in a conspire complex mutable corrupted “scheme of things” for several years starting from 2011-2016 to include Tortious Interferences With Prospective Future Business relations of on
Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II USN #2712 ” herein in excess of “Just alone @ 1 count $480,000. U.S. Dollars

Being furtherance’s as described by “PLANTIFFS” all legally described herein against said will in this (RICO) enterprise intertwine in a conspire complex mutable corrupted “scheme of things” for several years

engaging in a fraudulent obstruction of justice cover up in theft of US Mail and all continual such acts and engagement in conspire in said destruction/theft/hindrances thereof official Government Mail,. Being a normal

“Scheme of thing” after the wrongful firing discharge of “Katrina” Skilled officer manger never plays favorites and very business

which suck and being the 1000% direct DOA source of now such a rotten funky egg full of ghetto Ho rats for all past, present and future (RICO) racketeering past enterprises monetary employees Hours gains and being the same for Chief Defendant Joe Czyzyk, Chairman, CEO, Board of Directors et al

In a half bake (RICO) combine “greedy racket enterprise” scheme of things that has accumulated gradually past acquisition of hidden (RICO) monetary earnings cars, possessions and properties estimates in excess of Millions of U.S. dollars to be determined at Trial on direct discover of acquisitions and bookkeeping records, payroll records…

 From the time frame of 2011-2016 and to include but not limited to the Grand (RICO) scheme of things involving the

 Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein alone in excess two month extra undue hardship of MIA Food stamps due to no mailing for already approved Texas EBT card but mail address destroyed by action of Co-Defendant(s) collectively

until end of April 2016 of such undue hardship being unwanted in this hostile US Mail MIA abduction and theft thereof as described fully before the Honorable Court…

Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II # 2712 USN Affirm, and PLANTIFFS”, Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:
U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al, Program Manager “Rex Marsav”, 1200 Binz Houston Texas 77004
 Co-Defendant(s) described herein and U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” Houston Texas
And U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “John Doe” having been letting the Vets” all being Homeless going without daily lunches in a scheme for over
3 months as described on “Video” being their direct duty which Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II # 2712 USN Affirm,
On behalf of all PLANTIFFS”,   returned the sack lunches by submitting  “”VIP MIA PTSD NATO Request Chit”” as Legally as follows:


Louis Hamilton

Shared publicly  -  Feb 11, 2016

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2016 ) (MIA) Black Lives Dont Matter to Donald John KKK Trump and Barnie Sanders special Fu-ck a Vet report…”

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief”  :  )

To: Sen. Ted Cruz

To: U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative

To; U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley”

To: Doctor Denish Chandra Khare  “Crooked Little India & Thailand Pirate”

President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief” :  )

First good Morning “Commander in Chief”  :  )  what New Ni-gger Donald John KKK Trump Sr. done now hire to work with Crooked Sell out Senator Bernie Sanders and OMG  this suck but listen good

 We and I tired (OK)  but good, they watching and waiting however U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” and this center needs fu-cking super real saving lives of Vets help 1418 Preston Street Houston Texas

    You don’t need people around vet who are always mad (OK) people get hurt super fast…………………….”

    If you try and say hey this guy is whipping “S-h-i-t- all over the walls in the rest room, doors, floors and everything but your attitude I am too busy you getting on my nerves but mad the second your brain function to smell the S-H-I-T and this later twice when this happen (again) then your slow Bitch (OK) and stop asking why I did not tell you

    “Stupid Slooow Bitch” Ni-gger “Sherlock Holmes not slooow when this guy is whipping “S-h-i-t- all over the walls in the rest room, doors, floors and his eyebrows and teeth and everything he can touch “Ewwwwww”

    Now nobody helping my legal cause but me so now I have no more access to Fu-ck a Vet Center today exile in his Ass, as they making money off me at the “Motherfuking War” Vet Homeless Center as I beg you Sen. Ted Cruz to send Food for Us Starving Vets

    nobody hear “Voice” not even Police Chief which came yesterday, the food “Thanks” (Obama & Cruz)

    now I am exile from this Place (OK)  it need 9 new computers and a very better staff, I cannot work and I asked the Head Man in Charge he said yes

    To print a fu-cking “legal Document” which is 149 pages long was approved as this crap need to be filed Before The World Court Justices of The Hague, and Now U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” tells me no after I told her what it for and had her approval from her pissy ass yesterday but now no today  too tired of being fu-ck over

    while she do not even want to hear me when I telling her these

    “Motherfuking War Vet’s Dumping “S-h-i-t all over the place and you cannot even breath OK 

    Crazy bitch mad because my phone “Amber Alert” went off today she need Xanax which is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression….?  Call Sarah Palin PTSD Cabinet for President of 2017 “White Only” America

So Lick me “Lucifer” 00Ni-gg-er a/k/a Cmdr. Bluefin USN with PTSD ADA Black Lives Matter” when…? Ass

To: U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative and U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” Houston Texas

Tired of you crooked U.S. Vets Service Center making “Money” off real Vets, my work and Job is important and You Ho’s see any ad on the Internet and are stupid,

 if a women or man half naked in underwear short or bra Ad Vets do not control Ad on the “Internet” Backwoods Ni-gger’s need better understanding in 2016 this not 1968 and don’t

Fu-ck a War in the Motherfuking ass you “BITCH” ass None profit collecting agency rob a Vet Bitches U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative, making Money off the already (MIA) money from Donald John Trump Sr (KKK)

 and His PTSD Whore Sarah Palin coffee and donuts “Loser” theft of Vets too  you

“BITCHES” Donald John Trump and PTSD Sarah Palin  WE GOT S-H-I-T  bust you destroying America for Whiter Only who about to get slaughter in

“America” under your Command, you won’t be calling the Shot from the Oval Office  “Stupid Dumb Sell Out Loser Klansmen

We Vets need a real Life other than continual crooks, fucking off the “Veterans” and you know “Putin” know how America is weak

He been really studying Me  : )   Omg

So too funny too I been studying him too “Very Good Chess Player : )

They don’t know what I have in my radar kit “Putin” : ) ha ha….xoox

The Old Divided and Conquers is working well for you

 President 2017 Donald John KKK Trump Sr. C.S.S. ISIS and Honorable Royal Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen

 Nig-ger hate white more, Whites hate Ni-gg-ers more

And all American Muslim and World Muslim wanting to blow you, us and them up, and Mexicans wanting to cut just your throat, while funny odd the Asians just sitting back with lot’s of American cash and watching…?  Da : ) you guys so sloooow

Kong II delay but will Launch VIP soon “Mr. President” Obama : )

 Sorry “Sir” they agreed & I talk to two of these loser assholes (OK) I beg for to have Lunches for OK   Ni-gg-er never help Ni-gg-er that Why

 “Black Lives Matter” is Jammmmed smoked Cush up and (MIA) every single day saving “Black Lives Matter” I fixing to go “Smoke Some Stale Ditch Weed” and Calm Down and Think of England : ) 

U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative and U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” Houston Texas then took it back as their Black Lives Matter” are still stupid sloooow Extra special Ed Ni-gg-ers in the “South” style, be glad when I be around nice cool “White Folks” again : )

Not your Type Donald John KKK Trump Sr. C.S.S. ISIS and Honorable Royal Knights of The “Klu Klux Klansmen”  you got a little lead in the “election” cool so everybody safe for Now : )

Don’t worry North Dakota we clearing soon smooth out of Texas State Soon enough copy, : )

To: Sen. Ted Cruz your doing good keep it up, OK’ you better the Donald Trump even if you were DOA Sen. Ted Cruz ha ha  this U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative

And U.S. Vets Service Center need really bad 9 computers, these are busted up full virus and the place “SucK’ and Stinky too bad their heads Motherfuking Hard and they stupid too, Donald John Trump collecting Money for what… off Vet’s…? My Ass

  I told you guys it be around Christmas time Next Year before we see any of the “Donald KKK Trump Sr. Hustling off US Veterans Money and when it show, it will be Orange and a Funky Stick of Gum (OK) 

no dam Real Warm Winter Jackets voucher for boots  “Hell No”  Fu-ck a Vet in The Ass………………., now Sen. Ted Cruz

 I want to exile even XXX fast broke to British Queen Empire whereby

This Tired Vet Ni-gg-er free, especially safe from “Donald John KKK Trump Sr. and Bernie Sanders and a Country that has Honor not The Honorable Royal Knights of The Klu Klux Klan Church….OK”   

“Donald John KKK Trump Sr. still trying to “Internet Jamming” us late nights too ha ha  We Know  “Cool” : )

Sen. Ted Cruz this place needs 9 computers super Asap bad (OK) a Better Texas “Understanding” : )  and Fuc-k you three Dixie Chick Hate Canada Scank whores too there people are “really” nice especially my

“White” girlfriend got super over protective pissy at their fine Women ha ha : )

I going sit in the Ditch behind the old burned down building down by the river and look at Fu-cked Houston, only good news I got was the guy who stolen my cell phone did not get one finger cut off

Mr. President Obama it end up being 3 (MIA)   ha ha  : )  Now he dialing my Stolen Cell Phone 007 missing fingers Style ha ha : )

Tina Fey, Need a Grits Snack Lunch, And a lap top “Computer” : )

And Back to you Live Fox News Megyn Kelly, : )

Need a Horny Fast Hook up with Dee the Crazy Bootleg P-u-ssy Bitch “Danny Devito” lol  : )

To: Doctor Denish Chandra Khare “Crooked Little India & Thailand Pirate” we see what you’re doing (OK) America Intelligence maybe busy with

 “Sweet Sugar Snacks” again (OK) but we are not “Stupid” Crooked Pirate Bitch” thanks for following me too,

Seem the “Whole World secretly are at this time and been for a while : )

Saw your Encrypt Sea-Wolf Command : )


Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II # 2712 USN Affirm, and PLANTIFFS”, Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:
Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing, wanton, licentious, and immoral intentionally committed in a hostile manner refusal to discharge and delivery “USA Mail” being with criminal hostile intent committed against
 All Civil and World Court Justice of The Hague Legal Actions/petitions as Co-Defendant(s) Herein collectively knowing engaged directly in physical theft of United States Mail in

“Direct Dog Illegal Hostile Rogue Behind enemy Lines” (RICO) twice scheme of things being

Ghetto Ho’s @ U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative, U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” Co-Defendant(s) et al counter-attack of Internet posting upon which all

Government Pro Se Nergo Slave Plaintiff mail arrival being 1000% physically abducted and all mail on the second delivery at the past date of

 Louis Hamilton Shared publicly -  Feb 11, 2016 being “Stolen” from the United States Federal Courthouse”, located in Washington DC as being described before the Honorable Court
Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II # 2712 USN Affirm, and PLANTIFFS”, Affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, Conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:
Ghetto Butch Tough Lesbians Ho’s @ U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative, U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” Co-Defendant(s) et al having a Volunteer Aid

cute (Asian) Girl whom was helping “Vets” in computer skills “But” U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al, and

U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” Co-Defendant(s) et al staff ran her off” being over aggressive hitting her for

“Date Night Vagina Licking” staff other than allowing her too to work with

 “Vets” on her own free donated Times she did spare as U.S. Vets United States Veterans Initiative et al,

And especially U.S. Vets Service Center Coordinator “Melissa Whitley” Co-Defendant(s) et al being “Guilty of Office hot pursued “Pussy Patrol”.

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